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Rapid changes in language skills and social competence, both of which are linked to sensitive parenting, characterize early childhood. The present study examines bidirectional associations among mothers' sensitive parenting and children's language skills and social competence from 24 to 36 months in a community sample of 174 families. In addition, this study examines how these developmental pathways vary by child sex. Findings indicate stability across time in sensitive parenting, expressive language skills, and social competence, as well as positive main effects of sensitive parenting on expressive and receptive language skills for girls and boys. We find mixed evidence over time of reciprocal links between social competence and sensitive parenting. Further, boys' receptive language skills at 24 months uniquely contribute to increases in mothers' observed sensitive parenting from 24 to 36 months. These findings highlight the utility of applying transactional frameworks to the study of sex‐based differences in early developmental processes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察父亲参与教养对小学生攻击行为的影响以及母亲育儿压力在二者之间的中介作用,采用同伴提名法和问卷法对604名1~6年级小学生及其家长进行调查。潜变量结构方程模型拟合检验结果显示:父亲参与教养(互动性、可及性、责任性)对小学生攻击行为(身体攻击、关系攻击)具有显著的负向预测作用;在父亲参与教养与小学生关系攻击之间,母亲的育儿愁苦和亲子互动失调具有显著的部分中介作用;在父亲参与教养与小学生身体攻击之间,只有母亲的育儿愁苦具有显著的部分中介作用。上述结果表明,父亲参与教养可以通过减少母亲的育儿愁苦来降低儿童的关系攻击和身体攻击,还能通过减少母子互动失调来降低儿童的关系攻击。  相似文献   

: Statistically, women, particularly pregnant women and new mothers, are at heightened risk for depression. The present review describes the current state of the research linking maternal depressed mood and children's cognitive and language development. Exposure to maternal depressive symptoms, whether during the prenatal period, postpartum period, or chronically, has been found to increase children's risk for later cognitive and language difficulties. The present review considers both the timing of maternal depression and the chronicity of mothers' depression on children's risk for cognitive and language delays. Infancy is frequently identified as a sensitive period in which environmental stimulation has the potential to substantially influence children's cognitive and language development. However, children's exposure to chronic maternal depression seems to be associated with more problematic outcomes for children, perhaps because depression interferes with mothers' ability to respond sensitively and consistently over time. Consistent with this expectation, interventions targeting parenting practices of depressed mothers have been found to increase children's cognitive competence during early childhood. The current review provides a synthesis of the current state of the field regarding the association between maternal depression and children's cognitive and language development during early childhood.  相似文献   

本研究采用追踪研究及多重报告法,考察了儿童从6个月至14个月间父亲养育压力的稳定性特点,以及6个月与14个月时的父亲养育压力对儿童24个月时的问题行为的影响。结果发现:(1)儿童6个月与14个月时的父亲养育压力具有中等程度的相关;从6个月到14个月,父亲的总体养育压力和育儿愁苦维度的平均压力水平没有显著变化,亲子互动失调维度显著降低,儿童困难特质维度的平均压力水平显著上升;(2)儿童6个月时,父亲的育儿愁苦显著预测儿童24个月时的内隐问题行为;14个月时,父亲的育儿愁苦显著预测儿童24个月时的外显问题行为;6个月和14个月时,儿童困难特质维度的压力都可显著预测儿童24个月时的外显问题行为。  相似文献   

采用亲职压力量表和对立违抗行为表现评估表调查了来自北京、山东和云南三地14所小学有ODD(oppositional defiant disorder)行为表现的301名儿童及其父母。通过为期两年的追踪研究,采用交叉滞后分析探讨了父母亲职压力与儿童的ODD行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)在第一年和第二年的数据中,父母亲职压力和儿童的ODD行为表现均存在显著正相关;(2)第一年和第二年的父母亲职压力得分显著正相关,同样,两年的儿童ODD行为表现得分也显著正相关;(3)交叉滞后分析发现,对于有ODD行为表现的男孩来说,其父母第一年的亲职压力能预测他们第二年的ODD行为表现,但对于有ODD行为表现的女孩来说,其父母第一年的亲职压力并不能预测她们第二年的ODD行为表现;而不管是男孩,还是女孩,第一年的ODD行为表现都不能预测第二年的父母亲职压力。研究结果揭示出男孩父母的亲职压力可预测男孩的ODD行为表现,而不论是男孩或女孩的ODD行为表现都不能预测其父母亲职压力,说明父母亲职压力可能是男孩ODD行为表现的影响因素。  相似文献   

形状偏好是指儿童语言发展过程中倾向于认为相同形状的物体拥有相同名称的现象。已有研究采用词汇拓展、分类和归纳推理等任务发现, 2~3岁甚至更早的幼儿就已经表现出形状偏好, 且表现受刺激物的属性、创造者的意图和功能及因果/比较关系等因素影响。然而, 形状偏好现象存在着联结观和概念观两种不同的解释。未来的研究应该采用认知神经科学的方法, 并结合发展中的其它问题, 从特殊被试和跨文化的角度来探讨这一现象的神经机制。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of parenting knowledge of infant development in children's subsequent language and pre‐literacy skills among White, Black and Latino families of varying socioeconomic status. Data come from 6,150 participants in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort. Mothers' knowledge of infant development was measured when children were 9 months old, and child language and pre‐literacy skills were measured during the fall of the preschool year prior to Kindergarten when children were approximately four years old. Mothers' knowledge of infant development was uniquely related to both maternal education and race/ethnicity. Reported sources of parenting information/advice also varied by education and race/ ethnicity and were related to parenting knowledge. Further, controlling for demographic factors, parenting knowledge partially mediated the relation between parent education and child language and pre‐literacy skills, and this relation differed by race/ethnicity. One way to eliminate socioeconomic status achievement gaps in children's early language and literacy skills may be to focus on parents' knowledge of child development, particularly in Latino families. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨父亲和母亲的抚养压力在母亲抑郁与学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的作用。以北京市某区75所幼儿园的2222名3~5岁在园幼儿及其父母为被试,采用《流调中心抑郁量表》、《抚养压力量表》、《学龄前儿童问题行为问卷》分别对母亲抑郁、父母抚养压力及儿童问题行为进行测查,结果发现:(1)母亲抑郁可以正向预测儿童的内、外部问题行为;(2)母亲抑郁对儿童内部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径部分中介;(3)母亲抑郁对儿童外部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径完全中介。综上,研究揭示了母亲抚养压力、父亲抚养压力在母亲抑郁和学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

本追踪研究旨在考察父母养育压力对儿童问题行为的影响方式是否存在差异。被试为364名。6个月时, 父母报告各自的养育压力;24个月时, 父母报告各自的养育方式;48个月时, 父母分别报告儿童的问题行为。结果发现, 母亲养育压力可直接显著正向预测学前期儿童的外显问题行为;父亲的养育方式在其养育压力与学前期儿童的内隐和外显问题行为之间起到了完全中介作用。这表明, 母亲早期养育压力可直接影响学前期儿童的外显问题行为;而父亲养育压力完全通过其养育方式影响学前期儿童的内隐和外显问题行为, 且严厉起主要作用。  相似文献   

儿童认知发展研究的前沿与动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓赐平  桑标  缪小春 《心理科学》2001,24(5):549-552
近一二十年,得益于认知发展理论的进步和研究方法的新发展,儿童认知发展研究取得了长足的进步。这体现在婴儿研究方兴未艾,一些新课题的出现使一些传统的研究领域重新恢复了活力。同时.发展认知神经科学和认知行为遗传学这两个边沿交叉学科研究蓬勃发展,应用认知发展心理学研究迅速发展,对认知发展心理学研究均产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨残疾儿童心理健康与家长亲职压力的关系,揭示亲社会行为在残疾儿童情绪行为问题与家长亲职压力之间的中介作用,以及问题影响程度的调节效应,本研究采用短式亲职压力量表、长处和困难问卷分别对199名残疾儿童及其家长进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)残疾儿童情绪行为问题对家长的亲职压力有显著的正向预测作用;(2)亲社会行为在残疾儿童情绪行为问题与亲职压力之间起着部分中介的作用;(3)问题影响程度能够调节该中介效应,当问题影响程度越小时,中介效应越显著。可见,亲社会行为能够缓冲残疾儿童情绪行为问题对家长亲职压力的负向影响,并且问题影响程度越小,这种缓冲作用越明显。  相似文献   

The current study examined gender differences in mothers' and fathers' internal state language (ISL), children's use of ISL, and whether ISL was related to parents' ratings of the children's social skills. Fifty‐seven (28 boys, 29 girls) toddler/preschool children (M age = 32.5 months, SD = 5.38 months) were observed separately with their mothers and fathers in their homes while they discussed pictures of children's facial expressions of emotions. Parents completed a questionnaire concerning their child's social–emotional behaviours (i.e. BASC‐2). Parents used more ISL with sons compared with daughters, and sons used more ISL with mothers than with fathers. No overall differences were found between mothers' and fathers' ISL. Children's social skills as rated by mothers were predicted by mothers' ISL comments, whereas children's social skills as rated by fathers were predicted by children's age and fathers' ISL clarifications. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two longitudinal studies, relations between dimensions of maternal responsiveness at 13 months and children's language and play abilities at 13 and at 20 months were examined. We characterized mothers' responsive exchanges by assessing the targets of maternal responses (i.e. what child activities mothers respond to) and the verbal contents of maternal responses (i.e. what mothers said when they responded), and we asked whether subtypes of responsiveness would relate differentially to children's language and play abilities. In general, maternal responsiveness to children's vocalizations predicted children's language, and maternal responses to children's play predicted children's play. These findings suggest that maternal responsiveness can be profitably categorized into subtypes that relate to domains of child outcomes in specialized ways. The specific nature of mother–child associations in the domains of early language and play is discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the compelling nature of goodness of fit, empirical support has lagged for this construct. The present study examined an interactional approach to measuring goodness of fit and prospectively explored associations with mother–child relationship quality, child behaviour problems and parenting stress across the preschool period. In addition, as goodness of fit might be particularly important for children at developmental risk, the presence of early developmental delay was considered as a moderator of goodness‐of‐fit processes. Children with (n = 110) and without (n = 137) developmental delays and their mothers were coded while interacting in the lab at child age 36 months and during naturalistic home observations at child ages 36 and 48 months. Mothers also completed questionnaires at child age 60 months. Results highlight the effects of child developmental risk as a moderator of mother–child goodness‐of‐fit processes across the preschool period. There was also evidence that the goodness of fit between maternal scaffolding and child activity level at 36 months influenced both mother and child functioning at 60 months. Findings call for more precise models and expanded developmental perspectives to fully capture the transactional and dynamic nature of goodness of fit. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the use of corporal punishment (CP), such as slapping a child's hand or “spanking,” is associated with restricted development of cognitive ability. Cognitive ability was measured at the start of the study and 4 years later for 806 children age 2–4 and 704 children age 5–9 in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth. The analyses controlled for 10 parenting and demographic variables. Children of mothers in both cohorts who used little or no CP at Time 1 gained cognitive ability faster than children who were not spanked. The more CP experienced, the more they fell behind children who were not spanked.  相似文献   

刘方琳  温红博  张云运  董奇 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1390-1396
本研究通过对269名在校大学生进行父母教养方式、情绪调节策略的使用、男性化特质和焦虑水平的测查,探讨了父母教养方式对子女焦虑产生影响的可能机制。结果发现,研究建构的模型对焦虑的整体解释率为26%。父母教养方式主要通过三种途径影响子女焦虑:(1)直接对子女焦虑产生影响;(2)以灾难化和积极重评这两种情绪调节策略为中介,间接影响子女焦虑;(3)促成子女男性化特质的形成,该特质通过积极重评策略的完全中介作用,间接影响子女焦虑。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The current experimental study examined sense of coherence (SOC) as a predictor of the effect of induced stress (time limit and posing a threat) on the level of overall cognitive performance (based on three subscales: mathematics, shapes, and analogies). Results indicated the following: (a) induced stress (experimental group, n = 80) scored lower on the overall cognitive score, compared to the no-stress (control group, n = 81); (b) subjects in the stress group with higher SOC performed better on the overall cognitive score, compared to subjects with lower SOC; however, in the no-stress group there was no significant effect of SOC on cognitive performance; (c) females performed lower on the overall cognitive performance, compared to males regardless of type of group; and (d) SOC predicted equally for males and females overall cognitive performance.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨学前儿童问题行为对父亲、母亲抚养压力的影响及夫妻亲密在其中的作用机制。采用儿童问题行为问卷、抚养压力量表和夫妻亲密量表对3164名学前儿童的父母进行测查。研究发现:(1)母亲抚养压力在学前儿童问题行为与父亲抚养压力之间起部分中介作用;(2)夫妻亲密调节母亲抚养压力对父亲抚养压力的作用,夫妻亲密越高,母亲抚养压力对父亲抚养压力的预测作用越强,学前儿童问题行为通过母亲抚养压力对父亲抚养压力的间接作用也越大。  相似文献   

为探讨自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题与其父母焦虑的关系及其内在作用机制,研究采用问卷法对1023名自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母进行调查。结果表明:(1)自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑具有正向预测作用;(2)育儿压力在儿童行为问题和父母焦虑间起中介作用;(3)儿童行为问题与育儿压力的关系受到领悟社会支持水平的调节,调节作用只在智力障碍儿童父母群体中显著。研究结果有助于揭示自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑的影响及作用机制,对改善自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母育儿压力与焦虑具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Parenting Disruptive Preschoolers: Experiences of Mothers and Fathers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examined parental functioning and interactions with young children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), with emphasis on differences between mothers and fathers in their responses to their child and in their unique contributions to the prediction of child disruptive behavior. Participants were 53 3- to 6-year olds with ODD who presented for treatment with two parents. Mothers reported more severe disruptive behavior and higher parenting stress than fathers. During parent-child interactions, mothers showed more responsiveness than fathers, even though children were more compliant during interactions with fathers. Regression analyses showed that fathers' parent-related stress was predictive of both mothers' and father's reports of disruptive child behavior; mothers' marital satisfaction was predictive of behavioral observations of child compliance with both mothers and fathers. This study revealed several important differences in the experiences of mothers versus fathers of disruptive children and indicates the importance of including the father in the child's assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

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