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Popp  Danielle  Donovan  Roxanne A.  Crawford  Mary  Marsh  Kerry L.  Peele  Melanie 《Sex roles》2003,48(7-8):317-325
Considerable research has shown that people have stereotypical beliefs about the speech and communication style of women and men. There is less research about stereotypes of Black people's speech, and none that jointly or comparably investigates communication stereotypes as a function of both gender and race. In this study, White college students (n = 111) rated a fictional character's speech on 36 pairs of words characteristic of communication style (e.g., emotional–unemotional) and also generated dialogue for the character. Targets' race and sex were varied. Results showed that beliefs about speech style were stronger for race than gender. Black speakers, both women and men, were rated as more direct and emotional, and less socially appropriate and playful, than White speakers. The dialogue generated by participants for Black speakers was less grammatical and more profane than for White speakers. Gender effects were consistent with earlier research but suggest a weakening of stereotypes; women's speech was seen as somewhat less direct and more emotional than men's speech. Beliefs about speech and communication style are important because they may function not only to describe what is but to prescribe what should be in social interaction.  相似文献   

The authors review converging lines of evidence from behavioral, kinematic, and neuroimaging data that point to limitations in speech motor skills in people who stutter (PWS). From their review, they conclude that PWS differ from those who do not in terms of their ability to improve with practice and retain practiced changes in the long term, and that they are less efficient and less flexible in their adaptation to lower (motor) and higher (cognitive–linguistic) order requirements that impact on speech motor functions. These findings in general provide empirical support for the position that PWS may occupy the low end of the speech motor skill continuum as argued in the Speech Motor Skills approach (Van Lieshout, Hulstijn, & Peters, 2004).  相似文献   

The debate over hate speech in the United States and the accompanying changes in the political culture of the university provides an opportune case to explore the impact of changing norms of free speech on political tolerance toward unpopular groups. I offer a theory of opinion change that identifies the population groups that should be most susceptible to the new norms against hate speech that originated on college campuses around the country in the 1980s. The predictions from this theory are tested using a battery of tolerance items asked repeatedly in General Social Surveys gathered between 1976 and 2000. The analysis shows that the intellectual campaign against hate speech has significantly reduced support for the free speech rights of racists. This retreat in levels of tolerance is most evident among college students who were educated since the mid-1980s, when debates over multiculturalism and political correctness reached their peak. At the same time, levels of tolerance for nonconformist ideas and lifestyles have remained generally high among today's college students and are almost always significantly higher than the national average. The general stability in aggregate levels of tolerance both in the general population and in various demographic groups only serves to highlight the few dramatic changes that have taken place.  相似文献   

语音告警信号语速研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用普通会话句表和飞机告警句表两种测试材料 ,以言语可懂度测试法和主观评价法研究言语告警信号的适宜语速。实验中的语速定为 0 .1 1、0 .1 5、0 .2 0、0 .2 5、0 .3 5和 0 .45秒 /字六级。实验模拟飞机座舱环境 ,采用计算机生成的数字化言语信号 ,在 90 d B(A)的飞机噪声环境下 ,通过耳机传递给被试。研究得到以下结论 :言语告警信号的适宜语速为 0 .2 5秒 /字 (或 4字 /秒 ) ,它的下限为 >0 .2 0秒 /字 (或 <5字 /秒 ) ,它的上限为 0 .3 0秒 /字 (或 3 .3 3字 /秒 )。  相似文献   

以30名小学二年级学生2、4名小学五年级学生和29名大学一年级学生为被试,运用McGurk效应研究范式对汉语母语者视听双通道言语知觉的表现特点、发展趋势等问题进行了探讨,三个年龄阶段被试均接受纯听和视听两种条件下的测查,被试的任务是出声报告自己听到的刺激。结果发现:(1)汉语为母语的二年级小学生、五年级小学生和大学生在自然听力环境下的单音节加工中都受到视觉线索的影响,表现出了McGurk效应;(2)二年级小学生、五年级小学生和大学生受视觉言语影响的程度,也就是McGurk效应的强度没有显著差异,没有表现出类似英语母语者的发展趋势。该结果支持了McGurk效应"普遍存在"的假说。  相似文献   

Judith Kovach 《Zygon》2002,37(4):941-961
The human body is both religious subject and scientific object, the manifest locus of both religious gnosis and secular cognition. Embodiment provides the basis for a rich cross–fertilization between cognitive science and comparative religion, but cognitive studies must return to their empiricist scientific roots by reembodying subjectivity, thus spanning the natural bridge between the two fields. Referencing the ritual centrality and cognitive content of the body, I suggest a materialist but nonreductionist construct of the self as a substantial cognitive embodiment that embraces not just perception and cognition, mind and spirit, but the forceful physicality of the moving body. Proprioception of the body's moving mass constitutes a mode of knowing that resonates strongly with the experience of self, not only across religious traditions but also within the physical sciences. By way of illustration, two directions are suggested in which a construct of the self as a substantial cognitive embodiment might lead us: first, a body–based interpretation of the Islamic myth of Adam and Iblis that reveals an internal substantiality as constitutive of the divinely imaged Self, and second, a new, religious direction for human evolutionary theory based on the implications of an embodied intentionality.  相似文献   

维果茨基论儿童言语的发生和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文介绍了维果茨基关于言语的个体发生的论述,言语个体发生过程中思维和言语的关系。  相似文献   

陈俊  张积家  柯丹丽 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1328-1331
本研究采用Searle对语旨行为的分类标准,采用情境模拟法,探讨教师对学生管教过程中不同言语事件中的断言、指令、承诺、表达以及宣告行为,研究学生对教师的管教言语使用时产生的情绪体验、对教师交际意图的理解、可能的行为倾向,以探明不同言语行为的语效。发现:⑴学生对教师发出的五种言语行为所引发的情绪体验、交际意图认知、行为倾向之间的存在显著差异。表达易引起被试愉快情绪,其次是断言与指令,承诺与宣告易引起被试不愉快情绪。对教师言语交际意图的认知以及服从行为倾向,表达、断言、指令高于承诺与宣告。⑵被试对五种管教言语行为交际意图的认知与其对教师管教的言语的情绪反应以及行为倾向间均存在显著的正相关。  相似文献   

J. R. Vokey and J. D. Read (1985) indicated that listeners cannot consciously recognize backward messages but that some information can be obtained from reversed speech. If reverse speech has a powerful influence on language processing, as D. J. Oates (1991) has claimed, then one should be able to measure a reliable priming effect from reversed messages. Sixty undergraduate students listened to short messages presented either backward or forward. Immediately after listening to each message, they responded in a lexical decision task to a visually presented word that had either been present or had not been present in the preceding message. No priming effect was found for backward messages, although there was significant priming for forward messages. The results are not consistent with an effect of reverse speech on word processing.  相似文献   

《周易》包含《经》与《传》两个部分。《经》重占卜,《传》在诠释。《易传》面临的核心问题是:天意、卦象与言辞之间关系如何?《周易》认为,天是本原;象是符号,天的象征;辞是陈述,再现符号、指称命运。天意经过卦象,由言辞得以彰显。三者实现了统一。这三者的关系,从根本上来说,依然体现了性的问题。它是儒家人性论的一种特殊形态。《周易》将圣人神化,为言辞提供了权威基础。  相似文献   

“言”有五种层次上的含义,与“行”相对有合不合,与“道”相应有知不知,与“诚”相偶有信不信,与“意”相对举有尽不尽,与“物”相表里有称不称。孔子就“言”的讨论,主要集中在前三个层次上。孔子讨论“言”时,都是对着特定的人或特定的事而发的。他分别针对子贡、宰予、子路等在言行或言知问题上的偏失,教导他们言行合一,言语谨慎。  相似文献   

Recent investigations of timing in motor control have been interpreted as support for the concept of brain modularity. According to this concept, the brain is organized into functional modules that contain mechanisms responsible for general processes. Keele and colleagues (Keele & Hawkins, 1982; Keele & Ivry, 1987; Keele, Ivry, & Pokorny, 1987; Keele, Pokorny, Corcos, & Ivry, 1985) demonstrated that the within-subject variability in cycle duration of repetitive movements is correlated across finger, forearm, and foot movements, providing evidence in support of a general timing module. The present study examines the notion of timing modularity of speech and nonspeech movements of the oral motor system as well as the manual motor system. Subjects produced repetitive movements with the finger, forearm, and jaw. In addition, a fourth task involved the repetition of a syllable. All tasks were to be produced with a 400-ms cycle duration; target duration was established with a pacing tone, which then was removed. For each task, the within-subject variability of the cycle duration was computed for the unpaced movements over 20 trials. Significant correlations were found between each pair of effectors and tasks. The present results provide evidence that common timing processes are involved not only in movements of the limbs, but also in speech and nonspeech movements of oral structures.  相似文献   

Speech acts and arguments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Speech act theory seems to provide a promising avenue for the analysis of the functional organization of argument. The theory, however, might be taken to suggest that arguments are a homogenous class of speech act with a specifiable illocutionary force and a single set of felicity conditions. This suggestion confuses the analysis of the meaning of speech act verbs with the analysis of the pragmatic structure of actual language use. Suggesting that arguments are conveyed through a homogeneous class of linguistic action overlooks the way in which the context of activity and the form of expression organize the argumentative functions performed in using language. An alternative speech act analysis would treat folk terminology as a heuristic entry point into the development of a technical analysis of the myriad argumentative functions and structures to be found in natural language use. This would lead to a thorough-going pragmatic analysis of the rational and functional design of speech acts in argumentation.  相似文献   

The seventh and last chapter of Vygotsky's Thinking and Speech (1934) is generally considered as his final word in psychology. It is a long chapter with a complex argumentative structure in which Vygotsky gives his view on the relationship between thinking and speech. Vygotsky's biographers have stated that the chapter was dictated in the final months of Vygotsky's life when his health was rapidly deteriorating. Although the chapter is famous, its structure has never been analyzed in any detail. In the present article we reveal its rhetorical structure and show how Vygotsky drew on many hitherto unrevealed sources to convince the reader of his viewpoint.  相似文献   

6~12岁儿童、13~18岁青少年和20~30岁成人被试各30名,运用McGurk效应研究范式对汉语母语者视听言语知觉的发展趋势进行探讨。所有被试需要接受纯听和视听两种条件下的测试,其任务是出声报告自己听到的刺激。结果发现:(1)三个年龄阶段汉语母语者被试在安静听力环境下的单音节加工中都受到了视觉线索的影响,表现出了McGurk效应;(2)三个年龄阶段汉语母语者被试McGurk效应的强度存在显著差异,其受视觉言语影响的程度表现出随年龄增长而增强的发展趋势;(3)13岁以后汉语被试在视听一致下对视觉线索的依赖没有显著增强,但是在视听冲突下视觉言语的影响仍然在逐渐增强。  相似文献   


Gojman de Millan S. A Socioeconomic Dimension Of Therapeutic Relationship. The Analyst's Perspective. Int Forum Psychoanal 1997;6:241—249. Stockholm. ISSN 0808-706X.

Two clinical vignettes are described. I wish to show how much an open recognition of the social conditions of both participants in a treatment process may enrich the analyst's understanding of the transference-countertransference dynamics. I claim that although analysts intuitively integrate this aspect of the therapeutic relationship they commonly do it without a specific formulation.

In an explicit and systematic manner, Fromm emphasized the social dimensions of human experience. His background knowledge of the social sciences framed his therapeutic practice. The clinical implications which derive from this perspective will be illustrated.

The clinical material which I present shows how today's psychoanalytic attention to the dynamic interaction between analyst and patient while it enables us to deal with the complexity and different layers of the treatment process can also include the social dimension. The benefits and difficulties of developing our consciousness about our own social roles and our involvement in the social milieu deserve our careful and critical attention.  相似文献   

言语与手部运动关系的研究回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
言语与手部运动之间存在复杂的联系。该文总结了两类手部运动(伴随言语发生的手势运动和抓握运动)与言语之间关系的行为和脑科学研究成果。发现:(1)伴随言语产生的意义手势可促进言语加工,特别是词汇的提取过程;(2)观察手的抓握运动影响言语产生时唇的运动和声音成分;(3)对词语的知觉影响抓握运动的早期计划阶段;(4)言语产生可增加手运动皮层的兴奋性。作者由此认为,言语加工与手势间的联系不仅表现为神经通路的重叠和相互激活,而且可能在外显行为上也相互影响  相似文献   


The authors' hypotheses were that (a) listeners regard speakers whose global speech rates they judge to be similar to their own as more competent and more socially attractive than speakers whose rates are different from their own and (b) gender influences those perceptions. Participants were 17 male and 28 female listeners; they judged each of 3 male and 3 female speakers in terms of 10 unipolar adjective scales. The authors used 8 of the scales to derive 2 scores describing the extent to which the listener viewed a speaker as competent and socially attractive. The 2 scores were related by trend analyses (a) to the listeners' perceptions of the speakers' speech rates as compared with their own and (b) to comparisons of the actual speech rates of the speakers and listeners. The authors examined trend components of the data by split-plot multiple regression analyses. In general, the results supported both hypotheses. The participants judged speakers with speech rates similar to their own as more competent and socially attractive than speakers with speech rates slower or faster than their own. However, the ratings of competence were significantly influenced by the gender of the listeners, and those of social attractiveness were influenced by the gender of the listeners and the speakers.  相似文献   

言语产生研究的理论框架   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周晓林  庄捷  舒华 《心理科学》2001,24(3):262-265
本文回顾了言语产生的研究历史,总结了言语产生的理论框架和研究方法,对言语产生研究中的一些关键问题进行了系统的分析,这些问题包括:(1)语义如何存储在心理词典中;(2)词条选择和音位编码的独立性;(3)语音和音位编码方式;(4)音位信息与音节框架之间的关系。  相似文献   

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