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李晓东  郭雯胡邱 《心理科学》2017,40(5):1136-1141
消极偏向是指相对于积极或中性的刺激,消极刺激能够获得更多的注意和认知加工。本研究采用故事法通过三个实验考察4~5岁儿童对社会事件的记忆是否存在消极偏向。实验一发现幼儿对威胁行为的回忆成绩显著优于对中性行为和助人行为的回忆成绩。实验二发现幼儿对悲伤事件的回忆成绩显著优于对中性和愉快事件的回忆成绩。实验三发现幼儿对威胁行为的前瞻记忆成绩显著优于中性和助人行为的前瞻记忆成绩。研究说明无论事件是威胁性的还是非威胁性的,无论是回溯记忆还是前瞻记忆,4~5岁儿童的记忆都表现出消极偏向。  相似文献   

采用与食物图片相关的点探测任务和学习—再认范式考察超重女性对不同热量食物信息的注意偏向和记忆偏向。结果发现:(1) 超重女性对高热量食物信息存在注意警觉—注意脱离困难模式,对低热量食物信息仅表现为注意回避模式。(2) 超重组女性对高热量食物信息的再认正确率显著高于正常体重组,而对低热量食物信息的再认成绩组间差异不显著。研究结果证实了超重女性对高热量食物信息投入更多的认知资源,存在注意偏向和记忆偏向。  相似文献   

青少年负性情绪信息记忆偏向的情绪弹性和性别效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨情绪弹性和性别变量对青少年再认记忆负性情绪信息的影响,该实验采用再认记忆测验范式,以49名青少年为被试,以负性情绪图片为实验材料,考察了不同情绪弹性和性别的青少年再认负性情绪图片时的错误率差异。结果发现,情绪弹性对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。性别对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。情绪弹性与性别在再认记忆上的交互作用不显著。这说明青少年负性情绪信息加工过程中产生的记忆偏向效应受情绪弹性和性别因素的影响。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索记忆偏差与解释偏差在无法忍受不确定性(IU)与个体担忧之间的中介作用。实验1采用伴随学习任务范式,计算被试对中性词语和不确定词的回忆量。结果发现,IU对记忆偏差的预测不显著,记忆偏差在IU与担忧倾向之间的中介作用不显著。实验2采用情境评估任务范式收集被试在不确定情境下的担忧评分和解释倾向。结果发现,IU可以正向预测被试在不确定情境下的担忧评分,被试对情境的解释倾向在IU与担忧评分的关系中起到中介作用。概言之,高IU个体存在一定的信息加工偏差。  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that a more liberal response criterion is used when people make judgments about bizarre items than about common items in old-new tests of recognition. The present study was designed to test 2 possible explanations of the bizarre response bias. The bizarre-relations explanation suggests that the bizarre response bias is triggered by the bizarre relations depicted in test items. The target-constituent explanation suggests that the bizarre response bias is the result of a sense of familiarity with constituents of bizarre test items. These explanations were tested by examining the influence of lure manipulations on memory discrimination and response bias for common and bizarre hand-drawn pictures. The results indicated support for the target-constituent explanation by reversing the response bias (obtaining a common response bias) in a recognition test that used common lures containing constituents from bizarre target items and bizarre lures containing constituents from common target items. The results also indicated that increased verbal elaboration enhanced memory discrimination and reduced response bias for both common and bizarre stimuli. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to the false memory controversy.  相似文献   

The tendency for the affect associated with positive autobiographical events to fade less over time than the affect associated with negative autobiographical events (the fading affect bias, FAB) has been observed in a variety of contexts, but numerous mediators have been reported. This current study searches for the FAB, and for potential moderators of the FAB, in the context of romantic relationship memories. Both nonsexual types of memories and sexual types of memories showed the FAB. Moreover, the FAB emerged for memories of current relationships, but not for memories of past failed relationships. The FAB also emerged for securely attached individuals, but not for individuals exhibiting other attachment styles. In addition, the FAB was moderated by relationship quality, (for failed relationships) need to belong, sexual esteem, and sexual depression. Implications of these findings both for memory and for relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

不同自尊者对自我相关信息的记忆偏好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究主要采用4(自尊类型)×2(词汇效价)混合设计,探讨了178名不同自尊水平或不同自尊类型大学生对自我相关信息的记忆偏好。结果发现:(1)高外显自尊者比低自尊者有更积极的记忆偏好,消极记忆偏好差异不显著;高内隐自尊者则比低自尊者有更弱的积极回忆偏好及更弱的消极回忆偏好。(2)就作为组内差异存在的记忆偏好而言,所有被试均有积极偏好;就作为组间差异存在的记忆偏好而言,脆弱的高自尊者有更强的积极偏好,但低自尊者也没有表现出明显的消极偏好。结果提示不同自尊者对自我相关信息有不同记忆偏好。  相似文献   

The affect associated with negative events fades faster than the affect associated with positive events (the Fading Affect Bias; the FAB). The research that we report examined the relation between trait anxiety and the FAB. Study 1 assessed anxiety using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; Studies 2 and 3 used the Beck Anxiety Inventory. Studies 1 and 2 used retrospective procedures to probe positive event memories and negative event memories while Study 3 used a diary procedure. The results of all 3 studies showed that increased anxiety was associated with both a lowered FAB and lower overall affect fading for both positive events and negative events. These results suggest that for people free of trait anxiety, the FAB reflects the operation of a healthy coping mechanism in autobiographical memory that is disrupted by trait anxiety.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(4):701-713
Although cognitive theories suggest the interactive nature of information processing biases in contributing to social anxiety, most studies to date have investigated these biases in isolation. This study aimed at (a) testing the association between social anxiety and each of the threat-related cognitive biases: attention, interpretation, and memory bias; and (b) examining the relationship between these cognitive biases in facial perception. We recruited an unselected sample of 188 adult participants and measured their level of social anxiety and cognitive biases using faces displaying angry, disgusted, happy, and ambiguous versions of these expressions. All bias tasks were assessed with the same set of facial stimuli. Regression analyses showed that social anxiety symptoms significantly predicted attention avoidance and poorer sensitivity in recognizing threatening faces. Social anxiety was, however, unrelated to interpretation bias in our sample. Results of path analysis suggested that attention bias influenced memory bias indirectly through interpretation bias for angry but not disgusted faces. Our findings suggest that, regardless of social anxiety level, when individuals selectively oriented to faces displaying anger, the faces were interpreted to be more negative. This, in turn, predicted better memory for the angry faces. The results provided further empirical support for the combined cognitive bias hypothesis.  相似文献   

The intensity of positive affect elicited by recall of positive events exceeds the intensity of negative affect elicited by recall of negative events (fading affect bias, or FAB). The research described in the present article examined the relation between the FAB and three regulatory goals of the self: esteem, continuity and meaningfulness. The extent to which an event contributed to esteem (Study 1), continuity (Study 2) or meaningfulness (Study 3) was related to positive affect at event recall provoked by positive memories and to negative affect at event recall provoked by negative memories. The relation between affect experienced at recall and the three regulatory goals was bidirectional. The results showcase how individuals use recall for self-regulatory purposes and how they implement self-regulatory goals for positive affect.  相似文献   

运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术,采用学习-再认实验任务,考察了不同年龄阶段的地震亲历者(13个大学生、13个中学生)对威胁性刺激(地震相关图片)再认时记忆偏向的差异。结果表明:(1)在额叶-中央区,中学生经历组在旧的地震图片上P300成分的潜伏期显著短于大学生经历组;在顶叶-枕叶,中学生经历组在旧的地震图片上的P300峰值和LPC波幅显著大于大学生经历组。(2)对于经历组,地震图片均比中性图片对经历组诱发了更大的P300和LPC波幅。表明地震图片对中学生经历组的效应比对大学生经历组更大,地震经历组对地震相关图片有记忆偏向。  相似文献   

The present study tested, and found support for, the hypotheses that crime victims with acute post-traumatic stress disorder have: (i) a general memory impairment for faces; and (ii) a memory bias for faces that they perceive as hostile, even when these faces are not arranged to show any hostile face expressions. It is suggested that crime victims with acute post-traumatic stress disorder perform worse on recognition memory due to impaired concentration, and that they allocate their limited attentional resources to the detection of hostility in others in order to avoid being victimized again. This produces a memory bias for perceived hostility even in relatively innocuous everyday interactions with others, which contributes to maintaining the sense of serious current threat that characterizes post-traumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

摘 要 为考查防御性自尊大学生注意偏向对记忆偏向的影响,本研究将被试分为训练组和控制组,训练组接受注意偏向训练,之后完成记忆任务。记忆任务中呈现中性和攻击性词汇,要求被试对词汇进行自由回忆。结果发现,控制组对攻击性信息存在着记忆偏向,而训练组对攻击性信息的记忆偏向消失。注意偏向训练可以即时性地改变防御性自尊大学生对攻击性信息的注意偏向,注意偏向可能是特质一致性记忆的原因之一。  相似文献   

The capacity to perceive internal bodily states is linked to emotional awareness and effective emotional regulation. We explore individual differences in emotional awareness in relation to the fading affect bias (FAB), which refers to the greater dwindling of unpleasant compared to pleasant emotions in autobiographical memory. We consider interoceptive awareness and alexithymia in relation to the FAB, and private event rehearsal as a mediating process. With increasing interoceptive awareness, there was an enhanced FAB, but with increasing alexithymia, there was a decreased FAB. Further, the effects of interoceptive awareness were partially mediated by private rehearsal of pleasant events. We provide novel evidence that capacity for emotional awareness and thus effective processing is an important factor predictive of the FAB. Moreover, our results imply an important role for maintaining positive affect in the FAB. Our findings offer new insights into the effects of interoception and alexithymia on autobiographical memory, and support concepts of the FAB emerging as a result of adaptive emotional regulation processes.  相似文献   

文章综述了惊恐障碍患者对威胁性信息的注意偏向、解释偏向、记忆偏向等认知偏向。对威胁性信息的优先注意激发焦虑体验,对模糊信息的灾难化解释增加焦虑水平,对引起焦虑感信息的记忆保持促使惊恐体验更易于提取,这3种认知偏向促使具有焦虑倾向的个体对惊恐障碍更易感,也是惊恐障碍形成和保持的关键因素  相似文献   

负性偏向是指负性信息比其他信息得到优先的注意和加工。在负性偏向中注意偏向既是一种自动化的过程也是一种受控制的过程, 杏仁核和眶额皮层在这过程中起着重要作用, 杏仁核调节早期的自动化注意偏向而眶额皮层则控制着自上而下的注意偏向; 负性记忆偏向不仅表现在负性信息得到更深的编码, 还表现在负性信息的再认标准降低。未来应开展负性偏向的皮层?皮层连接、基因、负性偏向的拓展以及负性偏向的干预研究。  相似文献   

目前,关于自尊与认知相互作用关系的研究主要集中在认知加工偏向效应的探讨上。认知加工偏向效应的探索为自尊研究提供了一种全新的视角。该文以认知加工过程为脉络,重点介绍自尊的注意、记忆、解释加工偏向研究的实验范式和研究结果,并对其进行评价,以期为后来研究提供参考。  相似文献   

杨慧  吴明证  刘永芳 《心理科学》2012,35(4):962-967
采用2(外显自尊:高、低)×2(内隐自尊:高、低)×2(编码深度:浅、深)×3(词汇效价:积极、中性、消极)混合设计,考察了89名不同自尊类型的大学生在不同编码深度下对不同效价形容词的再认记忆。结果发现:(1)在浅水平编码组中,低内隐自尊被试比高内隐自尊被试有更强的积极记忆偏向,而高低不同水平的外显自尊者对于词语记忆偏向没有显著差异;(2)在深程度编码组中不同自尊水平影响被试对积极词的无意识提取;(3)所有被试均有积极记忆偏向。  相似文献   

与中性信息相比,情绪信息会引起更快更多的注意并具有一种认知加工上的优先权.在注意实验中,与不带情绪色彩的刺激相比,具有情绪意义的刺激更能吸引注意或占用注意资源且引起注意偏向.个体对情绪信息的适度偏向具有重要的社会生活意义.本文介绍了情绪注意偏向的注意成分理论、图式理论、注意资源理论和平行分布处理(PDP)模型,并分别对抑制范式下以不同情绪材料展开的正常被试和特殊被试的情绪注意偏向研究进行了总结概括,同时指出了未来在抑制范式下利用ERPs、fMRI新技术研究不同被试群体情绪与注意关系的可能性.  相似文献   

最近几十年以来, 情绪对记忆的影响越来越受到认知心理学家的关注。本文总结了我在中科院心理研究所师从傅小兰研究员攻读博士学位期间所开展的主要研究工作。我的研究以中文词语为学习材料, 分别考察了在编码过程中和编码结束后诱发情绪对项目记忆和来源记忆的影响。当情绪在编码阶段被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)负性情绪增强自由回忆, 但正性情绪只呈现出增强自由回忆的趋势。2)负性情绪降低总体再认记忆, 但正性情绪对总体再认记忆没有影响。此外, 正性和负性情绪均不影响“记得”反应的正确率; 然而, 负性情绪降低了“知道”反应的正确率, 正性情绪对“知道”反应的正确率没有影响。3)正性和负性情绪均对来源记忆(即对词语字体颜色的记忆)没有影响。当情绪在编码结束后被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)对女性被试而言, 负性情绪增强了项目记忆的巩固, 然而, 对男性被试而言, 正性和负性情绪均不影响项目记忆的巩固。2)无论对男性还是女性被试, 正性和负性情绪对来源记忆的巩固均没有影响。本研究的上述发现对建立情绪和记忆的关系具有理论意义, 对如何在教学情境中如何利用情绪诱发促进学生的记忆巩固也具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

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