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This short-term longitudinal study examined the contribution of infant behavioral reactivity and maternal parenting self-efficacy to first-time mothers’ (total n = 32) separation anxiety. Infants’ behavioral reactivity indexed by gaze and facial affect were observed in the conditions of routine play and maternal still face at 3 months. Mothers reported their self-perceived parenting efficacy at 3 months and separation anxiety at 6 months. Results revealed that infants’ frequent gazing at their mother, greater negative affect, and less positive affect observed during the still face, but not during the routine play, contributed to heightened maternal separation anxiety. In addition to a direct link between low maternal parenting self-efficacy and high maternal separation anxiety, maternal parenting self-efficacy buffered against the impact of infant negative reactivity on maternal separation anxiety. The role of infant reactivity and maternal self-efficacy in parenting was discussed.  相似文献   

A cognitive-behavioral model of health anxiety was used to investigate reactions to genetic counseling for cancer. Participants (N = 218) were asked to complete a questionnaire beforehand and 6 months later. There was an overall decrease in levels of cancer-related anxiety, although 24% of participants showed increased cancer-related anxiety at follow-up. People who had a general tendency to worry about their health reported more cancer-related anxiety than those who did not at both time points. This health-anxious group also showed a postcounseling anxiety reduction, whereas the others showed no significant change. Participants with breast or ovarian cancer in their family were more anxious than participants with colon cancer in their family. Preexisting beliefs were significant predictors of anxiety, consistent with a cognitive-behavioral approach.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that mothers of children who have symptoms indicative of separation anxiety are themselves separation-anxious was tested by scoring mothers' TAT themes for separation concerns. The stories of 15 mothers of fearful children were compared to the stories of 26 mothers of children manifesting behavior disorders and 21 mothers of children having had no psychiatric contact. Different kinds of separation concerns were found to differentiate the groups of mothers. The stories of mothers of fearful children expressed significantly more concerns about abandonment and rejection and more often expressed a desire to stay near the loved one; the mothers of children with behavior disorders were found to tell significantly more stories with nurturance-succorance themes. The results lend support to the theory of anxious attachment in that mothers of fearful children seem to share the same concerns that have been ascribed to their children. On the other hand, it seems that separation anxiety may not be a unidimensional construct as different components seem to be more relevant to some symptom clusters than to others.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests the existence of a processing bias in favor of threat-related stimulation in anxious individuals. Using behavioral and ERP measures, the present study investigated the deployment of attention to face stimuli with different emotion expressions in high-anxious and low-anxious participants. An attention-shifting paradigm was used in which faces with neutral, angry, fearful, sad, or happy expressions were presented singly at fixation. Participants had to fixate on the face cue and then discriminate a target shape that appeared randomly above, below, to the left, or right of the fixated face. The behavioral data show that high-anxious participants were slower to respond to targets regardless of the emotion expressed by the face cue. In contrast, the ERP data indicate that threat-related faces elicited faster latencies and greater amplitudes of early ERP components in high-anxious than in low-anxious individuals. The between-group pattern in ERP waveforms suggests that the slower reaction times in high-anxious participants might reflect increased attentional dwelling on the face cues, rather than a general slowing of response enacting.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study anxiety and defence strategies in mothers of children with different disabilities. Mothers of children with childhood psychosis, motor handicaps, or Down's syndrome were tested with a projective, percept-genetic technique, viz. the Mother-Child Picture Test (MCPT). Levels of anxiety were measured with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). In mothers of psychotic children, the absence of anxiety was significantly associated with misinterpretations and/or failure to recognize the MCPT motif (a close relation between mother and child). This association was not found in the mothers of motor-handicapped children or children with Down's syndrome. The results suggest that, for mothers of psychotic children, the activation of defensive strategies is important to avoid feelings of anxiety evoked by the mother-child situation. For mothers of children with other chronic disabilities, for example, motor handicaps or Down's syndrome, low levels of anxiety may be experienced without the mobilization of strong defensive mechanisms. Different interpretations of the correlation between defence strategies and anxiety in the mothers of psychotic children are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated whether infant characteristics play a causal role in the occurrence of maternal abuse of offspring in rhesus macaques )Macaca mulatta) and whether abusive mothers differ from controls in their tendency to adopt alien infants in a cross‐fostering procedure. To this end, 13 infants born to mothers with a previous history of infant abuse were cross‐fostered shortly after birth with infants born to nonabusive mothers and subsequently observed for 12 weeks. Abusive mothers were significantly more likely to reject foster infants than control mothers were. When adoption was successful, all of the abusive mothers maltreated their foster infants whereas none of the control mothers exhibited infant abuse. These findings suggest that infant characteristics do not play an important causal role in the occurrence of infant abuse and that abusive mothers may differ from nonabusive ones in maternal motivation or reactivity to stressful procedures.  相似文献   

Factor structure of the childhood anxiety sensitivity index.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We developed various factor models of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index [Silverman, W. K., Fleisig, W., Rabian, B. & Peterson, R. A. (1991). Childhood anxiety sensitivity index. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 20, 162-168] and tested the goodness of fit of the models in an independent sample. Of primary interest was to examine the question that characterized the factor analytic studies conducted on the adult version of the anxiety sensitivity index, i.e. the ASI [Reiss, S., Peterson, R. A., Gursky, D. M. & McNally, R. J. (1986). Anxiety sensitivity, anxiety frequency and the prediction of fearfulness. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24, 1-8]: is anxiety sensitivity in children a unidimensional construct, an orthogonal multidimensional construct, or a hierarchical construct? Two independent samples (a clinic sample and a nonclinical sample) were used for development and replication of the factor models. The clinic sample consisted of 258 children (105 girls and 153 boys) who presented to a child anxiety disorders specialty clinic. The unselected, nonclinic sample consisted of 249 children (122 girls and 127 boys) enrolled in an elementary school. The results provided strong empirical support for a hierarchical multidimensional model with either three or four first-order factors. The two factors that emerged that appeared to be robust were Physical Concerns and Mental Incapacitation Concerns. What remains unresolved is whether Control of anxiety symptoms and Social Concerns are to be differentiated (as in the hierarchical model with four first-order factors) or not (as in the hierarchical model with three first-order factors). In addition to discussing this issue, the convergence of the present study's findings with past findings obtained with the ASI is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to verify the association between maternal depression and emotional and behavioral problems in school children in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, considering that maternal depression increases children’s vulnerability for developing psychiatric disorders. This is a cross-sectional study with a school-based sample conducted between August 2015 and November 2016 and it is part of a major project entitled ‘Healthy Childhood in Context: A Multidisciplinary Investigation’. Schoolchildren aged between 7 and 8 years and one of their respective parents or a primary caregiver were included in the study. Maternal depression was assessed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). The presence of emotional and behavioral problems in children was verified by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) – parents version. Children of depressed mothers exhibited higher mean scores in all SDQ domains and in the total score when compared to children of non-depressed mothers. Lower socio-economic status was also associated with higher SDQ scores. Our results showed the effects of both maternal depression and poverty on children emotional and behavioral problems, which evidence the need for child mental health preventive care, and free quality assistance for both mothers and their children.  相似文献   

Domestic rabbits were exposed to a wide variety of variables employed in behavioral research. It was found that: (1) Although food could be used as a reinforcer, the long periods of severe deprivation required to reduce body weight made its use impractical. (2) Water was an efficient reinforcer in that it maintained high rates of behavior after 22 hr of deprivation. (3) Except that rates of responding were higher, fixed-ratio and variable-interval schedules of reinforcement produced patterns of behavior similar to those demonstrated by rats and pigeons. (4) Although the duration of the post-reinforcement pause was a function of the duration of the interval under fixed-interval schedules, scalloping, as defined as a gradually increasing rate of responding between reinforcement, was not evident. (5) When provided with the means to both turn on and turn off intracranial stimulation, the duration of the stimulation and the frequency with which it was turned on and off was a function of the intensity of the stimulation. (6) Electric shock could suppress behavior and maintain escape responding, but would maintain avoidance responding only in a few subjects.  相似文献   

The latent structure, reliability, and validity of the Behavioral Inhibition/Behavioral Activation Scales (BIS/BAS; C. L. Carver and T. L. White, 1994) were examined in a large sample of outpatients (N = 1,825) with anxiety and mood disorders. Four subsamples were used for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. In addition to generally upholding a latent structure found previously in nonclinical samples, results indicated measurement invariance of the BIS/BAS between genders and a higher order structure of the BAS scales. Convergent and discriminant validity of the BIS/BAS were supported by findings that the subscales correlated most strongly with measures of neighboring personality constructs (e.g., BIS with neuroticism, BAS with positive affect) than with measures of current anxiety and depression symptoms. Overall, the results support the psychometric properties of the BIS/BAS in this clinical sample.  相似文献   

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