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This study tested Berzsonky’s theory of identity styles and identity commitment in predicting religiosity. Participants were university students (N?=?320) from Chile who were surveyed with the ISI-3 and BRS-6 instruments to measure identity styles and religiosity. Path analysis was used to test the model, which suggested that the three identity styles all had direct effects on commitment. Commitment, in turn, had a direct effect on religiosity. Results revealed that normative, informational, and diffuse-avoidant styles had direct effects on identity commitment, with commitment having a direct effect on religiosity. Also, normative style was shown to have a direct effect on religiosity. Overall, results indicated that commitment is key in explaining religiosity from the perspective of Berzonsky’s theory.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate differences in the ways in which late adolescents with different identity statuses process self-relevant information and negotiate identity issues. Late adolescents with a foreclosed identity status were found to rely on a normative approach to personal problem solving and decision making, whereas identity diffusions were most apt to avoid dealing with identity issues and conflicts. Individuals in self-exploratory identity statuses were most likely to employ an informational orientation. However, as hypothesized, Status × Processing Orientation relationships were moderated by the strength of identity commitments. Results are discussed in terms of a process view of identity development.  相似文献   

The role that identity processing styles may play in commitment and self-esteem were investigated. Measures of identity processing styles, commitment and self-esteem were administered to 112 psychology students (mean age = 18.77 years, SD = 1.3 years, males = 33, females = 79). Results revealed a statistically significant difference between Informational and Diffuse-avoidant identity processing styles on commitment. There was also a significant difference between Normative and Diffuse-avoidant processing styles on commitment. Students with Informational and Normative identity styles may be better adjusted to higher education learning than those with a different profile.  相似文献   

Identity styles—informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant—have been studied widely across North America and Europe but infrequently in “non-Western” cultures. We tested the factorial structure of the Identity Styles Inventory-5 (ISI-5) among 479 young adults in Pakistan. Findings supported the predicted three-factor solution, but only when numerous poorly performing items were deleted. We further tested associations among identity styles, identity commitment, and value priorities. As expected, informational and normative styles were associated with higher commitment, whereas diffuse-avoidant style was associated with lower commitment. The three identity styles showed a pattern of divergent associations with value priorities that mostly, but not entirely, replicated the pattern of associations previously found among U.S. and European samples. We conclude that Berzonsky’s three identity styles can be detected in a Pakistani cultural context but that the ISI-5 may not fully capture the breadth and complexity of identity formation processes among Pakistani youth.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine differences in anxiety and depression related to differences in attachment models of the self and of others and whether personality traits mediate this relationship. The authors assessed attachment styles, anxiety, depression, and personality traits among 274 adult volunteers. Participants were classified into 4 attachment groups (secure, preoccupied, fearful, and dismissing–avoidant) according to K. Bartholomew's (1990) Bartholomew, K. 1990. Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7: 147178. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] model. The present authors found significant differences among attachment groups on anxiety and depressive symptoms with attachment styles involving a negative self-model showing higher scores than attachment styles characterized by a positive self-model. The authors also found that differences between attachment styles in anxiety and depression remained significant when personality factors related to attachment prototypes were entered as covariates. Results indicate that secure attachment in adults was associated with better mental health, while insecure attachment styles characterized by negative thinking about the self were associated with higher depression and anxiety scores. Our findings seem to evidence that attachment and personality are only partly overlapping and that attachment cannot be considered as redundant with personality in the explanation of psychological disease.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the hypothesis that relationships between identity processing styles and Ryff’s (J Pers Soc Psychol 57:1069–1081, 1989) six dimensions of psychological well-being would be mediated by strength of identity commitment. Theoretically predicted relationships were found in a sample of Polish late adolescents (N = 654). The informational identity style was positively associated with five well-being dimensions, the diffuse-avoidant style was negatively associated with all six dimensions, and the normative style was positively associated with self-acceptance, life purpose, and environmental mastery, but negatively associated with autonomy and personal growth. As hypothesized, 14 of these relationships were at least partially mediated by strength of commitment. Identity style and commitment combined accounted for from 18 % (positive interpersonal relations) to 60 % (life purpose) of the variation in the Ryff well-being dimensions (M = 35 %). The pattern of relationships was not moderated by the sex of the participants. The implications of the findings for the role that informed self-exploration and identity commitment may play in psychological well-being are discussed.  相似文献   

亲组织的非伦理行为(unethical pro-organizational behaviors,UPB)指员工为了其所属的组织利益而从事有违伦理的行为。研究探讨了组织承诺与UPB的关系,以及道德认同在其间的调节作用。研究发现,组织承诺与内化道德认同、象征化道德认同对UPB的影响存在三元交互的关系;组织承诺对UPB的影响主要体现在低内化道德认同/高象征化道德认同者中。  相似文献   

Identity styles and Eriksonian psychosocial balance were examined in young adults (N = 163; 64.4% women) and middle-aged adults (N = 132; 51.5% women). Participants completed self-report measures of identity styles (informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant), identity commitment, and psychosocial balance (identity, intimacy, and generativity). Different patterns of psychosocial balance were found for each identity style, with largely consistent findings across age groups. The diffuse-avoidant style was negatively associated with all forms of psychosocial balance, the normative style was positively associated with identity and intimacy balance, and the informational style was positively associated with intimacy and generativity. Structural equation modeling revealed that identity balance predicted both intimacy and generativity for the diffuse-avoidant style (negative prediction) and normative style (positive prediction), whereas the informational style provided direct positive prediction of intimacy and generativity. The importance of an informational identity style for psychosocial balance during both early and middle adulthood is discussed.  相似文献   

Degree of commitment was explored in relation to core self and role-identity. Thirty-one American emergency medical technicians (EMTs) described themselves in the EMT role (EMT now) and the way they anticipated they would be in the future (EMT future) by selecting items from an adjective checklist. Participants also described “real me,” “ideal me,” and “ought me.” Ratings of commitment and extranormative activity were also obtained. Finally, participants described a positive and a negative episode they had experienced as an EMT in an open-ended question that was coded for task and relational content. Each participant's checklist data set was individually analyzed using HICLAS, a clustering algorithm for binary data (P. DeBoeck, S. Rosenberg, & I. Van Mechelen, 1993). Results indicate that the similarity between EMT now and real me best predicted activity and the similarity between EMT future and real me best predicted commitment (positive correlations in both cases). Older, more experienced EMTs tended to describe positive episodes in relational terms, whereas younger, less experienced EMTs described positive experiences in task-oriented terms.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated links between adolescents' attempts to deal with religious issues, in particular, religious doubt and identity development. Identity status was measured by the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (Adams, Bennion, & Huh, 1989; Adams, Shea, & Fitch, 1979), which is based on crisis-exploration and commitment. Study 1 involved 132 university students, and Study 2 included 937 senior high school students. Identity achievement scores were linked to seeking out both belief-confirming consultation (BCC) and belief-threatening consultation (BTC) for religious doubts. Moratorium scores were modestly related to more religious doubting and lack of religious commitment, and also with avoidance of BCC. More foreclosed people were more religiously committed and less doubtful of religious teachings. Doubt consultation for the foreclosed tended to involve belief-confirming sources and avoidance of belief-threatening resources. More diffused individuals tended to experience more religious doubts, be religiously uncommitted, disagree with religious teachings, and avoid both BCC and BTC. Also, identity achievement was positively related to healthy personal adjustment, whereas diffusion was negatively related to healthy personal adjustment. Discussion focuses on the ways in which the concurrent and longitudinal patterns of identity-religion links in these studies support the conceptualization of identity formation and the role that religion plays in the identity process.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The Israeli worldview places great significance on childbearing. This could create emotional and ethical difficulties for women coping with fertility issues in...  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between family structure, gender and age and profiles of identity exploration and commitment in the ideological (occupation, values, politics, religion, gender roles) and interpersonal identity (dating, friendships, and family) domains among 388 young adults. The general profile revealed low exploration in both domains, with ideological exploration being the lower, compared to high and comparable levels of commitment in the two domains. Older participants explored more than younger ones, and females gave more attention to the interpersonal domain than did males. Participants from original families explored more in the interpersonal domain than in the ideological domain, but their commitment was the same for the two domains. Participants from non-original families explored in equal amounts in the two domains, but were more committed in the interpersonal domain compared to participants from original families. Participants from non-original families explored more in the ideological domain than did participants from original families. Our findings indicate that individuals from non-original families exhibit positive outcomes and strengths that are often overlooked in the literature.  相似文献   

Maintaining a satisfying heterosexual relationship is important to many individuals?? happiness and physical health. Evolutionary theories on the formation of relationships suggest that adult attachment and relationship commitment are universal mechanisms for securing and maintaining such mating relationships. This study sought to understand how these two mechanisms may link to each other and how they in turn contribute to relationship satisfaction with one??s current partner in Hong Kong Chinese and American cultures. Similarities in the model for relationship satisfaction were found among young dating couples in the United States and Hong Kong. Specifically, attachment anxiety was positively linked to structural commitment, whereas attachment avoidance was negatively related to personal commitment. Both dimensions of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) and both components of commitment (personal and structural) were found to predict current relationship satisfaction significantly and equivalently across cultures, with the pathway from attachment avoidance to current relationship satisfaction similarly mediated by personal commitment in both cultural groups. These results were interpreted in terms of a probable universal logic informing the interpersonal dynamics involving attachment and relationship commitment.  相似文献   

Early religion scholars stressed the importance of institutionalized “rites of passage” to integrate and reinvigorate groups themselves. Surprisingly, little work, however, has explored the efficacy of such rites for the religious lives of individuals. Although research has examined the transformative role of semi‐institutionalized rites like short‐term mission trips and pilgrimages, we shift the focus to consider the potential influence of more fundamental initiation rites such as baptism, first communion, and bar/bat mitzvahs. Utilizing surveys 1 and 4 of the National Study of Youth and Religion and focusing on overall religiosity and disaffiliation as the outcomes, we examine whether experiencing a religious rite of passage during or before one's teenage years predicts the religious outcomes of young adults. We find no difference in religiosity over time between persons who experienced a religious rite passage and those who did not. However, those who underwent a religious rite of passage were 30 percent less likely to disaffiliate between data collection points. Tests for interactions show that the influence of such initiation rites does not vary across religious traditions. Findings suggest the experience of baptism, bar/bat mitzvah, confirmation, or other rites of passage matter primarily as durable markers of social identity, binding adherents to their faith community, if only nominally.  相似文献   

Expanding on the identity status paradigm, this investigation uses 3 forms of identity styles (diffuse-avoidance, normative, and informational) to assess the association among identity and maladjustment. A sample of 2,001 junior and senior high school students in Calgary and Edmonton, Canada completed a self-report that included, among other questions, items assessing the 3 identity styles and degree of adjustment or maladjustment in conduct, hyperactivity, and emotional states. Avariety of analyses indicate that adolescents who are escaping identity formation through a diffuse-avoidance identity style are more likely to manifest conduct and hyperactivity disorders. In contrast, adolescents who establish commitments from prior generations through a normative-identity style, or who engage in an active informational-identity style, are less likely to manifest conduct and hyperactivity problem behavior. Few gender or age differences were observed, suggesting that the technique applied here can be useful with both genders and all ages of adolescents. This study is an initial investigation of contemporary adolescents attempts to escape the self.  相似文献   

Drawing on research in juvenile delinquency and crime, several parallels are observed with that of research using the concept of identity styles. The study of 1,450 adolescent boys and girls in the 7th through 12th grade was completed to discern if identity theory is useful in detecting self-reported delinquency behavior. Gender and age differences were expected; however, they were not observed to be of major consequences. Rather, a diffuse-avoidance identity style was associated with higher self-reported delinquent behaviors and a normative or social convention perspective associated with less self-reported delinquency. This discussion briefly explores the findings that support a general theory of crime and the potential contribution identity theory could have for the study of adolescent delinquency. Limitations of this study are briefly recognized.  相似文献   

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