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在民国时期穆斯林新文化运动中,穆斯林学者对中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化做了深入的分析与对比,并对它们之间的关系问题作了深刻的反思,促进了中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化的互相交流与相互理解。民国时期穆斯林学者们的探索历程是一种积极的文明对话行为,有着很强的文化自觉意识。他们的这种文化认知行为和理论解释范式不仅是时代背景下文化多元意识的需要,而且也是推动跨文明对话的精神动力和有效途径。  相似文献   

四川伊斯兰教具有悠久的历史 ,四川回族是积极向上的民族。在21世纪来临之际 ,国家实施西部大开发的战略 ,这给四川回族穆斯林带来了新的机遇。四川穆斯林素以重视文化著称 ,在西部大开发的时代洪流中 ,其伊斯兰文化精神值得汲取。为此 ,探讨四川穆斯林的文化传统 ,就具有一定的现实意义。文学文秩名人辈出四川穆斯林经历元明清时期的迁徙定居 ,已逐渐形成独树一帜的巴蜀伊斯兰文化 ,在传统的巴蜀儒释道文化圈内 ,增加了新的民族宗教文化内容。进入近现代时期 ,四川穆斯林文化名人辈出 ,伊斯兰教文化亦出现兴盛局面。在近现代倡导西学的潮…  相似文献   

伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教之一,分布在 170多个国家和地区。穆斯林总人口约有12亿,占世界总人口的五分之一。主要居住在中东、中亚、南亚、北非等地。尽管伊斯兰国家有四、五十个之多,但没有一个是发达国家,多数是二战后新独立的发展中国家,经济、文化比较落后。在反对霸权、维护主权的斗争中,大多数伊斯兰国家赞成和支持我国在人权问题上的立场,反对西方利用人权干预他国内政的强暴行径。 为了纪念伊斯兰教历进入15世纪,2000年年初,欧洲伊斯兰理事会在欧洲穆斯林人数最多的法国召开会议,由世界一些杰出的穆斯林学者、法…  相似文献   

<正>四、近现代伊斯兰思潮及其影响问:近代以来,为了应对时代的挑战,适应新的社会环境和发展方向,穆斯林学者对伊斯兰教的某些教义做出新的解释,出现了新的伊斯兰思潮和流派,对世界各地穆斯林产生着直接或间接的影响,一些地区的穆斯林将这些新思潮和主张付诸实践,也产生过重要的政治影响。在您看来,近现代伊斯兰思潮的主要的表现形式是什么?对当代伊斯兰教的发展有何影响?  相似文献   

犹太人无国度而幸存千年现象成为学者研究的一个"谜".本文以伊斯兰世界崛起时犹太人为研究切入点,梳理伊斯兰世界犹太人的社会组织、经济生活和文化历史,揭示犹太-穆斯林文化的跨文化关系.这两种文化不断交融,互助共生,创造了犹太历史上最发达的物质文明和最伟大的文化遗产,架起了古代和现代之间的一座宏伟的桥梁,从一个侧面解析犹太人幸存之"谜".  相似文献   

问:近代以来,为了应对时代的挑战,适应新的社会环境和发展方向,穆斯林学者对伊斯兰教的某些教义做出新的解释,出现了新的伊斯兰思潮和流派,对世界各地穆斯林产生着直接或间接的影响,一些地区的穆斯林将这些新思潮和主张付诸实践,也产生过重要的政治影响。在您看来,近现代伊斯兰思潮的主要的表现形式是什么?对当代伊斯兰教的发展有何影响?  相似文献   

2015年2月3-4日,"中国与穆斯林世界:文化相遇"("China and the Muslim World:Cultural Encounters")国际学术研讨会在土耳其伊斯坦布尔召开。本次研讨会是受外交部委托、由中国社会科学院和伊斯兰合作组织(OIC)所属伊斯兰历史、艺术与文化研究中心(IRCICA)合作主办的国际学术会议。本次会议邀请到来自中国和伊斯兰世界数十位具有影响力的代表参加,内容涉及"丝绸之路上的中国与伊斯兰世界交往"、"现代中国与穆斯林国家之间的国际交往"、"全球化语境中的中国与穆斯林世界"等中国与穆斯林世界文明交往的重要理论与现实问题,是一次具有较高规格和较大影响力的国际学术研讨会,对促进中国  相似文献   

<正>一、引言现代伊斯兰思想重建是穆斯林思想家和学者们在受到现实问题的冲击,面对伊斯兰的信仰与穆斯林社会在时代的发展进程中陷入重重危机的情况下,反思伊斯兰思想传统,试图通过理论更新与重建,走出时代困境的历时逾百年的文化工程。随着历史的发展,出现在十九世纪上半叶的伊斯兰现代主义,带有明显“改良派”的特性:它以埃及人拉法尔·塔赫塔威(1801-1875)译介西方思想的文化启蒙运动为开端,  相似文献   

人权,是一个关涉政治、经济、社会、教育、文化等多方面内涵的范畴,表征着人类对自由、平等、安全和幸福的共同追求和美好憧憬。但由于社会经济水平、文化历史传统诸多因素的制约,人权内容只能随着经济的发展和社会的进步而不断丰富,各国家、各民族人们实际享有的人权也会表现出一定程度的差异性,这本来是极为正常的现象,但这种差异性却成了一些西方国家歪曲别国形象、干涉他国内政的借口。长期以来,一些西方学者和媒体对伊斯兰人权横加指责、肆意污蔑,这除了其别有用心的目的外,对伊斯兰人权观基本精神的无知或掩盖也是其重要原因…  相似文献   

在穆斯林看来,《古兰经》是神圣的天启经典,是伊斯兰教的信仰、礼仪、教义学思想和伦理道德的理论基础。"它在穆斯林的世俗生活和宗教生活中,具有神圣地位。"正如美国学者希提在《阿拉伯通史》中说:"《古兰经》是伊斯兰教的基础,是一切精神问题和伦理问题的根据,故《古兰经》具有重大的宗教影响……"正是由于《古兰经》的神圣性,穆斯林学者都以一种敬畏的心态慎重地对待它。  相似文献   

In this essay the author criticizes two opposite approaches to the relationship between Islam and human rights: the incriminating and the apologetic approach. They are either anachronistic in that they judge the rules of classical Islamic jurisprudence by present‐day standards, or they entirely ignore its heritage. The author attempts instead to develop a new approach whereby classical Islamic jurisprudence is analyzed in its historical context. In order to examine whether Islam recognized a notion of fundamental rights, the author first tries to establish to what extent the notion of legal equality is recognized in Islamic law. Secondly, he examines two hierarchical legal relationships, viz. that between master and slave and that between husband and wife, in order to find which basic and inalienable rights Islamic law assigns to the weaker party in these relationships. His conclusion is that classical Islamic law offers points of departure for the development of a modern theory of human rights rooted in Islamic notions.>  相似文献   

Lisa Wersal 《Zygon》1995,30(3):451-459
Abstract. Mounting globed environmental challenges beg for cross-cultural discussions that highlight underlying cultural values regarding nature. This paper explores the insights of Islamic scholars as they examine the interaction of Islamic culture and the West. The Western worldview that separates religion and science, value and fact, in particular differs from Islamic tradition, which sees all facets of life and affairs as interconnected by virtue of their common source—the Creator. As traditional Islamic values have been abandoned to adopt modern Western technologies, environmental problems have intensified in the Muslim world. Islamic scholars urge a return to Islamic ideals that reflect a sacramental view of the physical universe, and they champion the revival of an Islamic science that synthesizes empirical study and symbolic cognition.  相似文献   

This review of Irene Oh's The Rights of God focuses on women's rights in Islamic theory and practice. Oh suggests that religious establishments, and the texts they disseminate, often press believers to recognize and reject social problems, such as racial and gender discrimination. Islamic scholars and texts have played a more ambiguous role in efforts to recognize women's rights within Muslim states. Modernist intellectuals have used Islamic texts to support the advancement of women's rights, but members of the more conservative religious establishment have typically curbed or rejected these efforts. Muslim women themselves have established various responses to the question of Islam's compatibility with women's rights. While some embrace the value and compatibility of both, others reject the propriety of either Western conceptions of rights, or the Islamic tradition, as harmful for women. Muslim reformers and feminists have much to learn from comparative studies with other faith communities that have undergone similar struggles and transformations.  相似文献   

A uniquely Islamic theoretical framework for an Islamic psychology has yet to be established. To do so requires that we understand how human beings are conceptualized within the cosmology that characterizes the Islamic tradition. This paper presents a model of the soul from within an Islamic paradigm, generated through a grounded theory analysis of interviews with 18 key informants with relevant academic or religious expertise. The model elaborates aspects of a mechanism for the development of the soul that constitutes a potential foundation for an Islamic theory of human psychology and has particular relevance for Islamic approaches to psychotherapy.  相似文献   


This article argues that blasphemy laws and a cultural relativist approach to human rights have a political function in authoritarian states. Islamic states use a strong cultural relativist approach to justify their dismal human rights record. The main aim of this approach, however, is survival. The article shows how Islamic countries use religion for their own political survival purposes and how blasphemy laws are often used to silence critique of political, social and religious orders that infringe on basic human rights. From this perspective, blasphemy laws are tools of oppression, not a symbol of cultural and religious difference. By highlighting how blasphemy laws and a cultural relativist approach to religion have been used as tools of oppression by authoritarian regimes, the article underscores the importance of freedom of expression for any functioning democracy.  相似文献   

The Islamic philosophical, mystical, and theological sub‐traditions have each made characteristic assumptions about the human person, including an incorporation of substance dualism in distinctive manners. Advances in the brain sciences of the last half century, which include a widespread acceptance of death as the end of essential brain function, require the abandonment of dualistic notions of the human person that assert an immaterial and incorporeal soul separate from a body. In this article, I trace classical Islamic notions of death and the soul, the modern definition of death as “brain death,” and some contemporary Islamic responses to this definition. I argue that a completely naturalistic account of human personhood in the Islamic tradition is the best and most viable alternative for the future. This corporeal monistic account of Muslim personhood as embodied consciousness incorporates the insights of pre‐modern Muslim thinkers yet rehabilitates their characteristic mistakes and thus has the advantages of neuroscientific validity and modern relevance in trans‐cultural ethical discourse; it also helps to alleviate organ shortages in countries with majority Muslim populations, a serious ethical impasse of recent years.  相似文献   

A dialogical approach to understanding Islamic ethics rejects objectivist methods in favor of a conversational model in which participants accept each other as rational moral agents. Hans-Georg Gadamer asserts the importance of agreement upon a subject matter through conversation as a means to gaining insight into other persons and cultures, and Jürgen Habermas stresses the importance of fairness in dialogue. Using human rights as a subject matter for engaging in dialogue with Islamic scholars, Muslim perspectives on issues such as democracy, toleration, and freedom of conscience emerge. A capabilities approach to human rights, such as that developed by Martha Nussbaum, enables the coexistence of multiple religious ethical visions while insisting upon the need to protect and nurture essential human abilities.  相似文献   

It is a common belief that Islamic-based government, when serving as an ideological foundation for government, facilitates the poor protection of human rights. However, most studies of the relationship between Islam and individual rights have been at the theoretical and anecdotal levels. In this article, I test the relationship between Islam and human rights across a sample of 23 predominately Muslim countries and a control group of non-Muslim developing nations, while controlling for other factors that have been shown to affect human rights practices. I found that the influence of Islamic political culture on government has a statistically insignificant relationship with the protection of human rights.  相似文献   

An Islamic debate on human rights has been developing actively over recent decades. Within that debate there has been a more specific one on religious pluralism and the rights of religious minorities in Muslim society and the Islamic state. This article briefly reviews initial responses to the United Nations Charter and then sets a historical context, before looking in more detail at selected writers such as Muh?ammad Sal L ¥ m al-?Awwa, Rashid Al-Ghan nouchi and Syed Z. Abedin, each coming at the subject from different perspectives.  相似文献   

Nidhal Guessoum 《Zygon》2008,43(2):411-431
We discuss the special place of the Qur'an in the Muslim discourse in general and on science in particular. The Qur'an has an unparalleled influence on the Muslim mind, and understanding the Islamic treatise on science and religion must start from this realization. We explore the concept of science in the Islamic culture and to what extent it can be related to the Qur'an. Reviewing various Islamic discourses on science, we show how a simplistic understanding of the plan to adopt modern science within an Islamic revival program has been corrupted in the form of the theory of “scientific miraculousness of the Qur'an.” We assess and dismiss this theory but use it to show how a serious misunderstanding of the nature of modern science and a narrow view of the Qur'an has led to that embarrassingly popular yet misguided theory. We conclude by promoting a multiplicity of readings of the Qur'an and show that this allows for an enlightenment of one's interpretation of Qur'anic verses, using various tools at one's disposal, including scientific knowledge. We uphold Averroes's principle of “no possible conflict,” which can be used to persuade the Muslim public of a given idea not by proving that it can be found in the Qur'an but rather by showing that at least some readings of it are fully consistent with the given scientific theory.  相似文献   

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