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Efforts to develop a viable short form of the MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1943) span more than 50 years, with more recent attempts to significantly shorten the item pool focused on the use of adaptive computerized test administration. In this article, we report some psychometric properties of an MMPI-Adolescent version (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) short form based on administration of the first 150 items of this test instrument. We report results for both the MMPI-A normative sample of 1,620 adolescents and a clinical sample of 565 adolescents in a variety of treatment settings. We summarize results for the MMPI-A basic scales in terms of Pearson product-moment correlations generated between full administration and short-form administration formats and mean Tscore elevations for the basic scales generated by each approach. In this investigation, we also examined single-scale and 2-point congruences found for the MMPI-A basic clinical scales as derived from standard and short-form administrations. We present the relative strengths and weaknesses of the MMPI-A short form and discuss the findings in terms of implications for attempts to shorten the item pool through the use of computerized adaptive assessment approaches.  相似文献   

Forty one subjects from a 10-week introductory course in Educational Psychology were randomly divided into two experimental groups. All students took weekly quizzes over content material. Members of one group received little or no academic credit if they performed at less than 90% on a weekly quiz, but could earn additional credit by taking a weekly remedial quiz. Members of the second group also took the initial weekly quizzes, but retained their raw scores and were not permitted to take the weekly remedial quizzes. Performance on a 100-item multiple-choice comprehensive final revealed a statistically significant and educationally important difference between the two groups, the required-remediation group scoring an average of one-half letter grade higher.  相似文献   

张雪琴  毛秀珍  李佳 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1970-1978
项目增补是题库建设和维护的重要手段, 而标定新题参数是项目增补的重要内容。在线标定设计和在线标定方法分别研究新题的施测方式和参数估计方法, 是计算机化自适应测验(computerized adaptive testing, CAT)情景下项目增补的核心技术。重点厘清在线标定设计与在线标定方法的发展思路和脉络, 并对它们的特点、联系和表现进行介绍和评价。未来应基于其他信息指标进一步研究在线标定设计, 可基于联合估计和误差校正的思路探究在线标定方法, 应加强研究认知诊断CAT和多维CAT的在线标定技术, 深入开展项目增补方法的实证研究。  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explore the personality of experienced professional lifeguards in terms of Eysenck and Eysenck's PEN model of personality and Zuckerman's sensation seeking trait. A sample of 144 male professional lifeguards were contrasted with three different samples: (1) a general population sample; (2) a sample of individuals engaged in physically risky sports; and (3) a sample of prosocial physically risky professionals. It was found that lifeguards resembled most closely the prosocials followed by the sportsmen and finally the general population. The most frequent and largest differences between lifeguards and the comparison groups were found on extraversion, experience seeking, and neuroticism. The implications for lifeguard selection procedures and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theory of the intelligence of the Mongoloids consisting of three linked sub-theories. The first concerns the psychometric features of Mongoloid intelligence and proposes that Mongoloids are characterised by high general intelligence (Spearman's g), high visuospatial abilities and low verbal abilities. Mongoloid abilities also display slow maturation in infancy and early childhood. It is proposed that this pattern of abilities cannot be explained in environmental terms and should be regarded as substantially genetically programmed. The second sub-theory presents an evolutionary explanation for this pattern of abilities in Mongoloids, whereby it is proposed that the extreme cold of the ice ages acted as a selection pressure for increases in Spearman's g and the visuospatial abilities. The low verbal abilities and slow maturation rates are interpreted as by-products of these adaptations. The third sub-theory presents a neurological model for the Mongoloid brain in which it is proposed that cortex devoted to the visuospatial abilities was expanded at the expense of the cortex devoted to the verbal abilities. The implication that there exists a negative correlation between the visuospatial abilities and the verbal abilities is considered in the concluding part of the paper and shown to be correct.  相似文献   

G M Long  J P Tuck 《Perception》1991,20(3):373-380
The contrast sensitivity functions of a large group of observers (N = 71) were determined for three orientations of test gratings: vertical, oblique, and horizontal. Comparison of group means indicated that, consistent with previous findings for the 'oblique effect', sensitivity was poorer for the oblique orientation-but only for the mid-high spatial frequencies. Correlation analyses indicated that contrast sensitivity for a particular spatial frequency at a given orientation was highly correlated with contrast sensitivity for that same frequency at the other two orientations. Factor analysis of the intercorrelations revealed two strong factors, a low frequency factor, and a mid-high frequency factor. Results are discussed in terms of: (a) the implications for contrast-sensitivity testing across orientations, (b) the basis for the oblique effect, and (c) a different type of evidence for a dichotomy among spatial-frequency channels that may reflect the distinction between X cells and Y cells or between the parvocellular and magnocellular systems.  相似文献   

People with disabilities are at an increased risk of unemployment. The role of interventions aiming to enhance the employment prospects of people with disabilities is receiving increased attention. However, evaluation is hampered by the paucity of measures specific to the needs of the target population. The purpose of the present study was to develop and conduct preliminary testing of the psychometric properties of a job-seeking self-efficacy (JSS) scale that reflected the experiences of people with physical disabilities. Job-seeking self-efficacy was defined as perceived ability to perform the skills involved in seeking employment that are salient to people with disabilities. Scale development and testing involved four studies and resulted in the 12-item JSS scale and six-item managing disability at interview (MDI) component, both of which were unidimensional and had high internal consistency. In addition, there was evidence of construct and concurrent validity. Greater jobseeking self-efficacy and perceived ability to manage disability at interview were associated with more positive psychological well-being. Only the MDI component was associated with physical functioning: lower perceived ability to manage disability at interview was associated with greater impairment of physical functioning. The pattern of associations supported the rationale for a separate component reflecting the need to resolve practical issues linked to access and availability of facilities before participation in the interview procedure per se .  相似文献   

This study explores the performance of several two‐stage procedures for testing ordinary least‐squares (OLS) coefficients under heteroscedasticity. A test of the usual homoscedasticity assumption is carried out in the first stage of the procedure. Subsequently, a test of the regression coefficients is chosen and performed in the second stage. Three recently developed methods for detecting heteroscedasticity are examined. In addition, three heteroscedastic robust tests of OLS coefficients are considered. A major finding is that performing a test of heteroscedasticity prior to applying a heteroscedastic robust test can lead to poor control over Type I errors.  相似文献   

When testing hypotheses, two important problems that applied statisticians must consider are whether a large enough sample was used, and what to do when the frequently adopted homogeneity of variance assumption is violated. The first goal in this paper is to briefly review exact solutions to these problems. In the one-way ANOVA, for example, these procedures tell an experimenter whether enough observations were sampled so that the power will be at least as large as some pre-specified level. If too few observations were sampled, the procedure indicates how many more observations are required. The solution is exact, which is in contrast to another well-known procedure described in the paper. Also, the variances are allowed to be unequal. The second goal is to review how the techniques used to test hypotheses have also been used to solve problems in selection.  相似文献   

Wiebe JS  Penley JA 《心理评价》2005,17(4):481-485
The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; A. T. Beck, R. A. Steer, & G. K. Brown, 1996) is a widely used measure of depressive symptomatology originally authored in English and then translated to Spanish. However, there are very limited data available on the Spanish translation. This study compared the psychometric characteristics of the BDI-II in Spanish and English in a sample of 895 college students. The instrument was administered twice with a 1-week interval, either in the same language on both occasions or in a different language on each occasion. Results show strong internal consistency and good test-retest reliability in both languages. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the published English-language factor structure showed good fit with data from the Spanish instrument. Among bilingual participants who took the BDI-II in both languages, there was no significant language effect. These data provide initial evidence of comparable reliability and validity between the English and Spanish BDI-II in a nonclinical sample.  相似文献   

This study examined how two models of timing, scalar expectancy theory (SET) and learning to time (LeT), conceptualize the learning process in temporal tasks, and then reports two experiments to test these conceptualizations. Pigeons responded on a two-alternative free-operant psychophysical procedure in which responses on the left key were reinforceable during the first two, but not the last two, quarters of a 60-s trial, and responses on the right key were reinforceable during the last two, but not the first two, quarters of the trial. In Experiment 1 three groups of birds experienced a difference in reinforcement rates between the two keys only at the end segments of the trial (i.e., between the first and fourth quarters), only around the middle segments of the trial (i.e., between the second and third quarters), or in both end and middle segments. In Condition 1 the difference in reinforcement rate favored the left key; in Condition 2 it favored the right key. When the reinforcement rates differed in the end segments of the trial, the psychometric function--the proportion of right responses across the trial--did not shift across conditions; when it occurred around the middle of the trial or in both end and middle segments, the psychometric function shifted across conditions. Experiment 2 showed that the psychometric function shifts even when the overall reinforcement rate for the two keys is equal, provided the rates differ around the middle of the trial. This pattern of shifts of the psychometric function is inconsistent with SET. In contrast, LeT provided a good quantitative fit to the data.  相似文献   

In this study, eCAT-Listening, a new computerized adaptive test for the evaluation of English Listening, is described. Item bank development, anchor design for data collection, and the study of the psychometric properties of the item bank and the adaptive test are described. The calibration sample comprised 1.576 participants. Good psychometric guarantees: the bank is unidimensional, the items are satisfactorily fitted to the 3-parameter logistic model, and an accurate estimation of the trait level is obtained. As validity evidence, a high correlation was obtained between the estimated trait level and a latent factor made up of the diverse criteria selected. The analysis of the trait level estimation by means of a simulation led us to fix the test length at 20 items, with a maximum exposure rate of .40.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper begins with an overview of contemporary approaches to archetype theory and notes the radical nature of certain deductions. Some argue that there is no ‘archetype‐as‐such’ as a pre‐existing entity at the core of a complex driving its formation whilst the findings of current neuroscience are calling into question one very thing on which the classical theory is built – innatism. Knox's argument for image schemas raises the question as to the extent to which archetypes can be conceived in any preformationist sense. The question is then posed – to what extent can Jung's classical theory of archetypes be read in light of these current models? The case examples Jung uses to evidence the existence of archetypes, his explications of synchronicity and his own Philemon experience are then reappraised. The conclusion is drawn that it is difficult to evidence the existence of autonomous archetypes unrelated to personal affective experience. Not only would this be expected by emergent/developmental models of archetype but it can explain many of Jung's disjunctive statements about archetype constellation; the difficulties in separating personal and collective psychic content and Jung's apparent Lamarckianism. The implications of these models for theory, clinical practice and analyst training are then offered for discussion.  相似文献   

黎光明  秦越 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1262-1276
概化理论在心理与教育测量领域应用较广。如何使测量程序在预算限制的情况下达到较优的可靠性是研究者需要考虑的重要问题, 这个问题可以转换为最佳样本量估计的问题。提出了一种基于进化算法的估计概化理论下最佳样本量的新方法——约束进化算法, 并采用模拟研究的方法比较了微分优化法、拉格朗日法、柯西不等式法等三种传统方法与约束进化算法的优劣。结果表明:在两侧面交叉设计、两侧面嵌套设计和三侧面交叉设计中都证明了约束进化算法更具优越性, 建议研究者在今后的研究中优先使用。  相似文献   

Compared the validity and reliability of 2 value measurement techniques. 296 Ss (161 females and 135 males) in introductory psychology filled out the 2 measurement techniques and an attitude survey. The Rokeach Value Survey instructed Ss to separately rank 2 sets of 18 values in order of importance. A rating version of the Value Survey instructed Ss to rate the same 36 values from 1 to 99. 236 Sreturned 6 weeks later and again filled out both measurement techniques. Results of the multimethod factor analysis indicate very good convergent validity among the 4 measures of a given value (2 techniques × 2 sessions) and very good discriminant validity between measures of different values. Probably due to the ipsative nature of the ranking procedure, the test-retest reliabilities were higher for the ranked measurements than for the rated measurements. The construct validity of both measurement techniques, as determined by multiple regression and analysis of variance, were similar. Despite criticisms of ranking procedures, both the ranked and the rated versions were of equal reliability and validity.  相似文献   

The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) is commonly used to assess visuospatial skills, visuoconstruction, visual memory, and executive functioning. Two different methods are traditionally used to record the order in which the figure is drawn: the flowchart method and the pen-switching method. Although it has been suggested that pen switching may interfere with performance, to date no research has been conducted to assess whether ROCF performance significantly differs due to administration method. As part of routine neuropsychological evaluation, 100 inpatients and outpatients were randomly assigned to either method. Using the Boston Qualitative Scoring System and the traditional 36-point scoring method, the authors unexpectedly found that the pen-switching group generally performed better than the flowchart group, and productions drawn with pen switching were also significantly faster to score.  相似文献   

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