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The present paper reports the results of two experiments designed to test predictions from the mood-as-input account of perseverative checking. Using an analogue checking task, both experiments showed that perseveration, as indicted by a range of measures relevant to compulsive checking, was affected by the configuration of the stop rule for the task and mood at the outset of checking. Perseveration was most significant in the condition that most closely resembled the characteristics of obsessive-compulsive checkers (negative mood combined with a stop rule that specifies that the task should be done as thoroughly as possible--namely, an 'as many as can' stop rule). The studies also indicated that confidence at having completed the checking task successfully was (1) significantly related to the use of 'as many as can' stop rules at the outset of checking, (2) mood ratings at the end of checking, and (3) checking perseveration generally. These findings provide support for a mood-as-input explanation of perseverative psychopathologies such as compulsive checking, and begin to cast some light on how anxiety-reduction and 'confidence' models of compulsive checking, might be explained within broader mechanisms of perseveration.  相似文献   

Anger and anger rumination are considered to be detrimental to both physical and psychological well being. Furthermore, perfectionism, as a personality construct, seems to be related to various types of maladjustment. Whereas perfectionism has been characterized as being positive when an individual derives pleasure from striving for excellence yet recognizes and accepts individual limitations, it is deemed negative when the individual has unrealistic expectations and is never satisfied with his or her performance. The present study examined whether positive and negative perfectionism was associated with anger and anger rumination. The Farsi version of the Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale and the Farsi version of the Anger Rumination Scale, as well as Spielberger's State-Trait Anger Scale were completed by 384 Iranian students. Results showed that anger and anger rumination were, as expected, associated negatively with positive perfectionism and associated positively with negative perfectionism. Positive perfectionism enables individuals to strive for success in a flexible manner and, thus, to experience satisfaction and pleasure rather than dissatisfaction, frustration, and anger. Conversely, negative perfectionism makes individuals vulnerable to emotional distress such as predisposition to experience anger and anger rumination through setting high standards for performance, overgeneralization of perceived failures, negative self-evaluation, self-blame, and measuring self-worth in terms of unachievable goals of accomplishment and productivity. Hence, perfectionism may be regarded as having both adaptive and maladaptive aspects with regard to health.  相似文献   

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are both defined by excessive negatively-valenced cognitions. Although obsessional thoughts are considered essential to OCD and perseverative worry is considered essential to GAD, these excessive cognitions have been found to co-occur in both disorders. Accordingly, a common diathesis may influence the emergence of excessive thoughts in both disorders. The present study examined deficits in attentional control as a cognitive vulnerability that may contribute to both obsessional thought and perseverative worry. Patients with OCD (n = 30), GAD (n = 29), and non-clinical controls (NCC; n = 29) completed measures of obsessional thoughts, perseverative worry, and attentional control. Deficits in self-reported attentional control were found in both OCD and GAD relative to the NCC. However, attentional control was only related to excessive cognition in the GAD patient group, where deficits were associated with increased perseverative worry. Mediational modeling suggested that trait anxiety mediated the relationship between attentional control and perseverative worry in GAD. Implications of these findings for conceptualizing the role of attentional control in the genesis of excessive cognitions in OCD and GAD are discussed.  相似文献   

Repeated checking has been repeatedly associated with memory distrust. We sought to extend previous research using a computer-based checking task by incorporating a group of 15 individuals with OCD, and examining the effect of increased perceived responsibility. Participants were asked to repeatedly check a virtual stovetop, with half the participants also placed under a condition of high-perceived responsibility. Our observations replicated previous research showing that the act of repeatedly checking leads to reductions in memory vividness, detail and confidence, without accompanying reductions in memory accuracy. Furthermore, while a sense of increased personal responsibility had little effect on a student control sample, it led to a significant further deterioration in memory confidence in individuals with OCD. These results suggest that in people with OCD, normal reductions in memory confidence over repeated trials are exacerbated and intensified by inflated responsibility perceptions.  相似文献   

The authors of the papers in this special issue have underscored the efficacy of both psychological and pharmacological treatments for OCD. Despite the potency of these interventions, complete symptom remission rarely occurs. Furthermore, problems related to treatment drop‐out, the persistence of residual symptoms despite adequate therapy, patients' vulnerability to relapse and recurrence, and the lack of a clear method for managing co‐morbidity or treating OCD subtypes remain incompletely addressed. This response to the authors' papers evaluates their positions and extends their papers by examining issues such as how cognitive therapy and exposure and response prevention can best be integrated, the role of medication in OCD treatment, factors that impact treatment readiness and/or resistance, and the need for effectiveness research.  相似文献   

Suicidality and violence are serious public health problems. A rich literature supports the relationship between suicidality and violence, including common associations with trait anger. However, less is known about how trait anger may facilitate these behaviors. Two potential mechanisms in this relationship are emotion dysregulation and impulsivity, both of which are linked to increased anger, suicidality, and violence. We investigated anger as a common underlying factor for both suicidal and violent behavior, and emotion dysregulation and impulsivity (i.e., negative and positive urgency) as potential mediators in this relationship. Results demonstrate that trait anger was associated with both suicidal and violent behavior. Further, emotion dysregulation mediated the anger and suicidal behavior relationship whereas both negative and positive urgency mediated the anger and violent behavior relationship. Although trait anger may be a common underlying factor for both suicidal and violent behavior, the nature of these relationships seems to vary significantly.  相似文献   

Repeated checking has been demonstrated to lead to reductions in memory confidence in several previous studies using student and clinical samples. This process of reduced confidence in memory and detail for memory, are thought to arise from the inhibition of perceptual processing that develops during repeated checking. Our research investigated whether reduced memory confidence from repeated checking could be attenuated through the use of novel stimuli during the repeated checking task. Three groups were generated through random assignment of 65 undergraduate students. As seen in previous research, individuals who repeatedly checked a stimulus (a virtual stovetop) showed reduced memory confidence, vividness, and detail, when compared with individuals who repeatedly checked a different stimulus. A third group in which the colour of the repeatedly-checked stovetop changed every five trials showed no significant decline in memory confidence between the pre-test and post-test. Results suggest that increased memory distrust can be ameliorated through the use of stimuli with characteristics that are novel and distinctive. Findings are discussed in the context of the existing model of repeated checking and memory confidence, and implications for treatment methods are presented.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that anger expressions increase expressers’ ability to claim value in negotiations, but only when the recipients of these expressions have poor alternatives. This effect occurs because anger expression communicates toughness, and only recipients who have poor alternatives are affected by the toughness of their counterpart. In Experiment 1, participants read a scenario about a negotiator who either was angry or not. In Experiment 2, dyads negotiated face-to-face after one negotiator within each dyad was advised to show either anger or no emotion. In both studies, recipients of anger expressions who had poor alternatives conceded more. Experiment 2 also provided evidence that toughness ascribed to the expresser mediated the effect of anger expression on claiming value.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to identify dispositional anger profiles in table-tennis players and examine whether participants from distinct profiles significantly differed on athlete burnout symptoms and coping.DesignA quantitative cross-sectional design was used in the present study.MethodA sample of 244 table tennis players (Mage = 31.29; SD = 9.72) completed a series of self-report questionnaires designed to assess anger (the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory; STAXI-2), coping (the Coping Inventory for Competitive Sport; CICS) and athlete burnout symptoms (the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire; ABQ).ResultsThree-profile solution showed best fit to data, to analyze them LPA models were run by first testing a one-class model and then exploring models with more classes in order to identify the anger profiles: The anger profiles were labelled as: (a) High anger profile comprising players with moderate scores of temperament, external expression, external control, reaction and high scores, internal expression and control (n = 91); (b) Overwhelmed anger profile comprising players with high scores on temperament, reaction, internal and external expression, and low scores of internal and external control (n = 13); and (c) Low anger profile comprising players with low levels of temperament, reaction, internal and external expression and high levels of internal and external control (n = 140). Results of BCH method revealed significant differences across profiles in athlete burnout symptoms and coping. In particular, table-tennis players from the high anger profile reported significant higher scores of physical and emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, reduced sense of accomplishment, resignation, distancing and venting emotions than players belonging to the low anger profile.ConclusionsThree different anger profiles among table-tennis players emerged from the cluster analyses. Players from the overwhelmed anger profile were characterized by the worst psychological adjustment based on their scores of coping and athlete burnout symptoms. Thus, it would be interesting to develop empirically proven interventions designed to help such athletes modify their maladaptive anger profile in order to maximize their psychological adjustment to the inherent demands of table-tennis.  相似文献   

The current study used latent profile analysis (LPA) to examine anger control in 257 second-grade children (∼8 years of age). Anger was induced through losing a game and prize to a confederate who cheated. Three components of anger control were assessed: self-report of awareness of anger, observed intensity of angry facial expressions, and skin conductance reactivity. These components served as indicators in an LPA conducted to determine whether distinct groups of children who differed in anger control profiles would emerge. Five groups were found: (a) Physiology-and-Expression Controllers (high self-report, low expression, low physiological arousal), (b) Expression-Only Controllers (high self-report, low expression, high physiological arousal), (c) Non-controllers (high self-report, high expression, medium physiological arousal), (d) Non-reactive (low self-report, low expression, low physiological arousal), and (e) Non-reporters (low self-report, medium expression, medium physiological arousal). These findings are discussed in terms of implications for the assessment of children’s anger control skills and intervention programs for children’s anger management.  相似文献   

Our results indicate that people experiencing incidental anger are more likely than people in neutral and other emotional states to prefer to perform evaluative tasks, even though their anger may bias the evaluations they make. Induced anger increased participants’ desire to evaluate others’ ideas (Experiment 1) and made the evaluations of those ideas more negative in valence (Experiment 2). Anger increased the appeal of evaluating ideas when evaluations were expected to be largely negative but not when evaluations were expected to be positive (Experiments 3 and 4). Mediation analyses revealed that this willingness to evaluate when angry stems from a belief that evaluating others can leave angry people in a positive mood. Because people are often free to decide when to perform the tasks required of them, this tendency may have implications for how and when ideas are evaluated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to further understand the relationships between sex, gender identity, trait and state driving anger and situational appraisals made while driving, and to validate the 33-item Driving Anger Scale (DAS) in a sample of drivers from France. In total, 378 drivers (males = 38%) aged from 18 to 79 years completed a survey containing the 33-item DAS, the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and eight questions regarding self-reported state anger and appraisals in relation to a recalled recent anger provoking situation experienced while driving. Confirmatory Factor Analysis supported the original six-factor structure of the 33-item DAS. Moreover, Structural Equation Modelling of the factors associated with the recalled anger event showed that trait anger influenced state anger through negative appraisal tendencies, and this was influenced by both sex and gender roles. Females and those reporting more masculine traits tended to have higher levels of trait driving anger. Conversely, drivers with feminine traits had low state anger except if they negatively appraised the situation. This new model could be taken into consideration for developing interventions to reduce anger and “road rage” incidents.  相似文献   

Findings from molecular genetic research have indicated that a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene interacts with environmental liabilities to predict antisocial phenotypes. We use these findings as a springboard to examine whether a global protective-risk factor index moderates the effect of MAOA genotype on the probability of being incarcerated and on a measure of anger and hostility. Analysis of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) indicates that exposure to risk and protective factors in adolescence are able to moderate the effect of MAOA genotype on anger and hostility in adulthood for males. The results in relation to the probability of being incarcerated were consistently null.  相似文献   

This study explored the role of Dependency and Self-Criticism, two personality dimensions conferring vulnerability for depression, in explaining relationships among anger, anger regulation strategies, and severity of depression in a sample of adults (n = 253) using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Dependency was associated with high levels of trait anger, the turning of anger towards the self, and low levels of anger directed towards others. Self-Criticism was associated with high levels of both state and trait anger, low anger control, and high levels of anger towards the self and others. Moreover, turning anger towards the self mediated the relationship among both Dependency and Self-Criticism and severity of depression. Problems with anger control also mediated the relationship between Self-Criticism and severity of depression. These findings suggest that Self-Criticism may be closely related to angry/hostile features in depression, while dependency may be more closely associated with the turning of anger towards the self. Although this study was cross-sectional and self-reports of anger might be biased by impression management, results suggest that these personality factors should be taken into account in both research on and treatment of anger in depression.  相似文献   

Research has shown that anger faces represent a potent motivational incentive for individuals with high implicit power motive (nPower). However, it is well known that anger expressions can vary in intensity, ranging from mild anger to rage. To examine nPower-relevant emotional intensity processing in anger faces, an ERP oddball task with facial stimuli was utilized, with neutral expressions as the standard and targets varying on anger intensity (50%, 100%, or 150% emotive). Thirty-one college students participated in the experiment (15 low and 16 high nPower persons determined by the Picture Story Exercise, PSE). In comparison with low nPower persons, higher percentage of correct responses was observed for high nPower persons when both groups discriminated low-intensity (50% intensity) anger faces from neutral faces. ERPs between 100% and 150% anger expressions revealed that high-intensity (150%) anger expressions elicited larger P3a and late positive potential (LPP) amplitudes relative to prototypical (100% intensity) anger expressions for power-motivated individuals. Conversely, low nPower participants showed no differences at both P3a and LPP components. These findings demonstrate that persons with high nPower are sensitive to intensity changes in anger faces and their sensitivity increases with the intensity of anger faces.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to test a model linking family member's attributions, criticism, hostility, emotional overinvolvement (EOI) that focused on intrusiveness, and family accommodation to severity of obsessive compulsive symptoms. This study draws upon previous expressed emotion (EE) research by including separate components of EE assessed in relatives and patients, as well as family accommodation measures to build a model of family influences on OCD symptoms. Measures of patient- and relative-perceived criticism, family accommodation, EOI intrusiveness and OCD symptom severity were collected on a single occasion from 50 patients and 50 relatives whom the patient had daily contact with. Novel self-report scales for the three EE components of criticism, hostility and EOI derived from existing instruments showed good to excellent internal consistency. Confirmatory path analyses were used to demonstrate that the data provided an adequate fit to the hypothesized path model. The patient-rated data suggested that patients who perceived their relatives as either critical or hostile were likely to have more severe OCD symptoms. For relative-rated EE, hostility proved to be a better determinant than criticism in the path model. Implications of this model for interventions and for future research are discussed. The measures employed may prove to be a cost-effective alternative to the labor intensive Camberwell Family Interview.  相似文献   

This study explored attention and interpretation biases in processing facial expressions as correlates of theoretically distinct self-reported anger experience, expression, and control. Non-selected undergraduate students (N?=?101) completed cognitive tasks measuring attention bias, interpretation bias, and Spielberger’s State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2). Attention bias toward angry faces was associated with higher trait anger and anger expression and with lower anger control-in and anger control-out. The propensity to quickly interpret ambiguous faces as angry was associated with greater anger expression and its subcomponent of anger expression-out and with lower anger control-out. Interactions between attention and interpretation biases did not contribute to the prediction of any anger component suggesting that attention and interpretation biases may function as distinct mechanisms. Theoretical and possible clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Irritability is a common, impairing transdiagnostic symptom in childhood psychopathology, though it has not been comprehensively studied in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Further, the central cognitive behavioral treatment component for OCD, exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), has been recently proposed as a treatment for irritability. This study aimed to evaluate whether certain clinical characteristics are associated with irritability in pediatric OCD and whether irritability reduces following ERP. Participants were 161 youth (ages 7–17) with OCD and a caregiver participating in a randomized controlled trial of D-cycloserine or pill placebo augmented ERP. Participants completed validated assessments during treatment. Irritability was significantly and positively associated with depressive symptoms, defiance, functional impairment, and family accommodation, but was not associated with pretreatment OCD severity, symptom dimensions, obsessive beliefs. Irritability significantly declined following treatment, with over half of youth with any pretreatment irritability experiencing clinically significant change, though this change was not related to OCD improvement. Results suggest that irritability may be a marker of psychiatric comorbidity, parental accommodation, and impairment in youth with OCD. Implications for the exposure-based treatment of irritability are discussed.  相似文献   

This research tested hypotheses from state-trait anger theory applied to anger while driving. High and low anger drivers drove equally often and as many miles, but high anger drivers reported more frequent and intense anger and more aggression and risky behavior in daily driving, greater anger in frequently occurring situations, more frequent close calls and moving violations, and greater use of hostile/aggressive and less adaptive/constructive ways of expressing anger. In low impedance simulations, groups did not differ on state anger or aggression; however, high anger drivers reported greater state anger and verbal and physical aggression in high impedance simulations. High anger drivers drove at higher speeds in low impedance simulations and had shorter times and distances to collision and were twice as likely to crash in high impedance simulations. Additionally, high anger drivers were more generally angry. Hypotheses were generally supported, and few gender differences were noted for anger and aggression.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test the mediating effect of social decision making in the relations of anger and anger control to externalising and internalising problems. A sample of 174 Chinese adolescents (mean age = 15.36 years) completed self‐reports of trait anger, anger control, externalising problems, internalising problems and social decision making, which was operationalized as situational judgement reflecting an individual's ability to interact effectively with parents, teachers and peers. Findings indicated that adolescents' trait anger and anger control were positively related to both externalising and internalising problems. In addition, path analysis revealed that social decision making mediated the relationship between trait anger, anger control and externalising problems. Findings on the mediating effect will be discussed by referencing appraisal tendency theory and response evaluation and decision.  相似文献   

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