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Cognitive-behavioural group treatment is the treatment of choice for social phobia. However, as not all patients benefit, an additional empirically validated psychological treatment would be of value. In addition, few studies have examined whether a group treatment format is more effective than an individual treatment format. A randomized controlled trial addressed these issues by comparing individual cognitive therapy, along the lines advocated by Clark and Wells (Clark, D.M. and Wells, A., 1995. A cognitive model of social phobia. In: R. G. Heimberg, M. Liebowitz, D. Hope and F. Schneier (Eds.), Social Phobia: Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment (pp. 69-93). New York: Guilford.), with a group version of the treatment and a wait-list control condition. 71 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for social phobia participated in the trial, 65 completed the posttreatment assessment and 59 completed a six-month follow-up. Social phobia measures indicated significant pretreatment to posttreatment improvement in both individual and group cognitive therapy. Individual cognitive therapy was superior to group cognitive therapy on several measures at both posttreatment and follow-up. The effects of treatment on general measures of mood and psychopathology were less substantial than the effects on social phobia. The results suggest that individual cognitive therapy is a specific treatment for social phobia and that it's effectiveness may be diminished by delivery in a group format.  相似文献   

Testing animals individually in problem-solving tasks limits distractions of the subjects during the test, so that they can fully concentrate on the problem. However, such individual performance may not indicate the problem-solving capacity that is commonly employed in the wild when individuals are faced with a novel problem in their social groups, where the presence of a conspecific influences an individual’s behaviour. To assess the validity of data gathered from parrots when tested individually, we compared the performance on patterned-string tasks among parrots tested singly and parrots tested in social context. We tested two captive groups of orange-winged amazons (Amazona amazonica) with several patterned-string tasks. Despite the differences in the testing environment (singly vs. social context), parrots from both groups performed similarly. However, we found that the willingness to participate in the tasks was significantly higher for the individuals tested in social context. The study provides further evidence for the crucial influence of social context on individual’s response to a challenging situation such as a problem-solving test.  相似文献   

Regularization, or shrinkage estimation, refers to a class of statistical methods that constrain the variability of parameter estimates when fitting models to data. These constraints move parameters toward a group mean or toward a fixed point (e.g., 0). Regularization has gained popularity across many fields for its ability to increase predictive power over classical techniques. However, articles published in JEAB and other behavioral journals have yet to adopt these methods. This paper reviews some common regularization schemes and speculates as to why articles published in JEAB do not use them. In response, we propose our own shrinkage estimator that avoids some of the possible objections associated with the reviewed regularization methods. Our estimator works by mixing weighted individual and group (WIG) data rather than by constraining parameters. We test this method on a problem of model selection. Specifically, we conduct a simulation study on the selection of matching‐law‐based punishment models, comparing WIG with ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, and find that, on average, WIG outperforms OLS in this context.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine how making decisions in a 3-member group affects the degree of post-decision consolidation, defined as attractiveness changes in favor of the chosen alternative. Both experiments were conducted in two sessions one week apart. In the first session (decision phase), participants estimated the importance of each of four different attributes describing two decision alternatives. They were then shown predetermined attractiveness ratings on each of the attributes and were to decide on the two alternatives, either individually or as a group. In the second session (post-decision phase), the participants were to attempt to recall the attractiveness ratings for the attributes as presented to them in session one. In both experiments, significant post-decision consolidation was found for individual decision makers but not for group members. In experiment 2, this result was replicated, no difference in consolidation being found between group members with face-to-face interaction and without.  相似文献   

Recent research has claimed that traditions are not a unique feature of human culture, but that they can be found in animal societies as well. However, the origins of traditions in animals studied in the wild are still poorly understood. To contribute comparative data to begin filling this gap, we conducted a social diffusion experiment with four groups of wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). We used a 'two-option' feeding box, where these Malagasy primates could either pull or push a door to get access to a fruit reward to study whether and how these two behavioural traits spread through the groups. During a pre-training phase, two groups were presented with boxes in which one technique was blocked, whereas two groups were presented with unblocked boxes. During a subsequent unconstrained phase, all four groups were confronted with unblocked boxes. Nearly half of the study animals were able to learn the new feeding skill and individuals who observed others needed fewer unsuccessful task manipulations until their first successful action. Animals in the two groups with pre-training also discovered the corresponding alternative technique but preferred the seeded technique. Interestingly, animals in the two groups without pre-training discovered both techniques, and one group developed a group preference for one technique whereas the other did not. In all groups, some animals also scrounged food rewards. In conclusion, redfronted lemurs appear to use social information in acquiring a novel task, and animals in at least in one group without training developed a group preference for one technique, indicating that they have the potential to develop behavioural traditions and conformity.  相似文献   

Four psychiatric out-patients with social dificulties were treated by social skills training and related treatments in a series of controlled within-subject designs. In all cases treatment produced predicted changes in social skills but these changes were not always sufficient to produce more general clinical change, which sometimes seemed to be more closely related to extra-therapeutic environmental changes. Several different treatment strategies were necessary in addition to social skills training including relaxation training, videotaped feedback and directive advice, and this emphasized important differences between patients which affected the choice of therapy. Three out of four cases improved; one reacted adversely to treatment and dropped out. Reasons for this failure are discussed. The study as a whole indicates the need to look more closely at individual patients, both in planning individual treatment and carrying out evaluative research.  相似文献   

Evaluative bias in group and individual competition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In a replication of the social roles experiment by Ross, Amabile, and Steinmetz (1977), 103 male and female 14-year-olds viewed a brief videotape that showed a randomly assigned "questioner" asking general knowledge questions of a "contestant," who answered most of them incorrectly. Subjects subsequently manifested the role-based attribution error of attributing significantly more knowledge and ability to the arbitrarily designated questioner than to the arbitrarily designated contestant, and this effect was stronger among girls than boys. Personality data were available on the subjects for when they were in nursery school and again at age 14 in the form of independent Q-sort ratings. Personality correlates of the role effect were stronger among boys but manifested a basically similar pattern among girls and suggested that those most prone to make this attribution error, far from being disadvantaged in social judgment, tended to be more socially engaged and competent as well as emotionally well adjusted. The role effect was also positively associated with self-esteem. Personality correlates of attributional generosity and the tendency to attribute high ability to stimulus persons were associated with generally positive interpersonal qualities and attitudes. Results were interpreted in terms of usually appropriate heuristic social competencies that, in special circumstances, may sometimes underlie attribution errors. The general usefulness of examining individual differences in research on social cognition was noted.  相似文献   

The treatment of patients in combined individual and group therapy presents a challenge in terms of theory and technique. The inevitable paradoxes that arise in this modality can confound even the most experienced clinician. This paper delineates some of the conflicts, examines some of the advantages and disadvantages of combined treatment, and addresses the contraindications for some patients.  相似文献   

Conjoint individual and group therapy is a commonly used, effective psychotherapeutic treatment. The relationship between the conjoint therapists significantly influences the treatment. This article examines countertransference dilemmas of the group and individual therapists arising from the real and fantasied conjoint relationship. Case examples illustrate specific countertransference dilemmas. Therapists are encouraged to consider the possibility of difficulties with each potential conjoint treatment. Consultation and supervision are recommended to help the conjoint therapists identify and manage countertransference pressures.  相似文献   

The variability of most environments taxes foraging decisions by increasing the uncertainty of the information available. One solution to the problem is to use dynamic averaging, as do some granivores and carnivores. Arguably, the same strategy could be useful for grazing herbivores, even though their food renews and is more homogeneously distributed. Horses (Equus callabus) were given choices between variable patches after short or long delays. When patch information was current, horses returned to the patch that was recently best, whereas those without current information matched choices to the long-term average values of the patches. These results demonstrate that a grazing species uses dynamic averaging and indicate that, like granivores and carnivores, they can use temporal weighting to optimize foraging decisions.  相似文献   

The personal functions of autobiographical memory build on the basic biological functions of memory common to most mammals that, however, do not have the kind of episodic memories that compose human autobiographical memory according to present theory. The thesis here is that personal autobiographical memory is functionally and structurally related to the use of cultural myths and social narratives, and that the relative emphasis put on the self in different cultural and social contexts influences the form and function of autobiographical memory and the need for developing a uniquely personal life narrative in those contexts. Historical and cross-cultural trends revealed in psychological and literary research are invoked to support this thesis.  相似文献   

Contrary to the notion that individual and group therapy tap differing psychic functions, developmental levels, or therapeutic goals, in this paper the two modalities are seen as parts of an integrated whole, to be understood via the metaphorical and symbolic communications in each; each is a holographic reflection of the whole, the two together being internally consistent. Different levels of defensive operations may be observable in each, but taken together they reflect the entirety of the patient's psyche. The group's developmental level as well as the active use of this integrative approach by the therapist are also important. Clinical illustrations are presented.Paper presented at the Xth International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, Amsterdam, August 1989. The author acknowledges with gratitude the numerous invaluable contributions by Ms. Anna Aragno in the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

"Key" individuals in a social group are those that are centrally connected and thus serve as a hub for information flow across the group. From this position, they have the potential to have a powerful influence on group dynamics and performance. Here, we use metrics from social network theory to identify Key individuals in groups of 3-4 zebrafish (Danio rerio), and to measure the impact of removing those individuals from the group. We compared the results for two genetically distinct strains of zebrafish and found that although their social dynamics were superficially similar, one strain (Scientific Hatcheries, SH) responded to social perturbation, whereas the other (Parganas North, PN) did not. For both strains, groups that retained their Key fish performed better on a simple group foraging-learning task than did those from which the Key fish had been removed. However, the SH strain learned the task more quickly than did the PN strain, perhaps in part because of sex differences in task performance or because of strain differences in the reaction to experimental disturbance. We also confirm the utility of measures of social dynamics and social role that can be estimated reliably from very short observation sessions and by relatively untrained observers. These results set the stage for future research into the genetic mechanisms underlying social roles and group learning in vertebrates.  相似文献   

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