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The Human Use Regulatory Affairs Advisor (HURAA) is a Web-based facility that provides help and training on the ethical use of human subjects in research, based on documents and regulations in United States federal agencies. HURAA has a number of standard features of conventional Web facilities and computer-based training, such as hypertext, multimedia, help modules, glossaries, archives, links to other sites, and page-turning didactic instruction. HURAA also has these intelligent features: (1) an animated conversational agent that serves as a navigational guide for the Web facility, (2) lessons with case-based and explanation-based reasoning, (3) document retrieval through natural language queries, and (4) a context-sensitive Frequently Asked Questions segment, calledPoint & Query. This article describes the functional learning components of HURAA, specifies its computational architecture, and summarizes empirical tests of the facility on learners.  相似文献   

The Artificial Grammar Learning task has been used extensively to assess individuals' implicit learning capabilities. Previous work suggests that participants implicitly acquire rule-based knowledge as well as exemplar-specific knowledge in this task. This study investigated whether exemplar-specific knowledge acquired in this task is based on the visual features of the exemplars. When a change in the font and case occurred between study and test, there was no effect on sensitivity to grammatical rules in classification judgments. However, such a change did virtually eliminate sensitivity to training frequencies of letter bigrams and trigrams (chunk strength) in classification judgments. Performance of a secondary task during study eliminated this font sensitivity and generally reduced the contribution of chunk strength knowledge. The results are consistent with the idea that perceptual fluency makes a contribution to artificial grammar judgments.  相似文献   

Research on auditory graph interpretation has investigated mappings, scalings, and polarities, as well as the addition of some contextual design features like clicks. However, little has been done to quantify the benefits of those or other design features, or to investigate training in specific sonification tasks such as point estimation. In Study 1, 160 undergraduates listened to auditory graphs and estimated exact dollar values at specific points in the graph. X‐axis context (clicks) improved performance by aiding time calibration. Y‐axis context (reference tones) that provided scaling cues improved performance. In Study 2, listeners performed similar tasks with continuous as opposed to discrete stimuli, and with or without training. X‐axis clicks did not help in this case. Training improved performance overall. When there was no training, y‐axis context improved performance to the level of trained listeners, suggesting the effects of training and y‐axis were comparable, but not additive. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimenters assume that participants of an experimental group have learned an artificial grammar if they classify test items with significantly higher accuracy than does a control group without training. The validity of such a comparison, however, depends on an additivity assumption: Learning is superimposed on the action of non-specific variables—for example, repetitions of letters, which modulate the performance of the experimental group and the control group to the same extent. In two experiments we were able to show that this additivity assumption does not hold. Grammaticality classifications in control groups without training (Experiments 1 and 2) depended on non-specific features. There were no such biases in the experimental groups. Control groups with training on randomized strings (Experiment 2) showed fewer biases than did control groups without training. Furthermore, we reanalysed published research and demonstrated that earlier experiments using control groups without training had produced similar biases in control group performances, bolstering the finding that using control groups without training is methodologically unsound.  相似文献   

Two experiments required volunteers to learn which of various “planes” caused high levels of pollution. Novel test items were then rated as causes of pollution. Items created by adding novel features were rated at the same level as that of the original training items but items created by removing features received reduced ratings. This asymmetry of generalization decrement was not predicted by a well-known configural model of stimulus representation (Pearce, 1987, 1994) but was predicted by a recently proposed model of stimulus representation, the replaced-elements model (Brandon, Vogel, & Wagner, 2000).  相似文献   

In explanation-based learning (EBL), domain knowledge is leveraged in order to learn general rules from few examples. An explanation is constructed for initial exemplars and is then generalized into a candidate rule that uses only the relevant features specified in the explanation; if the rule proves accurate for a few additional exemplars, it is adopted. EBL is thus highly efficient because it combines both analytic and empirical evidence. EBL has been proposed as one of the mechanisms that help infants acquire and revise their physical rules. To evaluate this proposal, 11- and 12-month-olds (n?=?260) were taught to replace their current support rule (that an object is stable when half or more of its bottom surface is supported) with a more sophisticated rule (that an object is stable when half or more of the entire object is supported). Infants saw teaching events in which asymmetrical objects were placed on a base, followed by static test displays involving a novel asymmetrical object and a novel base. When the teaching events were designed to facilitate EBL, infants learned the new rule with as few as two (12-month-olds) or three (11-month-olds) exemplars. When the teaching events were designed to impede EBL, however, infants failed to learn the rule. Together, these results demonstrate that even infants, with their limited knowledge about the world, benefit from the knowledge-based approach of EBL.  相似文献   

The personal study program (PSP) can be defined as a tool for the successful accomplishment of vocational adult training. The program defines the objectives of education and training and the best means of achieving these. Through counseling interaction with other members of the group and the trainer/instructor, the adult learner may redefine her or his goals and relation to a future profession and so revise her or his PSP. PSP practices may help a competence‐based qualifications system to function well. PSP and other individualizing practices in vocational adult education and training can be regarded as a part of the individualization processes that are typical of modernization and reflexivity within the wider society.  相似文献   

Artificial grammar learning (AGL) is an experimental paradigm that has been used extensively incognitive research for many years to study implicit learning, associative learning, and generalization on the basis of either similarity or rules. Without computer assistance, it is virtually impossible to generate appropriate grammatical training stimuli along with grammatical or nongrammatical test stimuli that control relevant psychological variables. We present the first flexible, fully automated software for selecting AGL stimuli. The software allows users to specify a grammar of interest, and to manipulate characteristics of training and test sequences, and their relationship to each other. The user therefore has direct control over stimulus features that may influence learning and generalization in AGL tasks. The software, AGL StimSelect, enables researchers to develop AGL designs that would not be feasible without automatic stimulus selection. It is implemented in MATLAB.  相似文献   

A central issue in sequence learning is whether learning operates on stimulus-independent abstract elements, or whether surface features are integrated, resulting in stimulus-dependent learning. Using the serial reaction-time (SRT) task, we test whether a previously presented sequence is transferrable from one domain to another. Contrary to previous artificial grammar learning studies, there is mapping between pre- and posttransfer stimuli, but contrary to previous SRT studies mapping is not obvious. In the pre-transfer training phase, participants face a dot-counting task in which the location of the dots follows a predefined sequence. In the test phase, participants face an auditory SRT task in which the spatial organization of the response locations is either the same as spatial sequence in the training phase, or not. Sequence learning is compared to two control conditions: one with a non-sequential random-dot counting in the training phase, and one with no training phase. Results show that sequential training proactively interferes with later sequence learning, regardless of whether the sequence is the same or different in the two phases. Results argue for the existence of a general sequence processor with limited capacity, and that sequence structures and sequenced elements are integrated into a single sequential representation.  相似文献   

The sequential patterning of complex acoustic elements is a salient feature of bird song and other forms of vocal communication. For European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), a songbird species, individual vocal recognition is improved when the temporal organization of song components (called motifs) follows the normal patterns of each singer. This sensitivity to natural motif sequences may underlie observations that starlings can also learn more complex, unnatural motif patterns. Alternatively, it has been proposed that the apparent acquisition of abstract motif patterning rules instead reflects idiosyncrasies of the training conditions used in prior experiments. That is, that motif patterns are learned not by recognizing differences in temporal structures between patterns, but by identifying serendipitous features (e.g., acoustical cues) in the small sets of training and testing stimuli used. Here, we investigate this possibility, by asking whether starlings can learn to discriminate between two arbitrary motif patterns, when unique examples of each pattern are presented on every trial. Our results demonstrate that abstract motif patterning rules can be acquired from trial-unique stimuli and suggest that such training leads to better pattern generalization compared with training with much smaller stimulus subsets.  相似文献   

For more than two decades, researchers have contrasted the relative merits of associative and statistical theories as accounts of human contingency learning. This debate, still far from resolution, has led to further refinement of models within each family of theories. More recently, a third theoretical view has joined the debate: the inferential reasoning account. The explanations of these three accounts differ critically in many aspects, such as level of analysis and their emphasis on different steps within the information-processing sequence. Also, each account has important advantages (as well as critical flaws) and emphasizes experimental evidence that poses problems to the others. Some hybrid models of human contingency learning have attempted to reconcile certain features of these accounts, thereby benefiting from some of the unique advantages of different families of accounts. A comparison of these families of accounts will help us appreciate the challenges that research on human contingency learning will face over the coming years.  相似文献   

Practice-related improvement in visual perception is highly specific for properties of the stimulus used in training. We explored the specificity of such perceptual learning in the human tactile system, using gratings consisting of alternating ridges and grooves. Practice effects on grating discrimination showed limited transfer between grating sets defined by spatial variation in either groove width or ridge width, consistent with partially overlapping neural representations of these two spatial parameters. In contrast, substantial interdigital transfer of practice effects occurred for discrimination of gratings varying in either spatial parameter and also for spatial acuity-dependent discrimination of grating orientation. We conclude that tactile learning, although quite as task specific as in other sensory systems, generalizes with considerable facility across fingers, unlike visual learning, which is highly location specific.  相似文献   

Human participants learned to select 1 of 4 distinctively marked corners in a rectangular virtual enclosure. After training, control and test trials were interspersed with training trials. On control and test trials, all markers were equivalent in color, but only during test trials was the shape of the enclosure manipulated. Specifically, for each test trial, a single long wall or short wall of the enclosure increased twice as long as or decreased half as long as that present in the training enclosure. These manipulations produced 8 unique trapezoid-shaped enclosures. Participants were allowed to select 1 corner during control and test trials. Performance during control trials revealed that participants selected the correct and rotationally equivalent locations. Performance during test trials revealed that participants selected locations in trapezoid-shaped enclosures that were consistent with those predicted by global geometry (i.e., principal axis of space) but were inconsistent with those predicted by local geometry (i.e., proportion of rewarded training features present at a location). Results have implications for theoretical accounts of geometry learning.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the authors provide evidence for a distinct category-invention process in unsupervised (discovery) learning and set forth a method for observing and investigating that process. In the 1st 2 experiments, the sequencing of unlabeled training instances strongly affected participants' ability to discover patterns (categories) across those instances. In the 3rd experiment, providing diagnostic labels helped participants discover categories and improved learning even for instance sequences that were unlearnable in the earlier experiments. These results are incompatible with models that assume that people learn by incrementally tracking correlations between individual features; instead, they suggest that learners in this study used expectation failure as a trigger to invent distinct categories to represent patterns in the stimuli. The results are explained in terms of J. R. Anderson's (1990, 1991) rational model of categorization, and extensions of this analysis for real-world learning are discussed.  相似文献   

fMRI was used to investigate the separate influences of orthographic, phonological, and semantic processing on the ability to learn new words and the cortical circuitry recruited to subsequently read those words. In a behavioral session, subjects acquired familiarity for three sets of pseudowords, attending to orthographic, phonological, or (learned) semantic features. Transfer effects were measured in an event-related fMRI session as the subjects named trained pseudowords, untrained pseudowords, and real words. Behaviorally, phonological and semantic training resulted in better learning than did orthographic training. Neurobiologically, orthographic training did not modulate activation in the main reading regions. Phonological and semantic training yielded equivalent behavioral facilitation but distinct functional activation patterns, suggesting that the learning resulting from these two training conditions was driven by different underlying processes. The findings indicate that the putative ventral visual word form area is sensitive to the phonological structure of words, with phonologically analytic processing contributing to the specialization of this region.  相似文献   

Much of the empirical research on the social adjustment of the mentally ill has focused on client variables. More recently, recognition of environmental factors as influences on behavior has led to attempts to determine environmental factors that may play a role in former mental patients' community integration. The secondary data analysis of 87 former state hospital patients in residential facilities suggests that while client characteristics are important in explaining community integration, facility, and community characteristics, particularly the level of skills training offered in the facility, size of city, and level of depersonalization of residents, have a significant impact. Results indicating the major importance of informal interactions between staff and clients are discussed, with implications for facility staff noted.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the extent to which prior knowledge influences the acquisition of category structure in unsupervised learning conditions. Prior knowledge is general knowledge about a broad domain that explains why an object has the features it does. Category structure refers to the statistical regularities of features within and across categories. Subjects viewed items and then divided them up into the categories that seemed most natural. Each item had one feature that was related to prior knowledge and five features that were not. The results showed that even this small amount of prior knowledge helped subjects to discover the category structure. In addition, prior knowledge enhanced the learning of many of the category's features, and not just the features that were directly relevant to the knowledge. The results suggest that prior knowledge may help to integrate the features of a category, thereby improving the acquisition of category structure.  相似文献   

Because the World-Wide Web has features that are not found in traditional information systems, it has some unique problems pertaining to human use, such as the difficulty of searching for specific information. This paper describes human cognitive limitations pertinent to the design of Web browsers and provides a conceptual model for human information processing on the Web. It also compares user strategies and use of browser functions for two tasks that differ in the specificity of the information that is to be retrieved. General principles and specific recommendations for the design of Web browsers are derived from these considerations.  相似文献   

If animals are trained with two similar stimuli such that one is rewarding (S+) and one punishing (S?), then following training animals show a greatest preference not for the S+, but for a novel stimulus that is slightly more different from the S? than the S+ is. This peak shift phenomenon has been widely reported for vertebrates and has recently been demonstrated for bumblebees and honey bees. To explore the nature of peak shift in invertebrates further, here we examined the properties of peak shift in honey bees trained in a free-flight olfactory learning assay. Hexanal and heptanol were mixed in different ratios to create a continuum of odour stimuli. Bees were trained to artificial flowers such that one odour mixture was rewarded with 2 molar sucrose (S+), and one punished with distasteful quinine (S?). After training, bees were given a non-rewarded preference test with five different mixtures of hexanal and heptanol. Following training bees’ maximal preference was for an odour mixture slightly more distinct from the S? than the trained S+. This effect was not seen if bees were initially trained with two distinct odours, replicating the classic features of peak shift reported for vertebrates. We propose a conceptual model of how peak shift might occur in honey bees. We argue that peak shift does not require any higher level of processing than the known olfactory learning circuitry of the bee brain and suggest that peak shift is a very general feature of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

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