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Developments in counselling over the last ten years have failed to meet the expectations of those who helped introduce counselling to British schools in the mid-1960s and early 1970s. Changes contributing to the current situation are discussed: in particular, changes in the theory and practice of counselling both outside and inside the school, the expansion of pastoral-care Systems, and economic, political and other shifts of emphasis during the period. Finally, some positive proposais for the future of counselling in schools are considered.  相似文献   

A 60-hour course to train community-health professionals in the basic skills of counselling families of children with disabilities was evaluated. Three groups of diverse professionals (25 females and 1 male in all) were trained. The overall approach followed the didactic-experiential programme of Truax and Carkhuff (1967). Teaching methods included discussion, role-play, and feedback. Hypothesised changes occurred in trainees as a result of the course in contrast with a non-training waiting period. There were significant improvements in theoretical knowledge, self-perceptions of counselling ability and counselling behaviour. Evidence from a sub-group of the sample indicated that changes were maintained for up to nine months afterwards. The validity of the results is further supported by a separate study demonstrating benefits in families with whom the trainees subsequently worked. It is concluded that such courses are cost-effective in enhancing the professional skills of health-care workers.  相似文献   

The study investigated the challenges of HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools as expressed by school counsellors in Kwara state, Nigeria. The respondents comprised 132 purposively selected counsellors in Kwara state public secondary schools (Male=85; Female=47). Data were collected with the use of a survey instrument and the data were quantitatively analyzed. The study identified the challenges hindering effective implementation of HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools as ignorance, non-existence of governmental policy on HIV/AIDS counselling in schools and negative attitudes of school administrators, students and teachers to HIV/AIDS. Geographical location and job status had significant influence on the respondents' views of the challenges facing HIV/AIDS counselling in Nigerian secondary schools. The Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON) should enlighten Nigerians on the importance of HIV/AIDS counselling in schools.  相似文献   

The introduction of rehabilitation counselling to the UK in 1990-initially as a diploma and now as an MSc—is described. The worldwide development of rehabilitation counselling from its beginnings in America in the 1950s is outlined, highlighting key areas of debate. Evidence of the need for rehabilitation counselling in the UK is presented, and the current course is described with reference to its integrative counselling approach and specialist areas of enquiry. The future development of rehabilitation counselling in the UK is considered, emphasising the need for this specialism as we move towards more holistic models of care.  相似文献   

An account of the process of group counselling for patients with rheumatoid arthritis is given. Two groups met independently, with different counsellors, for one hour per week over six months. It was found that the process of group counselling followed four developmental stages. They were: ice-breaking and climate creation, information exchange, self-disclosure, and enhanced self-concept and self-esteem. These stages are discussed.  相似文献   

A critical review of studies examining the efficacy of student counselling is presented, together with suggestions for how the design of such research might be improved. Complementary investigations of client and employer attitudes towards and expectations of student counselling services are also described. The need to evaluate student counselling in the face of economic cutbacks is discussed.  相似文献   

Contributors to the symposium experienced difficulty in finding appropriate language to express their understanding of spirituality and the essential nature of their work with clients. Nevertheless, a fascinating world emerges from which it is clear that many counsellors are now fulfilling the role of spiritual companion. The implications of this for therapists in general are examined, as well as what it means for clients to conceive of themselves as 'spirit'. The question of whether or not counsellors are taking over from the clergy as spiritual guides is explored.  相似文献   

The development of counselling has brought enthusiastic attempts to pioneer its application to a diversity of fields. One obvious target has been primary-care and the general practitioner's surgery, where there has been an increase in demand for help with 'life-problems' and a growing reluctance to prescribe drugs of doubtful benefit. The need for both time and expertise to respond appropriately has made counsellors welcome additions to many surgery teams. However, different professions and volunteer groups compete for the role; each cites evidence of its own appropriateness, rarely acknowledging, and never assessing, the contributions of others. Hence this attempt to bring together the findings of these disparate groups to demonstrate their undoubted similarities and to assess the value of 'counselling' intervention in general practice.  相似文献   

Seventy-six counsellors practising under the auspices of the Scottish Marriage Guidance Council responded anonymously to a postal questionnaire. This was designed to survey their attitudes regarding various aspects of counselling and, by means of case-studies, to in vestigate the extent to which they adopted a uniform approach with all clients. The counsellors considered marriage guidance to be appropriate for a wide range of problems. In general, 'nonspecific' factors were considered helpful. However, in line with current trends towards flexibility and eclecticism, the counsellors considered that some interventions, styles and approaches were more appropriate for some problems than for others. The implications of the findings are discussed and some practical recommendations are made.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken in May/June 1972 into conditions of service and training among members of the Association for Student. Counselling. The replies revealed considerable diversity and confusion among employers and practitioners alike over such issues as the range of duties expected, qualifications acquired and required, the need for specific training, and salaries  相似文献   

A 1-year experimental program that transported a total of 38 “volunteer” disadvantaged city children to schools in a nearby suburban community was evaluated in grades 1 and 2. Twenty-six of the 38 children were in a total of 12 different classes at these two grade levels. At the conclusion of the program, transported first graders displayed significantly higher average gains in reading, mathematics, and listening skills than did counterparts who remained in the city school. Among second graders, achievement mean gains for the transported group did not differ significantly from those of the counterpart group. Suburban children in classes containing city youngsters displayed no measured detrimental effects on achievement, when compared to similar classes without city children. In general, year-end affective measures indicated that most groups of students preferred integrated classes that were mostly white, and they also felt these classes were among the smartest.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a survey of GP counsellors and primary health care teams concerning the role and contribution of counsellors in primary care. Most of the literature argues the value of this service, which has been growing very quickly. This survey identified the principal tasks of GP counsellors, their relationship with the host team, and some of the organisational and professional dilemmas which need to be addressed. A great deal of variation wasfound in ail of these areas, which suggests the value of a protocol for GP counselling to establish minimum standards and promote best practice.  相似文献   

The establishment of support groups for school and college counsellors in Devon is described. Reference is made to the pressures which led to their creation, to the way the support system has gradually been developed and modified, to the membership, organisation and purpose of the present groups, and to some initial problems and adjustments. Possibilities for future development are suggested.  相似文献   

Ethical issues have their roots in the belief systems of individuals and society. Codes of ethics are seen as attempts to ensure that behaviour accords with these belief systems. An outline model is presented which highlights some aspects of beliefs, feelings and conscious and unconscious processes, and their effects upon the conscious behaviours of the individual. Aspects of social change and context are briefly considered, together with the subsequent effects upon beliefs and ethics, and issues of responsibility.  相似文献   

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