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The relationship between changes in the level of motor program utilization and attention demand during the learning of a motor task was examined. The primary task involved an 86-cm horizontal arm movement which subjects attempted to complete coincident with the end of a 360 degrees sweep of a clock hand. A secondary task performed with the opposite limb required a rapid button press to an auditory probe stimulus presented at various temporal locations within each trial. Control subjects performed either the primary task or the secondary task alone, while experimental subjects performed both tasks in combination. Schmidt's (1972) index of preprogramming was used to measure the level of motor program utilization, while probe reaction time reflected the attention demand of the primary task. There was a stable level of motor programming over four consecutive days of practice (100 trials a day), but a general decrease in attention demand. Implications for an expansion of the concept of the motor program were discussed.  相似文献   

Attention demands of walking were determined in six male and six female young adults (mean 26.3 yr) and 12 gender-matched healthy, active older adults (mean 71.1 yr) using a dual task procedure with a reaction time (RT) secondary task. In three conditions an auditory stimulus, a visual stimulus and both stimuli (auditory/visual) were presented. Relative to no-walking baselines, increased RT was found in all conditions revealing an attentional cost of normal walking. When participants traversed the laboratory walkway and also positioned one of their feet within a target area on the ground, attention demands were greater than in unconstrained walking. In the targeting task, RTs to the visual stimulus were longer than for the auditory stimulus due to the interference associated with viewing both the stimulus monitor and the foot-target. Older participants' RTs in the visual and auditory/visual conditions, but not in the auditory condition, were significantly longer than for the young group in both walking tasks but RTs for young and older adults were not different in no-walking baseline trials. Inspection of mean RT functions at time intervals following gait initiation (0-3000 ms from the first step) suggested a fluctuating attentional cost of walking with increased demands associated with contingencies requiring step length regulation. The findings have applied significance in demonstrating the possibility of increased falls and pedestrian accident risk in older individuals in dual task situations such as road crossing.  相似文献   

Focus of attention during dual-tasks and practice schedules are important components of motor skill performance and learning; often studied in isolation. The current study required participants to complete a simple key-pressing task under a blocked or random practice schedule. To manipulate attention, participants reported their finger position (i.e., skill-focused attention) or the pitch of an auditory tone (i.e., extraneous attention) while performing two variations of a dual-task key-pressing task. Analyses were conducted at baseline, 10 min and 24 h after acquisition. The results revealed that participants in a blocked schedule, extraneous focus condition had significantly faster movement times during retention compared to a blocked schedule, skill focus condition. Furthermore, greatest improvements from baseline to immediate and delayed retention were evident for an extraneous attention compared to the skill-focused attention, regardless of practice schedule. A discussion of the unique benefits an extraneous focus of attention may have on the learning process during dual-task conditions is presented.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 showed that the three stimuli associated with three chained fixed-interval links could be used to maintain observing behavior. Experiment 2 showed that three stimuli correlated with the passage of time since the last reinforcement in a fixed-interval schedule could be used to maintain observing behavior. In both experiments most observing responses occurred midway between reinforcements. Few occurred just before or just after reinforcement. Experiment 3 showed that the decline in the rate of observing behavior just before reinforcement was reduced when more stimuli could be observed. The relatively high terminal rate of observing behavior that resulted was maintained even when at least 4 sec intervened between the reinforcement and the last observed stimulus.  相似文献   

The Gordon Diagnostic System (GDS) is a single-component microcomputer-based instrument that can be used to administer 11 psychological tests. The game-like tasks provide objective data for evaluating possible attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or other conditions that affect a person’s ability to sustain attention and exert self-control. The core of the instrument is an integrated circuit with a microprocessor, a random access memory, and an erasable, programmable read-only memory (EPROM). It can be programmed with an IBM PC and an EPROM programmer. The assembly language source is compiled into machine language, which is used to simulate the GDS on the IBM PC or is “burned” into the ROM. The memory is erasable with ultraviolet light, so revisions can be made easily. The GDS illustrates that “custom” programming a ROM is not limited to large industrial concerns, and that it can be done within small research groups.  相似文献   

Pain interrupts and demands attention. The authors review evidence for how and why this interruption of attention is achieved. The interruptive function of pain depends on the relationship between pain-related characteristics (e.g., the threat value of pain) and the characteristics of the environmental demands (e.g., emotional arousal). A model of the interruptive function of pain is developed that holds that pain is selected for action from within complex affective and motivational environments to urge escape. The implications of this model for research and therapy are outlined with an emphasis on the redefinition of chronic pain as chronic interruption.  相似文献   

Man possesses a central system of limited capacity. Theorists at first described this system as a single limited capacity channel Two current theoretical alternatives to single-channel theory are (1) the undifferentiated capacity hypothesis that man possesses a pool of capacity units so that interference occurs oniy if the total number of capacity units that mental operations demand exceeds the system limit and (2) the hypothesis that some, but not all, mental operations require space in a limited capacity central mechanism and that any operation that requires space will interfere with any other operation that also demands space. Time on task fails as a sensitive measure of capacity demands because some task components require time but not full processing capacity. The secondary task technique uses the interference between a primary task and a secondary task to assess the extent to which the primary task makes processing demands on the central limited system. Processing demands have been measured for five categories of mental operation: (1) encoding, (2) multiple input, (3) rehearsal, (4) transformation, and (5) responding.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on fixed-interval schedules of food delivery. In Experiments I and II, the fixed interval was initiated by the previous fixed-interval reinforcer; in Experiment III, the fixed interval was initiated by the first key peck following the preceding fixed-interval reinforcer (a chain fixed-ratio one, fixed-interval schedule). During the postreinforcement pause, variable-time schedules delivered food independent of any specific response. Rate of food delivery during the pause had only small effects on pause duration in Experiments I and II. In Experiment III, however, pause duration increased systematically with the rate of food delivery during the pause. These data suggest that the momentary proximity to reinforcement delivered via the fixed-interval schedule exerts potent control over pause termination. Additional analysis revealed that pause termination was unaffected by the intermittent delivery of food during the pause. Such data suggest that the temporal control by fixed-interval schedules is highly resistant to interference.  相似文献   

McSweeney and Weatherly (1998) argued that differential habituation to the reinforcer contributes to the behavioral interactions observed during multiple schedules. The present experiment confirmed that introducing dishabituators into one component of a multiple schedule increases response rate in the other, constant, component. During baseline, pigeons and rats responded on multiple variable interval 30-s variable interval 30-s schedules. During experimental conditions, subjects responded on the same schedule except that a dishabituating stimulus (manipulation of a light) was also presented randomly during one of the components. Constant-component responding was faster during the experimental than during the baseline conditions. This difference in responding grew larger across the session. The within-session pattern of responding was similar for the two components of each multiple schedule. Qualitatively similar results were observed for rats and pigeons. These results suggest that behavioral interactions sometimes arise from a change in reinforcer effectiveness between the baseline and experimental phases of the experiment, rather than from an assessment of reinforcer relativity (a comparison of reinforcers delivered during the two components in the experimental phase). Behavioral contrast and induction are sometimes produced by similar factors.  相似文献   

Rats' lever pressing terminated visual or auditory stimuli associated with fixed-time or variable-time schedules of food delivery and produced a timeout period during which food delivery could not occur. Lever pressing during a timeout period reinstated the food-associated stimuli and again permitted food delivery according to the fixed-time or variable-time schedules. The mean interfood interval ranged from 1 minute to 16 minutes (variable-time schedules) or 32 minutes (fixed-time schedules); the timer controlling schedule intervals did not stop during timeout periods. The percentage of session time spent in timeout increased when the mean interfood intervals were lengthened and decreased when the mean interfood intervals were shortened. Timeouts were initiated most frequently about half way between successive food deliveries (fixed-time schedules) or after 15 seconds or more had lapsed since the last food delivery (variable-time schedules). Elimination of food delivery increased the percentage of session time spent in timeout, and elimination of the timeout contingency decreased lever press rates. When timeout was produced only when the lever was held in the depressed position, little time was spent in timeout. The main determinants of timeout initiation and termination appeared to be the rate of food delivery, freedom of movement during timeout, and the stimulus change associated with initiation and termination of timeout.  相似文献   

The extent to which multiple schedules are an effective schedule thinning method following functional communication training (FCT) relies on the control the schedule-correlated stimuli exert over behavior. Thus, the stimuli used to signal the schedule in place (e.g., reinforcement and extinction) in a multiple schedule arrangement require special attention. To date, the majority of the research on multiple schedules has evaluated the use of different arbitrary signals as schedule-correlated stimuli (e.g., poster boards). These signals are considered static as they lack movement. More recently, some studies have successfully used dynamic signals, which include movement or animation, within multiple schedule arrangements. However, the extent to which one type of signal may result in faster stimulus control over behavior has not been evaluated. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare the use of static and dynamic signals as schedule-correlated stimuli in multiple schedules used within the context of FCT. Four children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. The results suggest that no differences in discriminated manding were observed for three out of four participants. Only dynamic signals resulted in discriminated manding for one participant.  相似文献   

The literature was searched for information about the local rates of responding and reinforcement during concurrent schedules. The local rates of reinforcement obtained from the two components of a concurrent schedule were equal when a long-duration changeover delay was used and when many sessions were conducted, except when the two components provided different simple schedules. The local rates of responding were equal under some conditions, but they differed when one component provided a ratio and the other an interval schedule. Across schedules, local rates of reinforcement changed with changes in the schedule of reinforcement. Local rates of responding did not change with changes in change-over-delay duration but did with changes in the changeover ratio and with changes in the programmed rates of reinforcement. The results generally conform to the Equalizing and Melioration Principles and help to clarify current statements of the Matching Law. The results also suggest that changes in the local rates of responding and reinforcement may be orderly across schedules.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that each statement in a narrative text is understood by relating it to its causal antecedents and consequences and that the text as a whole is understood by finding a causal path linking its opening to its final outcome. Fletcher and Bloom (1988) have proposed that in order to accomplish this goal, while minimizing the number of times long-term memory has to be searched, readers focus their attention on the last clause of a narrative that has causal antecedents but no consequences in the preceding text. As a result, a statement that is followed by a causal antecedent should remain the focus of attention, while the same statement followed by a consequence should not. This prediction was tested and confirmed in three experiments which show that when a target statement is followed by a sentence that includes only causal antecedents, (a) continuation sentences related to it are read more quickly, (b) target words drawn from it are easier to recognize, and (c) subject-generated continuations are more likely to be causally related to it.  相似文献   

An on-line assessment of causal reasoning during comprehension   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fletcher and Bloom (1988) have argued that as readers read narratives, clause by clause, they repeatedly focus their attention on the last preceding clause that contains antecedents but no consequences in the text. This strategy allows them to discover a causal path linking the text's opening to its final outcome while minimizing the number of times long-term memory must be searched for missing antecedents or consequences. In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the reading times of 25 subjects for each clause of eight simple narrative texts. The results show that: (1) causal links between clauses that co-occur in short-term memory (as predicted by the strategy) increase the time required to read the second clause; (2) potential causal links between clauses that never co-occur in short-term memory (again as predicted by the strategy) have no effect on reading time; and (3) reinstatement searches are initiated at the end of sentences that are causally unrelated to the contents of short-term memory or that contain clauses that satisfy goals no longer in short-term memory. These results support the claim that subjects engage in a form of causal reasoning when they read simple narrative texts.  相似文献   

This study is designed to show that subject are able to assess the processing demands made by a series of orienting tasks. With the help of 6 psychology majors, 56 orienting questions were generated which could be applied to a black and white photograph of a human face. Using a systematic ranking and reduction procedure, 3 groups of 12 undergraduate majors then ordered all or a subset of these questions in terms of their relative processing demands, resulting finally in a representative set of 7 questions. Two further groups of 12 subjects then ranked these questions by considering them in relation to a photograph of a male and a female face respectively. Inter-subject agreement was demonstrated for both of these latter rankings which were also shown to be independent of the stimulus photograph used. In Part 2 of the study, the validity of the orienting question ranking was shown by using the questions in an incidental learning task. Significant positive correlations were found between processing demand and recognition scores and between processing demand and processing time. The results are discussed in relation to metacognition, introspection and consciousness.  相似文献   

Attention, the mechanism by which a subset of sensory inputs is prioritized over others, operates at multiple processing stages. Specifically, attention enhances weak sensory signal at the perceptual stage, while it serves to select appropriate responses or consolidate sensory representations into short-term memory at the central stage. This study investigated the independence and interaction between perceptual and central attention. To do so, I used a dual-task paradigm, pairing a four-alternative choice task with a visual search task. The results showed that central attention for response selection was engaged in perceptual processing for visual search when the number of search items increased, thereby increasing the demand for serial allocation of focal attention. By contrast, central attention and perceptual attention remained independent as far as the demand for serial shifting of focal attention remained constant; decreasing stimulus contrast or increasing the set size of a parallel search did not evoke the involvement of central attention in visual search. These results suggest that the nature of concurrent visual search process plays a crucial role in the functional interaction between two different types of attention.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the sensitivity of pigeons' choice to elapsed time since the last response (i.e., to inter-response time [IRT]) during concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules. Experiment 1 used a two-key discrete-trial procedure with variable intertrial intervals. Experiment 2 employed a three-key free-operant procedure. In both experiments choice was found to be a function of the active-schedule IRT, defined as the time since the most recent response. Monte Carlo simulations show how this finding permits the joining of several seemingly incompatible data sets held to both support and contradict a kind of choice strategy, termed momentary maximizing, which attempts to maximize momentary reinforcement probabilities. The studies suggest that only two variables are needed to describe the static molecular structure of concurrent variable-interval choice: active-schedule IRTs and "response states" consisting of the last one or two schedule choices.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that, in visual-search tasks, the comparison between target and display items does not require attentional capacity. In the present experiment we used a secondary-task paradigm to distinguish the amount and duration of the attentional demands of visual search. The subjects performed visual search (the primary task) and tone detection (the secondary task) concurrently over the course of five experimental sessions (1,440 trials). For each subject, target-response mapping was either consistent or varied for Days 1-5. The results indicate that the amount of attentional demand, as reflected in secondary-task performance, increased as a function of display size in the search task. Switching from consistent to varied mapping in a sixth experimental session increased both the amount and the duration of the attentional demands of the search. The present results support models of visual-search performance in which the comparison of target and display items requires attentional capacity.  相似文献   

An analysis of contrast effects in multiple schedules   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Some phenomena of behavioral contrast in multiple schedules are reviewed, and three accounts of contrast are considered. Rate changes within a constant schedule component (transient contrasts) are distinguished from rate changes across successive schedule cycles (sustained contrasts). Pigeons were exposed to a three-component multiple schedule, in which a stimulus correlated with a constant variable interval schedule of reinforcement was preceded by a stimulus correlated with more frequent variable interval reinforcement, or by an extinction stimulus. If the preceding stimulus was correlated with more frequent reinforcement, the response rate in the constant component was low and increased with time. If the preceding stimulus was correlated with extinction, the rate in the constant component was high and decreased with time. Similar transient contrasts were observed in a two-component multiple schedule with different variable interval schedules in the two components. The transient contrast effects in the three-component schedule were shown to depend on differential reinforcement frequency rather than differential response rate in the preceding component. Such transient contrasts were not sufficient to account for sustained contrast effects observed in these experiments. The relation of these findings to the concepts of excitation and inhibition is discussed.  相似文献   

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