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通过检验高中生中高焦虑被试的注意偏向特点,并对66名高焦虑被试进行注意偏向训练,结果发现:(1)高焦虑被试经过训练之后,训练组与安慰剂组在注意偏向得分上表现出显著差异,但在SCARED焦虑量表得分上并没有表现出显著差异。(2)注意偏向与SCARED量表中分离焦虑维度的关联较大,以分离焦虑为依据划分高低焦虑被试时,两组被试在注意偏向得分上差异接近显著。(3)经过训练之后,训练组在分离焦虑上有降低的趋势。研究结果表明,负性情绪注意偏向有可能是产生焦虑的原因,注意偏向训练对改善高中生焦虑水平有一定的作用。  相似文献   

高中生考试焦虑的团体辅导干预研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对高一、高二学生被试实验组13人进行为期一周的考试焦虑团体辅导、控制组14人进行一般性团体辅导,探讨团体辅导对高中生考试焦虑水平的改善作用。结果表明,经过干预训练后,实验组被试的考试焦虑水平显著低于控制组被试、对考试重要性的认识显著优于控制组被试,但在考试策略上不存在显著差异。这意味着考试焦虑的团体辅导干预能有效地降低考试焦虑水平、提升对考试重要性的合理认识程度。  相似文献   

The current study concerns the validation of an English version of the German Test Anxiety Inventory, namely the PAF-E. This questionnaire is a multi-faceted measure of test anxiety designed to detect normative test anxiety levels and in consequence meet the need of consultancy. Construct and criterion validity of (PAF-E) were examined with a sample of 96 secondary students (Mage = 12.8, SD = 0.67; 55% girls) from an international school in Berlin (Germany) and 399 secondary students (Mage = 13.4, SD = 0.80; 56% girls) from Montréal (Canada). Both samples completed the PAF-E and related constructs, such as school-related self-efficacy, inhibitory test anxiety, achievement motivation, and the Big Five. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the four-factor-structure (worry, emotionality, interfering thoughts, lack of confidence) of the original German Test Anxiety Inventory (PAF). Each subscale consists of five items with a total of 20 questions. Cronbach's alpha, ranging from.71 to.82 among Germans and.77 to.87 among Canadians as well as the re-test reliability (from.80 to.85 among Canadians) were sufficient. The differential patterns of correlations between other constructs and the indices of test anxiety indicate good construct validity.  相似文献   

A group of high school juniors and a group of high school seniors in Izmir, Turkey completed measures of test anxiety, coping skills, and perceived health status both before and after a major exam period. Students with high test anxiety used less effective coping mechanisms and tended to have poorer perceptions of their health. Prior to the exams, juniors displayed higher test anxiety and used less effective coping mechanisms than seniors. After the exam periods, improvements were seen for both age groups on perceived health, but scores of younger students remained significantly higher than scores of seniors on one of the key measures of test anxiety. Results of the study lend support to those of previous studies done in other cultural contexts, and findings have implications for the development of interventions designed to help students cope with stress.  相似文献   

The present study assessed a short-term group treatment program using cognitive interventions focused on students’ procrastination. A structured 90-min session program was used with 10 students (5 female, 5 male; M age = 21.8, SD = 3.2) across 5 weeks. In the first and last session of the program participants completed a two reliable and valid procrastination scales, and then 8 weeks later in the follow up sessions filled out the same questionnaires. During the group sessions, participants identified their irrational thoughts as well as cognitive distortions associated with their procrastination tendencies. Results of a non-parametric Friedman Test revealed a significant decrease in participants’ academic procrastination score and general procrastination scores from the pre-test to follow-up test suggesting that the program was deemed to be successful.  相似文献   

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) responds well to individually delivered metacognitive therapy (MCT). The current study investigated the effectiveness of MCT administered to groups of patients with GAD in a general outpatient treatment centre. Thirty-three consecutively referred adult patients with GAD were assessed before treatment (pretreatment), after the last treatment session (posttreatment), and six months after treatment had ended (follow-up). Analyses of treatment effects were conducted for all patients entering the study (i.e., intent-to-treat analysis, using the last-observation-carried-forward procedure), and repeated for the patients who completed treatment (completers analysis), using paired samples t-tests. Further, effect sizes (ESs) and indices of clinical significance were calculated, and compared with those reported in studies into the efficacy and effectiveness of individually delivered MCT for GAD. Among both the intent-to-treat and the completers sample, large pre- to posttreatment reductions in symptoms of worry, trait-anxiety, and general psychopathology. The magnitude of change and the degree of clinical significance were smaller than those reported in studies into the effectiveness of individually delivered MCT for GAD, whereas the attrition rate (27 %) was higher. It is tentatively concluded that MCT for GAD can be effectively delivered in a group format in a heterogenous clinical practice setting. Further evaluation is clearly indicated.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of selective, Tier 2 interventions that educators can implement for students with internalizing problems as part of their schools' Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports. To fill this void, the authors' purpose was to evaluate the efficacy, acceptability, and integrity of a structured school-based mentoring program, the Courage and Confidence Mentor Program (CCMP), for elementary students. A single-case experimental multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate the efficacy of the CCMP with 6 students. Visual analysis of the results and single-case effect size estimates revealed that all but 1 of the participants demonstrated noticeable reductions in internalizing problems as measured by teacher-completed direct behavior ratings. Findings were confirmed by other dependent variables gathered from students and teachers. Limitations of the methods and directions for future research involving Tier 2 interventions for elementary students with internalizing problems are discussed.  相似文献   


Effective and affordable therapies are needed for treating people with severe and persistent mental illness in a community mental health setting. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a modified dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) protocol for improving symptoms and functioning in a cohort of persons with severe and persistent mental illness. We provided six months of weekly DBT skills training in a group setting. Depression symptoms decreased significantly after treatment. There was a wide range of number of sessions attended, with a minority of the participants completing the full course of treatment. Increased attendance was correlated with improvements in depression symptoms, overall symptoms, quality of life, and community functioning. The study findings suggest that the group skills training component of DBT can be successfully implemented in a community mental health center and that further research to determine its efficacy in comparison to other treatments is warranted.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effectiveness and the moderators of the effects of solution-focused group therapy (SFGT) in ethnic Chinese school settings, we used a meta-analytic method to synthesize 24 studies from Taiwan and China. The results showed that the overall effect sizes of SFGT’s immediate and follow-up effects were 1.03 and 1.09, respectively, and were positive and large in ethnic Chinese school settings. The overall SFGT immediate effect size was large for all school levels, except for junior high schools (d = .61). The overall SFGT immediate effect size for internalizing behavior problems was 1.06, and for family and relationship problems it was .94. This study offers significant evidence pointing to SFGT’s high degree of effectiveness in ethnic Chinese school settings. Implications for the use of SFGT in school settings and Chinese culture are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究运用PASS注意量表测验和眼动实验的方法来探讨注意加工水平与小学生学业成就的关系.两种方法结果均表明:(1)学优生自上而下的控制加工能力显著高于学困生;(2)学优生注意资源的容量显著多于学困生并且能更有效的运用注意资源;(3)学优生抑制分心物的能力显著高于学困生.  相似文献   

Although students with emotional disturbance are commonly known for their social behavior deficits, they often have academic deficits as well. Unfortunately, most of the intervention research and many of the practices used with this population focus upon their social behavior deficits and fail to recognize the need to improve their academic skills. Therefore, there is a need for identifying research-based interventions that focus on ameliorating social and academic deficits often exhibited by students with emotional disturbance. The purpose of this study was to examine the differential effects of self-monitoring of attention versus self-monitoring of performance on the academic and social behaviors of three minority students identified as having emotional disturbance while independently engaged in practicing mathematical calculations. The findings suggest that students with emotional disturbance may perform better socially and academically during math practice while self-monitoring their academic performance. Social validity data also suggest that students rated self-monitoring of academic performance more favorably than self-monitoring of attention. In addition, all target students in this study exhibited levels of on-task behavior more similar to their peers while self-monitoring academic performance compared to self-monitoring attentive behavior.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对101名初中生在两年半间数学元认知的发展状况进行5次测试。利用潜类别增长模型等探讨初中生数学元认知的发展轨迹,并考察性别对数学元认知的影响。结果发现:(1)初中生数学元认知及各成分在初二表现出下降趋势。(2)初中生数学元认知的发展表现出三种类型,即高-缓慢下降组(32.67%)、中-显著下降组(54.46%)以及低-缓慢下降组(12.87%)。(3)与女生相比,男生有着更多的数学元认知知识和更高的数学元认知初始水平,且与低-缓慢下降组相比,男生比女生更有可能属于高-缓慢下降组。  相似文献   

本研究以归因理论为依据,采用自编的中小学生欺负者归因量表对3-9年级学生施测,以考察中小学生欺负者归因的基本特点。结果发现:(1)中小学生较多地从IUC上知觉欺负者的欺负行为,较少从ESU上知觉该行为;(2)在ISC、ISU、IUC、EUC、EUU这五个原因上存在性别差异;(3)除ESU外的七项原因的知觉上存在组别差异;(4)对八项原因的知觉上均存在显著性年级差异;(5)独生子女因素对欺负者归因不存在显著性影响。  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(4):601-615
Youth mental health interventions in low-resource communities may benefit from including empirically supported elements, using stigma-free content, and using trained lay-providers. We developed and evaluated such an intervention, targeting adolescent depression and anxiety in Kenya, where mental health care is limited by social stigma and a paucity of providers. Kenyan adolescents (N = 51, ages 14–17, 60.78% female) from a school in an urban slum in Nairobi with self-reported moderate-to-severe symptoms of depression or anxiety were randomized to the 4-week “Shamiri” (“thrive”) group intervention or a study skills control intervention of equal duration. The Shamiri intervention included growth mindset, gratitude, and value affirmation exercises. The content was delivered by recent high school graduates (ages 17–21, 60% male) trained as lay-providers. Participants met in school once-a-week in groups of 9–12 youths (average group size 10). Compared to the study-skills control, Shamiri produced greater reductions in adolescent depression symptoms (p = .038; d = .32) and anxiety symptoms (p = .039; d = .54) from baseline to 4-week follow-up, and greater improvements in academic performance (p = .034; d = .32) from the school-term before versus after the intervention. There were no effects on overall social support or perceived control, but the Shamiri group showed larger increases in perceived social support from friends (p = .028, d = .71). This appears to be the first report that a brief, lay-provider delivered, community-based intervention may reduce internalizing symptoms and improve academic outcomes in high-symptom adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa. Larger replications with extended follow-ups will help gauge the strength and durability of these effects.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in sexual functioning and mood disturbance among women who have been treated for gynecological cancer and who participated in a 12-week group intervention for psychosexual problems. The Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (CSFQ) assessed the sexual functioning, and the Profile of Mood States (POMS) assessed the mood disturbance of 19 women at baseline who completed follow-ups conducted posttreatment and three-month posttreatment. The results showed that the women improved significantly in their CSFQ total scores after being provided with the group therapy intervention at the posttreatment assessment (p < .01), and a statistical trend (p < .10) suggested continued improvement in CSFQ total scores at the three months posttreatment follow-up. Women's POMS total mood disturbance scores improved significantly at the posttreatment assessment (p = .01), but did not show significant improvement at the 3-month posttreatment follow-up. These results suggest that this group intervention achieved its main goal in treating sexual dysfunction as well as mood disturbance, but these improvements dissipated over time and may require further intervention in order to be maintained.  相似文献   

彭凡  张力为 《心理科学》2018,(5):1090-1096
通过3个平行实验探讨了状态焦虑对转换功能的影响,检验了注意控制理论在运动领域的适用性。3个实验采用不同范式的More-Odd shifting任务测量转换功能,其结果呈现一致的趋势:在大学生群体中,高状态焦虑降低了加工效能,而对正确率影响不大;而在运动员群体中,高状态焦虑对加工效能和正确率都影响不大。本研究得出结论:注意控制理论关于状态焦虑影响转换功能的假设可能在不同群体中有不同的适用性,适用于大学生,但不适用于运动员。  相似文献   

Despite prevalence rates as high as 9.4%, few studies have examined the applicability of cognitive-behavioral therapy for treatment of anxiety disorders in very young children (i.e., below the age of 7 years). The present study examined the preliminary efficacy of a parent-led exposure therapy protocol (PLET) designed for young children with anxiety disorders. Twenty-two youth aged 4–7 years and their parents participated in this pilot randomized control trial. Families of youth with significant anxiety concerns were randomized to either PLET (n?=?12), a 10 session/5-week family-based exposure therapy program designed to target anxiety in young children, or treatment as usual (TAU; n?=?10). Children in the PLET condition demonstrated a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms compared to TAU (d?=?3.18), with 90.91% of PLET participants (active condition) being classified as treatment responders at post-treatment as opposed to 0 in the TAU condition. Gains were maintained at 1 month-follow-up. Although pilot in nature, these data suggest in a preliminary fashion that a parent led exposure therapy protocol that is adapted appropriately for developmental age and incorporates an active coaching component for parents may be efficacious for the treatment of young children with anxiety disorders. This clinical trial was registered through clinicaltrials.gov under the following identifier: NCT02051192.  相似文献   

Body dissatisfaction is prevalent in young women, and is associated with symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and eating disorders (EDs). The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of a mobile application, based on cognitive behavioral principles, in reducing body dissatisfaction and BDD/ED symptoms in female university students considered at high-risk of developing body image disorders (BIDs). Fifty university students at high-risk of developing BIDs (using self-report questionnaires assessing BIDs and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Clinical Version) were randomized in two groups: immediate-use App group (iApp group; n = 25) and delayed-use App group (dApp group; n = 25). The iApp group started using the app at baseline for 16 days (T0 to T1). The dApp group waited for 16 days before starting to use the app (T1 to T2). Participants completed questionnaires at baseline (T0), 16 days from baseline (T1), and 32 days from baseline (T2). Repeated measure Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) showed a Group (iApp vs. dApp) × Time (T0 vs. T1) interaction on BDD symptoms indicating medium effect size (partial eta squared) reductions in the iApp group compared to dApp group at T1; post-intervention means for BDD symptoms were under the cut-off for extreme body dissatisfaction/BDD symptoms in both groups. Pertaining to ED symptoms, no significant Group × Time interaction was detected. Training 3 minutes a day for 16 days with a CBT-based mobile application may lead to reductions in some forms of body dissatisfaction, including BDD symptoms in female university students at high-risk of developing BIDs. On the other hand, effects of the intervention on ED symptoms seem more limited.  相似文献   

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