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The Personal Orientation Dimensions Inventory is considered to be an extension and refinement of the concepts measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. Changes include the elimination of item overlap, an increase in the number of scales and items in the inventory as well as a new theoretical perspective. Significant difficulties still appear to exist in the areas of test construction, theoretical justification, and interpretation. Moreover, the new inventory creates new problems concerning cost for scoring, failure to generate significant amounts of research, as well as a potential loss of relatedness to old research.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the validity of a global measure of self-actualization derived from the POI. The POI Inner-directed scale was related to numerous objective indices of self-actualizing characteristics (e.g., self-esteem, rigidity, empathy). Bivariate and multivariate correlational techniques presented a consistent picture of the self-actualizing dimensions tapped by the POI Id scale (e.g., self-esteem) as well as the self-actualizing characteristics unrelated to Id scale scores (e.g., machiavellianism). The results help to clarify the specific nature of the attributes measured by the Id scale, partially supporting its construct validity as an omnibus measure of actualizing tendencies. Finally, a new, face-valid measure of self-actualization is introduced which proved as valid as the POI as an index of self-actualization, with a considerable gain in parsimony.  相似文献   

The Personal Orientation Inventory Manual appears to contain a number of errors specifically related to the calculation of the scores for the time ratio and support ratio. Some are of a relatively minor nature, but several are important because they are directly related to the standards whereby individuals are classified as self-actualized, normal, or nonself-actualized. Although part of the discrepancy seems to be due to the number of questions left unanswered by subjects, this does not account for the total difference. At present, it is unclear why the inconsistencies exist.  相似文献   

Predicting 92 subjects' physical health status from their scores on the Personal Orientation Inventory using regression analysis showed that those who obtained high self-regard scores and high self-actualizing value scores also reported better physical health. Those subjects who reported poorer physical health also scored high on the synergy scale.  相似文献   

An analysis of sex differences on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) was used to illustrate a method to assess the stability of results across many studies. It was argued that sex should not be Used as a moderator as significant differences between males and females were not found consistently across six studies using the POI.  相似文献   

Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) was reviewed in terms of its reliability and validity. The use of the POI in counseling and psychotherapeutic settings was emphasized. Faking and social desirability were also discussed in light of existing evidence. It was concluded that the POI offers great potential for use in counseling contexts but in its present state should be considered a research instrument.  相似文献   

In accordance with Horner's (1969) assumption that the intensity of fear of success arousal increases with the subject's success potential, graduate students from a prestigious university were chosen for a pilot investigation of the motive to avoid success in black men and women. Thirty-five subjects (14 female; 21 male) received a verbal TAT and a 54-item sex role questionnaire designed for purposes of this investigation. Fear of success was scored according to the new, experimentally derived scoring system for this motive. Contrary to expectation, the results did not indicate any evidence of success avoidance in either sex. However, fear of success in females was clearly associated with striving to develop career interests compatible with their strong commitment to home and husband, while among similarly motivated males it was suggested that the pragmatic career orientation observed was the product of compensatory motivational dynamics. It was concluded that these subjects were motivated to avoid what are perceived to be role-inappropriate behaviors while conforming to socially accepted values internalized in earlier years.  相似文献   

本研究所编制的 HR个性测验是根据我国现实人事管理测评需要设计的 ,它包含有 1个效度量表和 1 1个个性测评要素 ,它们是性格倾向性、情绪稳定性、客观性、合作性、自信心、责任心、自律性、机智性、进取心、自主性、支配性。测验对象为成人 ,项目分析和信度、效度分析结果显示 ,该测验是可靠而有效的。  相似文献   

上海市中学生心理健康自评量表的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李国瑞  余圣陶 《心理科学》2006,29(2):451-453
本研究以中学生心理健康八条标准为理论构架,编制《上海市中学生心理健康自评量表(SISMSS)》。该量表共140个项目,由三个分量表组成,即适应性诊断量表、疾病性诊断量表和测谎量表,适应性诊断量表包含8个小测验,即主动学习、情绪乐观与稳定、自制力、自我认知、成就动机、与人沟通、责任感、性意识;疾病性诊断量表包含7个小测验,即精神分裂症倾向、抑郁症倾向、轻躁狂倾向、强迫症倾向、焦虑症倾向、恐怖症倾向、歇斯底里症倾向。适应性诊断量表与疾病性诊断量表之间并不是相互独立的,而是存在着一定程度的相关,有对应关系。SISMSS的内在一致性系数为0.9081(p<0.01),SISMSS与SCL-90之间的相关为0.589(p<0.01),SISMSS与MHT之间的相关为0.734(p<0.01)。  相似文献   

侯神  李永鑫 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):207-212,198
用修订后的中文super职业价值观量表为工具对377名在读硕士研究生的职业价值观进行调查,研究结果表明:1.在研究生职业价值观中影响最大的因素为进取心、经济价值和工作关系。2.研究生对15种职业价值尺度最重视的前4位依次为生活方式、成就、独立性、同事关系,而对监督关系、变动性、安全性、管理最不重视。研究生的职业价值观在不同年级、性别、工作经历、婚姻状况、学科间重视顺序一致性程度很高,但在一些价值尺度上也表现出了团体差异和个别差异。  相似文献   

高等师范生成就动机取向特点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赫云鹏 《心理科学》2005,28(3):697-698
本文以120名在校大学生为研究对象,分析了高等师范生的成就动机取向的特点。研究结果表明:1、高师生的个我取向成就动机明显高于社会取向成就动机;2、高师生成就动机取向的性别差异不明显;3、不同文化背景(城市与农村)学生的成就动机取向无明显差异;4、不同年级学生的成就动机取向无明显差异。  相似文献   

Presently, research on the vocational development of Black individuals-both adolescents and adults-constitutes a disparate body of knowledge. This article examines the “state of the art” in this field, gathers together some of the diverse research strands symbolizing it, and presents, on the basis of the research reviewed, a profile of the Black individual in vocational literature. It is suggested that the unification of reference group theory with vocational theories may potentially prove helpful in closing many of the gaps that currently exist concerning the psychology of the Black individual's vocational development.  相似文献   

长沙市大学生成就动机取向特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从大学生学校类型、年级、性别三个维度,探讨长沙市大学生成就动机取向的特点。从湖南省长沙市三所大学中(湖南师范大学、湖南大学、中南大学)随机抽取300名大学生,每个学校各100名作为研究对象。研究结果表明:(1)长沙市大学生的个我取向成就动机明显高于社会取向成就动机;(2)长沙市不同学校类型的大学生成就动机取向无明显差异;(3)不同年级大学生的成就动机取向无明显差异;(4)长沙市大学生成就动机取向的性别差异显著。  相似文献   

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