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Sophisticated arguments advanced by Harry Silverstein, David Boonin, and Jeff McMahan attempt to show that being responsible for an individual's existence need not result in an obligation to ensure that the needs of that individual are satisfied. While these arguments take place within the abortion debate, by extension they threaten causal accounts of procreative responsibility more generally. In this article, I defend causal accounts of procreative responsibility by showing that these arguments do not succeed, but without thereby undermining the permissibility of abortion. Further, while being causally involved in the existence of a person is not sufficient for acquiring procreative responsibilities, I argue that there is an especially strong case for ascribing such responsibilities to gamete donors.  相似文献   

论企业道德责任的依据、表现与内化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
企业道德责任的含义大体有广义和狭义两个方面,从较为广泛和普遍的意义上,我们认为企业的道德责任是体现在企业的经济责任、法律责任和精神文化责任之中的,同时又是同企业伦理建设密切相关的诸种责任的有机统一。而从狭义的视角来看,企业的道德责任是企业所肩负的对自己、对同道和对社会的道德义务的自觉承担和精神担纲,它在其精神实质上可以用“敬业求精、贵和乐群”来概括。企业道德责任的内化即为企业良心。企业良心就是企业道德责任的自我意识和自我评价。它由企业爱心、企业诚心和企业义心或公正之心所构成。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The value of autonomy is generally stated to be of prime importance in relation to health care. Arising out of this, rights of the patient to and in health care have been extensively discussed and stated, and have found expression in law. There have been minimal statements of the rights of others involved in health care, such as caregivers, and minimal discussion of duties and responsibilities in relation to rights claimed and conferred. The author suggests that no claim to rights in health care should now be accepted without consideration of related duties and responsibilities.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(1):55-69
Two hundred twenty eight experienced personal trainers responded to a survey of perceived role responsibilities, conflicts and boundary issues in this emerging profession. Data from a 53-item questionnaire were analyzed by sex, age, and trainers' levels of experience. Findings provide information about why clients are believed to hire personal trainers, degrees of responsibility trainers feel for different aspects of the relationship, common conflicts experienced in this profession, and relationship behaviors considered acceptable or unacceptable. From a number of perspectives, the results suggest that trainers may engage in and take responsibility for behaviors that fall beyond their legitimate domains of competence and influence. These include such activities as giving advice to clients about nutrition, lifestyle, and psychological agendas. Significant differences were observed when results were analyzed by sex, age, and experience level.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the responsibilities of engineers is the foundation for answering ethical questions about the work of engineers. This paper defines the responsibilities of engineers by considering what constitutes the nature of engineering as a particular form of activity. Specifically, this paper focuses on the ethical responsibilities of engineers qua engineers. Such responsibilities refer to the duties acquired in virtue of being a member of a group. We examine the practice of engineering, drawing on the idea of practices developed by philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, and show how the idea of a practice is important for identifying and justifying the responsibilities of engineers. To demonstrate the contribution that knowledge of the responsibilities of engineers makes to engineering ethics, a case study from structural engineering is discussed. The discussion of the failure of the Sleipner A Platform off the coast of Norway in 1991 demonstrates how the responsibilities of engineers can be derived from knowledge of the nature of engineering and its context.  相似文献   

Relationships and Responsibilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Thomas Pogge has argued that we have strong negative duties to assist the global poor because we harm them through our contribution to the global economic order. I argue that Pogge’s concept of harm is indeterminate. The resources of any group will typically be affected by at least two economic schemes. Pogge suggests that the responsibility for any affected group’s shortfall from a minimum standard ought to be shared between the contributing schemes. I argue that shared responsibility can be interpreted in two different ways. Unfortunately, both interpretations are problematic. Lastly, I suggest a strategy for amending this problem.
Robert HusebyEmail:

政府环境伦理责任论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
向玉乔 《伦理学研究》2003,(1):47-51,74
作为一种特殊经济主体,政府承担着必不可少的环境伦理责任。政府的环境伦理责任是指政府在参与社会经济活动过程中应该为环境保护事业承担的道德责任,它主要是通过政府制定和推行环境政策、法规、规划、标准的情况得到体现的。为了有效地开展环境保护工作,我们应该实行“政府为主,市场为辅”的环保机制。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年,我国逐步实现了从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转型,但这种转型还不完善,其重要表现之一是个人、企业、政府等市场经济主体的道德责任感还没有普遍确立起来。道德责任是市场经济主体的应然之责。如果市场经济主体缺乏应有的道德责任感,以不合乎道德的方式参与市场经济活动,那么市场经济内在具有的道德维度无法得到张扬,市场经济体制的运行必然要与人本身的根本利益需要和价值诉求撞车,市场经济体制的道德合理性也会遭到质疑。我国经济伦理学应以激发和强化市场经济主体的道德责任感为使命。  相似文献   

1998年,李嘉诚先生捐建了中国大陆第一家宁养院,为贫困的晚期癌症病人提供免费的疼痛控制,心理辅导和生命伦理的关怀。三年后,李嘉诚基金会将这一项目推向全国,创立“全国宁养医疗服务计划”,提出了“以人为本,全人服务”的服务宗旨,给国内的医疗工作开启了一个新的视野。宁养疗护以“五全照顾”充分体现了以人为本,尊重生命的医学本质。医学不仅仅是科学,它更应该是研究人的“仁”学;面对迈向死亡的末期病人,协助病人坦然面对,减少身、心、灵的痛苦,协助其放下万缘,安详往生也是我们医者的责任。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the legal, ethical and professional issues encountered in forensic psychology. Psychological theory and research potentially have much to contribute to legal questions. The paper presents examples of psychology's contributions in the areas of risk assessment, the reliability of children's evidence and the assessment of sexual interest. Furthermore, it is suggested that psychological understanding of personality disorder should inform legal processes to a greater degree than at present. The paper therefore both describes and challenges the current relationship between psychology and the law.  相似文献   

In recent years, political philosophers have hotly debated whether ordinary citizens have a general pro tanto moral obligation to follow the law. Contemporary philosophers have had less to say about the same question when applied to public officials. In this paper, I consider the latter question in the morally complex context of criminal justice. I argue that criminal justice officials have no general pro tanto moral obligation to adhere to the legal dictates and lawful rules of their offices. My claim diverges not only from the commonsense view about such officials, but also from the positions standardly taken in legal theory and political science debates, which presume there is some general obligation that must arise from legal norms and be reconciled with political realities. I defend my claim by highlighting the conceptual gap between the rigid, generalised, codified rules that define a criminal justice office and the special moral responsibilities of the various moral roles that may underpin that office (such as guard, guardian, healer, educator, mediator, counsellor, advocate, and carer). After addressing four objections to my view, I consider specific contexts in which criminal justice officials are obligated not to adhere to the demands of their offices. Amongst other things, the arguments advanced in this paper raise questions about both the distribution of formal discretion in the criminal justice system and the normative validity of some of the offices that presently exist in criminal justice systems.  相似文献   

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