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This research examined the structure of internal representation and the conceptual operation of color in two pure alexic cases (Case I and Case II) with color naming defects. Experiment I investigated the structure of the internal representation of different kinds of colors using a similarity judgment task. Experiment II examined categorical judgments of perceived colors using a two-alternative-forced choice task. Experiment III tested the classification of perceived colors using a color sorting task. The performance of Case I essentially fell within the normal range while the results of Case II showed some impairment in the conceptual operation of color. Analysis of the responses obtained from these experiments indicated that the color naming defects in Case I can be explained in terms of visual-verbal disconnection. However, the naming defects in Case II reflect disfunction in some other higher cortical processes coupled with visual-verbal disconnection.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, color-naming interference for target stimuli following associated primes was greater in a group making a lexical decision to the prime than in a group reading the prime silently. High-frequency targets were responded to more quickly than low-frequency targets. In Experiment 2, with subjects naming the prime, there was evidence of associative interference when the prime and the target were grouped temporally but not when the intertrial interval was comparable with the prime-target interval. Associative primes presented at a short (120-msec) prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony facilitated color naming in Experiment 3. Taken together, the results suggest that the effect of faster processing of the base word in a color-naming task is facilitatory and that color-naming priming interference arises when associative prime processing increases conflict between word and color responses by enhancing phonological or articulatory activation of the base word.  相似文献   

Universals in color naming and memory   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

It was hypothesized that the observed sex differences on three speeded tasks could be accounted for in terms of the greater incidence of head injury in men than in women. In two studies of 64 male and 66 female college students significant sex differences were found on digit-string matching and color-matching tasks. When the data from those 39 subjects with reported histories of head injury were eliminated from the analysis or head-injury reports were statistically controlled, significant sex differences remained. Digit-string matching times were significantly correlated with reported head injury in both studies, suggesting that this test is sensitive to residual effects of head injury.  相似文献   

The present research represents the final 2 years of a 5-year longitudinal investigation of (a) confrontation-based, word-retrieval deficits in dyslexic children; (b) the role of vocabulary development in these deficits; (c) the relationship between confrontation naming performance and three carefully defined aspects of reading performance in the general population and in eight dyslexic case studies; and (d) the possible specificity of word-retrieval deficits in dyslexia. Results indicate enduring problems in word-retrieval processes for dyslexic children across the primary grades and into middle childhood. Second, these deficits cannot be explained by simple vocabulary deficits. Third, these results in conjunction with our earlier data consolidate a pattern of differential relationships between specific reading and confrontation naming skills that are based on development and on the level of processes involved. Trends within case studies suggest the more pronounced the retrieval deficit, the more global the reading impairment. And fourth, there appear to be some specific differences in the basis of word-retrieval problems between dyslexic and garden-variety or lower achieving readers. Results are discussed within a speculative framework that implicates problems in timing as a possible predetermining condition in the dyslexias.  相似文献   

In this study, verbal memory and naming abilities were investigated in reading disabled (RD) and control children who were characterized according to the presence or absence of attention deficit disorder (ADD). Results indicate that deficits in learning and memory for recently acquired information occur as a function of ADD rather than RD while deficits in naming are specific to RD rather than ADD. We conclude that ADD is a major source of additional and separate cognitive morbidity in RD children.  相似文献   

Color-naming latencies to noncolor words and nonwords were faster when the onset or final phoneme of the displays corresponded to the onset or final phoneme of the color response. For example, for displays printed in red, the word rack and nonword rask, which share the initial onset phoneme with the response, led to faster naming than did the control word chap and nonword chup. Conversely, when the onset or final phoneme of the displays matched the onset or final phoneme of a conflicting color response (e.g., rack printed in blue), latencies were longer than to control items. Facilitation effects were stronger than interference effects, and the onset phoneme facilitation effect was augmented by coloring only the initial letter in the display. It is hypothesized that nonlexical processes that govern the translation of print to speech may be a source of facilitation in Stroop-like tasks, whereas lexical processes are more likely to contribute to interference.  相似文献   

Picture naming is facilitated when a target picture (e.g. of a cat) is accompanied by a form-related context word (e.g. CAP) relative to an unrelated word (e.g. PEN). Because in alphabetic languages phonological and orthographic similarity are confounded, Chinese, a logographic language, has been employed to study these two effects in isolation. The results obtained suggest that the orthographic facilitation effect is localized at an earlier processing level than the phonological facilitation effect. In the present study we examine this issue again, using an experimental design in which the context words in the related and unrelated conditions are optimally matched. In contrast to the earlier studies Experiments 1 and 2 fail to show differences in the time course of the two context effects. Moreover, Experiment 3 provides direct evidence against an early, conceptual locus of orthographic facilitation. Our findings indicate that in Chinese language production both orthographically and phonologically related context words have their effect at the rather late level of word-form encoding.  相似文献   

Young normals, elderly normals, and patients with either mild-to-moderate or severe senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) were administered several tests of language function and remote memory. On all of the language tests examined, elderly normals exhibited a mild, nonsignificant performance decrement relative to the young normals. Advanced SDAT patients were markedly impaired on all of the tests. Early dementia patients were most impaired, relative to aged normals, on tests of object naming, category instance fluency, and remote memory. The deficit was smaller on the WAIS vocabulary subtest, on selecting the name of a visually presented object, and on recalling the function of an object. Early SDAT patients were least impaired in selecting the picture of an object after its name had been provided and in selecting objects that belong to a specified functional category. The results are consistent with the notion that the language dysfunction in early SDAT is due to a deficit in semantic memory function in which general, categorical information remains available whereas information about specific attributes becomes less accessible. The object naming test might be useful in the assessment of treatment effects upon SDAT because of its sensitivity and specificity to dementia, its high face validity, and its independence of recent memory.  相似文献   

Seventy-one children in three groups (reading disabilities, ADHD without reading disabilities, and normal controls) were compared on their ability to rapidly name colors, letters, numbers, and objects (RAN Tasks) and alternating letters/numbers and letters/numbers/colors (RAS tasks). Children with reading disabilities were found to be slower on letter- and number-naming tasks and made more errors on all tasks than controls or children with ADHD. There was an age effect for the RAN/RAS tasks, with younger children with reading disabilities performing more poorly on all tasks, while the older children with reading disabilities showed poorer performance only on the letter- and number-naming tasks.  相似文献   

On the development of color naming in young children: data and theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the semantics of different common attributes of the environment, consistent and correct color naming seems to develop paradoxically late in children, for even young infants discriminate and categorize colors well, color is a salient feature of the child's world, and children are aware of color as a separate domain, know color terms, and respond to color questions with color names. Several specific anomalies characterize early linguistic development in this domain: Errors in beginning color naming are perseverative or random, there seems to be a minimum age for correct and consistent color naming, developmental rate shows wide individual differences, and acquisition among girls is generally faster than among boys. This essay reviews data that support these observations, and evaluates three traditional explanations for them--including the perceptual salience of color for children, experience and learning in the child, and cognitive development--against a fourth new possibility. It is hypothesized that appropriate color naming may depend on the maturation and integration of specific cortical neurological structures; among several interpretations, the neurological one accounts best for diverse characteristics of early color naming.  相似文献   

Phonological priming effects were examined in an auditory single-word shadowing task. In 6 experiments, target items were preceded by auditorily or visually presented, phonologically similar, word or nonword primes. Results revealed facilitation in response time when a target was preceded by a word or nonword prime having the same initial phoneme when the prime was auditorily presented but not when it was visually presented. Second, modality-independent interference was observed when the phonological overlap between the prime and target increased from 1 to 3 phonemes for word primes but not for nonword primes. Taken together, these studies suggest that phonological information facilitates word recognition as a result of excitation at a prelexical level and increases response time as a result of competition at a lexical level. These processes are best characterized by connectionist models of word recognition.  相似文献   

This experiment was on event-related potential (ERP) indicants of the selective neural processing of black vs. white and letter vs. nonletter stimuli in boys (8-12 years of age) with and without a reading disability (RD) and/or attentional deficit disorder (ADD). Selective neural processing was measured by the increase or difference in ERP amplitude in response to stimuli that were relevant as compared to irrelevant to the color or letter attention task. The 52 children that participated in the study constituted four groups: 25 normal reading children (17 without ADD and 8 with ADD), and 27 RD children (11 without ADD and 16 with ADD). ERPs were recorded over the left and right occipital, central, and frontal regions. Selective neural processing due to stimulus relevance was reduced in boys with RD as compared to normal readers. This reduced selectivity was indicated by a predominantly symmetrical reduction in the magnitude of a positive difference potential over the central regions, between 300 and 360 msec, and then by a left greater than right hemisphere reduction in the magnitude of a positive difference potential over the occipital regions, at about 400 msec. Task relevance increased the within-subject and condition variability of this occipital positive component and this effect was greater for boys without than with RD, particularly over the left hemisphere. Selective neural processing due to stimulus relevance was greater in boys with ADD as compared to those without ADD. This was indicated by an increase in the magnitude of a positive difference potential between 320 and 400 msec over the central and frontal regions and a slow, late, negative difference potential between 600 and 800 msec over the central and occipital regions. These ADD effects tended to be greater over the right than left hemisphere. The unique polarity, scalp distribution, and time course of the effects of RD as compared to ADD on ERPs to relevant stimuli clearly indicated these two disorders, in part, involve different underlying brain deficits.  相似文献   

In the two experiments, the use of a psychophysical procedure of brightness/darkness cancellation shed light on interactions between spatial arrangement and figure-ground contrast in the perceptual filling in of achromatic and colored surfaces. Achromatic and chromatic Kanizsa squares with varying contrast, contrast polarity, and inducer spacing were used to test how these factors interact in the perceptual filling in of surface brightness or darkness. The results suggest that the neuronal processing of surfaces with apparent contrast, leading to figure-ground segregation (i.e., perceptual organization), is governed by mechanisms that integrate both luminance contrast and spatial information carried by the inducing stimuli, while discarding information on contrast polarity or color. The findings are discussed in relation to earlier observations on brightness assimilation and contrast. They support theories of nonantagonistic neural mechanisms suppressing local contrast or color signs in brightness-based figure-ground percepts. Such mechanisms might be necessary to cancel potentially conflicting polarities in geometrically complex visual stimuli so that perceptual filling in resulting in the most plausible representation of figure and ground can be achieved.  相似文献   

Attentional demands of lexical access were assessed with dual-task methodology. Subjects performed an auditory probe task alone (single-task) or combined (dual-task) with either a lexical decision or a naming task. In Experiment 1, probe performance showed a decrement from single- to dual-task conditions during recognition of words in both lexical decision and naming tasks. In addition, decrements in probe performance were larger during processing of low-frequency compared with high-frequency words in both of the word recognition tasks. Experiment 2 showed that the time course of frequency-sensitive demands was similar across lexical decision and naming tasks and that attention is required early in the word recognition sequence. The results support the assumption that lexical access is both frequency sensitive and attention demanding.  相似文献   

Lexical production in children with Down syndrome (DS) was investigated by examining spoken naming accuracy and the use of spontaneous gestures in a picture naming task. Fifteen children with DS (range 3.8-8.3 years) were compared to typically developing children (TD), matched for chronological age and developmental age (range 2.6-4.3 years). Relative to TD children, children with DS were less accurate in speech (producing a greater number of unintelligible answers), yet they produced more gestures overall and of these a significantly higher percentage of iconic gestures. Furthermore, the iconic gestures produced by children with DS accompanied by incorrect or no speech often expressed a concept similar to that of the target word, suggesting deeper conceptual knowledge relative to that expressed only in speech.  相似文献   

In this study of auditory prestimulation cues, picture naming performances under phonemic and semantic conditions were compared to picture naming performance under a neutral condition. Twenty aphasic subjects named 324 pictures (108 pictures x 3 conditions) each. Responses were scored using a coding system adapted by the investigator from classification systems used by Williams and Canter (1982) and Kohn and Goodglass (1985). Results indicated that naming accuracy was facilitated by phonemic and semantic cues. An examination of the distribution of errors under the three conditions revealed systematic effects of phonemic and semantic cues on the frequency of occurrence of specific error types. Increases in semantic paraphasia proportion scores and decreases in unrelated word error proportion scores were associated with the semantic condition, while increases in phonemic paraphasia proportion scores were associated with the phonemic condition. The finding that naming performance of aphasic adults varies as a function of the type of information provided by the cue is discussed in relation to cascade visual confrontation naming models.  相似文献   

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