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Previous research on humans suggests that simple discriminations may emerge if both stimuli, B1 and B2, are compounded with the stimuli of a previously trained discrimination, A1 (S+) and A2 (S-), and responding to the compounds, B1A1 and B2A2, is reinforced. Two questions were addressed. First, do simple discriminations also emerge if (a) only one stimulus, B1, is compounded with a training stimulus, A1 (S+) or A2 (S-); or with both training stimuli, A1 (S+) and A2 (S-); and (b) neither B1 nor B2 is compounded with the training stimuli? Second, do simple discriminations emerge if reinforcement in the presence of the AB compounds is withheld? Normal preschool children served as subjects. The study consisted of six experiments. Transfer occurred in all experiments regardless of whether both test stimuli, one test stimulus, or none of the test stimuli were compounded with the training stimuli under non-reinforced conditions. The results can be described by the following rules: Respond to any stimulus that includes a component of a “correct” stimulus of a previous discrimination. Otherwise, respond away from the stimulus that incorporates a component from an “incorrect” stimulus of a previous discrimination. The implications of data for sensory pre-conditioning and language-based accounts are discussed.  相似文献   

Predictions from a model of visual matching were tested in two experiments. The model consists of a wholistic comparison process followed by an element-by-element comparison process. All stimuli are processed by the first stage but only those that permit a decision based on a wholistic comparison produce responses. When discrimination is difficult and a decision cannot be reached by a wholistic comparison, the second stage of processing is initiated. Degree of discriminability and stimulus duration (100 and 1000 msec.) were varied in both experiments. In Exp. 1, the stimulus elements were arranged in a square configuration to facilitate a wholistic comparison. As predicted, the hard-different stimuli took longer to match than the same or easy-different stimuli. The hard-different stimuli presented for 1000 msec. took longer to match than those presented for 100 msec. There was no difference in accuracy between responses to hard-different pairs at the two durations. In Exp. 2, the stimulus elements were arranged in a horizontal row and placed one above the other to facilitate element-by-element comparison. As predicted, these stimuli produced slower and more accurate responses for same and hard-different stimulus pairs only when they were exposed for 1000 msec. Responses to easy-different stimulus pairs were made quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the role of attention in human perceptual learning. In Experiment 1, participants were preexposed to a pair of visual (checkerboard) stimuli AX and BX, with common elements X and unique features A and B. A same-different task was then used to assess discrimination of AX and BX and a pair of control stimuli, CY and DY. In addition, participants' eye movements were recorded to assess the role of attentional processes. The results showed that preexposure enhanced discrimination between AX and BX. Furthermore, participants showed greater attention to the preexposed unique features A and B than to the novel unique features C and D, as measured by the eye gaze monitor. Experiments 2 and 3 examined the prediction that perceptual learning is due to the relative familiarity of the common and unique stimulus features. Experiment 4 replicated the intermixed-blocked effect and showed that the way in which AX and BX are presented is also important for perceptual learning. The results generally support the idea that intermixed preexposure to AX and BX increases attention to the unique stimulus features A and B. Some aspects of the results are consistent with a relative novelty account, whereas others implicate a high-level attentional process that is not driven by stimulus novelty.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined a discrimination training sequence that led to emergent simple discrimination in human subjects. The experiments differed primarily in their subject populations. Normally capable adults served in the first experiment, preschool children in the second, and mentally retarded adults in the third. In all experiments, subjects learned a simple simultaneous discrimination: When visual stimuli A1 and A2 were displayed together, reinforcers followed selections of A1, the S+, but not A2, the S-. The subjects also learned a conditional discrimination taught with an arbitrary visual-visual matching-to-sample procedure. Comparisons were two additional visual stimuli, B1 and B2, and samples were A1 and A2. Reinforcers followed selections of B1 in the presence of A1 and of B2 in the presence of A2. After the simple-discrimination and conditional-discrimination baselines had been acquired, B1 and B2 were displayed alone (without a sample) on probe trials. Subjects had never been taught explicitly how to respond to such displays. Nonetheless, they almost always selected B1, which was involved in a conditional relation with A1, the stimulus that served as S+ on the simple-discrimination trials. This outcome suggested the formation of stimulus classes during conditional-discrimination training. Through class formation, B1 and B2 had apparently acquired stimulus functions similar to those shown by A1 and A2 on simple-discrimination trials, thereby leading to emergent selections of B1 on the probes.  相似文献   

This study examined emergent form discrimination through contiguity of the forms (B stimuli) with colours (A stimuli) associated with different magnitudes of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, children were trained on two colour discriminations. In both, the colour stimuli had the same form: A1B1/A2B1 and A3B1/A2B1. Responding to A1/B1 was followed by three units of reinforcement, to A3B1 by one unit of reinforcement, and to A2B1 by no reinforcement. There followed five tests in which stimuli were presented without programmed consequences. These assessed: (1) the maintenance of accurate performance on the training tasks; (2) S+ preference (A1B1/A3B1); (3) stimulus generalization (A1B2/A2B3, A3B4/A2B5); (4) S+ preference again (A1B6/A3B6); and (5) transfer from the S+ colours to the forms (A4B2/A4B4). On the final test, seven of the eight subjects selected A4B2. Experiment 2 demonstrated that a preference for A4B2 also occurred when the S+ preference tests were omitted. This preference was also found when the total amounts of reinforcement associated with the S+ colours (A1 and A3) were the same (Experiment 3). These findings: (a) indicate that children can acquire new discriminations under non-reinforced conditions through contiguity with differentially reinforced S+ stimuli; (b) support the Stimulus-Response Interaction model (Smeets, 1993) for specifying transfer.  相似文献   

Three experiments employed a metacontrast masking procedure to examine the extent and nature of priming effects from visual stimuli not consciously perceived. The results showed effects of unconscious stimuli on subsequent target responses that (1) were more consistent, reliable, and not subject to strategic control, as compared with consciously perceived stimuli (Experiment 1); (2) produced both facilitation and interference of subsequent processing (Experiment 2); and (3) did not influence indirect response-related levels of processing (Experiment 3). These results demonstrate that color and form attributes of unconscious stimuli are sufficiently registered within the visual system to influence behavior, and that some of these unconscious effects occur at early levels of stimulus encoding, prior to higher level perceptual and response-related processes.  相似文献   

The ability of auditory stimuli to modulate rats' tendency to orient to visual targets was assessed. In Experiment 1, trials where an auditory stimulus (A) signaled one visual array (X) were intermixed with unsignaled presentations of a second array (Y). Comparison of the orienting responses (ORs) to X and Y revealed that A produced a transient (unconditioned) and an emerging (conditioned) disruptive influence on the OR to X. In Experiments 2 and 3, trials where A signaled X were intermixed with others where another auditory stimulus (B) signaled Y. Stimulus A's ability to modulate the OR to X was then assessed by presenting A prior to test arrays containing both X and Y. Control rats were more likely to orient to Y than X (Experiments 2 and 3) and rats with excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus were more likely to orient to X than Y (Experiment 3). These results show that auditory stimuli exert distinct modulatory influences on the OR to visual stimuli with which they are associated.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted in order to compare the effects of stimulus redundancy on temporal order judgments (TOJs) and reaction times (RTs). In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were presented in each trial with a tone and either a single visual stimulus or two redundant visual stimuli. They were asked to judge whether the tone or the visual display was presented first. Judgments of the relative onset times of the visual and the auditory stimuli were virtually unaffected by the presentation of redundant, rather than single, visual stimuli. Experiments 3 and 4 used simple RT tasks with the same stimuli, and responses were much faster to redundant than to single visual stimuli. It appears that the traditional speedup of RT associated with redundant visual stimuli arises after the stimulus detection processes to which TOJs are sensitive.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that when, under non-reinforced conditions, stimuli are added to S+ and S- stimuli in simultaneous discrimination tasks, transfer between paired stimuli is likely to occur. The present study examined whether this procedure also leads to the formation of conditional relations between paired stimuli. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, normal pre-school children were trained on a simultaneous discrimination task with A1 reinforced and A2 not reinforced (A1+/A2- ). Then they received two tests (no programmed consequences): one with B stimuli superimposed on the A stimuli (A1B1/ A2B2), and one with B stimuli only (B1/B2). Subjects who selected A1B1 and B1 also received conditional discrimination tests: one with B1 or B2 as samples and A1 and A2 as comparisons (B-A), and one in which the functions of these stimuli were reversed (A-B). Intellectually impaired adults and normal adults served in Experiments 4 and 5, respectively. These experiments were basically the same except that the subjects were also given the opportunity to demonstrate transfer from B to C via BC (B1C1/B2C2 and C1/C2 tests). Most children (75%) and intellectually impaired adults (75%) treated the conditional discrimination probe tasks as simple discriminations and typically selected the trained and derived S+ stimuli. The remaining children, intellectually impaired adults, and all normal adults related all directly and indirectly linked stimuli of the same functions conditionally to one another (A-B, B-C, A-C, and vice versa). The present findings suggest that, as humans develop, conditional stimulus relations may emerge from tasks and stimulus configurations that are increasingly remote from traditional conditional discrimination tasks.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the influence of stimulus location on temporal perception yield inhomogeneous and contradicting results. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to soundly examine the effect of stimulus eccentricity. In a series of five experiments, subjects compared the duration of foveal disks to disks presented at different retinal eccentricities on the horizontal meridian. The results show that the perceived duration of a visual stimulus declines with increasing eccentricity. The effect was replicated with various stimulus orders (Experiments 1–3), as well as with cortically magnified stimuli (Experiments 4–5), ruling out that the effect was merely caused by different cortical representation sizes. The apparent decreasing duration of stimuli with increasing eccentricity is discussed with respect to current models of time perception, the possible influence of visual attention and respective underlying physiological characteristics of the visual system.  相似文献   

Motor responses can be affected by visual stimuli that have been made invisible by masking. Can masked visual stimuli also affect nonmotor operations that are necessary to perform the task? Here, I report priming effects of masked stimuli on operations that were cued by masking stimuli. Cues informed participants about operations that had to be executed with a forthcoming target stimulus. In five experiments, cues indicated (1) the required response, (2) part of the motor response, (3) the stimulus modality of the target stimulus, or (4) the task to be performed on a multidimensional stimulus. Motor and nonmotor priming effects followed comparable time courses, which differed from those of prime recognition. Experiment 5 demonstrated nonmotor priming without prime awareness. Results suggest that motor and nonmotor operations are similarly affected by masked stimuli.  相似文献   

This study reports two experiments that first taught preschool children identity-matching to compound sample and compound comparison stimuli. A compound stimulus consisted of a colour and a form superimposed on one another. Test sessions assessed whether children related the form and colour elements of a particular compound stimulus. The test for this was matching to sample in which an arbitrary conditional discrimination was required. A majority of the children selected the correct colour comparison in the presence of each form sample. The children also showed the reverse sample-comparison relations: they matched form comparisons to the corresponding colour samples, respectively. In the context of these arbitrary relations, new colours were paired with the form elements of the samples (Experiment 1), and new form elements were paired with the colour elements of the comparisons (Experiment 2). Subsequent tests assessed whether the new stimulus elements had control over responding when presented as single samples or comparisons. Test results showed that most subjects were able to relate the new stimulus elements to the corresponding colour and form elements, respectively. The study demonstrated that matching to compound stimuli in training and testing conditionsMaygenerate conditional relations between the individual stimulus elements.  相似文献   

Human contingency learning was used to compare the predictions of configural and elemental theories. In three experiments, participants were required to learn which indicators were associated with an increase in core temperature of a fictitious nuclear plant. Experiments 1 and 2 investigated the rate at which a triple-element stimulus (ABC) could be discriminated from either single-element stimuli (A, B, and C) or double-element stimuli (AB, BC, and AC). Experiment 1 used visual stimuli, whilst Experiment 2 used visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. In both experiments the participants took longer to discriminate the triple-element stimulus from the more similar double-element stimuli than from the less similar single-element stimuli. Experiment 3 tested for summation with stimuli from either a single or multiple modalities, and summation was found only in the latter case. Thus, the pattern of results seen in Experiments 1 and 2 was not dependent on whether the stimuli were single modal or multimodal, nor was it dependent on whether the stimuli could elicit summation. This pattern of results is consistent with predictions derived from Pearce's (1987, 1994) configural theory.  相似文献   

Human contingency learning was used to compare the predictions of configural and elemental theories. In three experiments, participants were required to learn which indicators were associated with an increase in core temperature of a fictitious nuclear plant. Experiments 1 and 2 investigated the rate at which a triple-element stimulus (ABC) could be discriminated from either single-element stimuli (A, B, and C) or double-element stimuli (AB, BC, and AC). Experiment 1 used visual stimuli, whilst Experiment 2 used visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. In both experiments the participants took longer to discriminate the triple-element stimulus from the more similar double-element stimuli than from the less similar single-element stimuli. Experiment 3 tested for summation with stimuli from either a single or multiple modalities, and summation was found only in the latter case. Thus, the pattern of results seen in Experiments 1 and 2 was not dependent on whether the stimuli were single modal or multimodal, nor was it dependent on whether the stimuli could elicit summation. This pattern of results is consistent with predictions derived from Pearce's (1987, 1994) configural theory.  相似文献   

Five experiments assessed associative symmetry in pigeons. In Experiments 1A, 1B and 2, pigeons learned two‐alternative symbolic matching with identical sample‐ and comparison‐response requirements and with matching stimuli appearing in all possible locations. Despite controlling for the nature of the functional stimuli and insuring all requisite discriminations, there was little or no evidence for symmetry. By contrast, Experiment 3 demonstrated symmetry in successive (go/no‐go) matching, replicating the findings of Frank and Wasserman (2005). In view of these results, I propose that in successive matching, (1) the functional stimuli are stimulus‐temporal location compounds, (2) continual nonreinforcement of some sample‐comparison combinations juxtaposed with reinforcement of other combinations throughout training facilitates stimulus class formation, (3) classes consist of the elements of the reinforced combinations, and (4) common elements produce class merger. The theory predicts that particular sets of training relations should yield “antisymmetry”: Pigeons should respond more to a reversal of the nonreinforced symbolic baseline relations than to a reversal of the reinforced relations. Experiment 4 confirmed this counterintuitive prediction. These results and other theoretical implications support the idea that equivalence relations are a natural consequence of reinforcement contingencies.  相似文献   

Stelmach, Herdman, and McNeil (1994) suggested recently that the perceived duration for attended stimuli is shorter than that for unattended ones. In contrast, the attenuation hypothesis (Thomas & Weaver, 1975) suggests the reverse relation between directed attention and perceived duration. We conducted six experiments to test the validity of the two contradictory hypotheses. In all the experiments, attention was directed to one of two possible stimulus sources. Experiments 1 and 2 employed stimulus durations from 70 to 270 msec. A stimulus appeared in either the visual or the auditory modality. Stimuli in the attended modality were rated as longer than stimuli in the unattended modality. Experiment 3 replicated this finding using a different psychophysical procedure. Experiments 4-6 showed that the finding applies not only to stimuli from different sensory modalities but also to stimuli appearing at different locations within the visual field. The results of all six experiments support the assumption that directed attention prolongs the perceived duration of a stimulus.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined transfer of noncorresponding spatial stimulus-response associations to an auditory Simon task for which stimulus location was irrelevant. Experiment 1 established that, for a horizontal auditory Simon task, transfer of spatial associations occurs after 300 trials of practice with an incompatible mapping of auditory stimuli to keypress responses. Experiments 2-4 examined transfer effects within the auditory modality when the stimuli and responses were varied along vertical and horizontal dimensions. Transfer occurred when the stimuli and responses were arrayed along the same dimension in practice and transfer but not when they were arrayed along orthogonal dimensions. These findings indicate that prior task-defined associations have less influence on the auditory Simon effect than on the visual Simon effect, possibly because of the stronger tendency for an auditory stimulus to activate its corresponding response.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the two cerebral hemispheres are specialized for processing different visual spatial frequencies was investigated in three experiments. No differences between the left and right visual fields were found for: (1) contrast-sensitivity functions measured binocularly with vertical gratings ranging from 0.5 to 12 cycles per degree (cpd); (2) visible persistence durations for 1- and 10-cpd gratings measured with a stimulus alternation method; and (3) accuracy (d') and reaction times to correctly identify digitally filtered letters as targets (L or H) or nontargets (T or F). One significant difference, however, was found: In Experiment 3, a higher decision criterion (beta) was used when filtered letters were identified in the right visual field than when they were identified in the left. The letters were filtered with annular, 1-octave band-pass filters with center spatial frequencies of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 cpd. Combining four center frequencies with three letter sizes (0.5 degrees, 1 degree, and 2 degrees high) made some stimuli equivalent in distal spatial frequency (cycles per object) and some equivalent in proximal spatial frequency (cycles per degree). The effective stimulus in the third experiment seemed to be proximal spatial frequency (cycles per degree) not distal (cycles per object). We conclude that each cerebral hemisphere processes visual spatial frequency information with equal accuracy but that different decision rules are used.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether emergent conditional relations could be established with a go/no-go procedure using compound abstract stimuli. The procedure was conducted with 6 adult humans. During training, responses emitted in the presence of certain stimulus compounds (A1B1, A2B2, A3B3, B1C1, B2C2, and B3C3) were followed by reinforcing consequences (points); responses emitted in the presence of other compounds (A1B2, A1B3, A2B1, A2B3, A3B1, A3B2, B1C2, B1C3, B2C1, B2C3, B3C1 and B3C2) were not (i.e., extinction). During subsequent tests of emergent relations, new configurations (BA, CB, AC, and CA relations) were presented, formed by the recombination of training stimuli and structurally resembling tests usually employed in stimulus equivalence studies. Results showed that all 6 participants displayed immediate emergence of relations consistent with symmetry. Four participants exhibited emergent relations consistent with both transitivity and equivalence. These results indicate that a go/no-go procedure with compound stimuli can establish emergent conditional relations, thus providing a procedural alternative to the matching-to-sample procedures commonly used in studies of stimulus equivalence.  相似文献   

When animals learn a simultaneous discrimination, some of the value of the positive stimulus (S+) appears to transfer to the negative stimulus (S-). The present experiments demonstrate that such value transfer can also be found in humans. In Experiment 1 humans were trained on 2 simple simultaneous discriminations, the first between a highly positive stimulus, A (1,000 points); and a negative stimulus, B (0 points); and the second between a less positive stimulus, C (100 points); and a negative stimulus, D (0 points). On test trials, most participants preferred B over D. In Experiments 2 and 3 the value of the 2 original discriminations was equated in training (A[100]B[0] and C[100]D[0]). In Experiment 2 the values of the positive stimuli were then altered (A[1,000]C[0]); again, most participants preferred B over D. In Experiment 3, however, when the values of B and D were altered (B[1,000]D[0]), participants were indifferent to A and C. Thus, the mechanism that underlies value transfer in humans appears to be related to Pavlovian second-order conditioning. Similar mechanisms may be involved in assimilation processes in social contexts.  相似文献   

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