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In the event of irregular composition of the ordinal jurisdiction or omission of certain compulsory particulars in the decision rendered, the parties may challenge the external regularity of the decision. The pleas based on the contested decisions are formal and procedural defects. If successful, these means result in the annulment of the decision ordering the doctor to be disciplined. These means constitute a separated legal cause and can only be invoked within the time limit for appeal, unless they are of public order.  相似文献   

Supervisors’ laissez-faire leadership has been scarcely studied in the management literature. Moreover, the role of individual differences in employees’ reactions to laissez-faire leadership remains unknown. In the present study (n = 248), we examine the relationship between supervisors’ laissez-faire leadership and employees’ (affective) commitment to the supervisor and the organization, and their job satisfaction, and consider employees’ goal orientations (learning, performance, and avoidance) as moderating variables of these relationships. The results of multiple regression analyses indicate that laissez-faire leadership is negatively associated with employee commitment to the supervisor and the organization and job satisfaction. In addition, the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and commitment to the supervisor and to the organization was more negative when performance orientation was high. In contrast, the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and commitment to the supervisor and the organization and job satisfaction was less negative when avoidance orientation was high. Learning orientation exerted no moderating effect. These results reveal that the undermining effect of laissez-faire leadership varies across levels of employees’ performance and avoidance orientations. We discuss the implications of these results for future research.  相似文献   

Organizational initiatives to empower employees have limited success if they are supported only by top managers. The goal of this study is to examine how two actors in the workers’ proximal social environment, the supervisor and colleagues, contribute to employee empowerment. A questionnaire study was conducted with a sample of 418 workers relying both on psychological and behavioral self-report measures of employee empowerment. Multiple regressions revealed that contributions from the supervisor and colleagues are distinct, additive and interact in a synergic way to increase employee empowerment. These results suggest that it is important to foster favorable conditions in the workers’ proximal social environment to instill employee empowerment.  相似文献   

Educational level is a factor of cognitive reserve and older adults with a higher level of formal education have a better memory performance than those having a lower educational level (Angel et al., 2010; Van Der Elst, Van Boxtel, Van Breukelen, & Jolles, 2005). Memory functioning can also be modulated by the beliefs and knowledge of a person about his/her own memory, that is, by his/her metamemory (Hultsch, Hertzog, & Dixon, 1987). The objective of this study was to examine the role of metamemory as a potential mediator of the effect of educational level on memory performance. Eighty-three older adults (60–80 years) participated in the experiment, they have been divided into two subgroups according to their educational level (high: 14.36 years and low level: 9.85 years). Episodic memory was evaluated with a cued recall task and metamemory by the Metamemory in Adulthood questionnaire (MIA). As shown by previous studies, results indicated that educational level had a significant effect on memory and metamemory, higher educational level was associated to better memory and metamemory capacities. At the MIA questionnaire, older adults with a high educational level affirmed using more internal and external strategies for learning, having higher motivation and perceiving less memory change with aging than older adults with a lower educational level. They also showed that the metamemory dimensions associated to the memory performance differed according to the educational level. For participants with a lower educational level, memory performance was correlated to the participants’ perception about their memory capacity and their knowledge about memory tasks, while for participants with a higher educational level, memory performance was correlated to the dimensions linked to memory control (strategies and motivation). Finally, the group effect was mediated by metamemory, specifically by the use of internal strategies. These results suggest that a prolonged educative experience would be associated to a better capacity to implement adapted strategies, which led individuals to maintain an optimal memory performance.  相似文献   

This research aims to study the relationships between the perceived organizational support, the leader-member exchange (LMX), and the feeling of general self-efficacy with the psychological well being at work (PWBW) in the medical and para-medical environment. We also tested the indirect effects of satisfaction psychological of autonomy, competence and affiliation in the relationship between these predictors and PWBW. A total of 175 participants from the medical and para-medical sectors completed a questionnaire. The results showed that all predictors positively correlated with PWBW. Mediation analyzes showed that need satisfaction had a mediating effect on the relationships between inductors and PWBW. Finally, leader-member exchanges (LMX) and general self-efficacy promoted PWBW, and the satisfaction of the three psychological need systematically played a mediating role.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectiveLittle is known about employment discrimination in France. The goal of this study was to examine some of the determinants of employment discrimination toward French Young from Turkish and North-african Immigration (YTNI).MethodUnder this perspective, 62 employers filled out an anonymous questionnaire in France (Auvergne).ResultsFirst, results reveal that the level of employers’ prejudice determines their behavioural intentions during recruitments, especially two kinds of prejudice: perception of YTNI overpopulation, and perception of incompatibility between YTNI recruitment and firm brand image. Second, the quality of intergroup contact is significantly related to prejudice, but not to discrimination. Concerning employers’ acculturation orientations, they prefer segregation compare to assimilation. Finally, the more they endorses ethnocentric acculturation orientations, the more they are prejudiced and the more they have the intention to discriminate.ConclusionThis research suggests courses of action for the reduction of employment discrimination.  相似文献   

Physicians are free to prescribe the drugs they consider the best for their patients, and simultaneously required to seek healthcare’ cost-effectiveness — especially after patents expiry. While the physician choice of a given molecule is indisputable, French pharmacists gradually gained a large power to choose the brands on chemicals’ and biologics’ competitive markets. In May 2018, the highest judicial Court decided the physician must expressly motivate his exclusive choice of a given brand, and can not simply refuse the brand’ substitution by pharmacists. This unprecedented requirement is extrapolable to all substitutable drugs in France (registered generics and biosimilars). It raises the possible examination of medical choice motives — but in our opinion, it finishes, rather than it opens the arms race between prescribers and mandatory health insurers in France.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the age-related differences in control strategies deployment, and examined the relations of control strategies with indicators of well-being and cognitive efficiency. Eighty-five participants aged from 18 to 93 years old completed measures of control strategies and anxiety, and were administered several cognitive tests designed to assess processing speed, reasoning and episodic memory. Results showed that (1) middle-aged individuals use more control strategies based on emotional regulation and goal disengagement than younger and older individuals, (2) individuals who deploy more control strategies focused on emotions report lower levels of anxiety, and (3) cognitive resources moderate the relation between age and control strategies deployment. That is, although increased age is associated with lower deployment of control strategies, the current project showed that age effects in control strategies were weaker for people with higher levels of cognitive resources than for people with lower levels of cognitive resources.  相似文献   

Although of old and common use, the use of isolation and restraint in psychiatry was not regulated until 2016 with the creation of article L. 3222-5-1 of the Public Health Code. However, the Court of Cassation considered that, as a form of care, it was beyond the office of the liberty and custody judge to controle its implementation. Questioned by a plea of unconstitutionality submitted by the Court of Cassation, the Constitutional Council considered, with its decision of 19 June 2020, that these measures constituted a deprivation of liberty requiring judicial review at short notice. The Sages thus declare the provisions of article L. 3222-5-1 unconstitutional, with delayed effect as of December 31, 2020, requiring legislator to rethink and organise the supervision and control of decisions of restraint and isolation.  相似文献   

The relationship between employees’ affective commitment to the supervisor and negative feedback seeking is barely explored in the literature. Moreover, the role of the characteristics related to the context where this relationship develops is unknown. In the present article, we examine the relationship between affective commitment to the supervisor and negative feedback seeking using data collected from 250 employees affiliated with organizations operating in the service industry. Three moderating variables were measured: supervisor-organization value incongruence, supervisors’ networking ability, and supervisors’ perceived organizational status. Data analysis through moderated multiple regression indicates that commitment to the supervisor is positively related to negative feedback seeking, and that this relationship is enhanced when the supervisor is perceived to have a low value incongruence with the organization or a weak networking ability. In contrast, supervisors’ perceived organizational status did not exert a moderating role. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on feedback seeking behavior in the workplace.  相似文献   

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