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对于“科学技术是第一生产力”的论断,仅仅以感性事实来论证,或者完全自然主义地以既成的理论来应用,都是肤浅和片面的,而必须对其作深层理论探索和挖掘.“科学技术是第一生产力”,形似普适的全称肯定判断.但究其实,这一判断的主词“科学技术”,实指“现代科学技术”.科学技术是一个历史概念,它表征着人类认识自然的深化程度和改造自然的功能尺度.“第一生产力”的地位和作用的确立,其基本前提是科学、技术、生产三者必须一体化,并且科学、技术要走在生产的前面.而事实上,萌芽式的古代科学技术根本不够这个“格”,近代科学技术发展到后期也仅初露端倪,只有在现代科学技术革命过程中诞生的现代科学技术,才成为“第一生产力”.这样,“科学技术是第一生产力”的命题,就演变为“现代科学技术是第一生产力”的命题.因此,认为“第一生产力”是科学技术本来就固有的观点,是不符合实际的,因而是不科学的.  相似文献   

“技术”就是技巧策略,属于方法论的范畴。人类通过掌握各种技术来提高生产力水平,以此为征服自然,创造财富服务。人类的进步是伴随着技术的发展而发展的,人类和技术都是呈线性发展、逐渐进步的。技术在人类的发展中发挥着重大作用,“科技是第一生产力”,现在,人类已充分认识到了这一点,大力发展科技,科技的发展反过来又进一步推动科技以更快的速度发展,所以就产生了今天突飞猛进、日新月异的发展速度。在艺术中,“技术”是否与其在人类发展中一样,具有同样重大的作用呢?答案是否定的。为什么呢?首先,艺术与人类社会的价值标准是不一样的,它…  相似文献   

姚润皋  陈建 《学海》2007,2(3):5-9
“三个代表”思想既是社会主义市场经济背景下关于党的建设和社会主义建设的重要理论,又是马克思主义哲学发展的新形态。它从现实性和实践性的视角发展了唯物史观的内容,尤其本质地审视了唯物史观基本原理和当下社会主义社会实践的合力点,即中国共产党如何处理生产力、先进文化和人民利益等与自己前途息息相关的重大问题,不仅充分彰显了马克思主义哲学内在张力和勃勃生机,而且推进了马克思主义哲学的前行和发展,是对唯物史观的新发展。  相似文献   

我党在社会主义建设新时期的根本任务是发展生产力。这是众所周知的。现在摆在我们理论工作者面前的问题是“发展什么”和“怎样发展”。要正确地回答这些问题,首先必须对现代生产力的构成内容有一个全面深刻的认识,而要取得这样的认识,又必须认真研究生产力  相似文献   

张传燧  赖艳 《心理科学》2007,30(4):915-918
历代教育家关于知识掌握和技能习得的“时习”思想及其方法,不仅具有丰富的内涵,而且具有很强的心理学依据。本文力图通过深入揭示其内涵和心理机制,寻求其对现代学习乃至教学理论与及其实践地发展的重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

多重视域中的道德生产力——兼驳"泛生产力论"的观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道德生产力范畴是学术研究开拓创新的理论逻辑和社会主义市场经济发展需要的现实逻辑之间合力的结晶。它符合马克思的文本,尤其是契合马克思哲学的基本精神。道德生产力所具有的特殊内核及其要素,决定其在物质生产力和精神生产力中的独特地位,而日常意识正由于不具有这些特质而不能纳入精神生产力范畴。因此,强调道德生产力不仅不会引起所谓“泛生产力化”,而且可以带来学术创新和实践指导的双重价值。  相似文献   

论儒家思想中的"人"与"自然"之关系:兼论其21世纪之启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨儒家思想传统中“人”与“自然”之关系。本文先从比较文化史视野,析论中国思维方式之特质在于“联系性思维方式”。本文指出,儒家思想传统以“联系性思维方式”为基础,强调“人”与“自然”之间是一种相即相融并互相渗透的关系。“自然”是“人”的创生者,“人”也是“自然”的参与者。儒家思想家主张“人”与“自然”之间具有连续性与一体性之关系。这两种关系之所以可能,其基础正在于人与宇宙万物都以生生不已的仁德为其本性。“仁”既内在于每个人的心性之中,又超越于每个个体之上,成为宇宙万物之共同质素。而儒家思想中“人”与“自然”之连续性与一体观的建立与发展,正是以人“心”之自觉为其基础。  相似文献   

由中共中央党校副校长、博士生导师龚育之教授作序,广东省邓小平理论研究中心副主任温宪元新著的《科学技术是第一生产力新论》,已由广东科技出版社出版。这是一部多视角、跨学科审视的力作。《科学技术是第一生产力新论》共有八章。具有如下几个明显特征:第一,立意新颖。书中围绕“科学技术是第一生产力”产生的历史渊源、发展过程、理论内涵、伟大意义和对马克思主义科技学说的新发展,以及科学技术作为第一生产力,它与现代生产力、现代经济发展、现代文化建设、科教兴国的相互联系、相互作用的实践前沿和理论前沿问题,进行了全方位…  相似文献   

现行的哲学教科书都把生产力定义为人们认识自然、改造自然以获取物质生活资料的能力。其实,这只是政治经济学意义上的定义,它无法准确地揭示生产力范畴在唯物史观理论体系中的真实地位。马克思说:“社会生产关系,是随着物质生产资料、生产力的变化和发展而改变的。”又说:“社会制度中的任何变化,所有制关系中的每一种变革,都是同旧的所有  相似文献   

论"伦理世界观"   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
伦理道德作为实践理性,当以“意识—意志”的复合为研究对象,因而现象学意义上的意识和法哲学意义上的意志,就是合理的伦理体系和伦理精神的两个理想要素,由此伦理学的研究必须实现现象学与法哲学的璧合。“伦理世界观”的基本问题是伦理与自然(包括客观自然与主观自然)的关系问题。伦理与自然、义务与现实在伦理精神中原初的对峙与对立——绝对义务意识对伦理与自然关系的抽象统一——透过伦理行为达致的伦理与自然的现实统一,是伦理世界观的辩证结构,及其生长的具体—抽象—具体的辩证过程。  相似文献   

The terrorism, such as Algeria knew it, is organized with main objective the destruction of the whole society. Indeed, through the committed atrocities, the attacks and the collective massacres it is the whole population that lives under the terror. The murders and the destruction of highly symbolic places such as houses, schools which represent in fact the “packaging” of a community are going to favor the destruction of the family links and the community links. The answer to face this situation can only be collective within the framework of a collective approach and of a practice of network.  相似文献   

Drawings done by a patient before examination led to the suspicion of cataphasia, in view of previous experience of similar pictures drawn by verbigerate patients, and this proved to be so. We assume that the verbigerate affection of the thinking process is pictorially reflected in spontaneous casual drawing. In a less spontaneous situation, on other hand, the patient will not be so completely disorganised, and thus the author of an utterly confused drawing can still retain some measure of mental control in the course of tests.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the assertion that presession handling cues that accompany training with reinforcement might account for spontaneous recovery when they reoccur following extinction. In Experiment 1, after extensive training on a variable-interval schedule, key pecking in pigeons was extinguished following either normal or distinctively different handling and transportational cues. Those cues resulted in enhanced spontaneous recovery 24 hr later when normal cues were reinstated. In Experiment 2, however, subjects tested following the normal handling cues showed no more spontaneous recovery than did subjects that spent the entire extinction-test interval in the experimental chambers and thus were tested without handling cues altogether. In Experiment 3, a group whose test for recovery began 10 min after being placed in the chambers yielded as much spontaneous recovery as did a group tested normally. Furthermore, a group for which extinction began at mid-session and for which handling therefore could not be a discriminative cue for extinction showed no more spontaneous recovery than did the other two groups. Handling cues thus contributed to spontaneous recovery only after explicit discrimination training, as provided in Experiment 1.  相似文献   

"时"观念是理解中国古代思想的重要线索。在一定层面上讲,"时"观念的延展及其实践承载着传统农业社会的绵延。"时"在《管子》中是一个基础性的核心概念,贯通全文,它传承"时"的原发观念和本质特性,融入气、阴阳、五行思想,与道、德、法相通融,"时"作为论理基准,在"治国安邦"、"经世致用"中具有统领性意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes how Swedish women argue and act in order to improve their quality of life. It is based on a citizen survey and on interviews with leaders of a broadly defined women's movement. The thesis is that women are in the process of developing their own democratic practice. They thereby challenge the assumption that general suffrage and numerical equality of representation are sufficient conditions for transforming the contemporary gender power order into one characterized by equality of power between women and men. The empirical data show that there is a great deal of variation in perceptions of problems and ways of accomplishing change. The existence of somewhat different priorities and plural feminist strategies for change—state feminist, interest group–based, civil, and segregated—are interpreted as speaking in favor of the sustainability of such pressure for "women-friendliness" in Sweden.  相似文献   

abstract   As history shows, some human beings are capable of acting very immorally. 1 Technological advance and consequent exponential growth in cognitive power means that even rare evil individuals can act with catastrophic effect. The advance of science makes biological, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction easier and easier to fabricate and, thus, increases the probability that they will come into the hands of small terrorist groups and deranged individuals. Cognitive enhancement by means of drugs, implants and biological (including genetic) interventions could thus accelerate the advance of science, or its application, and so increase the risk of the development or misuse of weapons of mass destruction. We argue that this is a reason which speaks against the desirability of cognitive enhancement, and the consequent speedier growth of knowledge, if it is not accompanied by an extensive moral enhancement of humankind. We review the possibilities for moral enhancement by biomedical and genetic means and conclude that, though it should be possible in principle, it is in practice probably distant. There is thus a reason not to support cognitive enhancement in the foreseeable future. However, we grant that there are also reasons in its favour, but we do not attempt to settle the balance between these reasons for and against. Rather, we conclude that if research into cognitive enhancement continues, as it is likely to, it must be accompanied by research into moral enhancement.  相似文献   

燕继荣 《学海》2011,(3):85-96
政治理论和政治实践表明,"有限政府"作为"宪政"的核心概念,是善治良政的重要条件和原则。然而,行政主导下的全能政治一直被认为是中国政府政治的主要特点。本文在梳理"有限政府"理论的基础上,简要分析了中国宪政发展的历程,总结了中国法治建设的成就,指出了目前距离宪政目标的差距,从"有限政府"与"有效政府"的关系出发,论证了"有限政府"作为中国政府改革目标的合理性,并从限制政府自由裁量权、确立针对政府政治的有效监督、建立公共财政制度三个方面,说明了这一改革的基本路径。  相似文献   

"FEMINIZATION" OF PSYCHOLOGY   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Women are participating in the field of psychology in increasing numbers relative to men. This development has been referred to as the "feminization of psychology," and it carries with it a number of implications. This article reviews statistical data relating to the changing sex ratio and discusses their implications. Participation rates of women in psychology are examined as they pertain to enrollment in doctoral programs, graduation from baccalaureate programs, and career progress within the profession. Implications of changing sex ratios for occupational prestige, income and economics, work structure, education and training, and theory, research, and practice are then discussed. In conclusion, the concept of "feminization" is challenged as questions are raised about whether the increase in the number of women in psychology is a problem, as has been alleged, or a symptom of other problems within the field  相似文献   

“自发生成论”和“理性创设论”是传统道德哲学关于社会伦理秩序生成的两种理论模式。“自发生成论”认为,伦理道德不是纯粹人类理性设计的产物,而是人类行为实践的自然结果;“理性创设论”认为,伦理道德是人类自觉建构的结果,是人类理性创设的产物。这两种理论模式都以抽象的人性为其理论基础,无法合理解释个体与类之间的伦理关系。基于现实伦理实体的“创生拓展”应成为现代社会伦理秩序的发生路径。  相似文献   

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