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Transfer of matching-to-sample in pigeons   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment I, pigeons were first trained on simultaneous matching-to-sample with either color stimuli or form stimuli, and then shifted to stimuli on the other dimension. Matching performance in the first session with stimuli on a given dimension was not affected by prior matching training with stimuli on the other dimension. However, in the first six color-matching sessions pooled, birds with prior form-matching training performed significantly better than birds without any prior matching training. In Experiment II, birds with experience matching both colors and forms in separate sessions were tested with novel stimulus configurations involving either novel stimuli or novel combinations of familiar colors and forms. Matching performance was not affected by novel stimulus configurations, except that performance dropped to a chance level or below when the standard stimulus was novel. In Experiments II, III, and IV, three of four tests did not show any effect of prior reinforcement of pecks at a novel stimulus, presented alone, on subsequent matching of that stimulus. The results were interpreted as indicating that matching performance in pigeons depends on the learning of stimulus-response chains involving the specific stimuli employed during training. An incidental observation in Experiments I and II was that there were typically more excess pecks at the standard stimulus during form-matching sessions than during color-matching sessions, which may be related to the fact that form matching is more difficult than color matching.  相似文献   

《Learning and motivation》1986,17(3):269-286
When a delayed matching-to-sample task does not involve short-delay trials interspersed among the long-delay trials, there is evidence that pigeons show long latencies in responding to the sample (sample observing response). They may even stop responding altogether. Two experiments were conducted to confirm the phenomenon and determine what aspect of the procedure is responsible for it. In Experiment 1 pigeons were trained on a delayed matching-to-sample task in which the delay remined constant throughout each session and was increased as each bird reached a performance criterion. The results indicated that sampleresponse latency increased in a regular fashion as delay increased. When the delay increased to 8.0 s, responding to the sample often stopped for long periods of time. In Experiment 2 pigeons were exposed to constant delay sessions (LONG), or mixed delay sessions with the delay length signaled (COR) or unsignaled (UNC). Sample-response latencies increased with increasing delay on long-delay trials for the LONG and the COR groups but not for the UNC group. Results supported the hypothesis that predictability of the long delay and not the loss of association between sample responses and reinforcement was responsible for the increased sample-response latency.  相似文献   

In two experiments, independent groups of pigeons were trained on an identity matching task involving line orientations as sample and comparison stimuli. For some birds an overhead houselight was illuminated continuously throughout each training session. For other birds the houselight was never illuminated during training sessions. During subsequent testing, the lighting conditions during the delay were the same as in training on some trials, but on other trials they were opposite those of training during either the entire delay (Experiment 1) or during a portion of the delay (Experiment 2). In birds trained with the houselight off, turning the houselight on during the delay produced a large and enduring disruption in matching accuracy. On the other hand, in birds trained with the houselight on, turning the houselight off during the delay produced only a moderate and temporary disruption in matching accuracy. These findings are inconsistent with the prevailing view that retroactive interference in pigeons is a function of a change in illumination level relative to that which prevailed during training. In pigeons, as in monkeys, sustained retoactive interference effects obtain only when the level of illumination is increase during the delay interval.  相似文献   

This series of experiments examined zero-delay matching-to-sample performance in pigeons with element and compound sample stimuli. In Experiment 1, compound sample stimuli were consistently followed by compound comparison stimuli and matching accuracy during testing was equivalent to element sample-element comparison trials on the color dimension. In Experiment 2, element comparisons suddenly introduced following compound samples produced a decrement on the line dimension only. Subsequent testing at various sample durations revealed higher matching accuracy following element samples than following compound samples on both the color and line-tilt dimensions. Experiment 3 replicated the results of Experiments 1 and 2 and also demonstrated that the superiority of element over compound matching performance remains constant over the sample durations tested. In Experiment 4 testing at sample durations up to 30 sec produced an overall decrement in matching performance, but again the element vs compound matching difference remained constant. The stimulus-generalization decrement hypothesis provided a better explanation of these results than either the information-overload hypothesis or the rule hypothesis.  相似文献   

Experiments 1 and 2 involved independent groups that received primary reinforcement after a correct match with a probability of 1.0, .50 or .25. Correct matches that did not produce primary reinforcement produced a conditioned reinforcer. Both experiments revealed little evidence that acquisition or retention was adversely affected by use of intermittent reinforcement. Experiment 3 involved a group that received 100% reinforcement and two others that received 25% reinforcement, one of which received conditioned reinforcement and the other did not. Following acquisition and retention testing, birds in group 100% and group 25% with conditioned reinforcement were exposed to 25% reinforcement and no conditioned reinforcement. Results revealed that conditioned reinforcement was important in promoting acquisition but was irrelevant in maintaining performance. It was concluded that intermittent reinforcement, especially when combined with conditioned reinforcement during acquisition, supports levels of acquisition and retention comparable to that of continuous reinforcement. Theoretically, the findings are consistent with an extension of Blough's instance-based theory of discrimination performance and, practically, they suggest that use of intermittent reinforcement could result in increased efficiency and economy in labs using delayed matching.  相似文献   

Three experiments compared the performance of pigeons and corvids when they were given the opportunity to transfer the relational rule underlying matching or oddity discriminations to new sets of stimuli. In the first, pigeons and jackdaws were initially trained either on a matching or on a non-relational conditional discrimination and then transferred to a new matching discrimination. In the second, pigeons and jays were trained on a series of three matching (or oddity) discriminations with three different pairs of colours and finally tested, either with the same or the reversed rule, on matching or oddity to line orientations. In the third, pigeons and rooks were trained to perform one response when two coloured panels were the same and a different response when the two colours were different and then transferred, either with the same or the reversed rule, to a new set of colour stimuli. All three experiments produced the same result: no evidence of transfer of the relational rule by pigeons, but substantial and significant transfer by corvids.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of similarity between intertrial interval (ITI) and delay illumation on the choose-short effect. Different groups of pigeons learned to match 'short' (2 s) and 'long' (6 or 8 s) food samples to green and red test stimuli in a matchingto-sample procedure with a 5-s training delay.Subsequent 10- and 20-s delay tests revealed choose-short effects if the ITI and delay were both illuminated (i.e., group ON-ON), if the ITI and delay were both dark (i.e., group OFF-OFF), and if the ITI was illuminated and the delay was dark (i.e., group ON-OFF). In addition, either a choose-short effect or a chooselong effect was observed if the ITI was dark and the delay was illuminated (i.e., group OFFON). Results are incompatible with the confusion/instructionalfailure viewof the choose-short effect.  相似文献   

In 49 sessions, pigeons failed to learn to sort a collection of 80 stimuli composed of a closed curve and a dot, divided into two categories, according to whether the dot was or was not inside the curve. Next, the pigeons were successfully trained, first with the insides of the curves shown in bright red, then with a darker red, and finally with a black matching the background outside the curve. After this stepwise procedure, the pigeons displayed a limited ability to sort novel curves and dot locations according to whether the dot was or was not inside the curve.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match color and line orientation element or compound samples in a symbolic matching-to-sample task. In subsequent test sessions with element and compound samples, there was an initial superiority of element matching for the element-trained group and of compound matching for the compound-trained group. This difference persisted over the course of 100 test sessions for the element-trained group, whereas element- and compound-matching accuracy converged for the compound-trained group. In a second experiment, in which sample duration was manipulated, element-matching accuracy was superior to compound-matching accuracy for both groups. Thus, element-matching accuracy was superior to compound-matching accuracy under conditions that rule out generalization decrement and training history as explanations. The data are interpreted as supporting the view that the dimensions of visual compound stimuli compete for a limited cognitive resource.  相似文献   

The differential outcomes effect (DOE) pertains to enhanced conditional discrimination performance if each correct stimulus-choice sequence is always followed by a different outcome (e.g., food vs. water) compared to when each correct sequence is followed equally often by either outcome. The present experiments sought evidence of a DOE in pigeons, using biologically neutral outcomes. Experiment 1 replicated findings with rats demonstrating that a DOE can occur when one outcome is a biologically neutral light and the other is the absence of that light. Experiment 2 extended these findings by demonstrating a DOE when two biologically neutral outcomes of similar sensory and associative properties were employed.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Most animals engage in complex activities that are the combination of simpler actions expressed over a period of time. The mechanisms organizing such sequential behavior have...  相似文献   

A proof of magnetic compass learning by pigeons under laboratory conditions has been attempted for decades, but all experiments have failed so far. The aim of the present study was to test whether pigeons can learn magnetic compass directions in an operant chamber if magnetic cues are presented as true spatial cues. Experimental sessions were carried out in the local geomagnetic field and in magnetic fields with matched total intensity and inclination, but different directions generated with Helmholtz-coils. Birds demonstrated successful learning with a performance level comparable to that in learning studies with magnetic anomalies. In addition, we compared the data from magnetic learning in the laboratory with performance from homing experiments in the field. The birds that were more successful in the learning experiment had vanishing bearings farther away from the home direction than the group mean at unfamiliar, but not at familiar sites. This might suggest that better learners explore unknown locations in a different way. Our findings represent the first evidence for operant magnetic compass learning in pigeons and also provide a link between behavioural data from the field and the laboratory.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained to peck at a target (odd stimulus) that was presented on a touch-screen together with three identical distractors (non-odd stimuli). The target could be either a square or a circle that was either blue or green, and the distractors in each trial were always of the opposite form and color to the target. Thus, the birds could solve the task by attending to color, form, or both. Transfer tests showed that performance was not disrupted by novel forms, stimulus sizes, distractor numbers, and display configurations, but broke down with novel stimulus types (textured stimuli, clip art images, and photographs). Transfer to novel colors was, for the most part, restricted to trials in which only one component—target or distractors, but not both—had a novel color. This suggested that the pigeons used a couple of if–then rules rather than an oddity concept to solve the task, and that color differences between target and distractors were the only cue upon which responding was based. A control experiment with the order of color and form tests being reversed excluded the possibility of the prevalence of color being an artifact of task order and reinforcement contingencies.  相似文献   

Investigations of a mirror-image transfer effect in pigeons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In two separate experiments, pigeons trained binocularly to peck a key on which an oblique line (e.g., 60 degrees counter-clockwise rotation from horizontal) was projected yielded bi-modal angularity generalization gradients in extinction, with peaks of responding at both the training stimulus and its mirror image (in this case 120 degrees ). This mirror-image transfer effect may be analogous to an "octave effect" in auditory generalization, but Mello's finding of a mirror-image reversal transfer effect following monocular training in pigeons suggests an alternative interpretation.  相似文献   

Relational learning, as opposed to perceptual learning, is based on the abstract properties of the stimuli. Although at present there is no doubt that pigeons are capable of relational behavior, this study aims to further disclose the conditions under which it occurs. Pigeons were trained in an outdoor cage on a matching-to-sample or an oddity-from-sample task, with colored cardboard stimuli presented horizontally. The apparatus involved three sliding lids on which the stimuli were drawn and which, when displaced, revealed the reinforcement. The lids were either adjacent to each other or somewhat separated. Training sessions involved two colors, and test sessions six different colors (same dimension test), or six different shapes (different dimension test). One group of birds trained under the ‘adjacent’ condition failed when tested with new stimuli, but succeeded in both dimension tests after training under the ‘separate’ condition. Two other groups of birds succeeded in all tests after training under the latter condition. These results show that depending on procedural details, pigeons are or are not able to transfer from one visual dimension to another, thus extending previous related findings.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that pigeons will only code the more salient sample when samples differ markedly in salience, pigeons were trained with samples consisting of a 2-s presentation of food (highly salient sample) and an 8-s presentation of keylight (less salient sample). During retention testing, pigeons tended to respond at longer delays as if an 8-s keylight sample had been presented. This finding is consistent with use of a single-code/default strategy in which only the 2-s food sample was coded and the comparison associated with an 8-s keylight sample was selected by default in the absence of memory for the salient 2-s food sample. Hence, a marked difference in sample salience appears to encourage use of a single-code/default strategy.  相似文献   

Pigeons searched arrays of small forms displayed on computer monitors. On each trial, a single target form appeared together with two or more identical distractor forms. A set of six different forms was used in each of three experiments. All possible combinations of these forms, paired as target and distractor, appeared in each experimental session. Both the accuracy and speed of search increased with the number of distractors displayed. When both targets and distractors were new, accuracy was above chance only for the large (24 item) display, where transfer was highly significant. The experiments do not support the attribution to pigeons of a general "oddity concept." Rather, the results suggest that odd-item performance depends in part on a perceptual isolation of the target and in part on familiarity with target-distractor combinations.  相似文献   

Hill-climbing by pigeons   总被引:12,自引:12,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were exposed to two types of concurrent operant-reinforcement schedules in order to determine what choice rules determine behavior on these schedules. In the first set of experiments, concurrent variable-interval, variable-interval schedules, key-peck responses to either of two alternative schedules produced food reinforcement after a random time interval. The frequency of food-reinforcement availability for the two schedules was varied over different ranges for different birds. In the second series of experiments, concurrent variable-ratio, variable-interval schedules, key-peck responses to one schedule produced food reinforcement after a random time interval, whereas food reinforcement occurred for an alternative schedule only after a random number of responses. Results from both experiments showed that pigeons consistently follow a behavioral strategy in which the alternative schedule chosen at any time is the one which offers the highest momentary reinforcement probability (momentary maximizing). The quality of momentary maximizing was somewhat higher and more consistent when both alternative reinforcement schedules were time-based than when one schedule was time-based and the alternative response-count based. Previous attempts to provide evidence for the existence of momentary maximizing were shown to be based upon faulty assumptions about the behavior implied by momentary maximizing and resultant inappropriate measures of behavior.  相似文献   

Four groups of pigeons were trained on a free operant successive discrimination between line-stimuli differing in orientation. The groups differed according to their previous treatment. Two groups had received true discrimination (TD) training with stimuli differing in colour and two groups had received pseudo-discrimination (PD) training. For one pair of groups the line-stimulus that was to become the positive stimulus in the transfer stage of the experiment was superimposed on both colours and in these the subjects given PD training learned the orientation discrimination more readily than those given TD training. In the other pair of groups TD animals learned more readily than PD. These results require us to modify current theories of attentional factors in transfer.  相似文献   

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