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“本体诠释学”是著名美籍华裔学者、夏威夷大学哲学教授成中英先生创立的哲学理论.这一学说的基本理论特色在于:在哲学内容上,它要整合西方传统的知识哲学和中国传统的价值哲学,从而统一科学主义传统与人文主义传统;在哲学方法上,它既要保有中国哲学“机体理性”之圆融与统贯,又要吸纳西方哲学“机械理性”之明晰与条理.其理想目标则是要建立人类未来整体性的“世界哲学”.本体诠释学的提出,已经引起了海内外学人的广泛关注与重视.本文拟从中国哲学现代化与世界化的视角,对本体诠释学作一评析.限于篇幅,再加之国内学界对本体诠释学已有相当了解,本文将不对本体诠释学的具体内容加以系统梳理,而只是在论述中随文点出有关内容.  相似文献   

成中英以本体诠释与诠释本体的区分为视角,判定中西哲学传统之差异。在此基础上,他吸收并融合两个传统中的本体论思想,建构了本体诠释学。本体诠释学以哲学诠释学、知识论诠释学以及中国古代《周易》中的宇宙本体论为其思想背景,包含本、体、诠释三个共为一体的基本环节。它试图以此贯通西方哲学传统中的人文主义与科学主义以及中西两大哲学传统。围绕这两个贯通如何实现的问题,进一步深究其文本可以发现,本体诠释学实质上是以实用主义为基调、以黑格尔主义为思想框架的一种有关本体的思辨。深化这一理路,我们发现它将陷入怀疑论与独断论的两难选择,无法达到真正意义上的贯通。  相似文献   

马克思主义法哲学理论认为:法的本体是社会物质生活条件,蕴藏在其中的法是法律的本质,法律是对法的表述.以马克思主义法哲学本体论为思维进路,环境法的本体包括有限的物质世界和人类经济活动的历史实践.有限的物质世界是一个能量循环系统;人类经济活动主观上通过对物质世界的能量输出换回生存所需要的资源,客观上是人类与环境之间的能量交换.在人类经济活动实践中,受追求资源的主观愿望的驱使,人类忘记了世界的有限性这个客观前提,在自发而不自觉的状态下以无限的符号来表述有限的世界,经济活动的主客观层面由此发生分裂.有限的世界和无限的符号的矛盾是环境问题产生的根本原因,是环境法产生的根源,也是我们研究环境法的起点.  相似文献   

经典诠释学与中国哲学研究的范式问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来 ,随着西方诠释学在中国传播和研究的日益深入 ,以及在很大程度上一度被学界遗忘的中国传统经学重新回到当代学术研究的理论视野中 ,“经典诠释学”研究正在形成中国哲学研究中的一个新热点、新方向。时下汉语哲学界的诠释学研究 ,大致有三个相互关联的理论向度 :一是对西方诠释学的介绍和研究 ,以洪汉鼎先生对西方诠释学原典的辶多 译和诠释学理论的研究为代表 ;二是着眼于中西诠释传统的比较 ,充分吸收中西哲学各派的理论资源 ,创立富有个性特色的现代诠释理论 ,以成中英先生倡导的“本体诠释学”为代表 ;三是立足于中国本土的诠释…  相似文献   

本文对禅宗与中西传统哲学思维方式作了比较,认为禅宗对中西哲学传统思维方式的扬弃,表现在禅宗由对终极存在之本体及还原性演绎思维的否定,抵达了“无我”的“无境界”  相似文献   

中国古代哲学中的"本体"概念考辨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"本体论"(ontology)的说法为中国传统文化所无,"本体"却是中国固有之词,"本体论"一词从其面世之日起就具有了中西文化对话与交流的性质。如今我们要重新检视"本体论"的用法,首先要讨论的就是这种文化层面的格义与会通之前提是否成立。本文为此对中国古代哲学中的"本体"用法做了考辨。  相似文献   

老子之道是一种本体论意义的道体,这已成为学界共识。那么,这种道体是如何体现的?我们又该如何从完整的意义上理解它,以便更贴近老子道论哲学思想的主旨?笔者认为,老子道论哲学存在着一个坐标体系:如果说其纵坐标是存在本体的话,那么其横坐标则是价值本体;老子之道是存在本体与价值本体的统一。从纵坐标上说,道体作为形而上的存在本体,是相对于形而下的具体存  相似文献   

中国传统哲学是在经典的诠释中发展的,<周易>诠释学的转变直接促成了北宋理学的发生发展.中国古代的经典诠释学的结构可以分为经典的诠释对象、经典诠释的主体和经典诠释三方面,而经典的诠释又可以分析为诠释模式、诠释内涵和诠释风格.对于北朱理学的易学诠释来说,其话语系统是重视义理,其内在理路是坚持"体用一源"的本体与现象的圆融,同时又开出独具特色的修养论与功夫论,其诠释内涵则坚持天道性命的贯通,而赋予本体以价值意义.北宋理学家正是由易学诠释学,从玄学中转出来,而能与佛、道抗衡.理学家对<周易>的解释也解决了会通<孟子>与<中庸>、<易传>的问题.  相似文献   

美国夏威夷大学哲学系成中英教授,是国内学术界知名的海外华人学者.自1956年赴美留学起,他就立志要“深入西方哲学的核心重建中国哲学”.他创立了“本体诠释学”,致力于推进中国哲学的现代化与世界化.1992年6月,成教授回大陆参加学术会议.6月19日,笔者应约随著名中国哲学史家方克立教授在北京中国人民大学访问了成先生,他集中谈了有关本体诠释学的几个问题.  相似文献   

在《周易》与“世界哲学”之间──论本体诠释学的哲学路向李翔海面对中西文化的撞击,力图融合会通以创立整合中西的理论学说,成为现代中国哲学家的共同特色。著名美籍华裔学者、国际易经学会创始人、夏威夷大学哲学系成中英教授就是其中颇有理论建树者之一。他“深入西...  相似文献   

Frank Saunders Jr. 《Dao》2014,13(2):215-229
In this paper, I examine the concept of truth in classical Chinese philosophy, beginning with a critical examination of Chad Hansen’s claim that it has no such concept. By using certain passages that emphasize analogous concepts in the philosophy of language of the Later Mohist Canons, I argue that while there is no word in classical Chinese that functions as truth generally does in Western philosophy for grammatical reasons, the Later Mohists were certainly working with a notion of semantic adequacy in which a language-to-world relationship is made an object of investigation, challenging Hansen’s position that classical Chinese functions within a primarily pragmatic linguistic framework in which a language-to-user relationship determines the meaning of words.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the tenets of the politics of postmodern philosophy of science. At issue are Rouse’s version of naturalism and his reading of Quine’s distinction between the indeterminacy of translation and the underdetermination of theories by empirical evidence. I argue that the postmodern approach to science’s research practices as patterns of interaction within the world is not in line with the naturalistic account Rouse aims at. I focus also on Rouse’s readings of Heidegger’s existential conception of science and Kuhn’s concept of normal science. Finally, a strategy of defending science’s cognitive distinctiveness in terms of hermeneutic philosophy is suggested as an alternative to the postmodern philosophy of science.  相似文献   

A paradoxical attitude exists toward professional philosophy: philosophical inquiry is considered important and complex, but professionals are deemed irrelevant and unnecessary. This paradox doubly affects sport philosophy as evidenced by the field’s marginalization in higher education and sociopolitical discourse. To counter the sport philosophy paradox, I present a pragmatically oriented three-dimensional approach to inquiry that turns the field “inside-out”. A community of engaged, melioratively oriented sport philosophy inquirers in this 3D model collectively conducts theoretical (horizontal dimension), applied (vertical dimension), and instrumental (depth dimension) inquiry. Each dimension is outlined in detail from a professional sport philosophy perspective, and implications are considered relative to the field’s future endeavors.  相似文献   

苏佳佳  叶浩生 《心理学报》2020,52(3):386-398
西方“具身认知”心理学与赋存在中国文化里的以“天人合一”为核心的“体知”心理学思想息息相通, 而中国文化又有其独异于西方文化的“身体”智慧。文化的源头实为神话。追根溯源, 本文主要从具身认知的视阈中将中西方神话中“身体”的角色两相比照, 首先从本体论维度以现象学诠释的方法来描述神话的身体母体是如何生成的, 并以天地开辟神话、万物肇始神话和人类起源神话为例揭示中国“身体”的本体论特色—— 一元论; 其次再从空间维度以概念隐喻的理论来剖析神话的身体现象学场域是如何延展的, 并从物我同一角度、天人交感角度和人神相通角度来彰显中国“身体”的空间维度特色——气论; 最后再从时间维度以社会建构理论来解构神话的身体是如何在时间场域中流变的; 并从社会、文化和历史三个层面来表达中国“身体”的时间维度特色——易论。通过从中国神话故事中挖掘中国传统文化中独有的“具身智慧”, 以期为建立中国人自己的科学心理学起抛砖引玉之用。  相似文献   

Michael Slote 《Dao》2013,12(3):271-282
Ethicists haven’t paid much attention recently to the Chinese complementarity of yin and yang. That complementarity can be updated to take into account and also form the basis for some of our contemporary ethical thinking. In my From Enlightenment to Receptivity, I argue that Western thought has overemphasized rational control/autonomy at the expense of the countervailing virtue of receptivity, and it turns out that the yin/yang complementarity can be profitably viewed as anticipating and clarifying a complementarity between receptivity and rational control that recent developments in Western philosophical thought point us toward. But just as Western philosophy has overemphasized rational autonomy, Chinese thinking hasn’t sufficiently appreciated its importance. Both Chinese and Western thought need to seek a more even balance between autonomy/control and receptivity, but the idea of such balance comes more from yin and yang than from anything in previous Western philosophy.  相似文献   

Joshua Mason 《Dao》2018,17(4):479-497
An ongoing debate in comparative research is about whether we should see cultural diversities as manifestations of essential differences or as superficial variations on a universal blueprint. Edward Slingerland has pointed to cognitive science and the use of embodied metaphors to emphasize the universality of concept formation and cognition across cultures. He suggests that this should quiet the “cultural essentialists” who take fundamental differences in Eastern and Western thinking as their starting points. Michael Puett has also leveled a critique of cultural essentialism in support of a presuppositionless approach, and Slingerland’s conclusions seem to offer him support. However, I will argue that even if all modern humans are broadly similar in metaphor use and cognitive processes, research in the humanities must continue to account for the differences implied by the particular metaphors employed and emphasized in diverse traditions. I contend that responsible hermeneutic practice does this through provisional, yet indispensable, generalizations.  相似文献   

William James is one of the first philosophers with significant international influence in the history of American philosophy. James played an extremely important role in the emergence and development of American pragmatism, striving to show cultural self-confidence and pursuing the localization as well as independence of philosophy in the development of America. It is of great importance to further study James’s philosophy in the context of contemporary academics. Academia should value the collection, editing, translation and research of the philosophical classics of James and important literatures, pay attention to the clues of development and academic trends of the important concepts and ideas of James’s pragmatism philosophy, and rethink the status and influence of James’s philosophy in modern Western philosophy, trying to carry out comparative studies between James’s philosophy and traditional Chinese philosophy.  相似文献   

Psychology has not fully engaged with the possible reality of transcendence, spirit, or the divine, largely due to unexamined assumptions that prevent taking religious experience and transcendence seriously. Eugene Long’s reflections on experience and transcendence, key ideas from hermeneutic philosophy, including Brent Slife’s conception of “strong relationality,” Peter Berger’s analysis of modern dilemmas and “many realities,” Louis Dupré’s discussion of an ingrained “objectivism” that has long colored and probably distorted Western philosophy, theology, and the social sciences, and Vaclav Havel’s suggestion of a “need for transcendence” in a postmodern world roughly cohere and go a long way toward dismantling the “encapsulated self” that must either reject transcendence altogether or reach it only by way of a blind and indefensible “leap” out of the modern situation.  相似文献   

In the history of Chinese philosophy, Mozi calls music a “waste of resources,” considering it an aristocratic extravagance that does not benefit the everyday people. In its defense, Confucians highlight music's moral and metaphysical qualities, arguing that music aids in moral cultivation and that music's form mimics the structure of reality. The aim of this article is to show that Korean philosophers provide yet another reason to think music is important. Music, and art in general, was used to express a national identity at a time Korean philosophers were beginning to develop their own aesthetic consciousness in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A cultural movement called Joseonpoong (???), “Joseon wind,” marked a shift away from Sinocentrism and toward Korea's own unique values and practices. The new attempt to justify art's value apart from its relationship to morality or metaphysics set Joseon thinkers apart from their Chinese predecessors. Using art for identity expression allowed the Koreans to reconceive art's value while Sinocentric cosmological and cultural views were being challenged with the introduction of Western knowledge. Art also became a tool for reversing hermeneutic injustice as new artistic practices and standards allowed the Koreans to meaningfully engage with previously neglected aspects of their lived lives.  相似文献   

This paper revisits some of Marx's central philosophical ideas with the attempt to understand the thinker's real place in the history of the Western philosophical tradition. It does not only show that the philosophical dimension is central to Marx's economic and political works, and therefore his contributions to philosophy merit special investigation, but it also argues that Marx is a descendant of classic German philosophy, and thus his views should be assessed in the context of the development of the philosophical ideas that emerged within that tradition.  相似文献   

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