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Three tachistoscopic studies examined the laterality of spatial-form perception in normal adults using randomly generated eight-point and 12-point patterns (Vanderplas & Garvin, 1959) as the lateralized stimuli. In the first study of recognition accuracy, 36 subjects were tested in a partial replication of Fontenot. No laterality effects were found, and over-all recognition was better for the more complex 12-point patterns. In a second similar study with 20 subjects, the lateralized stimulus was followed by a central masking pattern. A left-hemisphere superiority for recognition and better over-all recognition for more complex patterns was obtained. These data do not support Fontenot's report of right-hemisphere superiority in complex visuospatial processing. Given these diverse findings, a reaction time study using mental rotation was conducted using the same patterns to determine whether latency would reflect accuracy of recognition. Twenty-six subjects judged whether a rotated lateralized test pattern was the same or different from a central target pattern. Measures of both latency and accuracy were separately assessed. No main effect of visual field was obtained on either measure. These studies suggest that the nature of hemispheric involvement in spatial form perception is far from resolved.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetries in visual pattern processing in infancy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A right hemisphere advantage was observed in a previous study of 4- to 9-month old infants presented with a face discrimination task (de Schonen & Mathivet, 1990). The present study was designed to investigate pattern processing by the two hemispheres and the interhemispheric communication of this processing. Infants aged 4 to 9 months were tested with divided visual field presentations in one or two discrimination tasks. Under both task conditions, the infants had to discriminate between two patterns in which only two local components differed. Under one condition the components of the patterns were arranged so as to produce a face-like pattern. Under the other condition the same components were arranged into arbitrary patterns that were not "good form" patterns. No performance asymmetry was observed with the arbitrary patterns; whereas, a right hemisphere (RH) disadvantage was observed with the face-like patterns compared with both the RH performances on the arbitary patterns and the left hemisphere (LH) performances on the face-like patterns. These results show that the RH advantage for individual face recognition is not due to a general immaturity or inability of the LH in pattern processing at this period of development, nor to a more specific inability in a local mode of pattern processing. On the other hand, the RH does not completely lack local processing capacity, but is at a disadvantage when this local mode of processing has to be used with face-like (or good form) patterns. The interhemispheric communication of visual discrimination learning was tested by measuring learning transfer between the visual fields. Contrary to de Schonen and Bry's study (1987) on faceness recognition, no data in favor of interhemispheric communication were recorded in the present study.  相似文献   

Although functional cerebral asymmetries (FCAs) affect all cognitive domains, their modulation of the efficacy of specific executive functions is largely unexplored. In the present study, we used a lateralized version of the task switching paradigm to investigate the relevance of hemispheric asymmetries for cognitive control processes. Words were tachistoscopically presented in the left (LVF) and right visual half field (RVF). Participants had to categorise the words either based on their initial letters, or according to their word type. On half of the trials the task changed (switch trials) whereas on the other half it stayed the same (repeat trials). ERPs were recorded and the neural sources of the ERPs were reconstructed using standardised low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA). In the word type task, participants were faster on repeat trials when stimuli were presented in the RVF. In contrast, in the initial letter task participants were faster on repeat trials and in general more accurate after stimulus presentation in the LVF. In both tasks, no hemispheric asymmetries in reaction times were observed on switch trials. On the electrophysiological level, we observed a left lateralization of the N1 that was mediated by activation in the left extrastriate cortex as well as a greater positivity of the P3b after stimulus presentation in the RVF compared to the LVF that was mediated by activation in the superior parietal cortex. These results show that FCAs affect the neurophysiological correlates of executive functions related to task switching. The relation of neurophysiological and behavioural asymmetries is mediated by task complexity, with more complex tasks leading to more interhemispheric interaction and smaller left-right differences in behavioural measures. These findings reveal that FCAs are an important modulator of executive functions related to cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

M Rebai  L Mecacci  J D Bagot  C Bonnet 《Perception》1986,15(5):589-594
Steady-state evoked potentials were recorded in eight adult subjects from occipital and temporal leads of both hemispheres to investigate the effect of temporal frequency on the hemispheric specialization for basic visual information. A 3 cycles deg-1 grating was phase-reversed at different temporal frequencies (from 4 to 18 Hz), and the frequency spectrum of evoked potentials was computed by means of a fast Fourier transform program. Significant results were obtained for the component at twice the temporal frequency of stimulation. Occipital evoked potentials did not show hemispheric asymmetry, whereas temporal evoked potentials showed an interaction between hemisphere and temporal frequency: right and left hemispheres were respectively prominent for low (4 and 6 Hz) and for high (8-18 Hz) temporal frequencies. The results are discussed in the context of current research on hemispheric specialization for basic spatiotemporal parameters of visual information processing.  相似文献   

Visual neglect has been associated with an imbalance in the level of activity in the saccadic system: activity in the contralesional field is suppressed, which makes target selection unlikely. We recorded eye movements of a patient with hemispatial neglect and a group of healthy participants during an oculomotor distractor paradigm. Results showed that the interfering effects of a distractor were very strong when presented in her ipsilesional visual field. However, when the distractor was presented in her contralesional field, there were no interfering effects when the target was presented in her ipsilesional field. These findings could not be explained by the presence of a visual field defect as revealed by the results of two hemianopic patients. Our results are in line with an imbalance in the level of activity in the saccadic system in visual neglect because visual elements presented in the contralesional field did not compete for saccadic selection.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous left-hemisphere advantage in visual word processing can be accounted for in different ways. Competing theories have been tested recently using cAsE-aLtErNaTiNg words to investigate boundary conditions for the typical effect. We briefly summarize this research and examine the disagreements and commonalities across the theoretical perspectives. This work may provide a good example why a multi-level, multi-method, and multi-paradigm approach holds the greatest promise for rapid theoretical progress.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the experimental results of an embodied cognitive robotic approach for modelling the human cognitive deficit known as unilateral spatial neglect (USN). To this end, we introduce an artificial neural network architecture designed and trained to control the spatial attentional focus of the iCub robotic platform. Like the human brain, the architecture is divided into two hemispheres and it incorporates bio-inspired plasticity mechanisms, which allow the development of the phenomenon of the specialization of the right hemisphere for spatial attention. In this study, we validate the model by replicating a previous experiment with human patients affected by the USN and numerical results show that the robot mimics the behaviours previously exhibited by humans. We also simulated recovery after the damage to compare the performance of each of the two hemispheres as additional validation of the model. Finally, we highlight some possible advantages of modelling cognitive dysfunctions of the human brain by means of robotic platforms, which can supplement traditional approaches for studying spatial impairments in humans.  相似文献   

Serial-verbal short-term memory is impaired by irrelevant sound, particularly when the sound changes acoustically (the changing-state effect). In contrast, short-term recall of semantic information is impaired only by the semanticity of irrelevant speech, particularly when it is semantically related to the target memory items (the between-sequence semantic similarity effect). Previous research indicates that the changing-state effect is larger when the sound is presented to the left ear in comparison to the right ear, the left ear disadvantage. In this paper, we report a novel finding whereby the between-sequence semantic similarity effect is larger when the irrelevant speech is presented to the right ear in comparison to the left ear, but this right ear disadvantage is found only when meaning is the basis of recall (Experiments 1 and 3), not when order is the basis of recall (Experiment 2). Our results complement previous research on hemispheric asymmetry effects in cross-modal auditory distraction by demonstrating a role for the left hemisphere in semantic auditory distraction.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors examined the effect of tool use in a patient, MP, with neglect of peripersonal space. They found that target detection improved when the patient searched with his arm outstretched, when both visual and motor cues were present. Motor cues (arm outstretched but hidden from view) and visual cues alone (shining a torch on the objects) were less effective. In a final experiment, the authors reported that MP established a better memory for the objects that were searched for when a combined visual and motor cue was present. The authors argue that search was improved by combined visuomotor cuing, which was effective when the action could affect the objects present. Visuomotor cuing also led to stronger memories for searched locations, which reduced any tendency to reexamine positions that had been searched previously. The data are discussed in terms of the interaction between perception and action.  相似文献   

This address provides a review of evidence for a deconstruction of executive functions, the set of cognitive operations which allow goal-directed behaviour. The underlying working hypothesis is that some complementary and computationally diverse executive functions are dissociable not only functionally but also temporally and anatomically, along the left-right axis of prefrontal cortex and related neural networks. In particular, criterion setting—the capacity to flexibly set up and select task rules—is more left-lateralised; monitoring—the process of continuously evaluating the internal or external contingencies to optimise behaviour—is more right-lateralised; finally, superior medial prefrontal regions, including dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, play a role in energising weakly activated but relevant processes. Several lines of empirical evidence, including neuroimaging and neuropsychological findings, are presented to support this tripartite model of executive functions. Evidence which is difficult to explain with this model and some future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects, 30 male and 30 female, were administered a unilateral tactile test, which requires the subject to judge line orientations. More field-independent individuals in the sample perceived line orientation significantly more accurately with their left hand than with their right hand, while more field-dependent individuals showed no significant lateral difference. However, a similar pattern was observed when a verbal comprehension measure was used as a criterion. The results are discussed as they relate to the hypothesis of a link between psychological differentiation and cerebral specialization.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that memory for words elicits left hemisphere activation, faces right hemisphere activation, and nameable objects bilateral activation. This pattern of results was attributed to dual coding of information, with the left hemisphere employing a verbal code and the right a nonverbal code. Nameable objects can be encoded either verbally or nonverbally and this accounts for their bilateral activation. We investigated this hypothesis in a callosotomy patient. Consistent with dual coding, the left hemisphere was superior to the right in memory for words, whereas the right was superior for faces. Contrary to prediction, performance on nameable pictures was not equivalent in the two hemispheres, but rather resulted in a right hemisphere superiority. In addition, memory for pictures was significantly better than for either words or faces. These findings suggest that the dual code hypothesis is an oversimplification of the processing capabilities of the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

Neurological patients with unilateral neglect fail to orient and respond to stimuli on one side, typically the left. A key research issue is whether neglect is exhibited with respect to the left side of the viewer or of objects. When deficits in attentional allocation depend not merely on an object's location with respect to the viewer but on the object's intrinsic extent, shape, or movement, researchers have inferred that attention must be operating in an object-based frame of reference. Simulations of a view-based connectionist model of spatial attention prove that this inference is not logically necessary: Object-based attentional effects can be obtained without object-based frames. The model thus explains away troublesome phenomena for view-based theories of object recognition.  相似文献   

Patients with neglect of the left half of space were asked to bisect lines of different lengths. The leftmost points of the represented lines, determined on the basis of the midpoints set by the patients on the objective lines, were the dependent variable. It was thus possible to recognize diverse patterns of behavior which were conceivably averaged away in earlier investigations. In discussing the results, the question is raised of whether unilateral neglect of space may be altered by cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Although neurotogical and physiological studies indicate a right hemisphere superiority in global processing and a left hemisphere superiority in local processing of Navon-type hierarchical letters (D. Navon, 1977), most investigations of lateralized perception in healthy participants report neither asymmetry. In 6 experiments the authors examined the influence of attentional demands, stimulus properties, and mode of response on perceptual asymmetries for global and local perception. Consistent with their theoretical predictions, asymmetries were more robust on divided- than focused-attention tasks and in response to stimuli in which local and global levels were equally salient compared with those with greater global than local saliency. Contrary to their prediction, perceptual asymmetries were not influenced by the complexity of the motor response.  相似文献   

The application of sensitivity analysis methodology to connectionist modeling is discussed. Sensitivity analysis examines the functional relationship of parameters in dynamic systems to specify the interactions of parameters and the boundary conditions of dynamic system models. Sensitivity analysis is contrasted with parameter estimation. Reasons to favor sensitivity analysis in connectionist modeling are discussed. Six steps for sensitivity analysis are detailed with examples from the modeling of short- and long-term memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Moving visual stimuli have been shown to reduce unilateral neglect (ULN), however, the mechanisms underlying these effects remain poorly understood. This study compared lateralised and non-lateralised moving visual stimuli to investigate whether the spatial characteristics or general alerting properties of moving visual stimuli are responsible for reducing neglect. Post-stroke left neglect patients as well as healthy and patient control subjects were tested on a computerised line bisection task under six visual stimulus conditions. The key finding was that, relative to the no stimulus condition, leftward moving and left-sided moving visual stimuli shifted neglect patients' bisection errors leftward while the non-lateralised random moving visual stimuli did not reduce neglect patients' rightward bisection errors. The results provide evidence that spatial characteristics rather than general alerting properties of moving visual stimuli reduce rightward bisection errors in ULN. Moreover, the pattern of findings strongly supports the notion that moving visual stimuli reduce neglect by capturing attention and drawing it to a spatial location rather than by activating the attentional system via superior collicular neurons.  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization has been studied extensively within subfields ranging from perception to language comprehension. However, the study of asymmetries for basic memory functions—an area that holds promise for bridging these low- and high-level cognitive domains—has been sporadic at best. We examined each hemisphere’s tendency to retain verbal information over time, using a continuous recognition memory task with lateralized study items and central test probes. We found that the ubiquitous advantage of the left hemisphere for the processing and retention of verbal information is attenuated and perhaps even reversed over long retention intervals. This result is consistent with theories that propose differences in the degree to which the hemispheres maintain veridical versus semantically transformed representations of the input they receive.  相似文献   

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