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This paper discusses ways of determining whether the human parser is serial maintaining at most, one structural interpretation at each parse state, or whether it is parallel, maintaining more than one structural interpretation in at least some circumstances. We make four points. The first two counterclaims made by Lewis (2000): (1) that the availability of alternative structures should not vary as a function of the disambiguating material in some ranked parallel models; and (2) that parallel models predict a slow down during the ambiguous region for more syntactically ambiguous structures. Our other points concern potential methods for seeking experimental evidence relevant to the serial/parallel question. We discuss effects of the plausibility of a secondary structure in the ambiguous region (Pearlmutter & Mendelsohn, 1999) and suggest examining the distribution of reaction times in the disambiguating region.  相似文献   

When the human parser encounters a local structural ambiguity, are multiple structures pursued (parallel or breadth-first parsing), or just a single preferred structure (serial or depth-first parsing)? This note discusses four important classes of serial and parallel models: simple limited parallel, ranked limited parallel, deterministic serial with reanalysis, and probabilistic serial with reanalysis. It is argued that existing evidence is compatible only with probabilistic serial-reanalysis models, or ranked parallel models augmented with a reanalysis component. A new class of linguistic structures is introduced on which the behavior of serial and parallel parsers diverge the most radically: multiple local ambiguities are stacked to increase the number of viable alternatives in the ambiguous region from two to eight structures. This paradigm may provide the strongest test yet for parallel models.  相似文献   

长时间注视一个字或词语后,感觉这个字词变得奇怪且陌生,这种现象称为饱和现象。本研究采用快速类别/词汇匹配范式,考察中文词汇加工中的饱和现象。实验1-3发现单纯的语义或字形的重复均未能引发饱和,只有类别标签在字形和语义上的同时重复才引发饱和,表明与英文饱和相似,中文饱和发生在字形加工和语义加工的联结阶段。实验4结果表明,中文饱和还能够由表义部件的重复引发,体现了中文饱和的特殊性。  相似文献   

Can participants retrieve information about the 2nd of 2 stimuli while they are processing the 1st? Four experiments suggest they can. Reaction times to the 1st stimulus were faster if it came from the same category as the 2nd than if it came from a different category. This category-match effect was observed for letter-digit discrimination (Experiment 1), magnitude and parity judgments about digits (Experiment 2), and lexical decisions (Experiment 3). Experiment 4 showed that the 2nd stimulus could semantically prime the 1st. The category-match effect was observed only when the same task was performed on the 2 stimuli. When the task changed from the 1st stimulus to the 2nd, there was no advantage of a category match. This dependence on task set may explain previous failures to find parallel retrieval.  相似文献   

为了明确义符对归纳推理影响,本研究使用有义符和无义符汉字为材料,使用ERP技术考查义符对不同层级类别概念归纳推理的影响。行为结果显示,有义符条件下反应速度更快,肯定判断率更高。脑电指标上,P3阶段义符主效应显著,有义符条件下P3波幅更大;N1、N400和P600阶段义符与层级交互作用显著,组内简单效应分析显示,层级主效应仅在无义符条件下显著;组间简单效应分析显示,义符主效在N400和P600阶段仅在下-上推理条件下显著,无义符条件下,下-上推理引发更大的N400和P600波幅。这些结果表明,义符促进了归纳推理过程,这种促进主要表现在对下-上推理的促进。  相似文献   

Two experiments, an off-line acceptability judgment study and an on-line self-paced reading experiment, were conducted to tackle the question of locality-based preferences in sentence processing. The material consisted of German verb-final sentences containing a relative clause that was either host adjacent or extraposed. While the off-line data seem to reflect locality based integration cost, the on-line data revealed a highly different picture. It is argued that, in the present constructions at least, locality is relevant for production rather than perception. In perception, heads can be anticipated through incremental integration of their arguments.  相似文献   

通过2个实验, 考察了语义类标记在中国手语词汇识别和语义提取中的作用。实验1采用手语词汇判断任务, 比较了有、无语义类标记的手语词汇识别。实验2采用语义决定任务, 探讨了语义类标记对手语词语义提取的影响。结果表明, 语义类标记影响聋生对手语词的识别和语义提取。聋生识别有语义类标记的手语词显著快于识别无语义类标记的手语词。当语义类标记与手语词的语义一致时, 能够促进聋生对手语词的语义提取; 当语义类标记与手语词的语义不一致, 会干扰聋生对手语词的语义提取。中国手语词语义类标记效应的发现, 丰富了中国手语词词汇认知的理论, 对聋人的语言教学和概念教学具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated syntactic processing during comprehension of sentences presented either in isolation or in a discourse context. Comprehension of a range of different types of surface structurally ambiguous sentences was studied. To explain the interpretations generally given to the sentences processed in isolation, two parsing principles were proposed: Kimball's (1973) Right Association and Verb Dominance. When the ambiguous sentences were read in context, the interpretations computed were still determined by these structurally based principles, even when this meant that the meanings were at variance with the prior context. These results indicate that surface structure parsing of sentences proceeds in the same way whether sentences are processed alone or in context.This research was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Scheme. I thank Linda Cupples for her help in conducting the experiments and in analyzing the data. I am indebted to Marilyn Ford for her critical comments on an earlier, version of the article. Thanks are also due to Dianne Bradley, Ken Forster, and Roger Wales for their helpful comments on the topic.  相似文献   

We present a processing model that integrates same important psychological claims about the human sentence-parsing mechanism: namely, that processing is influenced by limitations an working memory and by various syntactic preferences. The model uses time-constraint information to resolve conflicting preferences in a psychologically plausible way. The starting paint far this proposal is the Sausage Machine model (Fodor & Frazier, 1980: Frazier & Fodor, 1978). From there, we attempt to overcome the original model's dependence an ad hoc aspects of its grammar, and its omission of verb-frame preferences. We also add mechanisms far lexical disambiguation and semantic processing in parallel with syntactic processing.  相似文献   

汉字形声字声旁的语义加工(英文)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
周晓林 《心理学报》2002,34(1):2-10
作为汉字书写系统和意义表达基本单位的汉字可分为独体字(占5%)和合体字(占95%)两大类。绝大多数合体字由两部分组成:义旁(通常在左边)和声旁(通常在右边)。声旁能够为这些合体字提供语音信息。根据声旁的读音与整字的读音是否一致,可把合体字分为规则字和不规则字。本研究的目的在于考察合体字声旁的亚词汇加工是否仅仅是一个纯粹的语音事件,只涉及声旁的语音加工,还是同时也是一个语义事件,涉及到声旁语义信息的激活。要求被试对屏幕上先后呈现的合体字(如“冯”)和与其声旁语义相关的字(“牛”)作语义相关判断。整字之间并无语义关系,被试正确的反应应是“否”。实验结果表明,相对于完全无关的控制组(如“冯——后”)来说,被试对声旁相关组的反应明显减慢,出现了抑制效应。这种效应基本不受整字的读音规则性和呈现顺序的影响。这些实验结果表达了合体字加工中的分解和平行激活过程。在整字加工的同时,声旁在心理词典中的语音和语义表征得到了激活。汉字声旁的亚词汇加工既是个语音事件,也是个语义事件,与词汇水平的加工没有本质的区别。  相似文献   

汉语阈下语义启动无意识机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水仁德  丁海杰  沈模卫 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1025-1029
采用Klinger等人(2000)的阈下语义启动研究范式,以汉字双字词为实验材料,用反应时和正确率为指标对阈下语义启动现象及其无意识机制进行了实验研究。结果发现,在与反应关系一致的维度上存在阈下语义启动现象;用反应时和正确率检测阈下语义启动时不存在敏感性差异。通过对阈下语义启动无意识机制及其相关研究的讨论,作者认为本研究结果支持反应竞争模型。  相似文献   

杨闰荣  韩玉昌  曹洪霞 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1444-1447
使用ERP技术考察了言语产生过程中语音和语义的激活情况。图片上有3种条件的干扰词,分别与目标图片名称形成3种关系:语义相关,语音相同,语义、语音、字形都不相关。结果显示,当被试执行延迟命名任务(实验1)时,与目标图片名称语义相关和控制条件的波形比语音相关的波形更趋于负向。说明在图片命名过程中语音有明显的促进作用。当要求被试对上述图片进行延迟语义判断任务(实验2)时,与目标图片名称语义相关、语音相关及控制条件的波形之间无明显差异。说明在语义提取过程中没有语音的促进作用。综合实验1和实验2,本研究的结果更倾向于支持独立两阶段模型。  相似文献   

舒德华  王权红 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1037-1042
以事件相关电位(ERP)技术和语义启动范式,采用同一字判断(靶字延迟反应)作业,考察字形畸变和语境对低频汉字识别的影响。结果发现,无语义启动时,畸变靶字正确率低于清晰靶字;启动效应只体现在畸变时的正确率上。150–300ms窗口,畸变字比清晰字诱发峰值更负的N170;300–500ms时间窗口,不启动条件诱发平均波幅更负的N400,畸变字诱发更大N400。结论是,畸变字诱发的N170成分,在一定程度上反映了字形加工;N400的语义启动效应和畸变效应,扩展Holcomb的研究,并支持语义提取理论。  相似文献   

Semantic normativism, which is the view that semantic properties/concepts are some kind of normative properties/concepts, has become increasingly influential in contemporary meta‐semantics. In this paper, I aim to argue that semantic normativism has difficulty accommodating the causal efficacy of semantic properties. In specific, I raise an exclusion problem for semantic normativism, inspired by the exclusion problem in the philosophy of mind. Moreover, I attempt to show that the exclusion problem for semantic normativism is peculiarly troublesome: while we can solve (or dissolve) mental‐physical exclusion by adopting the so‐called ‘autonomy approach’, a similar autonomy solution to semantic exclusion is implausible if semantic properties are understood as normative properties.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning has been explained by two main types of theories that postulate different learning mechanisms. Rescorla and Wagner (1972) put forth a theory in which conditioning is based on the ability of the US to drive learning through error correction. Alternatively, Mackintosh (1973) put forth a theory in which the ability of the CS to be associated with the unconditioned stimulus is modulated. We have proposed a reconciliation of these two mechanisms as working in parallel within different neural systems: a cerebellar system for US modulation and a hippocampal system for CS modulation. We developed a computational model of cerebellar function in eyeblink conditioning based on the error correction mechanism of the Rescorla-Wagner rule in which learningrelated activity from the cerebellum inhibits the inferior olive, which is the US input pathway to the cerebellum (Gluck et al., 1994). We developed a computational model of the hippocampal region that forms altered representations of conditioned stimuli based on their behavioral outcomes (Gluck & Myers, 1993; Myers et al., 1995). Overall, computational modeling and empirical findings support the idea that, at least in the case of eyeblink conditioning, there may be two different neural systems: the cerebellum which mediates US-based error correction and hippocampus which alters representations of CSs.  相似文献   

本研究探讨汉字刺激质量与语义启动的相互作用,深入考察汉字识别的内在机制。实验采用真假字判断范式,实验1使用语义相关词对比率较高的实验材料,实验2使用语义相关词对比率较低的实验材料,结果发现:(1)无论语义相关词对比率高还是低,均存在语义启动效应和刺激质量效应,且汉字刺激质量与语义启动之间均存在交互作用;(2)轻度模糊刺激较重度模糊刺激受到的语义启动效应更大。结果表明,即使排除了额外反馈的作用,汉字刺激质量与语义启动之间仍存在交互作用,进一步支持交互激活模型。  相似文献   

Classical conditioning has been explained by two main types of theories that postulate different learning mechanisms. Rescorla and Wagner (1972) put forth a theory in which conditioning is based on the ability of the US to drive learning through error correction. Alternatively, Mackintosh (1973) put forth a theory in which the ability of the CS to be associated with the unconditioned stimulus is modulated. We have proposed a reconciliation of these two mechanisms as working in parallel within different neural systems: a cerebellar system for US modulation and a hippocampal system for CS modulation. We developed a computational model of cerebellar function in eyeblink conditioning based on the error correction mechanism of the Rescorla-Wagner rule in which learning-related activity from the cerebellum inhibits the inferior olive, which is the US input pathway to the cerebellum (Gluck et al., 1994). We developed a computational model of the hippocampal region that forms altered representations of conditioned stimuli based on their behavioral outcomes (Gluck & Myers, 1993; Myers et al., 1995). Overall, computational modeling and empirical findings support the idea that, at least in the case of eyeblink conditioning, there may be two different neural systems: the cerebellum which mediates US-based error correction and hippocampus which alters representations of CSs.  相似文献   

采用即时的跨通道匹配任务,研究语音通达字形过程中汉语同音字多少的影响以及语义在其中的作用.在三个lSI点均发现同音字家族数效应和语义透明度效应,同音字家族数效应在各个时间点稳定,而语义透明度效应随时间点的推后变小;还发现同音字家族数、语义透明度和ISl的交互作用.  相似文献   

义符在中文名词和动词分类中的作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过3个实验,考察了义符在中文名词和动词分类中的作用。实验1表明,义符提供了重要的语法种类信息,在中文名词和动词分类中有重要作用。当义符与词类一致时分类快,与词类相反时对分类起干扰作用。实验2表明,高频词分类时间短,错误率亦低。义符和词频有显著的交互作用,义符对低频词分类作用更大。实验3表明,具体性高的词分类时间短,错误率亦低。义符和具体性之间无显著的交互作用。整个研究表明,义符不仅是结构的“块”,也是语义的“块”,还是语法的“块”。所以如此,与中文名词和动词的结构特点有关。中文名词大多用义符标记事物的物质组成,动词大多用义符标记动作发出的器官或完成动作的工具。义符的语法意义的发现丰富了中文和中文认知的理论,对中文教学也有重要启示  相似文献   

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