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San-Pui Lam 《Journal of applied social psychology》1999,29(5):1058-1071
This study tested the explanatory power of Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB), and a modified TPB model including perceived moral obligation (PMO) and perceived water right (PWR), to predict people's intentions to conserve water. The study had 244 government employees who participated. The TPB variables improved the prediction of intention to use less water, but were less successful in predicting intention to install water-efficient appliances. A significant interaction was found between attitude and subjective norm, suggesting that past studies have overlooked moderating effects in the TPB model. In addition to the TPB variables, PWR further improved the prediction of intention to install water-efficient appliances. Results also suggest that water-saving procedures should be differentiated into curtailment and efficiency procedures. 相似文献
David P. French Stephen Sutton Susie J. Hennings Jo Mitchell Nicholas J. Wareham Simon Griffin Wendy Hardeman Ann Louise Kinmonth 《Journal of applied social psychology》2005,35(9):1824-1848
Standard theory of planned behavior (TPB) questions to elicit salient behavioral beliefs may elicit instrumental consequences of behavior, and overlook affective consequences. Two hundred thirteen English adults (35 to 75 years of age) completed a questionnaire that contained closed measures of TPB constructs, and open‐ended questions that asked not only about advantages and disadvantages, but also what respondents would like or enjoy and dislike or hate about being more physically active. Beliefs elicited by affective questions were associated more strongly with a closed affective attitude scale. Beliefs elicited by instrumental questions were associated more strongly with a closed instrumental attitude scale. Closed measures of the standard TPB variables explained 48% of the variance in intention to increase physical activity, while affective attitude explained an additional 11% of the variance. Applications of the TPB should consider affective and not just instrumental determinants of behavior. 相似文献
Explaining Proenvironmental Intention and Behavior by Personal Norms and the Theory of Planned Behavior1 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Paul Harland Henk Staats Henk A. M. Wilke 《Journal of applied social psychology》1999,29(12):2505-2528
The value of personal norms (Schwartz, 1977) for proenvironmental behavior has been demonstrated in previous studies (e.g., Vining & Ebreo, 1992), but not in addition to the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen & Madden, 1986). In the present study, this combination was investigated by means of a mail survey among a sample of 305 Dutch citizens who were enlisted to participate in a behavioral change intervention program on environmentally relevant behavior. Personal norms appear to increase the proportion of explained variance in 5 intentions and 4 self-reported measures of performed environmentally relevant behaviors beyond that explained by three of the theory of planned behavior constructs (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control). Issues evoked by these results are discussed. 相似文献
Lillian M. Nejad Eleanor H. Wertheim Kenneth M. Greenwood 《Journal of applied social psychology》2004,34(10):2099-2131
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used, modified, and extended to predict dieting intention and behavior. Female undergraduates ( n = 256) responded to a survey assessing variables from the TPB and additional predictor variables. Seventy-eight of these participants also completed a follow-up questionnaire 3 months later that assessed their subsequent weight-loss behavior. A model was developed for dieting using path analysis to assess the most significant paths to intention to diet and follow-up dieting. In the final predictor model, 77% of the variance in intention to diet and 46% of the variance in follow-up dieting were explained. The strongest predictor of intention to diet was direct attitude, and the strongest predictor of follow-up dieting was prior dieting. This study also included a confirmatory analysis of the dieting model (n=117). Approximately 2/3 of the paths were confirmed, and 72% of the variance in intention was explained. 相似文献
The present paper explores whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) must abandon the notion that perceived behavioral control (PBC) has a direct influence on behavior. In a cross‐sectional survey of 895 Swiss residents, our hypothesis was tested by means of structural equation models. Applied specifically, PBC turned out to be a significant direct predictor of one's performance. A general version of the TPB based on aggregated measures, however, revealed PBC's direct influence on behavior to be nonsignificant and, presumably, a non‐universally applicable and thus nongeneralizable part of the theory. Intention determined 51% to 52% of people's ecological behavior, which supports the claim of a strong attitude‐behavior relation. Attitude, subjective norms, and PBC, the 3 TPB components, account for 81% of intention's variance. 相似文献
A theoretically derived decision‐making model was applied to predict women's intentions to remain in or to terminate physically abusive relationships with male partners. Participants were 48 women residing in a shelter for battered women who responded to questionnaires assessing the components of the theory of planned behavior. Data provided support for the model. Specifically, women were found to have greater intentions to leave the relationships if they held positive attitudes toward leaving and believed they were in control of leaving the relationship. Normative beliefs were not predictive of intentions to leave. Empirically based suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of interventions are discussed. 相似文献
This study examines the ability of the Theory of Planned Behavior to account for mothers' intentions to limit the frequency of their infants' sugar consumption. One group of mothers (experimental) was exposed to a dental health education program designed to promote this behavior, the other (control) group was not. Each group of mothers was interviewed twice; the intervention was delivered to mothers in the experimental group immediately after their first interview. The interviews incorporated measures of the key constructs in the Theory of Planned Behavior (attitudes to behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intentions). Results indicated that the addition of perceived behavioral control resulted in small but significant increments in the amount of explained variance in intentions, thereby supporting the theory. Although the change in intentions to perform the advocated behavior was not significantly greater in the experimental group than in the control group, there was a significant change in attitudes to the behavior in the experimental group but no such change in the control group. Moreover, amount of change in behavioral intentions was significantly correlated with amount of change in attitudes, but not with amount of change in subjective norms or perceived behavioral control. Analysis of behavioral beliefs indicated that the attitude change reflected a change in a specific behavioral belief that was targeted in the intervention. Further analyses focused on the role played by direct experience of the behavior and show that such experience tended to enhance the role of perceived behavioral control in intention formation, apparently because mothers who have older children have discovered that they have relatively little control over frequency of child's sugar consumption. The implication of these results for the Theory of Planned Behavior are discussed. 相似文献
The Theory of Planned Behavior and Breast Self-Examination: Distinguishing Between Perceived Control and Self-Efficacy 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper reports an application of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to the prediction of breast self-examination (BSE) intentions and behavior. The study also considered the distinction between perceived control and self-efficacy within the TPB and the additional predictive utility of past behavior. A sample of 95 women completed questionnaires based on the TPB and were followed up at 1 month. Support for the distinction between perceived control and self-efficacy was provided by principal components analysis. The TPB was found to be highly predictive of intention to perform BSE and subsequent BSE behavior. Regression analyses revealed self-efficacy and attitude to be predictive of intention to perform BSE. Intention, in turn, was the sole predictor of BSE at 1-month follow-up. Past behavior was found to explain additional variance in intention, but not BSE behavior at 1-month follow-up. The results are discussed in relation to the conceptual status of the perceived behavioral control construct, and the practical implications of the results are highlighted. 相似文献
Elena Marta Claudia Manzi Maura Pozzi Vivian Laurance Vignoles 《The Journal of social psychology》2014,154(3):198-207
Is identity an important predictor of social behavior? The present longitudinal study is focused on identity in order to understand why people continue to volunteer over an extended period of time. The theory of planned behavior and the role identity model of volunteering are used as theoretical framework. Two hundred thirty Italian volunteers were sampled and followed for 3 years. We analyzed functions of role identity as a volunteer. Results showed a significant impact of role identity in predicting volunteer performance after 3 years, mediated through behavioral intentions. Role identity fully mediated the relationships between behavioral intention and attitude, social norms, past behavior and parental modelling. 相似文献
The current study examines teenage sexual behavior (in terms of having had sexual intercourse) as a function of sexual attitudes and sexual efficacy. At the heart of the study lies the assumption that sexual attitudes such as permissiveness are related to sexual behavior, but that this relation is stronger for sexually efficacious teenagers than for others. Using longitudinal data from 253 British adolescents, a structural equation model is tested and fit. The results provide partial support for the expectations, demonstrating the usefulness of sexual efficacy in predicting sexual behavior. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed. 相似文献
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Intention to Use Condoms Among Male and Female Injecting Drug Users 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Nancy H. Corby Margaret Schneider Jamner Richard J. Wolitski 《Journal of applied social psychology》1996,26(1):52-75
This study tested the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for understanding and predicting condom use intentions among male and female injecting drug users (IDUs). Interviews were conducted with 405 male and 315 female sexually active IDUs. Participants indicated their intentions to use condoms with main and nonmain sexual partners as well as attitudes, social norms, partner norms, and perceived behavioral control relevant to condom use with each partner type. The TPB accounted for 36 to 48% of the variance in intentions to use condoms. Intentions were related to attitudes, regardless of partner type. Partner norms were related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (men only). Social norms did not predict intentions, regardless of partner type. Perceived behavioral control was related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (women only). The findings are interpreted in light of the roles of cooperation, intimacy, and concern about self-protection. 相似文献
Sarah J. Schmiege Angela Bryan William M. P. Klein 《Journal of applied social psychology》2009,39(1):95-119
Worry and risk perception were integrated into the theory of planned behavior (TPB) within health and non-health domains (flossing and academic coursework, respectively). Models were estimated and replicated in 2 undergraduate samples ( n s = 191 and 309), with effects of worry and risk on intentions expected to occur primarily through attitudes. Past behavior was modeled through effects on all TPB constructs and through interactions with worry and risk. Worry positively predicted intentions and attitudes (and norms in the non-health domain) for those at the lowest levels of prior behavior. Risk perceptions negatively predicted intentions and self-efficacy (and attitudes in the health context) also for those at low levels of prior behavior. Implications for further theory development are discussed. 相似文献
Exploring Attitudes and Predicting Intentions: Profiling Student Debtors Using an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study was designed to investigate application of a theory of planned behavior, including involvement and decision‐making style in predicting undergraduates' borrowing attitudes. We conducted interviews to explore antecedents of students' debt‐consumption/borrowing attitudes. We employed exploratory factor analysis to identify attitudinal dimensions utilized in hierarchical regression as independent variables. The results suggest students regard themselves as good money managers, but lack control over borrowing and debt. Combining involvement and decision‐making style as a style/involvement variable had a powerful mediating effect in predicting borrowing intention. Research suggests that grouping students, based on their involvement level with finance and decision‐making style, into debtor types offers opportunities for more understanding of their debt‐consumption intentions. Strategies are proposed for dealing with different debtor types. 相似文献
A prospective study applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to the prediction of attendance at health checks is reported. Conducted in a single general practice, 307 patients completed questionnaires based on the TPB, and were invited to attend a health check. The role of prior behavior in the TPB was assessed in 2 ways. First, it was used to assess the sufficiency of the TPB. The addition of prior attendance behavior led to a significant increase in the prediction of current behavior. Second, its role as a moderator variable was assessed. While the TPB was unsuccessful in predicting attendance behavior among prior attenders, it was able to do so among prior nonattenders. The results are discussed in relation to recent work on decision-making processes. 相似文献
The aims of the present study are fourfold: to apply the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to eating a low-fat diet; to consider differences between self-efficacy and perceived control over behavior (PCB); to examine self-identity as a potential addition to the model; and to identify beliefs which may provide useful targets for interventions. Findings support the efficacy of the TPB as a predictor of low-fat diet. Evidence for the distinction between self-efficacy and PCB was provided by principal components analysis, patterns in prediction of intention, and the control beliefs associated with the two constructs. Self-identity was found to independently predict intention and may prove a useful addition to the TPB. Finally, specific beliefs distinguished intenders from nonintenders, providing potential targets for health interventions. The findings are discussed in the context of previous TPB research and the need for multimethod assessments of behavior. 相似文献
Brian K. Griepentrog PhD Crystal M. Harold PhD Brian C. Holtz PhD Richard J. Klimoski PhD Sean M. Marsh PhD 《Personnel Psychology》2012,65(4):723-753
This study develops and tests a model of applicant withdrawal. Drawing on tenets from social identity theory and the theory of planned behavior, this study proposes that applicants who highly identify with an organization will experience higher pursuit intentions and subsequently be less inclined to withdraw from recruitment. Data were collected from a sample of 669 applicants to the U.S. military at 2 intervals, separated by 3 months. Strong support was found for the proposed theoretical model. Implications for research and practice will be discussed. 相似文献
Icek Ajzen Cornelia Czasch Michael G. Flood 《Journal of applied social psychology》2009,39(6):1356-1372
Implementation intentions are said to transfer control over goal‐directed behavior to situational cues, thereby automating initiation of the behavior ( Gollwitzer, 1999 ). Alternatively, implementation intentions may be effective because they create commitment to the intended behavior. In an empirical study, implementation intentions regarding a simple task (rating TV newscasts) varied in their specificity. In addition, explicit commitment to the task was manipulated, and chronic conscientiousness was assessed. Consistent with the commitment hypothesis, general and specific implementation intentions were equally effective in raising level of task performance, and they were no more effective than asking for an explicit commitment to carry out the task. Also, individuals high in conscientiousness were more likely than individuals low on this trait to enact their intentions. 相似文献