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Field dependence and memory for incidental material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two experiments were used to examine the effects of stress on latent inhibition (LI; poorer learning with a previously exposed irrelevant stimulus rather than a novel stimulus). In Experiment 1, stress was induced in college students by threatening participants' self-esteem with a difficult number series completion test that was related to intelligence. In Experiment 2, the participants were job seekers who were either informed or not that the LI test was part of the selection process. In both experiments, LI was attenuated in high- as compared with low-stressed participants. The results suggest that stress and/or anxiety impairs the inhibition of irrelevant-preexposed stimuli. Implications for understanding the impaired selective attentional processes in schizophrenia and schizotypy are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecologically relevant stimuli were developed as an alternative to Munsell color chips. Colored pictures of familiar objects were used to study color memory. We investigated the typicality of color to particular objects. Contextually typical colors were remembered more accurately than atypical colors were. Moreover, this variable had a stronger effect on memory than focality did. We concluded that memory for ecologically relevant material is more impressed by a color's relation to experience than by its intrinsic properties.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in 2 experiments to find a submerged platform that was situated in 1 of 2 of the 4 corners of a rectangular pool with a curved long wall. Different landmarks occupied 2 of the corners on every trial, and the platform was always situated near a landmark. For the place group in each experiment, the location of the platform was indicated by the shape of the pool and stimuli outside the pool (place cues), but not the landmarks within the pool. For the landmark groups, the landmarks, not the place cues, indicated where the platform could be found. During Stage 2, 2 of the place cues were relevant, and 2 of the landmarks were irrelevant, for a new discrimination. The place cues better controlled searching for the platform in the place group than in the landmark group when the place cues had initially been relevant by signaling the presence (Experiment 1) or the absence (Experiment 2) of the platform. The results show that animals pay more attention to relevant than irrelevant cues.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between field dependence and short-term memory. It was predicted that relatively field-independent individuals would perform better on short-term memory tests in which a large amount of interference is assumed to be present than would individuals who are more field-dependent. Subjects' appraisals of their own attentional facility, as well as their thoughts and feelings about the experimental tasks, were also elicited, and were looked at in terms of their relationship to field dependence and short-term memory.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that accuracy and confidence in one's memory are related, but there are many instances when they diverge. Accordingly it is important to disentangle the factors that contribute to memory accuracy and confidence, especially those factors that contribute to confidence, but not accuracy. We used eye movements to separately measure fluent cue processing, the target recognition experience, and relative evidence assessment on recognition confidence and accuracy. Eye movements were monitored during a face-scene associative recognition task, in which participants first saw a scene cue, followed by a forced-choice recognition test for the associated face, with confidence ratings. Eye movement indices of the target recognition experience were largely indicative of accuracy, and showed a relationship to confidence for accurate decisions. In contrast, eye movements during the scene cue raised the possibility that more fluent cue processing was related to higher confidence for both accurate and inaccurate recognition decisions. In a second experiment we manipulated cue familiarity, and therefore cue fluency. Participants showed higher confidence for cue-target associations for when the cue was more familiar, especially for incorrect responses. These results suggest that over-reliance on cue familiarity and under-reliance on the target recognition experience may lead to erroneous confidence.  相似文献   

The fact that we are often immediately attracted by sudden visual onsets provides a clear advantage for our survival. However, how can we resist from being continuously distracted by irrelevant repetitive onsets? Since the seminal work of Sokolov (1963), habituation of the orienting of attention has long been proposed to be a possible filtering mechanism. Here, in two experiments, we provide novel evidence showing that (a) habituation of capture of focused visual attention relies on a stored representation of the distractor onsets in relation to their context, and (b) that once formed such representation endures unchanged for weeks without any further exposure to the distractors. In agreement with the proposal of Wagner (1979) concerning the associative nature of habituation, the results of Experiment 1 suggest that habituation of attentional capture is context specific. Furthermore, the results of Experiment 2 show that to filter visual distractors our cognitive system uses long-lasting memories of the irrelevant information. Although distractor filtering can be implemented via top-down inhibitory control, neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying habituation provide a straightforward explanation for the reduced distraction obtained with training, thus working like an automatic filter that prevents irrelevant recurring stimuli from gaining access to higher stages of analysis.  相似文献   

In two experiments, repeated runs of a continuous recognition task were employed to assess healthy participants' ability to handle interference from irrelevant emotional and neutral memories. Presumably, such interference can be due to salience from either emotional or mnemonic processing. In both experiments, participants made more false alarms to emotional faces that were familiar from preceding runs (i.e., emotion-induced temporal-context confusion). Participants performed well for neutral faces in the first experiment including only two runs. However, increasing the number of runs to four in the second experiment induced temporal context confusion also for neutral faces. The findings suggest that memory interference can be induced when the salience of irrelevant information is erroneously considered diagnostic for memory judgements.  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of social memories with those of nonsocial memories on incidental memory. The participants were presented target words on two occasions, and each time they were asked to think of a past episode associated with them in the orienting task, followed by an unexpected free‐recall test. The results showed that the targets that were associated with social memories, episodes including any person, were recalled more often than those with nonsocial memories. Also, the spacing effect was observed only for the recall of target words associated with social memories. These results were interpreted as showing that the inclusion of any particular person in an episode makes an episode itself more distinctive as an effective cue in autobiographical elaboration.  相似文献   

A pelmanism (matched-pairs) game was used in order to test the hypothesis that survival-relevant stimuli that are likely to have been present during human evolution (e.g., a snake in attack position) enjoy a memory advantage over other survival-relevant (but “modern”) stimuli (e.g., a threatening image of a gunman). Survival-relevant stimuli were matched for arousal and presented in one of two 5 x 4 grids, along with filler items. Participants were asked to match the pairs in the grids by clicking on successive squares to reveal stimuli. Participants made significantly fewer errors when matching evolutionarily relevant survival stimuli than when matching the other stimuli. Additionally, on incorrect trials, the attempted matches were significantly closer to the actual locations of evolutionarily relevant targets than to those of other stimuli. The results suggest that objects that likely posed a consistent threat throughout human evolutionary history are better remembered than other, equally arousing and survival-relevant, stimuli. [corrected]  相似文献   

Intellectually gifted and nongifted students in grades 6, 7, and 8 were given a modified verbal analogies test in which typical verbal analogy problems were preceded by novel or familiar statements about one of the analogy terms. The test required subjects to integrate this new information into an otherwise familiar problem-solving task. Both gifted and nongifted students gave significantly more attention to novel information than to familiar information. Gifted students gave significantly less attention to irrelevant novel information than did nongifted students, but did not differ from nongifted students in their attention to relevant novel information. Whereas intellectually gifted students gave significantly more time to relevant than to irrelevant novel information, non-gifted students allocated as much time to irrelevant novel information as they did to relevant novel information. Performance on this task was significantly correlated with teachers' ratings of intellectual ability for gifted, but not for nongifted students.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the human brain processes visual information in different manners, depending on whether the information is used for perception or for action control. This distinction has been criticized for the lack of behavioral dissociations that unambiguously support the proposed two-visual-pathways model. Here we present a new and simple dissociation between vision for perception and vision for action: Perceptual judgments are affected by the similarity of relevant and irrelevant stimulus features, while object-oriented actions are not. This dissociation overcomes the methodological problems of previously proposed differences in terms of vulnerability to visual illusions or to variability in irrelevant object features, and it can also serve as an easily applicable behavioral indicator of underlying processing modes.  相似文献   

First, third, and fifth graders (7.1, 8.8, 11.1 years old) performed semantic, acoustic, and orthographic orienting activities to different words in a list. Without forewarning, their free recall of the words was tested after the orienting activity. The semantic task yielded better recall than the acoustic or orthographic tasks, but the latter two did not differ. Age differences in recall were absent, and the effect of the three orienting tasks did not vary as a function of the child's age. The results support a direct extension of levels of processing theory (Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1972, 11, 671–684) to children's memory. An obligatory-optional encoding distinction was suggested as a developmentally relevant addition to the levels of processing framework.  相似文献   

We examined emotional memory enhancement (EEM) for negative and positive pictures while manipulating encoding and retrieval conditions. Two groups of 40 participants took part in this study. Both groups performed immediate implicit (categorization task) and explicit (recognition task) retrieval, but for one group the tasks were preceded by incidental encoding and for the other group by intentional encoding. As indicated by the sensitivity index (d'), after incidental encoding positive stimuli were easier to recognize than negative and neutral stimuli. Participants' response criterion was more liberal for negative stimuli than for both positive and neutral ones, independent of encoding condition. In the implicit retrieval task, participants were slower in categorizing positive than negative and neutral stimuli. However, the priming effect was larger for emotional than for neutral stimuli. These results are discussed in the context of the idea that the effect of emotion on immediate memory enhancement may depend on the intentionality to encode and retrieve information.  相似文献   

Single-route models attribute stimulus-response compatibility effects to the difficulty of translation from stimulus to response. Dual-route models propose that compatibility effects reflect in part an additional direct, or automatic, activation route. Selected findings from three lines of research are reported that converge to provide evidence consistent with the view that the automatic activation route plays a role in compatibility effects. The data suggest that the activation produced via this route by relevant stimulus attributes influences response selection only when all mappings of stimuli to responses are known to be compatible.  相似文献   

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