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以690名初一、高一和大一学生为被试,采用自制的词表,运用因素分析方法研究青少年心目中的理想父母形象,并比较不同青少年理想父母形象之差异。结果发现:(1)当代青少年心目中理想父母形象应具备的五项主要特征是:尊重沟通、与子为友,能力强、善于交际,正义乐群,正视现实,品德好、有原则;(2)女孩比男孩更重视父母与她们的沟通与相处;(3)随着年龄的增长,孩子对父母与自己相处态度的要求逐渐提高,而对父母的能力、生活态度、品德的要求逐渐降低;(4)是否独生子女、家庭收入水平对青少年心目中的理想父母形象也有一定影响,不同家庭结构青少年心目中的理想父母形象则没有差异。  相似文献   

通过对130名初中生进行问卷调查,结果发现:1.在"好的面貌"、"组织能力"、"认真负责"、"民主"、"知错就改"等五个方面,初中低年级的学生较高年级的学生期望更高;2.男女生心目中理想教师形象无显著差异;3.优等生比后进生更喜欢"认真负责"和"知错就改"的老师;4.教师的"公正"、"有方法"、"认真负责"、"细心"、"和蔼友善"等特征更为初中生看重。  相似文献   

大学生心目中理想教师的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以160名大学生为被试,采用自制的词表,运用因素分析的方法研究大学生心目中理想教师形象,并比较不同年级、不同性别以及不同学科(文、理)的学生对理想教师形象的要求有何差异。结果发现:(1)当代大学生心目中的理想教师形象应具备四项主要特征:公正平等,师德高尚;讲课生动,见解独到;大方得体,成熟稳重;专业过硬,科研水平高;(2)在“讲课生动,见解独到”这个因素上女生比男生对教师的要求更高一些;(3)在“大方得体,成熟稳重”这个因素上,二、三、四年级间无明显差异,均高于大一学生对教师的要求;(4)在“专业过硬,科研水平高”这个因素上,理科生比文科生对教师的要求更高一些;(5)在“公正平等,师德高尚”这个因素上,性别与年级的交互作用显著。  相似文献   

为了考察中学生非形式推理能力的发展以及家庭和学校有关环境因素对中学生非形式推理的影响,该研究采用提示访谈和问卷调查考察了7-9年级中学生非形式推理能力的发展及其与家庭和学校教育环境因素的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生一般具有了反驳水平的非形式推理能力,7年级学生多处于直接反驳水平,8、9年级学生多处于间接反驳水平。(2)我方和他方推理的理由数量随年级的增高而上升,反驳次数亦随年级的增高而增多。(3)中学生在我方推理中提出的理由数量与同伴影响、教师鼓励和家长引导有一定线性因果关系。  相似文献   

考察云南省中、小学生师生关系的发展趋势、类型特点和师生关系对中小学生学校适应的作用.采用分层随机取样的方式选取云南省中小学生9055名,调查了他们的师生关系和学校适应.结果发现:(1)云南省中小学生与教师的依恋和亲密性随年级升高呈下降趋势,冲突和回避性随年级升高呈先上升后下降趋势,初中生得分最高.不同年级段学生和性别之间存在显著差异;(2)云南省中小学生与教师的关系存在三种类型:矛盾型、疏远型和亲密型.在矛盾型分布上,随年级升高呈先上升后下降趋势,初中生矛盾型最多.在疏远型上,随年级升高呈上升趋势,高中生疏远型最多.在亲密型上,随年级升高呈下降趋势,小学生亲密型最多.在三种类型上,小学和初中年级段学生存在显著性别差异;(3)冲突性和亲密性是中小学生学校适应的重要预测变量,回避性对中学生有显著预测作用.(4)具有亲密型师生关系的学生学校适应能力显著好于矛盾型和疏远型.结论:应加强对学生亲密型师生关系的培养,更加重视对中学生师生关系的干预.  相似文献   

中学生社会适应量表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究编制的中学生社会适应性量表是针对预初(小学6年级)到高三7个年级的学生,有效样本3595名(男1728名,女1867名)。通过量表的编制、初测、修改和再测,确定了量表的4个维度:内容特质、预测控制、心理调节和动力支持,并获得了较高的信度和效度。内在一致性信度达到0.97,相容效度和效标效度也达到0.65和0.68左右,均比较理想。通过量表编制发现中学生的社会适应在总体上存在性别差异,即女生显著高于男生。中学生的社会适应会随着年级的提高而发生变化,但不同步增加。中学生的社会适应性是一个动态的发展过程,它也是中学生人格发展的一部分,并与个体的学习压力以及经历的生活事件有密切的关系。  相似文献   

高中英语教学与初中英语教学有很大的不同,学生的认知和学习方法也不同。笔者在教学中发现,初中学生进入高中后英语学习方面的确存在一些衔接方面的问题,为了让学生平稳过渡,教师应对高中起始年级英语学习中的问题认真思考,做到心中有数。高一年级是高中基础阶段很重要的起始年级。因此,高一英语教学应讲究方法,有的放矢,否则就会步入教学误区。  相似文献   

对459名初一到高二学生施测自恋、自尊以及社会适应问卷,以探讨中学生自恋的年龄特征及其与社会适应的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生的自恋不存在性别差异,但是年级差异显著,初三学生的自恋水平要显著低于高一学生。由于年级差异的效应值很小(G2=0.025),要谨慎分析该年级差异。(2)自恋与中学生自我报告的社会适应良好呈显著正相关。(3)自尊在自恋与社会适应的关系间起到了中介作用。  相似文献   

中学生问题行为群体特征的多视角研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
以北京市中学生为被试,自编中学生问题行为自我评定、教师评定和家长评定三视角问卷,研究中学生问题行为的结构和群体特征,结果表明:(1)中学生问题行为评定存在跨评定者的六因子多质多法(multitrait—multimethod,MTMM)结构模型。(2)性别差异分析表明在学业不适、攻击行为和违纪行为上三视角均显示男生都显著高于女生,但是在内倾问题上自评问卷显示在神经质、退缩行为和考试焦虑上女生比男生高,教师评定只有在考试焦虑上女生高于男生,而家长评定内倾问题上性别差异基本不显著。(3)自评问卷在六因子和问题总分上还显示了年级差异,教师评定三个因子有年级差异,家长评定年级差异基本上不显著。(4)三视角对应因子间呈中低水平相关,在学业和破坏性较大的外倾问题上的相关高于在内倾问题上的相关。  相似文献   

通过查阅文献、开放式问卷调查、访谈、内容分析等方法提出了中小学生对特定教师的信任结构并编制问卷项目。以小学四年级至初中二年级学生为研究对象,对539名学生进行初步问卷调查,经探索性因素分析得到含20个项目的中小学生对教师信任问卷,然后对1012名学生进行正式调查和验证性因素分析。结果表明:中小学生对特定教师的信任是一个多维结构,包括学生对教师的教学能力、守信可靠和友善关怀三方面的判断;自编的问卷有良好的信度和效度,可作为进一步研究的工具。  相似文献   

This study explores factors affecting the involvement of regular secondary school teachers in the whole-school approach to guidance and counselling by interviewing 12 secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. Emerging themes include teachers' ownership of their role in student guidance and counselling, the alignment of their disposition with education policies, school missions and culture, and their philosophy in education. Findings of what these teachers are actually doing in guidance and counselling are presented. Implications for policy-makers, administrators and leaders for comprehensive guidance and counselling programmes are drawn from constraints that limit interviewees' full potential in assisting students.  相似文献   

The knowledge and attitudes of practicing teachers regarding ADHD were compared with those of undergraduate education students. Key elements of studies of American and Canadian teachers by Jerome, Gordon, and Hustler (1994) and Jerome, Washington, Laine, and Segal (1999) were replicated. Information was gathered about participants' demographic background (training in ADHD), attitudes towards ADHD, and knowledge about its diagnosis and treatment. Results confirmed the existence of some knowledge gaps, although both practicing teachers and undergraduate education students possessed sound information about ADHD. Misconceptions about ADHD primarily concerned dietary treatment. Attitudes and knowledge were significantly correlated and most participants regarded ADHD as a valid diagnosis with implications for the school setting, and expressed a desire for comprehensive training. Despite similar results for both samples, teachers achieved higher accuracy on knowledge-based questions. These results are discrepant from those of Jerome et al. (1999) who found teachers and students to be similar in factual knowledge. Implications of these findings for curriculum development in academia and in-service teacher training are highlighted.  相似文献   

Between November 1989 and January 1990, a pilot study was conducted among state secondary school students and teachers in Lima Peru by questionnaires with the objective of determining their knowledge about human sexuality, sexual behavior, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), AIDS, drug abuse, and sexual activity. 110 students (64 boys and 46 women) aged 13-18 of low and medium-low socioeconomic background from metropolitan Lima participated. 40 teachers (70% females) aged 40.1 + or - 9.3 years also took part. THe adolescent focus groups were anxious to talk openly about sexuality to dispel their doubts. The levels of knowledge reached 46% for human sexuality, 50% for physiology and pregnancy, 35% for STDs and preventive sexual behavior, 50-60% for AIDS (transmission and risk groups), and only 35% for prevention. 21 had heterosexual experiences: 19 males and 2 females. 6 youngsters had homosexual experiences: 4 males and 2 females, 3 of these also had heterosexual sex. 20 of students without sexual experience expressed on interest, in engaging in sexual behavior if they fell in love. 33 adolescents reported using alcohol, 1/4 of these had consumed more than 6 bottles the previous week. The report on drug use was low, because 32% failed to answer this question. 60-70% of the teachers knew about human sexuality, while 72% knew about AIDS. 76.5% of them considered sex education in schools inadequate. 88.2% thought that adolescents need an explicit preventive program which should start in primary school and continue through all grades. This would require additional school resources. The teachers deemed daily life more educational about sexuality than information from schools and universities. 52% said that AIDS education messages had to be clear about preventive sexual behavior. 32% believed that correct use of the condom had to be demonstrated in class. 78% identified the mass media for dissemination of AIDS information, and only 15% judged their knowledge about AIDS sufficient for imparting it to students.  相似文献   

Teachers often approach teaching with an energy and enthusiasm to inspire their students with their skills and knowledge. However, when faced with students who are not fully engaged in their learning, teachers sometimes find it difficult and frustrating to communicate the subject knowledge. This paper looks at the importance of teachers reflecting regularly on their teaching with thoughts not just about the communication of subject knowledge, but combining this with the emotions and affective experiences of themselves and their students. We interviewed 11 new secondary science teachers about their first 3 years of teaching and in particular, questions were directed at their relationships in school, communication with students, the ideal lesson and reflection. Our findings revealed that teachers who were most successful when faced with adversities in the classroom, were those who appreciated that, as well as communicating subject knowledge, there is also a need for affective communication with the student. Many of the teachers we spoke to emphasised the importance of establishing a rapport with their students, and especially when they were disengaged and disinterested in learning. The data highlight the importance of conceptualising teaching and learning as encompassing both affect and cognition in order to have a balanced and healthy view of teaching, learning, the student and the school.
There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul. Arnold Bennett (1867–1931)
Helen DemetriouEmail:

This paper examines the perception of the role of school psychologists as viewed by secondary school administrators. Particular attention is focused on differences of priority in terms of rank-ordering of functions between actual and ideal. Data were drawn from questionnaires returned by 361 principals representing every tenth school of the 3,683 listed as members by the North Central Association of Secondary Schools in 1983. Several results emerge from the study. There is little difference in rank order between actual and ideal roles. Significant rank order differences were in the areas of “Counseling with students” and “Staffing for special education.” Administrators in this sample clearly desire more involvement of psychologists with counseling and less with staffing. Results raise questions with regard to prevalent training programs if psychologists are to assume a greater counseling role.  相似文献   

The reorientation of school guidance to involve teachers in career guidance was the premise for this study. The objectives were to assess the attitudes of secondary vocational teachers toward the importance and adequacy of school guidance systems. Some 248 teachers were sent an instrument listing 19 guidance activities. Two scales of five options were used for importance and adequacy. A 75% response rate was achieved. Overall, the teachers believe that career guidance is an important function; however, they have an unfavorable disposition toward the adequacy of school guidance systems in providing students with career guidance.  相似文献   

The study examined the attitudes of a sample of Zimbabwean teachers towards the inclusion of children with mild hearing impairments. Two hundred and forty-six primary school teachers participated in the study. The teachers completed the modified Attitude Toward Mainstreaming Questionnaire (ATMQ) (Larrivee & Cook, 1979). In addition, they also completed four measures on implementation concerns of inclusive education of children with mild hearing impairments (i.e., academic, management, social, and knowledge concerns). Analysis related the scores from these four measures to teachers' attitudes, school type, class sizes, professional qualifications and position in the school. Compared with teachers with lower professional qualifications, teachers with higher professional qualifications had more favourable attitudes towards children with hearing impairment. Teachers who taught at ordinary schools with special needs resource units had more favourable attitudes towards students with hearing impairment than those at schools without such units. Resource unit teachers welcomed social inclusion of children with mild hearing impairments. School administrators were concerned about the practice of including children with hearing impairments in regular school setting before inducting teachers.  相似文献   

Background. Research suggests that referral practices of teachers in regular education are not only affected by the level of learning difficulties but also by student behaviour and the level of students' parental involvement in education. It was hypothesized that teachers maintain a notion of the ‘ideal’ student, who has relatively good academic skills, is well behaved and has highly involved parents. Aims. The main question of this study was whether special‐education teachers' perceptions regarding remediation possibilities are similarly affected by student behaviour and the level of students' parental involvement. Sample. Nineteen experienced Dutch school teachers in special education each evaluated four students: two with relatively high and two with relatively low academic performance. Methods. Three questionnaires to assess learning difficulties, behavioural problems and the level of parental involvement were developed. Results. Teachers' perceptions of remediation possibilities were related to the severity of the learning difficulties and academic skill. Academic skill, in turn, was strongly related to the perception of the children's behavioural problems and parental involvement, which, in turn, links the perception of remediation possibilities indirectly to children's behavioural problems and parental involvement. Conclusions. Special education teachers may also hold an image of the ‘ideal’ student. Students with high academic achievement levels are perceived as having fewer behavioural problems and more highly involved parents than students with low academic achievement levels. Whether this is due to justified or unjustified teachers' perceptions is a matter for future research. What is important is that stereotyping of students (justly or not) poses a serious problem for the Dutch reintegration policy.  相似文献   

This study was an outcome evaluation of a multi-component nutrition education program for African American kindergarten and first grade students attending an under-resourced urban school. The program focused on increasing fruit and vegetable knowledge and vegetable consumption during school lunch. It included a classroom-based knowledge change component, a lunchtime-based behavior-change component, and a home component. This program was unique in that natural helpers in the school (i.e., paraprofessionals) were enlisted as agents of behavior change. Findings indicated that the program was considered socially valid from the perspectives of students, teachers, and paraprofessional community assistants. Implementation integrity was acceptable for the classroom intervention, but highly variable for the lunchtime intervention. Program outcomes demonstrated that knowledge change was high, but behavior change was variable. Inconsistent behavioral effects appeared to be related in part to the variable level of intervention integrity. The challenges of promoting intervention integrity with paraprofessionals were discussed, and strategies for improving integrity were outlined.  相似文献   

This study had two objectives: (a) to examine the adolescent image teachers and school counselors construct (category-based images) by comparing it with the adolescent's self-image (self-as-target based), and (b) to explicate the discrepancy between category-based adolescent images as constructed by teachers, counselors, and adolescents by underlying social cognitive processes. To this end, 269 eighth-grade adolescents and 104 junior high school teachers and school counselors responded to the self-image questionnaire for young adolescents (SIQYA). Adolescents responded either to self-image questionnaires or to an adolescent-your-age version and school staff to an eighth-grader image version. One-way MANOVAs comparing the nine SIQYA scales indicated that overall, teachers' and school counselors' adolescent images were less positive than adolescents' adolescent images (as reported both regarding the self or another adolescent). These findings were interpreted in terms of two social psychological processes: positive illusion and adolescent stereotypes. Discussion also addresses the implications of these findings for educators' knowledge regarding normal adolescent processes and psychological hardships intensified during adolescence.  相似文献   

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