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Experiments in the auditory, visual, and vibratory modality employed two brief discriminably different stimuli, which were presented with temporal asynchronies unequivocally below the Hirsh-Sherrick threshold for performing temporal order judgments. A pair of such stimuli, experienced as a unitary perceptual event, is referred to as a “micropattern” composed of two “stimulus elements.” Ss could readily distinguish between two such micropatterns in which the temporal order of the stimulus elements was reversed. The discrimination was based on the perceptual dominance of the second stimulus element of each micropattern. This perceptual dominance was studied as a function of stimulus-element onset and offset asynchrony, the duration and intensity of the stimulus elements, and the difference (in frequency or wavelength) between the stimulus elements of a micropattern. The results suggest the existence of an operation of all perceptual systems in the time domain that acts to conserve information concerning the temporal order of the two stimulus elements at the expense of discriminatory acuity of the f’~rst element.  相似文献   

Four baboons (Papio cynocephalus) were tested using food as reward for ear advantages in the monaural discrimination of pure tones, three-tone musical chords, synthetically constructed consonant-vowels, and vowels. All four animals showed highly significant and reproducible ear advantages for each class of acoustic stimulus with marked individual differences in the direction of their ear asymmetry. The results obtained in these experiments represent the first evidence of ear asymmetries for different classes of acoustic stimuli in a nonhuman species. Further, the ear advantages found in these animals under monaural conditions resemble those obtained with dichotic presentation in human subjects and thus suggest that the baboon may be a valuable model of central auditory processing of various types of acoustic stimuli in man.  相似文献   

Based on a repeated measurement study of 7-, 10-, 14-, and 17-year-olds with monaural and dichotic presentations of word lists varying in associative structure and presentation rate, intrusion and serial position dependent variables were analyzed. Intrusion analyses supported previous reports on word list recall; vis, 7- and 10-year-olds recalled fewer words from monaural and dichotic lists and had more intrusive errors than adolescents. Based on similar orders of report (strategies) for monaural and dichotic word presentations, serial position curves for the two types of presentation were compared. Within-age comparisons were strikingly similar. Between-age comparisons of monaural and dichotic presentation serial position curves support the notion that there are ontogenetic limitations in memory structure and control processes.  相似文献   

The efficiency, y,η of performance in amplitude discrimination is examined as a function of the temporal separation, Γ, of the two signals to be discriminated. Performance in a monaural amplitude discrimination task is compared with that in a dichotic amplitude discrimination task, in which the first of the two signals was always presented to one ear and the second signal to the other ear. The difference in the shape of the resulting η versus Γ functions for the monaural and dichotic cases is interpreted in terms of peripheral and central interference effects.  相似文献   

A stimulus consisting of two brief flashes separated by a short interval appears to flicker, whereas a single brief flash does not. Performance on a task requiring discrimination of double and single stimuli is adversely affected by simultaneous presentation of a second, similar stimulus at a relatively remote position in the visual field. Most errors occur when target and mask follow different time courses, one double and the other single. The results of four experiments studying this interaction are reported. An effect on performance is observed under binocular, monocular, and dichoptic viewing conditions. Performance is affected up to target to mask distances of at least 20 deg of arc. Performance increases as target-to-mask onset asynchrony is increased, reaching asymptote at asynchronies of between 100 and 150 msec. The precise shape of the stimuli does not appear to be important in determining the size of the effect or whether or not an effect occurs. An analogy between this effect and apparent movement is suggested.  相似文献   

In three experiments, cost-benefit analysis was used to determine the role of attention in the processing of auditory information. In two experiments consonant-vowel syllables were presented monaurally, while in the third the mode of presentation was dichotic. For all three experiments the ability to detect a target stimulus under conditions in which precued location information was valid or invalid was contrasted with detection in a neutral condition where no location information was provided. The results indicated that attention can be effectively deployed under monaural conditions when either a simple detection or a discriminative response is required. Similar conclusions cannot be reached when considering the effectiveness of attention under conditions of dichotic listening. These results are discussed in relation to accounts which argue that dichotic listening performance is critically dependent upon auditory disembedding and where attention is viewed as a late process involving response selection.  相似文献   

Auditory unilateral neglect or extinction to simultaneous stimulation is reported in a right-handed male with a lesion in the right frontal lobe and in the right thalamic pulvinar area. The patient was submitted to stereotactic thalamotomy for a post-traumatic intentional ataxia in the left extremities. He was subjected to repeated tests with dichotic listening to consonant-vowel syllables under three different attentional instructions. He was also tested monaurally with the same stimulus materials as used in the dichotic test. The results showed almost complete extinction of the left ear input during dichotic presentations, despite normal hearing when tested with audiometer screening. The left ear extinction effect was independent of instructions to attend to the left or right ear input. However, during monaural presentation, correct left ear reports increased to about 85%. The results are interpreted as showing an auditory attentional neglect caused by the right frontal and pulvinar lesions.  相似文献   

Preattentive control of serial auditory processing in dichotic listening   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dichotic listening performance was examined in an auditory selective attention task where subjects responded to occasional consonant-vowel (CV) or shaped broadband noise-burst (NB) targets in rapid serial auditory presentation (RASP). Trial types were randomized and included monaural CVs and NBs as well as dichotic CV-CV and CV-NB pairings. CVs were spoken by two different voices (male and female), and the two NB stimuli differed in their filter slopes at higher frequencies. The target was designated by stimulus category (/ba/, /da/, /ga/, or NB) and voice (e.g., "female /ba/"). Performance was compared for targets in the left and right ears on monaural and dichotic trials using accuracy and reaction time (RT) measures. Right ear advantages (REAs) were present for CV targets with either CV or NB distractors, but not for monaural CVs. The REA found for monaural NB targets was eliminated by CV distractors, yielding a left ear advantage (LEA) for the distractor effect of CVs on NB targets. The pattern of results suggests initial preprocessing of speech stimuli through phonetic feature analysis, followed by serial attentional processing of the objects in the auditory field. REAs are attributed to a rightward asymmetry in the preattentive control of auditory attention similar to that found in visual search.  相似文献   

A computer system for generation of auditory stimuli is described. The system produces natural-speech or software-generated stimuli for monaural, binaural, or dichotic presentation. Stimuli have been generated for experiments run both on-line and off-line.  相似文献   

These experiments sought to determine whether meaning influences the predominance of one eye during binocular rivalry. In Experiment 1, observers tried to read meaningful text under conditions in which different text streams were viewed by the two eyes, a situation mimicking the classic dichotic listening paradigm. Dichoptic reading proved impossible even when the text streams were printed in different fonts or when one eye received a 5-sec advantage. Under non-rivalry conditions, the observers were able to read text presented at twice the rate used for dichoptic testing, indicating that cognitive overload does not limit performance under conditions of rivalry. In Experiment 2, observers were required to detect repeated presentations of a probe target within a string of characters presented to one eye. Although this task was easily performed under monocular viewing conditions, it proved difficult when the two eyes received dissimilar character strings. This was true regardless of whether the probed eye viewed nonsense strings, real words, or meaningful text. In a condition designed to encourage semantic processing of one eye’s view, the observers were required to detect animal names as well as to detect the probe target. Performance remained inferior to that measured under monocular conditions. Even the observer’s own name proved insufficient to influence the predominance of one eye under conditions of dichoptic stimulation. When two text strings were physically superimposed and viewed monocularly, essentially no probes were detected, indicating that the failure to see some probes during rivalry reflects a limitation unique to dichoptic viewing. These results contradict theories attributing binocular rivalry to an attentional process that operates on monocular inputs that have received refined analysis. This conclusion may be limited to rival stimuli whose meaning is defined linguistically, not structurally.  相似文献   

Alternating dichotic presentation of tones was compared with monaural presentation in two different perceptual tasks. When Ss were asked to detect higher frequency target tones in fists of six background tones, they missed less than 5%. However, when the presentation was fast (10/sec) and the tones alternated dichotically, Ss reported “hearing” only three or four tones. In two further experiments, Ss were asked to judge the number of tones or to report their spatial and temporal positions; these tasks were much less accurately performed, for the dichotic lists, than the target detection task. The differing effects of switching rate on these tasks are discussed in relation to the types of processing they require.  相似文献   

Previous psychophysical work provided evidence for the existence of automatic frequency-shift detectors (FSDs) that establish perceptual links between successive sounds. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the FSDs with respect to the binaural system. Listeners were presented with sound sequences consisting of a chord of pure tones followed by a single test tone. Two tasks were performed. In the "present/absent" task, the test tone was either identical to one of the chord components or positioned halfway in frequency between two components, and listeners had to discriminate between these two possibilities. In the "up/down" task, the test tone was slightly different in frequency from one of the chord components and listeners had to identify the direction (up or down) of the corresponding shift. When the test tone was a pure tone presented monaurally, either to the same ear as the chord or to the opposite ear, listeners performed the up/down task better than the present/absent task. This paradoxical advantage for directional frequency shifts, providing evidence for FSDs, persisted when the test tone was replaced by a dichotic stimulus consisting of noise but evoking a pitch sensation as a consequence of binaural processing. Performance in the up/down task was similar for the dichotic stimulus and for a monaural narrow-band noise matched in pitch salience to it. Our results indicate that the FSDs are insensitive to sound localization mechanisms and operate on central frequency representations, at or above the level of convergence of the monaural auditory pathways.  相似文献   

Two experiments measured the apparent orientation (aftereffect) and the threshold for detection (masking) of a colored grating viewed by one eye after exposure to a colored grating to the same or the opposite eye (monoptic inspection) or after stimulation of one eye by color and the other eye by contours (dichoptic inspection). Under the monoptic condition, the color relationship between the inspection and test stimuli exerted control over the extent of aftereffect and masking when the two stimuli were viewed with the same eye, but not when they were seen with different eyes. Aftereffect and masking were nonselective to wavelength following dichoptic inspection, irrespective of whether the test stimulus was presented to the color-adapted or to the contour-adapted eye. The results support other claims that visual detectors with chromatic and spatial tuning have monocular specificity.  相似文献   

Small but reproducible fixation disparities occur in normal subjects when they view certain types of dichoptic stimuli. During dichoptic as well as stereoptic stimulation the motor fusion process determines first the average vergence state of the eyes. The subsequent fine tuning of vergence is shown to depend on the spatial distribution of contrast edges both of the same contrast sign ('stereoptic edges') and of opposite contrast sign ('dichoptic edges'). Stereoptic edges tend to induce superposition attempts of the vergence control system and dichoptic edges tend to antagonise this process. If a single low-contrast dichoptic edge is presented with zero disparity and within a stereoptic reference frame, a fixation disparity of several minutes of arc results. This influences depth vision since dichoptic edges are perceived (as monocular edges) at the actual rather than at the intended fixation distance. The findings explain previous paradoxical results of eg Kaufman and Pitblado who reported seeing depth in opposite-contrast stereograms. Their results seemed to contradict the well-established 'same-sign rule' (SSR) which states that the stereoptic system only detects disparities of edges with the same contrast sign. It is concluded that (i) the SSR holds; (ii) dichoptic (and monocular) edges are seen at the horopter; (iii) the vergence fine tuning prevents superposition of dichoptic edges even if this causes a fixation disparity.  相似文献   

Hill NI  Bailey PJ 《Perception》2002,31(11):1395-1402
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of differences in temporal gating and ear of presentation (both separately and in combination) on listeners' ability to detect an increment in the level of a 1 kHz component (the target) relative to that of four spectrally flanking components. The flanking components were always presented to the listeners' right ear, while the target component was either presented to the same ear (monaural presentation) or to the left ear (dichotic presentation). Similarly, the target and flanking components were either gated on and off at the same time (synchronous presentation), or else the target component began 100 ms before and terminated 100 ms after the four flanking components (asynchronous presentation). On average, thresholds were lowest in the synchronous, monaural condition, and highest in the two asynchronous conditions. Ear differences alone did result in elevated thresholds for most listeners. However, combining differences in gating and ear of presentation produced thresholds that were indistinguishable from those obtained when gating differences alone were employed. These results are consistent with the suggestion that differences in temporal gating lead to more complete segregation of concurrent frequency components than differences in spatial location.  相似文献   

This study assessed attentional effects on the right-ear advantage (REA) for a dichoticlistening task that used synthetic-speech syllables. Presenting subjects with monaural tone cues at various intervals prior to dichotic pairs of natural-speech syllables, T. A. Mondor and M. P. Bryden 1991 (The influence of attention on the dichotic REA. Neuropsychologia, 29, 1179-1190) found a reduced REA with longer intervals. This suggested that tone cues at longer intervals helped overcome a right-ear attentional bias. Despite sufficient statistical power, in the present study no reduction in the REA was found with longer intervals between tones and synthetic-speech syllables. As synthetic-speech stimuli tend to fuse better into the percept of a single stimulus than do natural-speech stimuli, attentional effects on the REA may be reduced with dichotic stimuli that fuse.  相似文献   

In order to yield equal loudness, different studies using scaling or matching methods have found binaural level differences between monaural and diotic presentations ranging from less than 2 dB to as much as 10 dB. In the present study, a reaction time methodology was employed to measure the binaural level difference producing equal reaction time (BLDERT). Participants had to respond to the onset of 1-kHz pure tones with sound pressure levels ranging from 45 to 85 dB, and being presented to the right, the left, or both ears. Equal RTs for monaural and diotic presentation (BLDERTs) were obtained with a level difference of approximately 5 dB. A second experiment showed that different results obtained for the left and right ear are largely due to the responding hand, with ipsilateral responses being faster than contralateral ones. A third experiment investigated the BLDERT for dichotic stimuli, tracing the transition between binaural and monaural stimulation. The results of all three RT experiments are consistent with current models of binaural loudness and contradict earlier claims of perfect binaural summation.  相似文献   

Reaction time was used to gauge the sensitivity of an eye during its dominant and suppressed phases of binocular rivalry. During dominance, performance was uniformly good in detecting both stimuli that were spatially identical to the suppressed stimulus and those that were different in spatial frequency. When suppressed eyes were tested, performance was poor when the stimulus was different from the dominating stimulus, but even worse when the test stimulus and the dominating stimulus were spatially identical. The results favor the view that suppression operates nonselectively on a monocular visual channel, prior to the point at which dichoptic pattern masking occurs.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described in which eye movements (Ems) were recorded in conjunction with either monaural or dichotic tasks of focused attention. Two main effects were observed in the Ems records: (1) Listening to auditory messages reduced the occurrence of spontaneous Ems. (2) Selective monitoring of one ear in the dichotic task was accompanied by a consistent pattern of directional Ems characterized by big saccades and long changes of eye fixation in the direction of the relevant ear. The pattern of Ems is affected by the following variables: the presentation rate of the auditory information, the frequency of demands to switch orientation between the ears, and the competition of the irrelevant channel in the dichotic task. It is suggested that the eye-movement mechanism is used in selective listening tasks as a general orientation indicator, when the adoption or maintenance of a certain selective set is difficult and demanding of effort. The Ems response is part of a general orientation pattern, although its usual function is in the field of visual perception.  相似文献   

Recent studies using moving arrays of textured micropatterns have suggested that motion perception can be supported by two mechanisms, one quasilinear and sensitive to the motion of luminance-defined local texture, the other nonlinear and coding motion of contrast-defined envelopes of texture (Baker & Hess, 1998; Boulton & Baker, 1993b). Here we used similar patterns to study motion perception under conditions previously shown to isolate the nonlinear mechanism (low micropattern densities and positive interstimulus intervals [ISIs]. We measured direction discrimination for two-flash apparent motion over a much larger range of ISIs, and susceptibility to masking by incoherently moving "distractor" micropatterns. The results suggest that two nonlinear mechanisms can support motion perception under these conditions. One operates only for relatively short ISIs (less than c. 100 msec), is sensitive to small spatial displacements, and is relatively insensitive to distractor masking. The other operates over much longer ISIs, is insensitive to small spatial displacements, and is highly disrupted by distractor masking. These results are in line with previous studies suggesting that three mechanisms support motion perception.  相似文献   

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