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该文通过两个实验考察早期双语儿童第二语言的词汇概念组织。实验1运用跨语言重复启动的范式,结果发现了跨语言重复启动效应,说明早期双语儿童可以直接通达概念意义,但是二语词汇语义通达的强度要弱于一语词汇语义通达的强度。在实验1的基础上,实验2运用图片命名的范式,结果发现了命名的语言效应,进一步说明早期双语儿童二语词汇与概念表征的联系要弱于一语词汇与概念表征的联系。总的实验结果表明,早期双语儿童在记忆表征中建立了二语词汇与概念表征的直接联系,其第二语言的词汇概念组织在本质上是机能性的。  相似文献   

熟练维-汉双语者第二语言的概念表征的特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以母语为维吾尔语,第二语言为汉语的的维吾尔族大学生为被试,使用语言内和语言间启动条件下的真假字判断任务,通过3个实验探讨了熟练的维汉双语者的第二语言的语义表征的特点,即他们的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的还是独立存储的。结果发现,实验1语言内启动条件下,即启动刺激(维语)和目标刺激(维语)之间具有语义联想关系时,产生了显著的启动效应。实验2(启动刺激为维语,目标刺激为汉语)和实验3(启动刺激为汉语,目标刺激为维语)的跨语言启动条件下,都产生了显著的启动效应,说明被试的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的。这些结果表明:被试的第二语言的概念表征是同第一语言的概念表征共同存储的,支持了共同存储理论。  相似文献   

This study examined the roles of pinyin and English words as stimulus prompts in the learning of Chinese characters. Recall for naming of English words and pronunciation was enhanced under conditions in which each character was presented first and its prompts were given as feedback, in contrast to simultaneous presentation conditions. Pronunciation was also recalled more in the written pinyin conditions than the verbal pronunciation conditions. These data were interpreted in terms of (a) interference which can occur when learners attend to multiple inputs simultaneously, and (b) the beneficial effects of attending to character prior to their prompts. It was concluded that the presentation of a character first and the provision of its associated prompts as a feedback improves learning.  相似文献   

龚少英  方富熹 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1108-1111
本研究采用翻译识别任务探查了不同熟练程度的汉英双语儿童的词汇和概念表征的特点。被试为从一年级开始学习英语的小学三、五年级和初中一年级儿童共50名,结果发现.各组被试在进行翻译识别时.反应错误率随着熟练程度的提高逐渐降低,且各组被试都产生了显著的正字法干扰效应和语义干扰效应。这一结果表明,不熟练的汉英双语儿童可以通过词汇联系和概念联系加工第二语言中的词。  相似文献   


In this study, two groups of second graders participated in Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction (FORI) but their repeated reading experiences used different kinds of texts. One group—the Literature group—read texts from the district's literature-based, basal reading program. The second group—the Content group—read from a set of science and social studies texts that were written to have few rare, multisyllabic, single-appearing words. Control-group students read from the district's literature-based program. Both intervention groups made greater gains in reading rate than Control group students and Content students made greater gains in reading rate than Literature students. Content and Literature groups outperformed Control students on the comprehension measure but did not perform significantly differently from one another. The gains made by the Content classrooms were made in approximately half the amount of time allocated to reading instruction as by Literature classrooms.  相似文献   

This study reports the development of trainee multicultural awareness through a content analysis of reflections on mentoring English as a second language students. Identified themes show relationships with the Multicultural Counseling Inventory (G. R. Sodowsky, 1996) and White Racial Identity Attitudes Scale (J. E. Helms, 1990). Results suggest that guided experiential components of multicultural training can be effective. Este estudio informa el desarrollo de conocimiento multicultural por reflejos de aprendizes quién son mentores de estudiante de segunda lengua por un análisis del contenido. Los temas identificados muestran las relaciones con el Multicultural Counseling Inventory (G. R. Sodowsky, 1996) y el White Racial Identity Scale (J. E. Helms, 1996). Los resultados surguiren que los componentes de experiencia de los aprendizes multiculturales pueden ser efectivos.  相似文献   

This study revisited Reid’s (1987) perceptual learning style preference questionnaire (PLSPQ) in an attempt to answer whether the PLSPQ fits in the Chinese-as-a-second-language (CSL) context. If not, what are CSL learners’ learning styles drawing on the PLSPQ? The PLSPQ was first re-examined through reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with 224 CSL learners. The results showed that Reid’s six-factor PLSPQ could not satisfactorily explain the CSL learners’ learning styles. Exploratory factor analyses were, therefore, performed to explore the dimensionality of the PLSPQ in the CSL context. A four-factor PLSPQ was successfully constructed including auditory/visual, kinaesthetic/tactile, group, and individual styles. Such a measurement model was cross-validated through CFAs with 118 CSL learners. The study not only lends evidence to the literature that Reid’s PLSPQ lacks construct validity, but also provides CSL teachers and learners with insightful and practical guidance concerning learning styles. Implications and limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

根据口语表达及汉语初学者口语能力的发展特点,拟构了初学者口语能力模型。该模型从语言的成分、情帚特征以及它们相互作用的角度来定义构想,把口语表达分为听一说模式和独白模式两种表达模式,并分别从短语、句子和语段三个层面来考查口语能力。以来华学习汉语半年至一年的留学生共275人为样本,使用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析研究了初学者口语能力模型与实测数据的拟合程度,结果表明拟合程度良好,模型得到了验证。  相似文献   

As a test of the hypothesis that perspective taking reduces stereotyping of individuals who speak English as a second language, 160 college students participated in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. Participants heard an audio recording of either a native or non‐native speaker of English. Then, they wrote a paragraph about the speaker either with instructions to take the speaker's perspective or with no perspective‐taking instructions. Finally, they rated the speaker on characteristics related to ability and accomplishment. Overall, the participants rated the native speaker of English more highly than the non‐native speaker. However, supporting the hypothesis, participants instructed to take the perspective of the non‐native speaker rated her more highly than did participants not instructed to take her perspective.  相似文献   

以226名将汉语作为第二语言的越南大学一到四年级学生为研究对象,以低频独体字、部件熟悉假字和部件不熟悉假字为材料,采用延迟书写任务,考察了不同年级的越南大学生汉字部件意识的发展及其影响因素。结果发现:(1)学习3个月汉语的大一学生能以部件作为汉字加工单元,其延迟书写部件熟悉假字显著好于低频独体字,并与高年级学生没有差异,说明越南大学生很早就发展出了汉字部件意识;(2)不同年级大学生书写部件不熟悉假字的成绩都显著低于部件熟悉假字,也低于低频独体字,表明部件构字能力是越南大学生汉字书写的重要影响因素。(3)越南大一学生的汉字书写成绩受到汉字结构的影响,左右结构优于上下结构,但其他年级的成绩不受汉字结构的影响。  相似文献   

Researchers have documented the positive effects of classwide peer tutoring on academic performance, engagement, and other social behaviors of students with and without disabilities. Commonly, in classwide peer tutoring, students are paired and the class is divided in half. Points are awarded for tutoring behavior and academic responding during the tutoring session. At the end of the session, the half of the class with the most points earns a reward. In the current study, a fifth-grade teacher implemented classwide peer tutoring for multiplication facts. Instead of the traditional reinforcement system, a randomized classwide interdependent group contingency was implemented. Applying a multiple-probe design across problem sets, students demonstrated increased multiplication fact fluency across three problem sets. Discussion focuses on applied implications for contingency management when implementing classwide peer tutoring programs.  相似文献   


Conversion symptoms involve a regression, where the patient appears to have lost access to previously available modes of verbal expression. Instead movements, sensations, postures, gestures, and visceral processes express emotions and unconscious wishes directly. Patients who are analyzed in a language other than their mother tongue, without access to the language of their early years, may rely on the body to express powerful affect and fantasies. A patient who displayed pseudoseizures on the couch is presented, looking specifically at how this man's conversion reaction may relate to the fact that the language of the analysis is not his mother tongue.  相似文献   

This study examined pinyin (the official phonetic system that transcribes the lexical tones and pronunciation of Chinese characters) invented spelling and English invented spelling in 72 Mandarin-speaking 6th graders who learned English as their second language. The pinyin invented spelling task measured segmental-level awareness including syllable and phoneme awareness, and suprasegmental-level awareness including lexical tones and tone sandhi in Chinese Mandarin. The English invented spelling task manipulated segmental-level awareness including syllable awareness and phoneme awareness, and suprasegmental-level awareness including word stress. This pinyin task outperformed a traditional phonological awareness task that only measured segmental-level awareness and may have optimal utility to measure unique phonological and linguistic features in Chinese reading. The pinyin invented spelling uniquely explained variance in Chinese conventional spelling and word reading in both languages. The English invented spelling uniquely explained variance in conventional spelling and word reading in both languages. Our findings appear to support the role of phonological activation in Chinese reading. Our experimental linguistic manipulations altered the phonological awareness item difficulties.  相似文献   

The present study explored the home literacy environment for Chinese ESL kindergarteners and examined the relationships between home literacy practices and language and literacy skills. Ninety Hong Kong Chinese ESL kindergarteners were assessed for English vocabulary, phonological awareness, letter knowledge and word reading. Their parents completed a questionnaire about home literacy practices. Results showed that these practices can be classified into three aspects: shared reading, exposure to English materials and home teaching. Shared reading uniquely predicted receptive and expressive vocabulary, syllable awareness and word reading in English. Exposure to English materials predicted expressive vocabulary and home teaching predicted letter knowledge.  相似文献   

Intercultural rhetoric has been studied in the context of second language writing for many decades. This article looks at the topic from a new perspective and offers an experimental study of the effects of intercultural rhetoric on reading comprehension. The experiment was set in Hong Kong, China, and assessed the reading comprehension (using a rational cloze design and quantitative and qualitative recall protocols) of 490 school students who were presented with four rhetorically different texts. Results suggest that the rhetoric of the students’ first language (Chinese) had clear effects on reading comprehension.  相似文献   

第二语言学习中的反馈   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在第二语言学习中,反馈指针对学习者的言语行为给予学习者的评价性信息。该文阐释了反馈的概念、类型以及反馈在第二语言学习中的角色,并从反馈的时机与对象、对学习者注意力的引导、学习者认知资源的限制、情感支持等方面分析了有效反馈的特征,最后对反馈研究对我国第二语言学习与教学的意义及以后的研究方向进行了探讨  相似文献   

在第二语言习得领域,元认知自20世纪90年代中后期开始引起了研究者的关注并逐渐被应用于阅读、写作、听力和口语等各种教学实践中。该文以元认知结构的二分法为框架,说明了心理学研究者致力于探讨第二语言学习者通过元认知监控来使用元认知知识的内部加工过程的特点,并从影响第二语言阅读的自我观念、文本内容和策略使用意识等方面系统介绍了元认知知识、监控与第二语言阅读的关系,最后对元认知的研究方法进行了归纳和展望  相似文献   

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