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The film Groundhog Day first came out in 1993. Five years later, it is still cited in a variety of contexts. The author proposes that this is because the film is a cultural artefact which both elucidates and frustrates the ideal of romantic love in the couple as the agent of internal change.

The author also proposes a re-viewing of the meaning of the concept of couple. The convergence of object relations theories with group analysis suggests that the mind works by repeating and externalizing internal group structures in social relationships. The couple, then, becomes an intermediary structure between the individual and the group where intimacy facilitates a re-working of group internal structures. It is the collapsing and the opening of the ‘space between’ which is the agent of change. This process creates strength, power and a feeling of wholeness. But it also implies the expression of anger, pain and disappointment. The author illustrates these points with an interpretation of the Groundhog Day film and with a clinical case study of a couple in therapy.  相似文献   

A social-psychological and historical context for understanding con-temporary sex roles, fertility, parenting, and the family is provided by reviewing origins and objectives of the Women's Movement. Feminist efforts to change social structures affecting women's choice of roles and fertility require continued attention. Increased voluntary childlessness seriously challenges the concept of motherhood as central to adult feminine identity and legitimization of choice in whether or not to become a parent provides a new context for studying women, sex roles, fertility, and their complex relationships to the social structure. Continued challenges to premises, methodologies, and conclusions of such research are urged.  相似文献   


Ego equality, a term originating with the author, is the individual's ability to be a peer and to engage in peer interactions. This ability is a basic factor of dyadic systems. However, it is a factor that is often overlooked because of its apparent simplicity. Ego equality is presented here to accent the importance of the concept and to reinforce the significance of cross-gender partnership as a core issue in ail work with couples.

The dyadic system is examined in terms of hierarchical structure. In addition the historical antecedents of inequitable structures are explored in the context of families of origin and other social systems. Disturbances in peer interactions are viewed as the foundation of symptom such as excessive non-productive conflict, unsatisfying sexual relations, and a loss of intimacy. Other therapeutic considerations are included.  相似文献   

A number of anthropologists have argued that religious concepts are minimally counterintuitive and that this gives them mnemic advantages. This paper addresses the question of why people have the memory architecture that results in such concepts being more memorable than other types of concepts by pointing out the benefits of a memory structure that leads to better recall for minimally counterintuitive concepts and by showing how such benefits emerge in the real-time processing of comprehending narratives such as folk tales. This model suggests that memorability is not an inherent property of a concept; rather it is a property of the concept, the context in which the concept is presented, and the background knowledge that the comprehendor possesses about the concept. The model predicts how memorability of a concept should change if the context containing the concept were changed. The paper also presents the results of experiments carried out to test these predictions.  相似文献   

W Bohleber 《Psyche》1992,46(4):336-365
Recent findings from research on human development have implications for the psychoanalytic concepts of self and identity. The emerging feeling of selfhood appears to be the precipitate of finely tuned interactive regulations involving mother and child. Similarly, early mirroring processes are shown to have a fundamental significance for the experimental structure of self and identity. The author discusses the new meanings acquired by the identity concept as a result of these investigations. He describes the elementary psychic structures of identity as well as the subordinate regulatory function of the sense of identity.  相似文献   

Theories of attitude change have failed to identify the architecture of interattitudinal structures and relate it to attitude change. This article examines two models (a hierarchical and a spatial–linkage model) of interattitudinal structure that explicitly posit consequences for attitude change. An experiment (N= 391) was conducted that manipulated type of hierarchy (explicit versus implicit), whether the hierarchy was primed or not, and the location in the hierarchy to which a message was directed. Whereas the hierarchical model predicts only top–down influence of attitudes on each other, a spatial–linkage model predicts that linked attitudes may influence each other regardless of hierarchical position. The results support the spatial–linkage model in that interattitudinal change is constrained less by a concept's relative position in a hierarchical structure than by the concept's association with other concepts in that structure. Furthermore, within these interattitudinal structures, concepts directly targeted by a persuasive message often exhibit less attitude change than related concepts to which the focal concept appears to be linked. Finally, an explicit hierarchy of concepts appears to facilitate interattitudinal influence much more than an implicit hierarchy of concepts does; the key to this facilitation seems to be the mental accessibility of the organizational structure.  相似文献   

In this essay, the author recommends a reformulation of the psychoanalytic concept of pojection. The author proposes that projective processes are not merely defensive maneuvers that interfere with perception, but rather an essential means by which human perception is rendered possible. It is the manner in which human beings test and-evaluate reality in terms of their experiential structure, and their needs for survival and nourishment. Projection is the early phase of introjection.  相似文献   

The idea of change is one of the most fundamental concepts underlying practice in counseling and guidance. Yet the complexity of change, as it applies to people, is seldom examined in detail by the counseling practitioner. The author discusses the concept of change through its definition and looks at different forms of change, different change tempos, and the value of change for people. He concludes with a change position that attempts to identify the counselor not only as a change agent but also as a preservationist.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss compensatory structure, a concept from Kohut's (1971, 1977) psychology of the self that is not as familiar as Kohut's other views about the self. Compensatory structures are attempts to repair selfobject failure, usually by strengthening idealization or twinship in the face of mirroring deficits. Compensatory structures, particularly their early indications, can be detected on projective tests for identifying adaptive resources and treatment potential. The clinical identification of compensatory structures on test findings is described using Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test (Murray, 1943) content. Particular attention is devoted to the 2-part process of demonstrating first, an injury to the self, and second, how attempts to recover from such injuries can be detected on projective tests. Clinical examples are provided, and the differentiation between compensatory structures and defenses and sublimation is discussed.  相似文献   

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda 《Dialog》2023,62(3):244-252
This article explores shame and moral agency in relationship to the climate catastrophe, and the moral situation of the world's relatively high-consuming people who are implicated in greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. The author complexifies that situation in the conundrums of climate colonialism, climate racism, structural sin, and the moral ambiguities they raise, including such questions as: “What are the moral demands of climate sin grounded in historically rooted economic systems that one did not create but upon which the material conditions of one's life depend? To what extent, if any, is the individual morally accountable for the social structures of which one is a part and from which one benefits?” From there, the essay moves to its central question. It is whether shame theory might help to enable moral agency for what is desperately needed now by people of climate privilege and economic privilege in the North Atlantic world—wise and courageous action to address climate change and climate injustice. The article probes shame theory for clues to what disables moral agency and what catalyzes it. The author finds in shame theory pathways for transforming shame-based moral inertia into moral agency. Those pathways suggest vital roles for the church.  相似文献   


The study of concepts can advance further by clarifying the meanings of basic terms such as “prototype” and by constructing a large-scale primary taxonomy of concept types. This paper presents the latter, based on concept structure, two secondary concept taxonomies and one of conceptual structures. The primary taxonomy organises much data and several previous taxonomies into a single framework. It suggests that many concept types exist, and that type determines how a concept is learned, is used and how it develops. As well as enumerating and interrelating some major types, the taxonomy predicts that many individuals' concepts will consist of mixes of information types. The present study suggests that the field will progress faster by ceasing to look for the single way anything is done. A better strategy is to enumerate concept types, ways each can be learned and developmental patterns, and then see what variables affect these and how common each is.  相似文献   

Factor analysis and principal component analysis are usually followed by simple structure rotations of the loadings. These rotations optimize a certain criterion (e.g., varimax, oblimin), designed to measure the degree of simple structure of the pattern matrix. Simple structure can be considered optimal if a (usually large) number of pattern elements is exactly zero. In the present paper, a class of oblique rotation procedures is proposed to rotate a pattern matrix such that it optimally resembles a matrix which has an exact simple pattern. It is demonstrated that this method can recover relatively complex simple structures where other well-known simple structure rotation techniques fail.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge for helpful comments on an earlier version.  相似文献   

Bion's basic theory of transformations includes the concept of invariances: those aspects that are kept unchanged in the transformation. Translations are considered transformations that include invariances that allow for the recognition of the transformation. Psychoanalytic interpretations are seen by the author of this paper as a special case of such transformations. From Borges's radically open perspective on translation, psychoanalytic interpretations can be characterized as pertaining to one of three categories: (1) interpretations that change the unfamiliar to the familiar, (2) rigid motion transformations, or (3) interpretations that are transformations towards O. These ideas are dramatized in the reading of two of Borges's fictional stories that present two different approaches to translation, Averroes' search and Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote. These stories exemplify transformations in –K and + K. Finally, Cervantes' intuition of a hybrid language that approaches O and allows for a peaceful and multilayered interpretation of reality (transformation towards O) is discussed.  相似文献   

“Doorknob comments” is a concept that is not well represented in the professional literature. Through three case examples the author develops the theory that doorknob comments can fall within the internal structure of the session or outside of such a structure. In the former case, giving the internal element precedence by extending the session length to address the comments may be warranted. In the latter case, helping a client by scaffolding their ability to structure experience may require that the comment be processed at a later session. In either case, the ability to structure experience, which is the process of elaborating meaning, is an important aspect of treatment.  相似文献   

As one part of a larger progressive movement, the guidance and counseling movement has typically supported progressive programs in the schools and in society as a whole. While most counselors point with pride to such a progressive heritage, a case can be made that the effect of progressivism is to prop up existing structures and resist fundamental change in societal institutions. In this article the author discusses four ideals that are commonly held by the progressive and the counseling movements, pointing out some of the destructive effects these ideals have on societal change efforts. The four ideals discussed are: (a) an emphasis on access to opportunity (pluralism), (b) an emphasis on pragmatism, (c) an emphasis on adjustment, and (d) an emphasis on individualism.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the clinical phenomena of mental and physical self-attack as encountered in everyday psychotherapeutic practice in the NHS. The author considers two distinct but closely related internal dynamics which he terms ‘melancholic’ and ‘antilibidinal’. In both, there is a sadomasochistic structure which serves a number of defensive purposes for the individual. The origins and functioning of these structures are explored in the clinical material. These defensive systems are often perversely rewarding for the patient and highly resistant to change. The author discusses some of the major obstacles to working therapeutically in this area, and emphasizes the role of the transference and countertransference in helping the therapist to understand who is doing what to whom within the therapeutic relationship and within the patient. Although the paper deals with theoretical issues the emphasis throughout is on clinical understanding and effectiveness within a (mainly) once-weekly analytic setting.  相似文献   

Although psychoanalysis is by its nature a social process, conceptualizations of the process have not acknowledged that the two participants function within social roles. The resistance to understanding the way that these subtle role structures affect clinical process is illustrated by the discussants' responses to a paper delineating the analytic role and the patient's role. The author suggests that although psychoanalytic language is increasingly relational, resistance to a social view stems from the persistence of monadic models in analytic thinking and discourse. This tendency, in turn, stems from the vantage point of the clinical theorist, which is as observer of either self or patient. It is difficult to observe the interaction itself. The contribution of the concept of role in the analytic relationship is a beginning effort at providing some terminology for such conceptualization.  相似文献   

The author outlines his clinical observations during the "middle game" of psychoanalysis, leading to recognition that structural change is taking place. "Middle game," "structure," process, and content are defined and critically discussed. Illustrative clinical vignettes are offered. The presentation emphasizes the importance of an active and resolving transference "struggle"; in addition, more traditionally noted criteria are briefly touched on, e.g., development of observing ego and treatment alliance, changes in dream function and communication, and the reviewing of the neurosis and transference during the termination phase as instances of mourning and working through. The concept of optimal psychobiological function in the service of a homeostatic principle is discussed.  相似文献   

The author questions whether Kernberg's suggestion that the interaction between splitting and other defence mechanisms—such as primitive idealization, omnipotence, devaluation and denial [disavowal]—gives an adequate psychodynamic explanation of borderline personality structures. The author shows that the assumption of a splitting mechanism provokes contradictions and that primitive idealization, omnipotence, devaluation and disavowal cannot be seen as genuine defence mechanisms. He argues that primitive idealization is a type of reaction formation and that the omnipotence of these patients can be put down to identification with the idealized ego-functions of their objects. He also maintains that the clinical phenomena can be understood as the outcome of a combination of an “equiparant” and “disequiparant” isolation, displacement, projection and primitive idealization, making the concept of splitting as an explanatory device superfluous.  相似文献   

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