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民间信仰历史悠久,在普通民众生活中有着顽强的生命力和持久广泛的影响力,具有文化传承的强大惯性。本文从民间信仰的概念、现状趋势等方面进行了一些分析,并就民间信仰研究和民间信仰事务管理工作做了一些思考,认为在新时期新阶段,对民间信仰的研究和民间信仰事务管理工作,都需要结合时代发展和社会进步的要求,进行新的探索。  相似文献   

《夷坚志》130余则四川故事是研究南宋四川地域社会民间信仰的重要史料,从中可见四川民众丰富的信仰世界与信仰行为.官员、士人、手工业者、术士等在民间信仰中发挥着不同的作用,他们共同参与民间信仰活动,扩大了神祗队伍,拓展了信仰的地域,协调了地方信仰与国家信仰互动,促进了部分神祗走出四川、走向全国.南宋四川民间信仰的盛行,与四川的军事、教育、宗教及民间巫风传统密切相关,四川独特的地域环境亦不可忽视.  相似文献   

民间信仰的地域性与佛道教发展息息相关却又独具特性,民间信仰的区域化既是民间信仰地域性研究的核心问题,更是宗教社会学和宗教地理学的重要主题。本文以我国民间信仰最为发达的地区之一——福建为中心展开研究。福建沿海与内陆地区民间神明信仰具有明显的地域差别。南宋时期,福建沿海地区佛道教信仰式微,民间信仰取而代之,并在民间神明的敕封总量与信仰取向上与内陆趋向分异。沿海神明信仰的区域化进程相应展开,明清时期尤为显著,进一步形成与内陆分散化态势明显不同的体系化格局,而这一体系化又是在"高层—低层"之间形成地域层级的转换中逐步实现的。这不仅是地域社会变迁的深层反映,更隐含着地域社会与民间信仰的内在关联中经常被忽视却又是关键性的特征。  相似文献   

民间信仰是中国传统文化的重要构成,具有鲜明的民俗性和宗教性特征,延袭至今,价值彰显与陋俗复燃并存。通过对在杭10所高校学生的抽样调查,有不少大学生对民间信仰存在着一定的热情,或有不少已经成为潜在的信众。分析发现,成长环境对于大学生的民间信仰行为形成及态度取向有重要影响,在出生成长地环境和家庭环境等相关性因素难以改变的情况下,需要更加重视通过学校教育塑造大学生科学的认知观和健康的人格观,教育引导大学生确立正确的马克思主义宗教观,科学理解社会主义先进文化的本质和价值,认清邪教和宗教、俗性和迷信的本质区别,以扬弃的态度和行动对待中国传统信仰习俗。  相似文献   

在基督教和民间信仰的发展都很强势的地区,基督教和民间信仰之间的共处关系,受到基督教的全球地域化特征的强烈影响:基督教地域化后出现的民间信仰化趋势,使得基督教日益被接纳为乡土社会的组成要素;而基督教的全球化特征,又使得它与乡土社会之间始终存在着一定的张力。在基督教与民间信仰既混融又紧张的环境下,闽南H县J镇民众在社会资本与宗教资本之间的理性选择行为,给乡土社会的信仰秩序的建构带来了复杂的图景。  相似文献   

福建省莆田市民间信仰门类繁多、历史悠久,与港澳台地区、海外华人华侨社会渊源深远,又与佛教、道教及民俗活动交融,形成了多元的历史文化现象。做好民间信仰事务管理工作,在团结信众、促进社会和谐稳定、弘扬优秀传统文化、促进祖国统一等方面具有重要意义。近年来,福建省莆田市各级党委、政府立足早部署早落实,积极探索新形势下民间信仰社会治理新模式,注重落地见效,取得一系列成果, 具体做法如下.  相似文献   

通过对丽水市内外5所院校各不同层次、不同类型班级300人的调查表明,在大学生中信仰宗教者已经存在;在大学生整个群体中,赞成宗教信仰的人为数不少,而且发展的趋势不可轻视。大学生对宗教信仰的态度和认识有自己的特点,主要表现在以下几个方面:第一,从信仰选择上看,在中国五大宗教中大学生宗教徒皈依最多的是基督教。大学是人生发展的关键阶段,处在这一阶段的年轻人,思想活跃,求知欲望强烈,他们不仅要学习各种专业知识,还对承载着这些知识的人类历史上的各种思想文化有着浓厚的兴趣。他们往往欣赏、羡慕西方发达国家的经济、科技实力,并很容…  相似文献   

民间佛教信仰是中国传统社会民间信仰的重要组成部分,然清末民初以降却日渐式微.本文以1935至1939年发生在四川新繁县一起复杂的庙产纠纷为中心,分析了民国时期佛教的普通信众、出家僧人以及代表国家的司法对佛教不尽相同的态度,对民间佛教信仰的失落尝试给予史学和社会学意义的解读,进而希冀对在社会变迁下的人民宗教信仰或宗教的生存样态有所展示.  相似文献   

引言 高校课程中《现代社会调查研究方法》是一门重视理论与实践严密结合的课程,而且大学生社会实践活动也越来越多。在教学过程中一度重理论轻实践的做法使得该课程在教授过程中与学生互动少,趣味性差,为了了解大学生本身对社会实践的看法以及对待此课程的想法,笔者结合教学内容开展了此项调查,以期望通过开展此项活动达到在提高大学生社会适应能力的同时,更好地把学到的理论知识应用到实践中去,提高学生各方面的能力,同时期望可以教学相长,积累教学经验对日后的教学工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

王韬 《四川心理科学》2014,(14):215-215
党的十八报告大指出,要全面推进农村基层党组织建设,优化组织设置,扩大组织覆盖,创新活动方式,充分发挥基层党组织推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐的作用。近年来,崇信县围绕农村发展工作大局,坚持继承与创新相结合,在产业发展条件较好,农民的认知化程度较高的锦屏、黄花、柏树等乡镇建立了“党支部+产业协会”,“支部+基地+协会”等党群共富经济组织,较好地将农村基层党组织的政治优势转化为推动农村发展、农民增收致富的经济优势和产业发展的强劲驱动力。  相似文献   

采取匿名问卷调查和个别深入访谈相结合的方式对103名外出务工人员进行调查,表明大部分外出务工人员对艾滋病的传播途径、预防等知识有一定了解,但是不够全面和准确,存在较多误解.今后应加大对外出务工人员的关注,采取更有效的艾滋病健康促进干预措施.  相似文献   

采取匿名问卷调查和个别深入访谈相结合的方式对103名外出务工人员进行调查,表明大部分外出务工人员对艾滋病的传播途径、预防等知识有一定了解,但是不够全面和准确,存在较多误解。今后应加大对外出务工人员的关注,采取更有效的艾滋病健康促进干预措施。  相似文献   

We are highly tuned to each other's visual attention. Perceiving the eye or hand movements of another person can influence the timing of a saccade or the reach of our own. However, the explanation for such spatial orienting in interpersonal contexts remains disputed. Is it due to the social appearance of the cue—a hand or an eye—or due to its social relevance—a cue that is connected to another person with attentional and intentional states? We developed an interpersonal version of the Posner spatial cueing paradigm. Participants saw a cue and detected a target at the same or a different location, while interacting with an unseen partner. Participants were led to believe that the cue was either connected to the gaze location of their partner or was generated randomly by a computer (Experiment 1), and that their partner had higher or lower social rank while engaged in the same or a different task (Experiment 2). We found that spatial cue‐target compatibility effects were greater when the cue related to a partner's gaze. This effect was amplified by the partner's social rank, but only when participants believed their partner was engaged in the same task. Taken together, this is strong evidence in support of the idea that spatial orienting is interpersonally attuned to the social relevance of the cue—whether the cue is connected to another person, who this person is, and what this person is doing—and does not exclusively rely on the social appearance of the cue. Visual attention is not only guided by the physical salience of one's environment but also by the mental representation of its social relevance.  相似文献   

This article presents two experiments that examine the validity of REBT's suggestion that contents do not influence the effect that rational and irrational beliefs (beliefs) have on the functionality of inferences (FI). Specifically, two role-playing experiments indicated that control and certainty contents that refer to rational and irrational beliefs influence the effect that those beliefs have on the FI. This finding was demonstrated when beliefs and their contents referred to either one's self or other people in a social context. Based upon the results of these two experiments, it may be prudent for REBT to modify its hypothesis that contents do not influence the effects that rational and irrational beliefs have on the FI. Specifically, it may wish to hypothesise that beliefs interact with contents to affect the FI.  相似文献   

Heyman  Gail D.  Legare  Cristine H. 《Sex roles》2004,50(3-4):227-239
Children's beliefs about gender differences were investigated among a sample of younger and older elementary school students (total N = 120). Beliefs about gender differences in math, spelling, physical aggression, relational aggression, and prosocial tendencies were assessed using 3 methods that varied in the extent to which gender was referenced overtly. Children who made systematic gender distinctions tended to associate prosocial tendencies and success in spelling with girls and physical and relational aggression with boys. Perceived gender differences were minimal for math, and those that were seen were consistent with same-sex biases. Children who associated positive characteristics with girls tended to associate negative characteristics with boys. Although results were generally consistent across measures, children were more likely to show same-sex preferences when they were asked to compare boys and girls explicitly.  相似文献   

民间信仰是一种原生态的乡土文化.它不具有制度化宗教的坚硬外壳,但具有泛宗教形态的内涵因素.当代福建地区民间信仰神灵繁杂,多达千余种,根基深厚,其规模和影响远远超过制度化传统宗教.民间信仰的地域性鲜明,宗族性浓重,以祖先崇拜和圣贤崇拜为核心, 延续着中国传统文化的世俗性取向.民众实用功利性的信仰心态根深蒂固,至今仍影响着整个社会的生活方式和风俗习惯.民间信仰中"以神压人"等复杂因素,与当代社会主流文化之间,潜在着某种紧张关系.  相似文献   

当代民众信仰状况与社会安定意识相关研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李幼穗  李双 《心理科学》2004,27(1):31-33
信仰是个人深层的、稳定的行为导向体系,是人的精神世界的核心。本研究根据信仰的内容,将信仰划分为物质信仰、精神信仰、伦理信仰、国家社会信仰和宗教神灵信仰。从天津市选取不同职业、不同年龄段的被试745名,对他们的信仰状况与社会安定意识状况进行调查研究,结果表明:民众的社会安定意识与其物质、宗教神灵信仰有非常显著的负相关,与其精神、国家社会信仰有非常显著的正相关。多元回归分析结果表明:影响社会安定意识的因素为保障制度不健全、对挫折的不良反应、社会治安状况差、官员腐败、分配不公、责任外归因。  相似文献   

Book Information The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Edited by Stephen Turner and Paul Roth. Blackwell. Oxford. 2003. Pp. viii + 382. Paperback, £17.99.  相似文献   


The Reformation preacher in Germany, Johann Mathesius, was a mediator between learned and popular cultures in mining. His collection of sermons described a mental world rich in folk beliefs that were integrated into a broader mining culture. Reformation historians have charted the difficulties and limitations of bringing Lutheran teaching to mining towns, but they have stopped short of analyzing the mentality of miners themselves. In addition to their obvious place in Reformation history, Mathesius's sermons are equally relevant to the history of science. They support the recent argument that early-modern craftsmen possessed theory. Three issues that confronted Mathesius with long-standing folk beliefs and practices were prospecting, mine surveying, and the generation of metals. Mathesius handled these issues by integrating Christian theology and learned theory with select popular beliefs and practices.

Though I am but half a miner, from early on I have had a particular affinity for my old countryman, the mining preacher Johann Mathesius of Joachimstal, and that which he worshipped will remain dear to me to the very end.1  相似文献   

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