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“信念之谜”及其意向性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克里普克把"信念之谜"当作"真正"的问题提出来,但除了坚持名称的因果理论和批判描述理论,他并没有提供该谜题的正面解决方案."信念之谜"所涉及的,不仅是名称在信念语境中的意义表现问题,更是本质地关涉到信念的哲学性质.塞尔把信念看作最基本的意向状态,其关于意向状态的对象和内容的区分,有助于我们理解和把握"信念之谜"的实质和解决路径.  相似文献   

不同类型的语句在产生信念之谜的可能性上存在差异,这可以支持分析语句或分析命题存在这一论点。为达到这个理论目的所采用的论证策略是这样的:第一步,根据所定义的主观翻译原则与客观翻译原则,考虑各种不同的实义词,从日常对象到人工物语词,到像单身汉这样的语词,含有所有这些语词的语句都有产生信念之谜的可能性。然后,考虑按通常的标准被认为是综合的或分析的语句,发现仅仅从分析语句还不能构造克里普克的信念之谜。第二步,论证在分析与综合区分不存在与不同语句产生信念之谜之可能性上的本质差异不存在之间有一种类似蕴涵的关系。因为已经证明分析语句与综合语句在产生信念之谜的可能性上有实质差异,故可以推出分析性的存在性。  相似文献   

弗雷格因同一替换律讨论而提出了涵义与指称的理论,这个理论后来引出了弗雷格迷题。弗雷格迷题的形成有多方原因,直接指称论对弗雷格理论批评是主要原因之一,以至于可以说,这是产生于直接指称论哲学立场的迷题。尽管如此,弗雷格理论确有不足。最重要的是,弗雷格理论只有关于涵义与指称的理论,即只有语言层面的理论,而缺少认知层面的理论。这个不足使得在弗雷格理论基础上解决同一替换律问题难有令人满意的结果,让"迷题"多添了几分"迷"的色彩。这里将给出一个新的方案:在弗雷格理论的基础上,增加有关概念的理论,以概念和内涵、涵义等这些概念的形式刻画为中心,建立可以消解弗雷格迷题的形式语义学,即概念语义。通过概念语义可以在不同层次上对弗雷格迷题的消解给出统一回答。  相似文献   

弗雷格把语句的涵义看作思想,把语句的指称看作真值。本文接受弗雷格关于语句的涵义-指称的意义结构,但把语句的涵义和指称分别改为语法意义和事态。语句的真或假是语句和它所指称的事态之间的一种关系,类似于名称同它的指称对象之间的实-空关系。弗雷格关于思想的客观性转换为语法意义的客观性,体现为语言共同体成员的主体间性。本文区分了指称对象和指称意向,把指称意向定义为涵义和语境的结合,相当于弗雷格所说的判断。本文还对语句的语法意义和认识论意义作了区分。  相似文献   

叶闯 《世界哲学》2009,(2):26-32
大卫·查尔默斯对指称主义一直采取怀疑的态度,他在<概率与命题>这篇文章中,通过揭示指称主义和穆勒关于专名的论点与贝叶斯确证理论之间的冲突,提出了一种否定指称主义的新论证.查尔默斯论证的核心,在于表明贝叶斯确证需要一种指称主义不能满足的条件,即它需要非指称的信念对象.非指称的信念对象需要恰当的描述,可是,查尔默斯在他的语义学中所提出的"中心世界"等概念工具,在给出这些描述时,可能会遇到理论上和实践上的困难.  相似文献   

在心理内容表征的研究中存在一个极其模糊的问题,即心理表征中的语义内容是如何实现的,而从我们的个体经验可以知道,没有内容的心理表征是没有意义的,因此,探讨表征中的语义赋值机制,是当前认识论研究中的一个难点。关于这个问题笔者曾提出了语义分段累积加载模型(以下简  相似文献   

夏年喜 《哲学研究》2012,(8):107-113,129
弗雷格是第一个注意到命题的预设为假会影响到命题真值判定的哲学家。对这种因预设为假而形成的真值空隙,弗雷格、罗素和斯特劳森提出了不同的处理方式,由此奠定了预设的语义解释的基础。但预设的语义解释一直面临着种种质疑。这些质疑有说服力吗?应该放弃预设的语义解释吗?本文将对此进行分析,揭示这些质疑中所存在的问题,从而对预设的语义解释的合理性进行辩护。一、预设为假与真值空隙第一个把预设作为逻辑概念加以讨论的哲学家是弗雷格,其预设思想可以归纳为四点:第一,预  相似文献   

语句(sentence)是语义的基本单位,语词只有在语句语境中才能获得意义。这是弗雷格(G.Frege)的一个著名观点。(Frege,1884,p.140)可见,语句在弗雷格的语言哲学或语义理论中占据多么重要的位置。然而,语句是什么,它的涵义和指称是什么,  相似文献   

采用结论评估范式,考察时向和空间关系推理中信念偏差效应的表现形式,以及心理模型理论对关系推理中信念偏差效应的解释力。研究结果表明,关系推理中信念偏差效应的表现形式与三段论有所不同,不论是时间推理还是空间推理中都存在信念主效应,但没有发现信念与逻辑的交互作用;心理模型理论不能对关系推理中信念偏差效应作出合理解释。  相似文献   

以290名大学生为被试,采用量表法考察其控制信念和人际信任的特点及两变量之间的关系。结果表明,(1)被试的认知控制信念得分最高,情感控制最低,直接控制和间接控制信念得分居中;且控制信念得分存在显著性别和生源地差异,女生的认知控制和情感控制得分都高于男生,农村生源学生的间接控制信念得分显著低于城市生源学生;(2)被试人际信任得分较低,且不存在性别和生源地差异;(3)控制信念与人际信任的关系因被试性别和生源地的不同而有差异,对于女生和农村生源大学生来说,直接控制、认知控制信念得分越高,人际信任得分也越高;而对  相似文献   

公正世界信念是人格心理学和社会心理学中的一个重要概念,也是生物心理社会医学模式所涵盖的一个重要变量.结合近年来的研究热点,从积极的自我感知,愉快或满意,关心他人的能力,高效与创造性工作的能力等四个方面对公正世界信念和心理健康的关系进行了评估.对现有研究中的不足进行了评述,对今后研究的内容、方法和方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

If mental anomalism is to be interpreted as a thesisunique to psychology, the anomalousness must begrounded in some feature unique to the mental,presumably its rational nature. While the ground forsuch arguments from normativity has been notoriouslyslippery terrain, there are two recently influentialstrategies which make the argument precise. The firstis to deny the possibility of psychophysical bridgelaws because of the different constitutive essences ofmental and physical laws, and the second is to arguethat mental anomalism follows from the uncodifiabilityof rationality. In this paper I argue that bothstrategies fail – the latter because it conflates primafacie and all things considered rationality and theformer because it rests on a false premise, theprinciple of the rational character of belief. Idistinguish four different formulations of thisprinciple and argue that those formulations which areplausible cannot support the argument for mentalanomalism.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported thatinvestigate whether the logical equivalence of conditionals and disjunctives is paralleled by a psychological equivalence. In these experiments, subjects rephrased from one form into the other. Experiment 1 demonstrated strong effects of familiarity and causality of rule content. Similar findings were found in Experiment 2 with a different conditional rule syntax. An account of the experiments is given in terms of mental models theory: In this account, task performance can be seen to depend upon the extent to which the model sets used by subjects to generate rephrasings are complete, task content being the most important factor affecting model set completion. A 'Minimal Completion' strategy is proposed to operate in the absence of thematic content. The experiments also falsify the long-held assumption that conditionals with negative antecedents are always interpreted as their disjunctive equivalents. This raises doubts about the mental models explanation for matching bias in conditional reasoning.  相似文献   

Many religious traditions include a belief in the reality of demonic beings and evil powers. Previous research demonstrates that comforting beliefs, such as believing in an afterlife, can benefit mental health, but less is known about the potentially negative mental health effects of belief in evil supernatural powers. In cross‐sectional analyses, we find that among young adults, believing in demons is one of the strongest (negative) predictors of mental health. More importantly, using three waves of the National Study of Youth and Religion and a cross‐lagged structural equation model, we find that belief in demons can lead to lowered mental health in later waves but low mental health does not lead to greater belief in demons. In fact, when predicting changes in mental health from wave 2 to wave 3 of the study, the negative effect size of belief in demons on mental health is larger in magnitude than all other religion‐related predictors.  相似文献   

Children of parents with a mental illness are often found to be at high risk of developing psychological problems themselves. Little is known about the role of family factors in the relation between parental and adolescent mental health. The current study focused on parent–child interaction and family environment. This cross-sectional questionnaire study included 124 families with a mentally ill parent and 127 families without a mentally ill parent who at the time of the study had children aged 11–16 years old. Parents completed questionnaires about their mental health, parent–child interaction (i.e., parental monitoring and parental support), and family environment (i.e., cohesion, expressiveness, and conflict). Adolescents reported their internalizing and externalizing problems. Path analyses were used to examine the direct associations between parental mental illness and adolescent problems as well as the indirect relations via parent–child interaction and family environment. The results showed that interaction between parents with a mental illness and their child was significantly worse compared to parents without a mental illness. The family environment of parents with mental illness was also more negative. Mentally ill parents monitored their adolescents less, which in turn related to more externalizing problems of the adolescents. No factors mediated the relation between parental mental health and adolescent internalizing problems. Moreover, no direct effects of parental support, family cohesion, and family expressiveness with externalizing problems were found. These findings imply that parental monitoring should get a specific focus of attention in existing interventions designed to prevent adolescents with a mentally ill parent from developing problems.  相似文献   

清晰度对自信预测效应的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
毕重增  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(2):271-273
清晰度是自我概念的一个重要特点。本研究采用自信心清晰度问卷、总体自信问卷、GHQ-20为工具,对自信水平、自信清晰度在自信对心理健康的预测效应中所起的作用进行了探讨。研究发现,自信水平、自信清晰度对心理健康均具有显著的预测作用;考虑清晰度后,自信水平对GHQ-焦虑、抑郁、自我肯定的回归效应被清晰度部分解;表明清晰度是自信预测效应的调节因素。  相似文献   

The move to imprecise credence models leaves many formal norms of rationality surprisingly intact, as rational constraints on precise credences are often reinterpreted as constraints on individual elements of a rational agent’s representor. However, constraints on imprecise credences needn’t take this form. Whether an imprecise agent is rational might just as easily depend on global features of her representor. This paper is an extended investigation of global rules of rationality. I begin by distinguishing and defining multiple notions of globalness. Then I use these notions to solve several problems faced by fans of imprecise credences. On behalf of fans of imprecise credences, I respond to the problem of belief inertia, according to which certain imprecise agents are unable to engage in inductive learning. In addition, I answer the objection that that imprecise agents are doomed to violate the rational principle of Reflection.  相似文献   

Semantic localism is the view of meaning defended by Michael Devitt in Coming to Our Senses. In this paper I assess this view by considering how well it answers the concerns that led Akeel Bilgrami in Belief and Meaning to put forward his thesis of the locality of content.  相似文献   

以穆勒为代表的逻辑心理主义与以弗雷格为代表的反心理主义之间的争论由来已久。逻辑心理主义认为,逻辑是心理学的一部分或是其分支,具有描述性;反心理主义则认为,应当把心理的东西从逻辑中剔除,逻辑只是规范性的。信念修正理论虽具有规范性特质,但是当信念状态层级从低层级走向高层级时,其规范性解释力度则会降低,这表明信念状态的改变会受到经验描述的影响,信念修正理论研究有从规范性走向描述性的层级区分。信念修正理论一定程度上能为弱逻辑心理主义在逻辑中的合法性提供支持,并将心理主义与反心理主义聚焦在人即主体上。  相似文献   

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