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Subjects judged the quality of rigid motion between pairs of three-dimensional drawings that differed by a rotation in depth. The figures were aligned with, and rotated around, either the vertical axis or an axis that was oblique with respect to the XYZ co-ordinate system. Rated quality of motion decreased with increasing angular disparity between the figures and with decreasing stimulus duration, regardless of whether the figures were vertical or oblique. The same subjects then participated in a mental rotation task using the same stimuli and angular disparities. An effect of principal axis emerged, such that subjects took longer to make decisions about obliquely aligned stimuli than about vertically aligned stimuli, especially if they received the oblique stimuli first. These data imply that perceived versus imagined movement through the same trajectory involves different processes. Whereas the apparent motion system performs its computations relatively automatically, the processes involved in mental rotation are more strategic in nature.  相似文献   

An integrative approach to human memory is presented in the context of brain asymmetry. The results of psychophysiological investigations suggest that right-hemisphere functioning is closely associated with the limbic system; that association leads to the formation of a polysemantic context. Polysemantic context is determined by multiple interconnections among its elements; each element bears the stamp of the whole context. That context sustains episodic, personal, and emotionally laden memories. Left-hemisphere functioning leads to the formation of a monosemantic context, which is responsible for the maintenance of semantic memories. That distinction--in terms of general organization of material by hemispheres--explains such phenomena as memory disturbances among the very old, the influence of emotions on memory, and confabulations.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigates hemispheric differences in mediated priming. Theories of lexical representation have argued for an asymmetrical coding between the right and left hemispheres ([Beeman, 1998]), claiming that the right hemisphere is more diffusely represented compared to the left hemisphere. Thus, the right hemisphere activates a larger semantic field compared to the left hemisphere. Mediated (two-step) priming is an ideal task to examine this representational claim, because of the distant nature of the prime-target pairs. Results showed no difference in the magnitude of priming (both mediated and direct) between the right and left hemispheres. These results suggest that the lexical representation of the two hemispheres is equivalent, not asymmetrical as Beeman suggests.  相似文献   

Two visual half-field experiments tested Moscovitch’s (1979) proposition that cerebral asymmetry does not concern the earliest perceptual stages but only later processing. Subjects were briefly shown displays that included one (Experiment 1) or two (Experiment 2) types of forms differing in size and which, according to previous evidence, might lead to opposite laterality effects. Laterality effects were assessed for correct detections and for illusory conjunctions, both in terms of raw detection scores and in terms of perceptual discriminability (dr scores). In Experiment 1, displays included either rectangles or triangles. In the first case, the target was a cross; in the second case, it was a Star of David. A hemifield x size interaction was observed both on correct detections and on associated discriminability. Yet, no such interaction was obtained for illusory conjunctions or for associated d’ scores. In Experiment 2, the two types of forms were presented simultaneously, with the small ones either inside or outside the large ones. No laterality effects were observed. Some implications of these data for both hemispheric asymmetry and feature integration issues are discussed. The results suggest that early preattentive processes of feature extraction are not lateralized, whereas some integrative mechanisms, such as Treisman’s (1988) focal attention, may operate differently in the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

The suggestion of a functional hemispheric dissociation in performing perceptual categorization was examined in two tachistoscopic experiments with normal adults. Subjects were required to match physically identical or similar, but nonidentical, pictures of animals. The first experiment showed no hemispheric difference and indicated that both hemispheres could resort to two different types of categorization process as a function of the simultaneous or delayed mode of presentation of the stimuli. In the second experiment, the viewing conditions were manipulated so as to afford a reduced amount of stimulus energy, and a significant left-visual-field advantage was then obtained. The results are discussed with respect to models of information processing in the cerebral hemispheres, and in relation to impairments in object recognition following brain damage.  相似文献   

Subjects performed a lexical decision task in which letter-strings were presented unilaterally and tachistoscopically to the right and left visual fields. Four types of letter-strings were used: high frequency words, low frequency words, pronounceable nonwords, and unpronounceable nonwords. Measures of reaction time and error rate both showed a right visual field advantage for both classes of words and no difference between the hemispheres for either class of nonword. It was concluded that meaning is a more salient parameter of wordness than is pronounceability. Possible mechanisms for processing words presented to the left visual field were discussed.  相似文献   

The key idea behind the diagrammatic approach presented in the paper is that the sophisticated mechanisms of human visual construction also play an important role in natural languages. We propose a diagrammatic representation of English, giving examples, translation rules, and semantics. Special attention will be paid to anaphoric phenomena, in particular, the possibility of a uniform treatment of anaphoric pronouns.  相似文献   

The authors used the processing characteristics of the left and right cerebral hemispheres to gain some insight into the relation between self-affirmation and stereotyping. In Study 1, self-affirmation led to greater stereotyping (of a librarian) and to greater left hemisphere activation, which in turn mediated the self-affirmation/stereotyping relationship. Study 2 replicated these results but also found that self-affirmation decreased stereotyping for a stigmatized target. However, relative hemisphere activation did not mediate this self-affirmation/stereotyping relationship. These studies showed that self-affirmation can either increase or decrease stereotyping depending on the status of the target and that relative hemisphere activation may provide clues as to underlying processes of stereotyping. In both studies, relative hemisphere activation was assessed using a line bisection task. Discussion focuses on possible mechanisms of different kinds of stereotyping and on the ways in which a consideration of relative hemisphere activation could help researchers gain insights into those mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the right hemisphere (RH) has a unique role in maintaining activation of metaphoric single word meanings. The present study investigated hemispheric asymmetries in comprehending metaphoric word meanings within a sentence context. Participants were presented with incomplete priming sentences followed by (literally) true, false, or metaphoric lateralized target words and were asked to decide whether each sentence is literally true or false. Results showed that responses to metaphoric sentences were slower and less accurate than to false sentences when target words were presented to the right visual field (RVF)-LH as well as to the left visual field (LVF)-RH. This suggests that the understanding of lexical metaphors within a sentence context involves LH as well as RH processing mechanisms and that the role of each hemisphere in processing nonliteral language is flexible and may depend on the linguistic task at hand.  相似文献   

Strategies of semantic categorization in intact cerebral hemispheres were studied in two experiments by presenting names of typical and atypical category instances to the left visual field (LVF) (right hemisphere) or to the right visual field (RVF) (left hemisphere). The results revealed that the typicality of instances had a large effect on categorization times in the LVF in both experiments, suggesting that the right hemisphere relies strongly on a holistic, similarity-based comparison strategy. In Experiment 1, the typicality effect was weaker in the RVF than in the LVF. In Experiment 2, a typicality effect in the RVF was observed for the "four-footed animal" category but not for the "bird" category. The hypothesis that the left hemisphere employs a strategy based on defining or necessary features is not supported by the observed typicality effect in the "four-footed animal" category. Instead, it is suggested that the left hemisphere may be able to categorize on the basis of prestored instance-category knowledge. When such knowledge is not available (e.g., as for four-footed animals), a similarity-based comparison strategy is employed by the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

In four experiments, right-handed subjects were asked to identify uppercase letters presented tachistoscopically in the right (R) or left (L) visual field or in both visual fields simultaneously (RL). When R, L, and RL trials were randomized together and RL trials consisted of the same letter in each visual field (Experiments 1 and 2), 11 of 21 male subjects (Experiment 1) and 9 of 18 female subjects (Experiment 2) showed a strong left-visual-field advantage, and the remainder in each experiment showed an equivalently strong right-visual-field advantage. When the RL trials consisted of a different letter in the two visual fields (Experiment 3), a consistent right-visual-field advantage was observed. It is argued that these results reflect predominantly analytical (left-hemisphere) processing of “different” pairs and relatively holistic processing of “same” pairs, which induces a shift toward a right-hemisphere advantage in some subjects. The main purpose of three of the four experiments was to test five probability models of hemispheric integration: (1) statistical summation, which assumes that the hemispheres operate independently; (2) redundancy, which assumes that RL decisions reflect only processing by the more specialized hemisphere; (3) complete dependency, according to which RL decisions are the mean of Rand L decisions; (4) integration, which assumes that R and L decisions can be represented as vectors in a joint RL space; (5) correlation, according to which the Rand L decisions are assumed to be statistically dependent. Whether R, L, and RL trials were randomized together or RL trials were presented in separate blocks, models 1 and 4 could be clearly rejected. In general, the best predictor of RL performance was model 5. It is argued that the hemispheres function as an integrated system in letter identification.  相似文献   

Currently little is known about how implicit processes (i.e., cognitive processes that consumers are unaware of) are utilized as consumers read metaphoric advertisements. The field of cognitive neuroscience can help marketers better understand consumers' implicit processing by examining how each cerebral hemisphere uniquely contributes during metaphoric advertisement comprehension. A right hemisphere advantage has been demonstrated during metaphoric language processing; however, it is unclear how each hemisphere of the brain processes metaphors used in advertisements. This study combines the fields of marketing and cognitive neuroscience to investigate the hemispheric processing of metaphoric advertisements. Through the use of the divided visual field paradigm, participants read metaphor, literal, or neutral slogans and responded to related target words presented to either the left visual field‐right hemisphere or the right visual field‐left hemisphere. As predicted, there was a right hemisphere advantage, compared to the left hemisphere, for metaphoric slogans. Additionally, greater facilitation was evident in the right hemisphere for literal slogans compared to metaphoric slogans. Metaphoric messages were also remembered better than literal ones. These findings provide an in‐depth account of how consumers implicitly process messages, suggesting an important role of the right hemisphere during the comprehension of both metaphoric and literal messages. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This review examines the cerebral control of musical behaviors. In clinical populations, impairment of related musical and linguistic functions, such as reading, writing, articulation, time sense, and prosody, implies the likely role of the language hemisphere in music. Similarly, for both clinical and normal populations, an investigation of mental abilities common to music and language points to left hemisphere control for certain aspects of temporal order, duration, simultaneity, rhythm, effector motor control, and categorical perception. While clinical studies have revealed deficits in various kinds of music capabilities with both left and right cerebral lesions, normal subjects similarly demonstrate varying degrees of asymmetry for components of music emphasizing pitch, harmony, timbre, intensity, and rhythm. Since differential laterality effects are apparent as a function of subjects' training or adopted strategies, the way musical information is processed may be an important determinant of hemispheric mediation. One hemisphere should not be regarded as “dominant” for music, but rather each interacts with the other, operating according to its own specialization.  相似文献   

The respective efficiency of the cerebral hemispheres in processing visually presented vowels is discussed and examined in a tachistoscopic experiment with normal subjects. It is suggested that results from dichotic listening experiments cannot be used to predict performance on the same material in the visual modality. The physical characteristics of the stimulus, in both modalities, contribute to the pattern of hemispheric advantage and cannot be ignored in the interpretation of results from dichotic listening and tachistoscopic experiments.  相似文献   

Two experiments explored repetition priming benefits in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. In both experiments, a lateralized lexical decision task was employed using repeated target stimuli. In the first experiment, all targets were repeated in the same visual field, and in the second experiment the visual field of presentation was switched following repetition. Both experiments demonstrated hemispheric specialization for the task (a RVF advantage for word identification) and hemispheric interaction for word processing (lexicality priming from contralateral distracters). In the first experiment, words were identified more quickly and accurately following repetition, with repetition facilitating faster but fewer correct responses for non-words. Complex interactions between visual field of first and second presentation in the second experiment indicate asymmetric interhemispheric repetition priming effects. These results provide a broad picture of hemispheric asymmetries in word processing and of complex interaction between the hemispheres during word recognition.  相似文献   

In 2002 Shibahara and Lucero-Wagoner, using a priming paradigm, reported a larger facilitation for concrete noun pairs in the right than left hemisphere when the stimulus onset asynchrony was 250 msec. Their related prime-target pairs were similar not only in meaning but also perceptual attributes, such as shape. They had reported such perceptual information to be available only in the right hemisphere early in target processing. Thus, we predicted that, when the stimulus onset asynchrony is long, there would be no effect of perceptual information on target processing in the right hemisphere, resulting in no hemispheric differences in the amount of facilitation. We also predicted that target processing would be inhibited by prior presentation of unrelated primes only in the left hemisphere because inhibition seems to be produced by the attention system in the left hemisphere. The present experiment was designed to test these predictions, using the stimulus onset asynchrony of 550 msec. and the same prime-target pairs. Analysis showed no hemispheric differences in the amount of facilitation, and inhibition effects for unrelated pairs were produced in both hemispheres. It is suggested that the inhibition effects in each hemisphere might be produced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Modes of word recognition in the left and right cerebral hemispheres   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Four experiments are reported examining the effects of word length on recognition performance in the left and right visual hemifields (LVF, RVF). In Experiments 1 and 2 length affected lexical decision latencies to words presented in the LVF but not to words presented in the RVF. This result was found for both concrete and abstract nouns. Changing from a normal horizontal format to the use of unconventionally "stepped" words, however, produced length effects for words in both visual hemifields (Experiment 3). The Length x VHF interaction was found once again in Experiment 4 where subjects classified words as either concrete or abstract. A model proposing two modes of visual processing of letter strings is presented to account for these findings. Mode A operates independent of string length and is seen only in left hemisphere analysis of familiar words. Mode B is length dependent: it is the only mode possessed by the right hemisphere but is displayed by the left hemisphere to nonwords and to words in abnormal formats.  相似文献   

Recent computational models describing the contribution of the cerebral hemispheres to visual imagery have suggested an exclusive capacity of the left hemisphere to generate multipart images. A brief review of relevant findings indicates that the evidence presented in support of this suggestion is not entirely compelling; this prompted a reexamination of this issue in a lateral tachistoscopic study on normal adults. Sixteen subjects participated in two experiments in which they had to decide whether or not a lowercase letter contained a segment extending above or below the main body of the letter. This decision was made directly on lowercase letters in one experiment (perceptual task) and on their generated images in the other experiment (imagery task). The quality of the letters (clear or blurred) and the retinal eccentricity of stimulus presentation (small or large) were orthogonally manipulated. The perceptual task yielded no main effect of visual field but a significant interaction of visual field and letter quality. By contrast, the imagery task resulted in a left visual-field superiority but no interaction involving the visual fields--a departure from predictions based on current models of visual imagery. In addition, the pattern of results in the imagery task corresponded to that obtained with blurred letters in the perceptual task, suggesting limitations in spatial resolution of visual images. Implications of these results for models of cerebral lateralization and visual imagery are discussed.  相似文献   

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