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Estradiol (17beta-E2) can have mnemonic-enhancing effects; however, its mechanisms for these effects are not well-understood. The present studies examined effects of 17beta-E2 and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) on emotional and spatial memory of female, Long-Evans rats. First, whether or not 17beta-E2 has dose-dependent effects on inhibitory avoidance memory was investigated. Only the highest concentration of 17beta-E2 examined (10 microg), which produces physiological concentrations of E2, was effective at enhancing inhibitory avoidance memory (Experiment 1). Further studies were designed to elucidate whether SERMs may produce mnemonic effects similar to those of 17beta-E2. Compounds utilized were, the ERalpha-selective SERMs, propyl pyrazole triol (PPT) or 17alpha-E2, the ERbeta-specific SERMs, diarylpropionitrile (DPN) or 7,12-dihydrocoumestan (coumestrol), or vehicle (oil). Post-training administration of 10 microg 17beta-E2 or coumestrol enhanced memory in the inhibitory avoidance task compared to vehicle (Experiment 2). Memory in the water maze was enhanced by post-training administration of 17beta-E2, coumestrol, or DPN, compared to vehicle (Experiment 3). Co-administration of 17alpha-E2&DPN enhanced inhibitory avoidance memory similar to that seen following 17beta-E2 or coumestrol (Experiment 4). Administration of E2 2 h post-training was not effective at enhancing memory in the inhibitory avoidance or water maze tasks (Experiment 5). Lordosis of rats was enhanced by 17beta-E2, 17alpha-E2, or PPT, compared to vehicle (Experiment 6). These data suggest that: E2's actions at ERbeta, rather than ERalpha, may enhance spatial memory, E2's actions at ERalpha can facilitate sexual behavior, and that E2's actions involving both ERalpha and ERbeta may be important for emotional memory.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) may enhance cognitive performance. However, its mechanisms are not well understood. First, we hypothesized that if T's effects are mediated in part through actions of its 5alpha-reduced metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and/or 3alpha-androstanediol (3alpha-diol) in the hippocampus, then T, DHT, and 3alpha-diol-administration directly to the hippocampus should enhance learning and memory in the inhibitory avoidance task. In order to test this hypothesis, gonadectomized (GDX) male rats were administered T, DHT, or 3alpha-diol via intrahippocampal inserts immediately following training in the inhibitory avoidance task. We found that T tended to increase, and DHT and 3alpha-diol significantly increased, performance in the inhibitory avoidance task compared to vehicle-administered GDX rats. Second, we hypothesized that, if androgens' effects are due in part to actions of 3alpha-diol in the hippocampus, then systemic or intrahippocampal administration of 3alpha-diol should significantly enhance cognitive performance of GDX male rats. Third, we hypothesized that, if androgen metabolites can have actions at estrogen receptors (ERs) in the hippocampus, then administration of ER antisense oligonucleotides (AS-ODNs) directly to the hippocampus of GDX, 3alpha-diol replaced, rats would decrease learning in the inhibitory avoidance task. We found that intrahippocampal administration of AS-ODNs for ERbeta, but not ERalpha, significantly decreased learning and memory of 3alpha-diol replaced rats. Together, these findings suggest that T's effects to enhance learning and memory may take place, in part, through actions of its metabolite, 3alpha-diol, at ERbeta in the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   

Research examining the neuroanatomical bases of memory in mammals suggests that the hippocampus and dorsal striatum are parts of independent memory systems that mediate "cognitive" and stimulus-response "habit" memory, respectively. At the molecular level, increasing evidence indicates a role for immediate early gene (IEG) expression in memory formation. The present experiment examined whether acquisition of cognitive and habit memory result in differential patterns of IEG protein product expression in these two brain structures. Adult male Long-Evans rats were trained in either a hippocampal-dependent spatial water maze task, or a dorsal striatal-dependent cued water maze task. Ninety minutes after task acquisition, brains were removed and processed for immunocytochemical procedures, and the number of cells expressing Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-like-IR) and c-Jun-IR in sections from the dorsal hippocampus and the dorsal striatum were counted. In the dorsal hippocampus of rats trained in the spatial task, there were significantly more c-Jun-IR pyramidal cells in the CA1 and CA3 regions, relative to rats that had acquired the cued task, yoked controls (free-swim), or na?ve (home cage) rats. Relative to rats receiving cued task training and control conditions, increases in Fos-like IR were also observed in the CA1 region of rats trained in the spatial task. In rats that had acquired the cued task, patches of c-Jun-IR were observed in the posteroventral striatum; no such patches were evident in rats trained in the spatial task, yoked-control rats, or na?ve rats. The results demonstrate that IEG protein product expression is up-regulated in a task-dependent and brain structure-specific manner shortly after acquisition of cognitive and habit memory tasks.  相似文献   

The hippocampus has been suggested to be involved in spatial (or configural) memory and also in the inhibition of certain response or goal alternatives. An increasing number of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral studies indicate that the hippocampus is functionally heterogeneous along the dorsal-ventral axis. Identification of distinct behavioral roles for the dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus may resolve differences between the various theoretical accounts of hippocampal function. The present study examined the effects of electrolytic lesions restricted to the DH or VH on fear-conditioned freezing, passive avoidance on the elevated T-maze (ETM) test of anxiety, and general activity in male Sprague-Dawley (Charles-River derived) albino rats. We found that rats with lesions of the VH, but not DH showed reduced freezing to both context and tone conditioned stimuli (CS). Rats with VH lesions also showed a reduced latency to emerge from the enclosed arm on trials 2 and 3 of the ETM (indicating reduced anxious behavior), while having no effect on the latency to escape from the open arms on trial 4. There were no differences in activity between the groups. These results indicate that the VH and DH are differentially involved in passive avoidance on the ETM and conditioned freezing to context and tone CS. We suggest that the VH may be specifically involved in modulating goal-oriented, defensive behavior expression through hypothalamic and amygdaloid connections.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the contribution of the cortico-striatal system and the hippocampus system to the acquisition of solutions to simultaneous instrumental odor discriminations. Inactivation of the dorsal striatum after rats had reached criterion on a three problem probabilistic set of discriminations--A (80%) vs. B (20%), C (67%) vs. D (33%), E(67%) vs. F(33%)--impaired test performance and disrupted performance when the rats were tested with novel cue combinations (C vs. F and E vs. D), where control animals chose C and F. In contrast, inactivating the dorsal hippocampus enhanced performance on this task and on a deterministic discrimination A (100%) vs. B (0%). These results are consistent with the complementary learning systems view, which assumes that the cortico-striatal and hippocampal system capture information in parallel. How this information combines to influence task performance depends on the compatibility of the content captured by each system. These results suggest that the trial-specific information captured by the hippocampal system can be incompatible with the across-trial integration of trial outcomes captured by the cortico-striatal system.  相似文献   

Corticosterone and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) have both been shown to be involved in spatial memory formation in rats. In the present study we have investigated the effect of corticosterone on hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression after training in the Morris water maze in young adult Wistar rats. Therefore, we first studied BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus in relation to corticosterone levels at several time points after 4 training trials in the Morris water maze. Corticosterone levels were significantly increased after this procedure, and hippocampal BDNF mRNA levels only displayed a minor change: an increase in CA1 at 1 hr after training. However, in a previous study we observed dramatically decreased hippocampal BDNF mRNA levels in dentate gyrus and CA1 at 3 hr after injection of corticosterone. In order to analyze this discrepancy, we subsequently investigated if hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression is affected by corticosterone at 3 hr after water maze training. Therefore, we incorporated ADX animals and ADX animals which were injected with corticosterone in our study. ADX animals which were subjected to water maze training displayed similar hippocampal BDNF mRNA levels 3 hr after training compared to control ADX animals. Furthermore, ADX animals which were injected with corticosterone showed decreased BDNF mRNA levels in all hippocampal regions compared to control ADX animals. Water maze training did not alter this effect. Thus, the increased corticosterone levels during water maze training do not affect hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression, although exogenous corticosterone is effective under these conditions. Hence, our results suggest that in this situation BDNF is resistant to regulation by endogenous corticosterone, which may be important for learning and memory processes.  相似文献   

Aged intact and young hippocampal-lesioned rats show similar deficits on the spatial water maze. However, this does not necessitate that the source of these deficits in the aged animals is due to hippocampal damage. These water maze deficits may arise from other aging factors such as changes in thermoregulation, muscle fatigue, swim ability, and response to stress. Consequently, it is imperative to examine the performance of aged rats on a comparable nonhippocampal version of this task. Past attempts to develop a hippocampus-independent version of the water maze were confounded because these tasks were easier (i.e., the rats spent much less time swimming in the water) than the spatial versions of the task. The current study examined performance on a hippocampus-independent task comparable in difficulty to the spatial water one. Middle-aged (16-m) and old (25-m) male F344 rats were given sham or dorsal hippocampus lesions and tested on both a spatial and a nonspatial water maze. The middle-aged rats with hippocampal lesions were impaired on the spatial task but not on the nonspatial task. Conversely, aged animals showed a similar impairment on both types of water maze tasks. Additionally, hippocampal lesions exacerbated the age-related impairment on both tasks. These findings indicate that caution must be used when interpreting the results of water maze tasks for aged animals.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to observe the effects of pre-training or post-training administration of dicyclomine, a M1 muscarinic antagonist, on inhibitory avoidance (IA) and contextual fear conditioning (CFC) and to investigate if the effects observed with the pre-training administration of dicyclomine are state-dependent. For each behavioral procedure (IA and CFC) groups of Wistar male rats were treated with saline or dicyclomine either 30 min before training (pre-training), immediately after training or 30 min before training/30 min before test (pre-training/pre-test). The animals were tested 24 h after training. The acquisition of IA and CFC was impaired by pre-training administration of dicyclomine. The consolidation of both tasks was not affected by dicyclomine given immediately after training. Pre-training/pre-test administration of dicyclomine impaired both tasks, an effect similar to that observed in the group which only received pre-training administration. Pre-test treatment induced dissociation between both tasks, impairing CFC retrieval, without interfering with the animals avoidance response. These results show that the dicyclomine did not affect IA and CFC consolidation, suggesting specific involvement of M1 muscarinic receptor only in acquisition these tasks, and these effects was not state-dependent. However, it is possible that the retrieval of these tasks may be mediated, at least in part, by different neurochemical mechanisms and may be dissociated by dicyclomine.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the influence of bilateral intra-central amygdala (intra-CeA) microinjections of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agents on amnesia induced by a cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist, arachydonilcyclopropylamide (ACPA). This study used a step-through inhibitory (passive) avoidance task to assess memory in adult male Wistar rats. The results showed that intra-CeA administration of ACPA (2 ng/rat) immediately after training decreased inhibitory avoidance (IA) memory consolidation as evidenced by a decrease in step-through latency on the test day, which was suggestive of drug-induced amnesia. Post-training intra-CeA microinjections of NMDA (0.0001, 0.001 and 0.01 μg/rat) did not affect IA memory consolidation. However co-administration of NMDA with ACPA (2 ng/rat) prevented the impairment of IA memory consolidation that was induced by ACPA. Although post-training intra-CeA administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist, d-(−)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (d-AP5; 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 μg/rat) alone had no effect, its co-administration with an ineffective dose of ACPA (1 ng/rat) impaired IA memory consolidation. Post-training intra-CeA microinjection of an ineffective dose of d-AP5 (0.01 μg/rat) prevented an NMDA response to the impaired effect of ACPA. These results suggest that amnesia induced by intra-CeA administration of ACPA is at least partly mediated through an NMDA receptor mechanism in the Ce-A.  相似文献   

Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu1 and 5) have been implicated in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. However, much of our understanding of how these receptors in different brain regions contribute to distinct memory stages in different learning tasks remains incomplete. The present study investigated the effects of the mGlu5 receptor antagonist, 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)-pyridine (MPEP), and mGlu1 receptor antagonist, (S)-(+)-alpha-amino-4-carboxy-2-methylbenzene-acetic acid (LY 367385) in the dorsal hippocampus on the consolidation and extinction of memory for inhibitory avoidance learning. Male, Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in a single-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance task. MPEP, LY 367385 or saline were infused bilaterally into the CA1 region immediately after training or immediately after the first retention test which was given 24h after training. Rats receiving MPEP (1.5 or 5.0 microg/side) or LY 367385 (0.7 or 2.0 microg/side) infusion exhibited a dose-dependent decrease in retention when tested 24h later. MPEP was ineffective while LY 367385 significantly attenuated extinction when injected after the first retention test using an extinction procedure. These findings indicate a selective participation of hippocampal group I mGlu receptors in memory processing in this task.  相似文献   

Rats tested in a step-through inhibitory avoidance task were administered hypertonic saline (2 ml of 0.25. 0.5, and 1.0 M intraperitoneally) or arginine vasopressin (1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 micrograms) injected subcutaneously (sc) after the training trial where the rats received a mild footshock (0.2 mA, 3 s). Both hypertonic saline and vasopressin produced significant increases in latency to reenter 24 h later. These treatments failed to increase reentry latencies in animals that received the same procedure but no shock. The facilitation of inhibitory avoidance produced by hypertonic saline was reversed by sc administration of 25 micrograms of the vasopressor (V-1) vasopressin antagonist, dPtyr(Me)AVP. The results suggest that the endogenous release of vasopressin can be behaviorally significant in situations of acute homeostatic challenge.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of protein synthesis in neurons, has been implicated in synaptic plasticity and memory. Here we show that mTOR inhibition by rapamycin in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) or dorsal hippocampus (DH) impairs both formation and reconsolidation of memory for inhibitory avoidance (IA) in rats. Male Wistar rats received bilateral infusions of vehicle or rapamycin into the BLA or DH before or after IA training or retrieval. Memory retention was tested at different time points after drug infusion. Rapamycin impaired long-term IA retention when given before or immediately after training or retrieval into the BLA. When infused into the DH, rapamycin produced memory impairment when given before training or immediately after retrieval. The impairing effects of post-retrieval rapamycin required memory retrieval and were not reversed by a reminder shock. The results provide the first evidence that mTOR in the BLA and DH might play a role in IA memory reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Effects of ketamine on tunnel maze and water maze performance in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The NMDA receptor, which has been implicated in memory formation, is noncompetitively blocked by ketamine. The present study examines the effect of ketamine (0, 3, 6, 12, and 25 mg/kg body wt; ip) on tunnel maze and water maze performance in Wistar rats. In the hexagonal tunnel maze (HTM) high doses of ketamine (12 and 25 mg/kg) decreased locomotor activity. Moreover, ketamine induced perimeter walking (6, 12, and 25 mg/kg) and attenuated exploratory efficiency (25 mg/kg). When the HTM was converted into a modified six-arm radial maze, ketamine impaired short-term but not long-term memory. In the Morris water maze, rats injected with ketamine (12 and 25 mg/kg) acquired a spatial navigation task more slowly than controls. When the escape platform was removed, the drug-treated rats did not preferentially search for it in the area where the platform had been during the acquisition phase. However, when the escape platform was visible, no differences in the performance of ketamine-treated and control rats could be found. In summary, ketamine seems to attenuate some but not all forms of learning in the tunnel maze and it impairs the acquisition of a spatial navigation task.  相似文献   

The interaction of opiate, cholinergic, glutamatergic and (possibly) dopaminergic inputs in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) influencing a learned behavior is certainly a topic of great interest. In the present study, the effect of intra-VTA administration of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agents on nicotine's effect in morphine state-dependent learning was investigated. An inhibitory avoidance (IA) task was used for memory assessment in male Wistar rats. Subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of morphine (5 and 7.5mg/kg) immediately after training decreased IA response on the test day, which was reinstated by pre-test administration of the same doses of the opioid; this is known as state-dependency. Moreover, pre-test administration of nicotine (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/kg, s.c.) also reversed the decrease in IA response because of post-training morphine (5mg/kg). Here, we also show that when infused into the VTA before testing, NMDA (0.01 and 0.1 microg/rat) reverse the post-training morphine effect on memory. In addition, the sub-effective doses of NMDA (0.0001 and 0.001 microg/rat) in combination with a low dose of nicotine (0.1mg/kg) which had no effects by themselves, synergistically improved retrieval of IA memory on the test day. In contrast, pre-test administration of a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist D-AP5 (0.5, 1 and 2 microg/rat) which had no effect alone prevented the nicotine reversal of morphine effect on memory. Our data indicate that NMDA receptors in the VTA are involved in the reversing effect of nicotine on morphine induced state-dependency.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation (HPC) mediates processes associated with learning, memory, anxiety and fear. The glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor subtype is involved in many HPC functional processes related to learning and memory. Although not tested for the HPC, NMDA-receptor antagonists reduced fear and anxiety related responses when applied to other brain regions mediating defensive behaviour. Consequently, this study evaluated the effects of ventral or dorsal HPC application of the NMDA-receptor antagonist, AP5, in rats submitted to the Trial 1/Trial 2 elevated plus-maze (EPM) task. Ventral, but not dorsal, infusions of AP5 (6 and 24 nmol) before EPM Trial 1 increased open arms exploration and reduced risk assessment behavior, suggesting an anxiolytic-like effect. Furthermore, no interference in the avoidance responses was detected during EPM Trial 2 after AP5 infusion into the ventral or dorsal HPC before Trial 1, post-trial 1, or before Trial 2. These data support the notion of differential involvement of ventral HPC, but not dorsal, in mechanisms associated with anxiety and suggest the participation of the glutamatergic transmission, through NMDA receptor, into the ventral HPC in the mediation of defensive behavior.  相似文献   

This investigation demonstrates the importance of the direct hippocampo-anterior thalamic component of the postcommissural fornix in the control of general locomotion and active avoidance. Transection of anterior thalamic afferents from the hippocampal formation (subicular cortex), at the point where they exit from the fornix posterior to the septum, is sufficient to enhance bidirectional active avoidance acquisition and increase general activity. This transection may also interrupt fibers to or from other thalamic nuclei and the anterior septum. However, destruction of connections of the anterior septum with the hippocampus, habenula, and thalamus by transection in the coronal plane anterior to the descending fornix columns, without damage to the subiculothalamic fibers, increases general activity levels without damage to the subiculothalamic fibers, increases general activity levels without affecting active avoidance behavior. The activity increase in this case resembles that seen after septal lesions rather than that seen after hippocampal lesions. Thus, destruction of a single fornix component contributing afferents to the anterior thalamic nuclei reproduces at least part of the hippocampal syndrome. This suggests that these fibers contribute significantly to the control of these behaviors and may mediate active avoidance changes resulting from hippocampal and fornix damage.  相似文献   

According to a prominent theory of human perception and performance (M. A. Goodale & A. D. Milner, 1992), the dorsal, action-related stream only controls visually guided actions in real time. Such a system would be predicted to show little or no action priming from previous experience. The 3 experiments reported here were designed to determine whether priming exists for visually guiding the hand to targets with obstacles sometimes in the way. In all 3 experiments, priming was observed in the curvature of hand paths. Hand paths when no obstacles were present were more curved if obstacles had recently appeared than if obstacles had not recently appeared. The results also show that hand path priming was not the result of active prediction, persisted for many trials, and generalized over the workspace. The times to initiate movements also reflected the use of a sophisticated visual search strategy that took obstacle likelihood into account.  相似文献   

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