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Tozawa J  Oyama T 《Perception》2006,35(8):1007-1023
In three experiments we examined the relative effectiveness of motion parallax and two perspective cues for the perception of size and distance. The experimental stimuli consisted of two ellipses (a standard and a comparison) and a horizontal line that indicated the horizon. The subject's task was to report the apparent size and distance of the comparison stimulus relative to the standard stimulus. Two perspective cues were given by the relative heights of the two stimuli and the absolute height of the standard stimulus below the horizon. Motion parallax was defined by both the ratio and the difference in angular velocities between the two stimuli on the display. In experiment 1 we examined the effects of the two perspective cues and the motion parallax. In experiment 2 we eliminated the horizon line, and examined the role of the horizon in size and distance perception. In experiment 3 we separately evaluated the effects of motion parallax and the relative height cues. The results from the three experiments showed that the effect of motion parallax and the two perspective cues were different in three ways. First, the relative effectiveness of motion parallax and the two perspective cues differed for size and distance estimates. For size estimates, the motion parallax was more effective than the perspective cues (experiments 1 and 3). For distance estimates, the motion parallax was as effective as the two perspective cues (experiments 1 and 3). Second, the role of the horizon differed for size and distance estimates. The size estimates were strongly affected by the horizon, while the distance estimates were not affected much by the horizon (experiment 2). Third, the effective perspective cues differed for the size estimates and the distance estimates: size estimates were affected by the perspective cues as a combination of the horizon and relative height; distance estimates were affected by the perspective cues as an interaction between the absolute and relative heights without the horizon line.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that the paradoxical relative distance judgment associated with the size-distance paradox is due to the visual system’s assuming equal linear size and perceiving a smaller angular size for the closer stimulus equal in visual angle. In Experiment I, two different sized coins were presented successively, and 16 Ss were asked to give ordinal judgments of apparent distance and apparent size. When the two coins depicted the same figures, the closer stimulus was judged to be farther and smaller, more frequently, than when two coins depicted different figures. In Experiment II, 48 Ss were asked to give ratio judgments of apparent distance, apparent linear size, and apparent angular size for two stimuli which were presented successively. When the stimuli were of equal shape, the mean ratios of the far stimulus to the near stimulus were smaller for the apparent distance but larger for the apparent linear size and angular size than when the stimuli were of different shape. The obtained distance judgments were consistent with the hypothesis but the obtained judgments of linear size and angular size were not.  相似文献   

When O views a blank triangle of light under completely reduced conditions, he is able to use information about the size of this visual stimulus conveyed via the haptic modality when he is attempting to judge the absolute distance of the visual stimulus. However, distance is consistently underesti-mated in this situation. When haptically-indicated size is held constant, judged distance varies inversely with retinalsubtense, even though the different retinal subtenses are viewed by different Os. A variant of the size-distance invariance hypothesis also appears to hold in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The rotation direction and depth order of a rotating sphere consisting of random dots often reverses while it is viewed under orthographic projection. However, if a short viewing distance is simulated under perspective projection, the correct rotation direction can be perceived. There are two motion cues for the rotation direction and depth order. One is the speed cue; points with higher velocities are closer to the observer. The other is the vertical motion cue; vertical motion is induced when the dots recede from or approach the observer. It was examined whether circular motion, which does not have any depth information but induces vertical velocities, masks the vertical motion cue. In Experiment 1, the effects of circular motion on the judgment of the rotation direction of a rotating sphere were examined. The magnitude of the two cues (the speed cue and the vertical velocity cue) as well as the angular speed of circular motion was varied. It was found that the performance improved as the vertical velocity increased and that the speed cue had slight effects on the judgment of the rotation direction. It was also found that the performance worsened as the angular speed of the circular motion was increased. In Experiment 2, the effects of circular motion on depth judgment of a rotating half sphere were investigated. The performance worsened as the angular speed of the circular motion increased, as in Experiment 1. These results suggest that the visual system cannot compensate perfectly for circular motion for the judgment of the rotation direction and depth order.  相似文献   

Freeman TC  Sumnall JH 《Perception》2002,31(5):603-615
Abstract. Observers can recover motion with respect to the head during an eye movement by comparing signals encoding retinal motion and the velocity of pursuit. Evidently there is a mismatch between these signals because perceived head-centred motion is not always veridical. One example is the Filehne illusion, in which a stationary object appears to move in the opposite direction to pursuit. Like the motion aftereffect, the phenomenal experience of the Filehne illusion is one in which the stimulus moves but does not seem to go anywhere. This raises problems when measuring the illusion by motion nulling because the more traditional technique confounds perceived motion with changes in perceived position. We devised a new nulling technique using global-motion stimuli that degraded familiar position cues but preserved cues to motion. Stimuli consisted of random-dot patterns comprising signal and noise dots that moved at the same retinal 'base' speed. Noise moved in random directions. In an eye-stationary speed-matching experiment we found noise slowed perceived retinal speed as 'coherence strength' (ie percentage of signal) was reduced. The effect occurred over the two-octave range of base speeds studied and well above direction threshold. When the same stimuli were combined with pursuit, observers were able to null the Filehne illusion by adjusting coherence. A power law relating coherence to retinal base speed fit the data well with a negative exponent. Eye-movement recordings showed that pursuit was quite accurate. We then tested the hypothesis that the stimuli found at the null-points appeared to move at the same retinal speed. Two observers supported the hypothesis, a third partially, and a fourth showed a small linear trend. In addition, the retinal speed found by the traditional Filehne technique was similar to the matches obtained with the global-motion stimuli. The results provide support for the idea that speed is the critical cue in head-centred motion perception.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to match the speeds of two moving random-dot patterns seen through circular apertures. The speed of one pattern that moved horizontally toward the right of a computer screen changed continuously. The speed of this pattern represented the target. It was to be matched with the speed of the second pattern, which moved in the opposite direction. The subject controlled the speed of the second pattern by means of an isometric joystick. The distance between the apertures on the screen as well as the subject's distance from the screen served as experimental parameters. In this way, the effects of both spatial and temporal transients of pattern speed on human tracking performance were studied. To avoid anticipation by the subject, the amplitude and the frequency of the target pattern speed changed pseudorandomly. The accuracy with which the subject performed the matching task was influenced by the mean pattern speed and the parameters of the visual field. Within lower velocity ranges, the subject's sensitivity to the instantaneous speed differences varied according to Weber's law. The cross-correlation of the velocity time courses decreased when the mean speed of the target pattern was increased. Two stimulus parameters had a strong influence on the modulation of the correlation value: (1) the angular size of the stimulus on the retina and (2) the retinal eccentricity of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Seventy-two Ss judged the absolute distance of a target presented without distance cues other than retinal size and assumed size. The method by which E communicated information about the size of a 3-in. target had a significant effect on the magnitude of the discrepancy between judged distance and the perceived distance required by the size-distance invariance hypothesis. In order of increasing effectiveness in producing distance judgments meeting invariance requirements were: size information in the form of verbally communicated metric units, size information communicated by labeling the target with the name of a familiar object, and size information in the form of a visual representation.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to investigate naive observers' abilities at discriminating the rotational velocities of two simultaneously viewed objects. In Experiment 1, rotations could occur about parallel or orthogonal axes, with initial orientations in phase or out of phase, and (for parallel rotational axes) in the same or opposite direction. Differential thresholds were approximately 10%. In Experiment 2, stimulus objects differed in the number of faces revealed in rotation (three vs. four). Observers' response curves had no greater spread, but their PSEs (points of subjective equality) were shifted such that there was a partial compensation for faces revealed per unit time. In both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, performance was consistent across rotational axis and directional conditions. In Experiment 3, the effect of object size was examined, in order to determine the extent to which angular velocity judgments are influenced by the tangential velocity of the faces. When the comparison cube's edges were half the length of the standard's, PSEs were elevated 18.5%. Taken together, these data suggest that observers are able to discriminate angular velocities with a competence near that for linear velocities. However, perceived angular rate is influenced by structural aspects of the stimuli.  相似文献   

Utrecht Biophysics Research Institute, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Subjects were asked to match the speeds of two moving random-dot patterns seen through circular apertures. The speed of one pattern that moved horizontally toward the right of a computer screen changed continuously. The speed of this pattern represented the target. It was to be matched with the speed of the second pattern, which moved in the opposite direction. The subject controlled the speed of the second pattern by means of an isometric joystick. The distance between the apertures on the screen as well as the subject’s distance from the screen served as experimental parameters. In this way, the effects of both spatialand temporal transients of pattern speed on human tracking performance were studied. To avoid anticipation by the subject, the amplitude and the frequency of the target pattern speed changed pseudorandomly. The accuracy with which the subject performed the matching task was influenced by the mean pattern speed and the parameters of the visual field. Within lower velocity ranges, the subject’s sensitivity to the instantaneous speed differences varied according to Weber’s law. The cross-correlation of the velocity time courses decreased when the mean speed of the target pattern was increased. Two stimulus parameters had a strong influence on the modulation of the correlation value: (1) the angular size of the stimulus on the retina and (2) the retinal eccentricity of the stimulus.  相似文献   

The relationship between perceived size and distance and oculomotor adjustments were assessed in two experiments. In both experiments, Ss were required to make scalar linear size, angular size, and distance judgments of stimuli subtending a constant retinal image size at different levels of convergence. The results of the first experiment indicate that the perceived linear size, angular size, and distance of the stimulus decreased with increased convergence, the decrease in perceived linear size being greater than that of perceived angular size. While again showing a decrease in perceived linear and angular size, the results of the second experiment also show that there was a smaller decrease in perceived distance with increased convergence when Ss continued to view the stimulus as convergence was changed than when they did not view the stimulus as convergence was changed. The implications these results have for size and distance perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which we manipulated relevant and irrelevant stimulus dimensions to assess whether an increase in temporal overlap would influence the time course of a "standard" Simon effect (obtained when visual stimuli are presented on the left/right of the screen and left/right responses are performed with uncrossed hands). This procedure is new in two ways: First, the manipulations were intended to reduce, instead of increase, the distance between conditional and unconditional response-activation processes. Second, we manipulated the relevant and irrelevant stimulus dimensions in a manner that did not vary stimulus onset asynchronies, precues, or go/no go trials, or alter the stimulus quality. Results were consistent with the hypothesis that when the two response processes are shifted closer to each other, the Simon effect would be sustained across time, instead of decreasing as typically found. These findings are discussed in line with the temporal overlap hypothesis and with an automatic activation account.  相似文献   

Perception of size is assessed by having observers adjust a comparison target at a fixed distance to match the size of a standard located at different distances. Results depend on instructions, target orientation, and available stimulus cues. A mathematical theory assumes that the brain performs an inverse transformation on the proximal information impinging on the retina to recover the original distal size of the target. Results depend on the target visual angle, and the effective target distance and orientation applied in performing the inverse transformation. Effective values are linked to instructions, target location, and stimulus cues. Two models are developed and successfully fit to empirical data. One emphasizes the distance parameter; the second, the orientation parameter.  相似文献   

Yajima T  Ujike H  Uchikawa K 《Perception》1998,27(8):937-949
The two main questions addressed in this study were (a) what effect does yoking the relative expansion and contraction (EC) of retinal images to forward and backward head movements have on the resultant magnitude and stability of perceived depth, and (b) how does this relative EC image motion interact with the depth cues of motion parallax? Relative EC image motion was produced by moving a small CCD camera toward and away from the stimulus, two random-dot surfaces separated in depth, in synchrony with the observers' forward and backward head movements. Observers viewed the stimuli monocularly, on a helmet-mounted display, while moving their heads at various velocities, including zero velocity. The results showed that (a) the magnitude of perceived depth was smaller with smaller head velocities (< 10 cm s-1), including the zero-head-velocity condition, than with a larger velocity (10 cm s-1), and (b) perceived depth, when motion parallax and the EC image motion cues were simultaneously presented, is equal to the greater of the two possible perceived depths produced from either of these two cues alone. The results suggested the role of nonvisual information of self-motion on perceiving depth.  相似文献   

We investigated accuracy in discriminating between constant and variable angular velocities for orthographic projections of three-dimensional rotating objects. The reported judgments of “constant” or “variable” angular velocity were only slightly influenced by the projected angular velocities, but they were greatly affected by the variations of the deformation, a first-order component of the optic flow. When viewing either a rotating ellipsoidal volume or a planar surface that accelerated and decelerated over the course of rotation, observers’ tendencies to report a variable angular velocity were increased when the temporal phase of the acceleration pattern increased the range of variation of the median deformation; the tendencies were decreased when the same acceleration pattern was used to decrease the range of variation of the median deformation. These results provide evidence contrary to the hypothesis that the visual system performs a mathematically correct analysis of the optic flow.  相似文献   

D Regan 《Perception》1992,21(1):91-115
To hit the ball with the centre of percussion of a bat so that the ball goes where he intends it to go, a batsman must estimate visually where the ball will be at a specific future time (when), and coordinate his swing accordingly. A number of visual cues are available to the batsman. Retinal image information provides an accurate indication of time to contact (ie when), even when the trajectory of the ball is inclined to the line of sight, and there is evidence that the human visual system is specifically sensitive to time-to-contact information. But only part of the necessary information about position (ie where) is available to the batsman. If the batsman's head is directly in the line of flight, the velocity ratio of the retinal images in the left and right eyes provides a precise cue to the trajectory of the ball in the horizontal plane. However, humans have only poor visual sensitivities to the absolute distance and to the line-of-sight velocity of a ball. Therefore, a batsman has inadequate retinal image information about the absolute vertical velocity of a ball. It is suggested in this paper that batsmen supplement inadequate retinal image information about where the ball will hit the ground with prior knowledge built up over the preceding few deliveries. Some slow bowlers can induce the batsman to misjudge where the ball will hit the ground. I suggest that these bowlers manipulate the flight of the ball so as to induce the batsman to supplement his inadequate retinal image information with inappropriate prior knowledge, and thus to misinterpret the vertical angular speed of the retinal image of the ball.  相似文献   

Stimulus equivalence and arbitrarily applicable relational responding.   总被引:12,自引:12,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Subjects' responses to nonarbitrary stimulus relations of sameness, oppositeness, or difference were brought under contextual control. In the presence of the SAME context, selecting the same comparison as the sample was reinforced. In the presence of the OPPOSITE context, selecting a comparison as far from the sample as possible on the physical dimension defined by the set of comparisons was reinforced. Given the DIFFERENT context, selecting any comparison other than the sample was reinforced. Subjects were then exposed to arbitrary matching-to-sample training in the presence of these same contextual cues. Some subjects received training using the SAME and OPPOSITE contexts, others received SAME and DIFFERENT, and others received SAME, OPPOSITE, and DIFFERENT. The stimulus networks established allowed testing for a wide variety of derived relations. In two experiments it was shown that derived performances were consistent with relational responding brought to bear by the contextual cues. In contexts relevant to the relation of sameness, stimulus equivalence emerged. Other kinds of relational networks emerged in the other contexts. Arbitrarily applicable relational responding may give rise to a very wide variety of derived stimulus relations. The kinds of performances seen in stimulus equivalence do not appear to be unique.  相似文献   

When flickering dots are superimposed onto a drifting grating, the dots appear to move coherently with the grating. In this study we examine: (i) how the perceived direction of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in opposite directions with equal speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; (ii) how the perceived speed of a compound stimulus composed of superimposed grating and dots, moving in the same direction but at different speeds, is influenced by the relative strength of the motion signals; and (iii) whether this stimulus is discriminable from its metameric speed match. Dot signal strength was manipulated by using different proportions of signal dots in noise and different dot lifetimes. Both the perceived direction and speed of these compound stimuli depended upon the relative motion-signal strengths of the grating and the dots. Those compound stimuli that appeared coherent were not discriminable from the speed-matched metameric compound stimuli. When the signals were completely integrated into a coherent compound stimulus, the local motion signals were no longer perceptually available, though both contributed to the global percept. These data strongly support a weighted-combination model where the relative weights depend on signal strength, instead of a winner-takes-all model.  相似文献   

When all stimuli elicit the same taste quality, solutions preceded by a high concentration level are judged to be significantly less intense than solutions preceded by a low concentration level. After repetitious stimulation with a different tasting stimulus, the intensity of the present stimulus is overestimated. This phenomenon is called “successive contrast.” In the present study, the cumulative effects of three identical stimuli on the saltiness ratings for a test stimulus are investigated. The preceding stimuli are manipulated with regard to taste quality, saltiness intensity, total taste intensity, and complexity. Whether the size of the cumulative contrast effect is associated with the degree of dissimilarity between preceding stimuli and test stimulus, or with the saltiness or total taste intensity of the preceding stimuli, is investigated. The size of the contrast effect depends on the type of preceding stimulus, its intensity, and the type of test stimulus. No association was found with judgments of the degree of dissimilarity between the preceding stimuli and the test stimulus. For nonsalty preceding stimuli, the contrast effects are independent of concentration level. When the preceding stimuli taste at least partly salty, the total intensity appears to determine the size of the contrast for an unmixed salty test stimulus.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the hypothesis that simple attributional features and relational features operate differently in the determination of similarity judgments. Forced choice similarity judgments ("Is X or Y more similar to Z?") and similarity rating tasks demonstrate that making the same featural change in two geometric stimuli unequally affects their judged similarity to a third stimulus (the comparison stimulus). More specifically, a featural change that causes stimuli to be more superficially similar and less relationally similar increases judged similarity if it occurs in stimuli that already share many superficial attributes, and decreases similarity if it occurs in stimuli that do not share as many superficial attributes. These results argue against an assumption of feature independence which asserts that the degree to which a feature shared by two objects affects similarity is independent of the other features shared by the objects. The MAX hypothesis is introduced, in which attributional and relational similarities are separately pooled, and shared features affect similarity more if the pool they are in is already relatively large. The results support claims that relations and attributes are psychologically distinct and that formal measures of similarity should not treat all types of matching features equally.  相似文献   

A psychophysical approach was used to obtain judgments of visual extent under three conditions. In tuvo conditions a comparison stimulus at each of two distances was matched in size to a standard which varied in distance. Stimuli were presented on a well-lighted table and were judged by two observers under Objective instructions. Both the standard and comparison were located in either a frontal or longitudinal plane. In a third condition relative distance estimates were given of two stimuli which varied in their relative positions along the table. The mean results for all conditions were described as a power function of physical stimulus measures. The exponent was greater than 1.0 for frontal size and usually less than 1.0 for flat size and distance. The position of the comparison affected the magnitude of the exponents to a lesser degree. These findings have relevance for interpretations of size and distance judgments.  相似文献   

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