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A simple method for recording discrete events with a cassette tape recorder is described. Since the converter for the recorder is inexpensive, data for several subjects can be recorded simultaneously. The recorder-converter can also be used to program interval schedules. Cassette recorded responses for a subject can be played into a cumulative recorder.  相似文献   

The effects of the color of a personal computer screen on work performance, psychological mood, and autonomic response were investigated. 24 subjects were asked to perform visual tasks presented on the computer display. Three types of computer monitor, which were colored red, blue, or beige, were employed to present visual cognitive tasks. The mood measure, the Japanese Stress Arousal Check List, and heart rate measurement were administered before and after work on each color of computer monitor. Analysis of a low-demand task (Exp. 1) showed that the red computer monitor reduced visual task performance compared to that with the blue, while the blue monitor decreased visual task performance on a high-demand task (Exp. 2). The color of the monitor did not affect mood or heart rate. Based on these findings, the effect of the color of environmental cues on work was discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to extend the International Affective Picture System (IAPS; Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 2005) norms by obtaining reaction time (RT) normative data for 308 selected photographs. Pictures were presented one at a time for 33, 100, or 250 msec, or under free-time display, to 96 women and 48 men. The participants’ task involved assessing the emotional valence of each picture and responding as quickly as possible as to whether it was unpleasant, neutral, or pleasant. RTs provided an index of processing efficiency. The manipulation of display time served to estimate the time course in the valence identification of each picture. Some categories of depicted scenes (e.g., erotica and mutilations) were classified more consistently and efficiently than were others as pleasant or unpleasant. There were minimal differences between men and women. Overall, the present data provide researchers investigating cognition/emotion relationships with an objective criterion to select pictorial stimuli on the basis of RTs. Data for all pictures may be downloaded from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

A new system—called SYBAR—is introduced, that employs digital video for registration of the movements of a patient while simultaneously recording electromyogram signals of relevant muscles and ground reaction forces (for the lower extremities in gait studies). All information is stored in a multimedia record, which can be viewed by the clinician with a simple user interface. This setup allows an integrated and more detailed view of the movement of the patient and related information (i.e., muscle physiology). It is used by clinicians to assess the causes of movement disorders in their patients. This paper describes the SYBAR system and focuses on the employed methods of data synchronization for both the time and the spatial domains. It is concluded that, although SYBAR was developed for clinical gait studies, the technology can be applied in all situations in which the relation between physiological signals and human or animal behavior is studied.  相似文献   

The proliferation of information systems is enabling drivers to receive en route real-time travel information, often from multiple sources, for making informed routing decisions. A robust understanding of route choice behavior under information provision can be leveraged by traffic operators to design information and its delivery systems for managing network-wide traffic. However, most existing route choice models lack the ability to consider the latent cognitive effects of information on drivers and their implications on route choice decisions. This paper presents a hybrid route choice modeling framework that incorporates the latent cognitive effects of real-time information and the effects of several explanatory variables that can be measured directly (i.e., route characteristics, information characteristics, driver attributes, and situational factors). The latent cognitive effects are estimated by analyzing drivers’ physiological data (i.e., brain electrical activity patterns) measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Data was collected for 95 participants in driving simulator experiments designed to elicit realistic route choices using a network-level setup featuring routes with different characteristics (in terms of travel time and driving environment complexity) and dynamic ambient traffic. Averaged EEG band powers in multiple brain regions were used to extract two latent cognitive variables that capture driver’s cognitive effort during and immediately after the information provision, and cognitive inattention before implementing the route choice decision. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes model was used to test the effects of several explanatory factors on the latent cognitive variables, and their combined impacts on route choice decisions. The study results highlight the significant effects of driver attributes and information characteristics on latent cognitive effort and of route characteristics on latent cognitive inattention. They also indicate that drivers who are more attentive and exert more cognitive effort are more likely to switch from their current route by complying with the information provided. The study insights can aid traffic operators and information service providers to incorporate human factors and cognitive aspects while devising strategies for designing and disseminating real-time travel information to influence drivers’ route choices.  相似文献   

This study examined spatial vision and attentional selection using a gaze-contingent multiresolutional display, with a dynamic, gaze-centered, high-resolution window and lower resolution periphery. Visual search times and eye movements from 15 participants in a 3 x 3 design (Window Radius x Peripheral Resolution) suggest that contrast sensitivity as a function of retinal eccentricity affects attentional selection and visual processing. Smaller windows led to longer search times and shorter saccades; lower peripheral resolution also shortened saccades (all ps < .05) as a result of avoiding fixating degraded areas. Fixation durations, although longer for smaller windows (p < .05), were unaffected by whether the next saccade went within or outside the window. These results are explained through (a) competition among potential saccade targets where above-threshold filtering reduces an object's relative salience and (b) generally disrupted visual processing.  相似文献   

This article describes a cheap and easy-to-use finger-tracking system for studying braille reading. It provides improved spatial and temporal resolution over the current available solutions and can be used with either a refreshable braille display or braille-embossed paper. In conjunction with a refreshable braille display, the tracking system has the unique capacity to implement display-change paradigms derived from sighted reading research. This will allow researchers to probe skilled braille reading in significantly more depth than has heretofore been possible.  相似文献   

This study analyzed psychophysical data from younger and elderly people on the influence of spacing between vertical lines, exposure time, and number of vertical lines in a stimulus for visual performance. A total of 50 elderly people and 31 graduate students participated in the experiment. Nine levels of spacing between lines (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 29 points), three exposure times (0.2, 0.6, and 1.0 sec.), and five sets of numbers of lines (4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) were manipulated. Analysis showed enhanced spacing between lines and exposure time improved discrimination of separation. However, although performance on discrimination of separation increased as spacing between lines increased up to 21 points, it was degraded at higher values. A positive effect of number of lines on discrimination of separation was also observed, and performance increased as the number of lines decreased. The effect of age group, i.e., elderly versus younger, on performance was significant. The accuracy of the younger was greater than that for the elderly group. Moreover, three interactive two-way effects were found: group x spacing between lines, number of lines x spacing between lines, and number of lines x exposure time. The present findings could be used as a practical reference in the design of instrument displays in which the operator has to consider the scale and markings on a dial, especially if the display is operated in an emergency or is manipulated by elderly people.  相似文献   

What is believed to be a somewhat different approach to rapid program debugging has been devised in which: (1) execution of the programmer’s logical thinking is automatically debugged by the computer at run time and (2) status errors of any type may be fed back into the computer, which subsequently outputs the immediate steps leading to that error. Debugging is carried out by the computer on an instruction-by-instruction basis, on-line, with all or selected interrupts serviced. A hardware-software implementation package for the PDP-8 is described, which could be adapted to other computers as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents a PC-based eye-position data collection and analysis system. Software routines are described that supplement hardware calibration procedures, improving data-collection accuracy and reducing the number of unusable trials. Collected eye-position data can be remapped over a displayed stimulus image and spatially and temporally represented by parameters such as individual fixations, clusters of fixations (Nodine, Carmody, & Kundel, 1978), cumulative clusters, and gaze durations. An important feature of the system is that the software routines preserve scan-path information that provides a sequential dimension to the analysis of eye-position data. A “hotspot” analysis is also described, which cumulates, across 1 or more observers, the frequency of eye-position landings or “hits” on designated areas of interest for a given stimulus. Experimental applications in the fields of radiology, psychology, and art are provided, illustrating how eye-position data can be interpreted both in signal detection and in information-processing frameworks using the present methods of analysis.  相似文献   

This research sets out to examine individual variations in perceptions of display rules. Based upon Mischel and Shoda’s [Mischel, W., & Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality: Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality structure. Psychological Review, 102, 246–268.] model of the Cognitive-Affective Personality System (CAPS), we proposed that extraversion and neuroticism would serve to explain within-cultural individual differences and within-individual differences in endorsement of display rules. To test this hypothesis, participants reported the expressivity level of the display rule they endorsed by responding to the revised version of the Display Rule Assessment Inventory. Multi-level analyses showed that compared to those of introverts, the display rules of extraverts tended to be more suppressive when the relationship was distant rather than close. Extraversion also enhanced a neurotic’s degree of suppression in public compared to private situations. Processes describing how personality interacts with situations in personalizing display rules were offered in light of the CAPS model to account for these interactions between personality and situation in the operation of display rules for emotional expression.  相似文献   

This essay considers the ways in which graphic caregiving memoirs complicate the idealizing tendencies of ethics of care philosophy. The medium’s “capacious” layering of words, images, temporalities, and perspectives produces “productive tensions. . . The words and images entwine, but never synthesize” (Chute 2010, 5). In graphic memoirs about care, this “capaciousness” allows for quick oscillation between the rewards and struggles of care work, representing ambiguous, even ambivalent attitudes toward care. Graphic memoirs effectively represent multiple perspectives without synthesis, part of a structural and thematic ambivalence that provides a provocative counterpart to the abstract idealism of ethics of care philosophy.  相似文献   

As one component of emotion regulation, display rules, which reflect the regulation of expressive behavior, have been the topic of many studies. Despite their theoretical and empirical importance, however, to date there is no measure of display rules that assesses a full range of behavioral responses that are theoretically possible when emotion is elicited. This article reports the development of a new measure of display rules that surveys 5 expressive modes: expression, deamplification, amplification, qualification, and masking. Two studies provide evidence for its internal and temporal reliability and for its content, convergent, discriminant, external, and concurrent predictive validity. Additionally, Study 1, involving American, Russian, and Japanese participants, demonstrated predictable cultural differences on each of the expressive modes.  相似文献   

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