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The challenge in inferring cognitive processes from observational data is to correctly align overt behavior with its covert cognitive process. To improve our understanding of this overt–covert mapping in the domain of decision making, we collected eye‐movement data during decisions between gamble‐problems. Participants were either free to choose or instructed to use a specific choice strategy (maximizing expected value or a choice heuristic). We found large differences in looking patterns between free and instructed choices. Looking patterns provided no support for the common assumption that attention is equally distributed between outcomes and probabilities, even when participants were instructed to maximize expected value. Eye‐movement data are to some extent ambiguous with respect to underlying cognitive processes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we tested two concepts of decision making: expected utility theory and heuristic choice. In Experiment 1, we applied think‐aloud protocols to investigate violations of expected utility theory. In Experiments 2 to 4, we introduced a new process‐tracing method—called predict‐aloud protocols—that has advantages over previously suggested research methods. Results show the following: (i) people examine information between rather than within gambles; (ii) the priority heuristic emerges as the most frequently used strategy when problems are difficult; and (iii) people check for similarity when problems are easy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether or not students in higher education settings are using creative cognitive processes, how these processes are related to deep approaches to learning, and in what types of settings and students these processes are most prevalent. Data collected from 8,724 students at 17 institutions participating in the 2010 National Survey of Student Engagement suggests that first‐year and senior students employ several different creative cognitive processes in their everyday activities. Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggest two distinct types of processes: deliberate creative processes and intuitive cognitive processes. Additional analyses indicate significant positive relationships between both types of creative processes and deep approaches to learning, as well as statistically significant differences in the use of creative processes based on gender, enrollment type, and type of institution. Potential reasons for and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Eye Movements, Cognitive Processes, and Reading   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Itisveryclearthateyemovementdatahavebeenextremelyinfluentialinshapingwhatamodelofskilledreadingshouldbelike[1,2].Eyemovementdatahavealsoyieldedvaluableinsightsconcerningthemostappropriatewaystoteachreading[3,4].Giv鄄enthatmyownresearchhasinvolvedtheuseofeyemovementdataformanyyears,Iamoftenaskedwhatthemostsignificantfindingsthathaveemergedfromourlab.Inthisarticle,IwillfocusonwhatIviewtobethemostimportantfindingsanddevelopmentsfromtheresearchthatwehavedoneoverthisextended30yearperiod.Becauseou…  相似文献   

There has been a recent focus on the processes that underlie intervention delivery for children and adolescents throughout the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) literature. Certain process variables have been associated with treatment outcome among youth receiving CBT. Data for these process variables including: the therapeutic alliance or therapeutic relationship, child and parent involvement, other child and therapist variables, and issues of diversity, are reviewed. Based on this data, specific clinical recommendations are made. The treatment relationship as a very important process (VIP), and the facilitation of CBT so that it is real and relevant to youth are emphatically discussed. Process issues in modular CBT are identified. Ultimately, genuine collaborative empiricism and guided discovery preserve the therapeutic relationship as a VIP, and foster the customization of therapeutic tools and the treatment trajectory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that writing about upsetting experiences can improve physical health. In an attempt to explain this phenomenon, 72 first-year college students were randomly assigned to write about either their thoughts and feelings about coming to college or about superficial topics for three consecutive days. Measures of language use within the writing samples and cognitive measures of accessibility and schematic organisation were collected in the weeks before and after writing. As in previous studies, writing about college was found to reduce health centre visits for illness and to improve subjects' grade point average. Text analyses indicated that the use of positive emotion words and changes in words suggestive of causal and insightful thinking were linked to health change. Improved grades, although not linked to these language dimensions, were found to correlate with measures of schematic organisation of college-relevant themes. Implications for using written language to understand cognitive and health processes are discussed.  相似文献   

亲社会行为是指有利于他人和社会的行为,包括合作、分享、助人、安慰等。亲社会行为产生主要涉及几种认知过程:对他人行为和情绪的注意、社会信息加工、对结果的奖赏预期、社会规范表征、自我控制、以及社会信息整合与价值计算等。基于这些认知过程,研究发现,亲社会行为主要与前脑岛和前扣带回、默认网络背内侧子系统、奖赏系统以及前额叶皮层等神经区域有关,因此提出亲社会行为共同的认知-脑神经回路。未来可以对亲社会行为脑神经基础的共性、功能连接以及跨文化研究等方面做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Processes that emerge in the course of group treatment, such as universality and mutual aid, have been posited to promote therapeutic change (e.g., Yalom, 1995); however, they have received relatively little attention in the group cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) literature (Rose, 2004). Group CBT interventions have been successful in alleviating symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders, such as major depression and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder (e.g., Anderson & Rees, 2007; Himle et al., 2001). A specialized group CBT protocol has been developed to treat hoarding (Muroff et al., 2009; Steketee & Frost, 2007), characterized by excessive clutter in the home, difficulty discarding objects that appear of little value, and often excessive acquisition, resulting in significant distress and/or impairment (Frost & Hartl, 1996). Individual (Tolin, Frost, & Steketee, 2007) and group (Muroff et al.) CBT for hoarding have shown promising effects. An examination of group process factors relevant to hoarding, however, is critical in order to further understand and tailor group interventions for this complex problem. The current paper characterizes four group processes specific to group CBT for hoarding: (a) universality or inclusion may reduce stigma and shame about having hoarding; (b) cohesion seems to support attendance and to provide positive peer pressure to motivate change; (c) the opportunity to give mutual aid seems to instill hope and motivate change; (d) social contact and socializing may reduce social isolation, a characteristic of this population. Discussion includes specific case examples illustrating these group processes and their potential complexity, within the context of group CBT for hoarding. Recommendations are advanced for future directions in evaluating group CBT for hoarding, particularly the formal study of group process variables with this population.  相似文献   

合理预期和想象未来事件或场景, 有利于个体做出适应性反应, 促进生存与发展。近年来, 研究者对想象未来的认知加工成分和神经机制进行了深入探讨, 提出了想象未来的相关概念和理论。我们首先概述了想象未来实验常用的思维采样范式和词语-线索范式, 接着介绍了想象未来的自我参照加工、心理场景构建等认知加工成分。此外, 特别介绍了想象未来的默认网络模型以及与之相关的其他大尺度脑网络, 并进一步提出了想象未来的脑网络研究框架。未来的研究可从想象未来的动态脑网络、复杂脑网络以及与疾病的关系等角度入手, 深入探究想象未来的神经机制。  相似文献   

This research reports how banner ads are responded to in Web sites that emphasize either emotion or cognition. It also looks at the moderating effects of individuals’ own levels of need for cognition and need for emotion on banner responsiveness in the two kinds of Web sites. Recall and attitude toward banners are consistently better when their context is an emotion-based Web site. Need for cognition, but not need for emotion moderates this effect. For ad recall, it is better to be lower in need for cognition in a cognitive Web site, but higher in need for cognition on an emotional Web site. For attitude toward the banner and purchase intention, however, it is better to be higher in need for cognition in a cognitive Web site, but lower in need for cognition on an emotional Web site. The results are discussed in terms of advertising context theory that has been developed in applications to the traditional media like print and broadcast, but here is shown to be applicable to the Web.  相似文献   

There is evidence indicating that an individual can learn a motor skill by observing a model practising it. In the present study we wanted to determine whether observation would permit one to learn the relative timing pattern required to perform a new motor skill. Also, we wanted to determine the joint effects of observation and of physical practice on the learning of that relative timing pattern. Finally, we were interested in finding whether there was an optimal type of model, advanced or beginner, which would lead better to observational learning. Data from two experiments indicated that observation of either a beginner or an advanced model resulted in modest learning of a constrained relative timing pattern. Observation also resulted in significant parameterization learning. However, a combination of observation followed by physical practice resulted in significant learning of the constrained relative timing pattern. These results suggest that observation engages one in cognitive processes similar to those occurring during physical practice.  相似文献   

计划-注意-同时性加工-继时性加工,这些基本PASS概念的提出,是为了给传统上将智力作为一个笼统构念的做法提供某种替代的选择。在这一新的理论途径中,我将一般能力分解为对主要认知过程的研究,其中每个认知过程均有其行为、认知和神经心理成分,而且重要的是,每个认知过程均有相应的一组评估测量任务。PASS模型,这一理论框架能够充分包容体现于教育和组织行为中的广泛一系列认知功能。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were twofold: (a) to explore the interrelationship among distal, proximal cognitive skills, and word reading; and (b) to identify those cognitive processes that predict phonological awareness and rapid naming. Seventy First-Nation Canadian children attending grades 3 and 4 were examined on phonological awareness, rapid naming, Word Identification, Word Attack, and the cognitive processing measures of planning, attention, successive, and simultaneous (PASS). Results indicated that phonological awareness and rapid naming uniquely predicted reading, whereas PASS variables did not, when the effects of phonological awareness and rapid naming were controlled. Finally, both phonological awareness and rapid naming were predicted by planning. Implications for diagnosis of children at risk for reading difficulties and remediation are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the contributions of memory and attention processes to the cognitive abilities of reasoning and perceptual speed were investigated. Two measures of speed of information retrieval from long-term and short-term memory (Posner paradigm, Sternberg paradigm) and two attention measures (continuous attention test, attention switching test) were included in the first experiment (N = 220). The memory tests led to correlations with the measures of cognitive abilities, whereas the attention test did not. The same tests as well as one additional memory test and one attention test (working memory test, test of covert orientation) were administered in the second experiment (N = 116). Again, the memory tests led to the larger correlations with the measures of cognitive abilities. Two components were obtained in components analysis, of which the first was characterized by high loadings of the memory tests and the second by high loadings of the attention tests. Only the memory component contributed to the prediction of cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Interest in implicit processes is at an all-time high in psychology. Research on individual differences in implicit motivation has been conducted for decades and offers an important conceptual and empirical foundation for the growing interest in cognitive processes outside awareness. In this article, we review the past findings on the influence of implicit motivation on both basic and complex cognitive processes in the stages of attention and encoding as well as rehearsal, organization, and retrieval. Data from narrative essays as well as experimentally controlled studies demonstrate that individual differences in implicit motives have an influence on each step of learning and memory processes. Implicit motives influence the cognitive processing of motive-related information to facilitate desired affective end states.  相似文献   

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