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耿加进 《学海》2011,(3):64-67
义利之辨是儒学的重要内容。儒家所谓的"义"指一般的道德准则,所谓的"利"通常情况下指个人私利。在义与利孰先孰后、孰重孰轻的问题上,儒家始终强调义的优先地位,主张义以为上、先利后义、重义轻利,反对重利轻义、见利忘义、唯利是图。但儒家并不排斥利,且认为追求利益是人之本性,甚至认为义能带来利。义有"一人之正义"、"一时之大义"和"古今之通义"之分,当三者发生矛盾时,儒家认为应以"古今之通义"作为价值判断的终极准则。儒家的义利之辨对现代企业管理有着重要的指导意义,有助于企业和企业家树立正确的义利观。  相似文献   

CSR"品牌":以企业社会责任提升国家形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者对别国的国家形象是通过食品、艺术、旅游等多种接触渠道形成的,其中一种体验会引发并上升为整个国家形象,即“光环效应”。申言之,消费者对其他国家的形象是通过消费者对该国产品的体验间接培育的,而消费者对其他国家某种产品的正、负面体验,将直接影响对该国其它产品的相应看法,即“连带效应”。据此,本文推论,民众可以通过企业社会责任的“光环效应”认知一个国家,进而依据“连带效应”形成对一国企业产品社会责任的总体印象。韩国在华中小型企业社会责任的不良纪录,很可能导致对韩国国家形象的负面看法。特有的集体行动逻辑阻碍了韩国在华中小型企业及时采取反应,其结果又反过来伤害其自身。  相似文献   

Science and Engineering Ethics - This work describes the perceptions that Industrial Engineering students have regarding Colombian firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. It...  相似文献   

In this paper, we study corporate social responsibility (CSR) in China through the prism of investments. We work with large stocks and assess their CSR performance from agency CSR data. We formulate Chinese CSR by a multiple objective extension of a traditional portfolio selection model and analytically solve the extension. We also solve the extension by a genetic algorithm and directly evaluate the algorithm's performance against the analytical solution. The multiple objective formulation is tested by randomly choosing nondominated portfolios with out‐of‐sample data to identify nondominated portfolios that outperform the 1/n portfolio (equally weighted portfolio). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is conceptualized in many ways. We argue that one cannot be indifferent about the issue of its conceptualization. In terms of methodology, our position is that any conceptual discussion must embed CSR in political theory. With regard to substance, we link up with the discussion on whether CSR must be defined on the basis of a tripartite or a quadripartite division of business responsibilities. We share A.B. Carroll’s intuition that a quadripartite division is called for as a basis to define CSR. However, defending the quadripartite division of business responsibilities requires that the distinctions between economic, legal, ethical and discretionary business responsibilities be made intelligible. Carroll’s account is defective in this respect. We argue that contemporary Neo-Kantian political ethics is able to make sense of these distinctions, because of its specific interpretation of liberalism. Interestingly, from a conventional liberal perspective this interpretation of liberalism is atypical, as it extends public morality beyond the domain of the law.
Wim DubbinkEmail:




企业社会责任是人类商业文明的表现,也是现代社会的一种文化现象.针对目前学界对企业社会责任兴起条件分析中所缺乏的伦理视阈,本文从企业性质的社会伦理学思考、经济价值中立论的逆转、环境危机的伦理诉求以及社会福利制度的责任分担的伦理理念,阐释了社会伦理文化对企业社会责任兴起的价值先导作用.  相似文献   

不当的企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)表现会让消费者感知企业伪善, 从而产生极负面的影响。但“伪善”概念刚经由社会心理学引入营销学领域, 亟需准确定义和科学的量表。为此, 将以中国文化为背景, 通过系列研究, (1)探究CSR活动中消费者感知企业伪善的内涵并与相关概念区分; (2)揭示企业伪善的构成结构, 开发多维度的企业伪善量表并进行严格的信度、效度检验; (3)探索其前因后果, 特别是实证检验其对消费者态度和行为三个层面的影响。  相似文献   

社会转型时期大学生的价值优先性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以Schwartz开发的价值观量表(SVS)为工具,以北京地区1077位大学生为被试,运用结构方程模型、方差分析等方法考察社会变迁背景下大学生价值观的内容和结构。研究结果发现(1)大学生价值观由4类高阶价值和10类基本价值构成,在总体结构上不存在性别差异。(2)大学生的价值优先性呈现出三个基本特征:价值取向多元、利益指向多元、现实性。鉴于对研究局限的认识,本研究亦对后续研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

Although managers and researchers have invested considerable effort into understanding corporate social responsibility (CSR), less is known about corporate social irresponsibility (CSiR). Drawing on strategic leadership and moral licensing research, we address this gap by considering the relationship between CSR and CSiR. We predict that prior CSR is positively associated with subsequent CSiR because the moral credits achieved through CSR enable leaders to engage in less ethical stakeholder treatment. Further, we hypothesize that leaders’ moral identity symbolization, or the degree to which being moral is expressed outwardly to the public through actions and behavior, will moderate the CSR–CSiR relationship, such that the relationship will be stronger when CEOs are high on moral identity symbolization rather than low on moral identity symbolization. Through an archival study of 49 Fortune 500 firms, we find support for our hypotheses.  相似文献   

This research explored individuals’ reactions to perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) using a multimotive framework. In 2 studies, the authors explored the boundary conditions of CSR effects among job applicants and internal employees. A scenario‐based experiment (N = 81) showed that the effect of CSR perceptions on job applicants’ job pursuit intentions was mitigated by applicants’ first‐party justice experiences, whereas it was amplified by their moral identity (Study 1). Survey data from 245 full‐time employees (Study 2) further supported the interactive effects revealed in Study 1. Specifically, first‐party justice perceptions attenuated the positive relationship between employees’ CSR perceptions and their organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); and the relationship between CSR perceptions and OCB was more pronounced among employees high (versus low) in moral identity. Our findings bridge the CSR and organizational justice literatures, and reveal that the effects of individuals’ CSR perceptions are more complicated than previously thought. The findings shed light on micro (employee)‐level CSR phenomena and offer implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

以提升组织即兴效能为出发点,构建了企业社会责任、员工满意度与组织即兴效能三者关系的理论模型;在此基础上,通过对三者各自维度的划分,借助结构方程统计分析方法,重点讨论了企业社会责任表现与员工满意度对组织即兴效能的影响机理。  相似文献   

The Higher Education and Employment strand of the Learning for Life project focused on exploring some of the values of 169 students and graduate employees (Arthur et al. 2009a, b). A major theme suggested by participants, which arose naturally from the data and emerged from people’s accounts during in-depth interviews, involved the close relationship they felt existed between voluntary work and core values. It is this aspect of the project that is reported. There are several important and new findings that will be highlighted, including: voluntary work as a dimension for the development of character, personal development and a venue for developing people’s skills (which universities and employers often seek in their processes of recruitment); the types of voluntary work conducted by students and graduate employees; the role of ethnic minorities; people’s moral motivations behind engaging in voluntary work; the rise of the gap year volunteer; and the link between voluntary work at university and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the working world.  相似文献   

学者们对日常消费情境下企业社会责任的研究较多,但对发生产品危机事件这种非日常消费情境下的企业社会责任问题探讨较少.论文对国外产品危机事件中企业社会责任的研究成果进行了梳理.对企业社会责任与产品危机事件、企业社会责任与归因、企业社会责任与品牌评价、企业社会责任与企业危机反应等进行了综述,指出了研究的不足并对研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Literature reviews have repeatedly emphasized the need to further investigate relationships between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and micro-organizational variables. The present research attempts to address this call by examining the direct and indirect relationship between individual perceptions of CSR and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Multiphasic data from 207 workplace supervisor–subordinate dyads recruited from an online panel were analyzed to show that organizational identification mediated the relationship between CSR and OCBs. Furthermore, supervisor transformational leadership style moderated the mediation, such that the indirect effect of the organizational identification on the relationship between CSR and OCBs became nonsignificant under low transformational leadership. Based on these results, we make suggestions for using embeddedness programs to improve perceptions of CSR.  相似文献   

Teng  Fei  Hu  Junsheng  Chen  Zhansheng  Poon  Kai-Tak  Bai  Yong 《Sex roles》2021,84(5-6):253-270

The present study draws on theories and prior research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and gender attitudes (i.e., sexism) to understand young Chinese peoples’ responses toward women-empowering advertising (i.e., femvertising). We conducted two experiments in which male and female Chinese college students (232 in Study 1 and 231 in Study 2) were exposed to either women-empowering or control advertisements (traditional ad in Study 1 and gender-irrelevant ad in Study 2) and reported their attitudes about the ads as well as their purchase intentions toward the advertised products (shampoo and smartphone, respectively). In line with our predictions, both experiments showed that messaging about women’s empowerment in advertising can induce perceptions of CSR, thereby increasing favorable responses such as enhanced positive ad attitudes and increased purchase intentions toward the advertised products. Moreover, hostile sexism was negatively associated with consumer responses toward femvertising such that the lower participants’ hostile sexism, the more positive ad attitudes and stronger purchase intent participants they reported. However, benevolent sexism was not predictive of consumer responses toward femvertising. These results offer insights into people’s responses toward women-empowering advertisements and also have practical implications for advertisers and marketers who are interested in using such an advertising tactic to promote products and services.


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