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控制理论:诠释毕生发展的新视点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
控制发展理论的基本概念包括初级控制与次级控制。初级控制指的是指向外部环境的行为和改变环境以适应个体需求的企图:次级控制的目标是指向个体自身,目的是将初级控制的丧失最小化、维持并提高当前的初级控制水平。次级控制一方面帮助个体应对初级控制的失败,另一方面通过选择功能提高初级控制水平。与次级控制相比,初级控制对个体发展的适应性机是居首位的。该详细阐述了两种控制的含义、维度模式及其相互作用,并从毕生发展的角度讨论了控制的发展特点。  相似文献   

毕生控制理论能较好地解释毕生发展,认为适应能力的中心特质是动机调节,可促进个体发展并使其达到最优化.生命历程被视为由一列有序的目标定向行动周期组织而成,该周期包括目标选择、目标结合及目标解除.基于该角度,在回顾控制理论的基本概念、初级控制的首要性和毕生发展轨迹基础上,对毕生发展的调节模型和控制策略的适应功能进行了综合阐述.未来研究应从跨文化情境下的适用性、满足适应目标选择三个因素的进一步验证和成功老龄化相关研究等方面开展更深入的探讨.  相似文献   

基于毕生发展理论,探讨老年人使用的控制策略在心理资本对成功老龄化的影响中起到的中介作用。对杭州市年满60岁以上的老年人进行问卷调查。结果发现,男性更多地使用选择初级控制策略(p0.05);另一方面为,心理资本得分越高或初级与次级控制最优化模型的策略(OPS)得分越高,个体都越容易成功老龄化(p0.001);且老年人的选择初级控制策略在心理资本对成功老龄化的影响中起部分中介作用(p0.001)。所以,老年人的心理资本通过使用选择初级控制策略对成功老龄化产生间接作用。  相似文献   

心理理论研究已持续四十年,并取得诸多成果。心理理论毕生发展观提出之后,对于心理理论的关注已从幼儿阶段扩展至成人阶段和老年阶段。文章从年龄维度进行梳理,介绍了在10岁之前阶段、大学生阶段、成年期阶段、老年期阶段心理理论的发展及研究现况;发现在10~18岁年龄段少有研究,成人和老年人研究也相对较少,研究结果多有争论,且实验...  相似文献   

心理理论研究的毕生取向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
心理理论经典研究范式主要关注的是3~5岁年龄的儿童。随着研究的不断深入,学者们开始逐渐把眼光投向人的生命全程,表现在:开始考察4岁以前儿童有关心理理论的问题;尝试对自5岁直到老年期的心理理论发展情况进行探讨;提出了心理理论的毕生发展观。心理理论研究的毕生(life-span)取向已初露端倪,该取向将是今后心理理论领域研究的重要发展方向之一。  相似文献   

成功老龄化的SOC模型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王叶梅  陈国鹏  宋怡 《心理科学》2007,30(2):377-379
本文简单回顾了关于成功老龄化研究的历史,综合阐释其定义及指标,并引入Baltes经典成功老龄化的SOC模型,详细介绍它的原理及其组成部分——选择、优化和补偿,并概述它对老龄化满意度的积极影响,最后总结了该领域研究中尚存的问题。  相似文献   

辛迅  刘婷婷 《心理科学进展》2023,(11):2183-2199
全球劳动力正在经历老龄化。工作中成功老龄化在促进年长员工生产效率提升、职业发展和工作价值实现方面具有重要作用,近年来受到了学者们的广泛关注。通过对74篇相关文献进行内容分析,影响工作中成功老龄化的因素可被概括为组织与工作环境、适应性策略、主动性策略和个人特征四类,并据此提出发生机制的综合模型。未来应从探索“结构性”因素和跨学科理论的联合使用、前因和发生机制的进一步探索,以及研究方法和设计的优化三个方面展开更为深入的研究。  相似文献   

随着人口快速老龄化, 劳动人口中老年人的比重持续扩大。工作中成功老龄化(successful aging at work)积极看待工作中的老龄化过程, 指出老年员工不仅能很好地适应自身与工作变化, 还能为组织持续创造价值、发挥“余热”, 进而有助于缓解劳动力老龄化和年轻劳动力短缺所带来的难题。工作重塑(job crafting)作为员工的一种主动性行为, 与个体和环境因素的交互作用, 能有效帮助老年员工实现可持续的人-环境匹配和资源有效管理, 适应年龄与工作环境的变化, 在职业生涯晚期带来积极的工作结果, 最终实现工作中成功老龄化。工作中成功老龄化、老年员工工作重塑的概念和测量皆须进一步研究, 进而深入开展老年员工工作重塑对工作中成功老龄化的作用机制及干预方法实证研究。  相似文献   

老龄化已成为世界性问题, 数字化技术的发展以及视频游戏的迅速普及, 使视频游戏对老年人的影响也逐渐为研究者所关注。游戏中认知功能的训练能有效延缓认知老化; 游戏中体验到的积极情绪以及与其他玩家的互动可以提高心理健康水平; 网络视频游戏还能增加老年人的社会交往, 扩大社交网络, 增强社会功能; 此外, 互动视频游戏还能使老年人进行更多的身体锻炼。未来研究应进一步探讨视频游戏对成功老龄化更全面的影响, 老年玩家在视频游戏中的性别差异, 如何在中国文化背景下理解视频游戏带来的积极影响以及进行应用研究, 针对老年人的实际需要为游戏开发提供建议。  相似文献   

终生控制理论:关于人的整个生命历程的动机理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终生控制理论提出控制是人类发展的动机系统,其目的是促进人的生存与发展并达到最优化。本文详细介绍了终生控制理论的核心概念:初级控制和二级控制、二者的功能及相互关系,以及有关研究与争论。  相似文献   

成就目标定向与社会认知的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,社会认知模式已成为教育、体育、工作管理等领域内成就动机和成就行为研究的基础,这种模式集中地体现在对成就活动中决定个体认知与行为的成就目标定向的分析。该文回顾社会认知过程在成就目标定向与结果变量之间的中介作用研究,并对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

Objectives. To investigate neuropsychological and neurobehavioral outcome in children with arterial ischemic stroke (AIS).

Background. Childhood stroke can have consequences on motor, cognitive, and behavioral development. We present a cross-sectional study of neuropsychological and neurobehavioral outcome at least one year poststroke in a uniquely homogeneous sample of children who had experienced AIS.

Method. Forty-nine children with AIS aged 6 to 18 years were recruited from a specialist clinic. Neuropsychological measures of intelligence, reading comprehension, attention, and executive function were administered. A triangulation of data collection included questionnaires completed by the children, their parents, and teachers, rating behavior, executive functions, and emotions.

Key Findings. Focal neuropsychological vulnerabilities in attention (response inhibition and dual attention) and executive function were found, beyond general intellectual functioning, irrespective of hemispheric side of stroke. Difficulties with emotional and behavioral regulation were also found. Consistent with an “early plasticity” hypothesis, earlier age of stroke was associated with better performance on measures of executive function.

Conclusions. A significant proportion of children poststroke are at long-term risk of difficulties with emotional regulation, executive function, and attention. Data also suggest that executive functions are represented in widespread networks in the developing brain and are vulnerable to unilateral injury.  相似文献   

What are the information-processing mechanisms that underlie successful affect regulation across the life span? Recent evidence suggests a rather positive view of affect regulation into late life, and socioemotional selectivity theory has been proposed as a motivational account that may help explain these findings. In particular, the theory argues that emotions and their regulation become more salient as people age. After reviewing recent evidence primarily concerning emotional memory in late life, a theoretical rationale is presented for investigating the role of attention to emotional stimuli as a mechanism for understanding successful affect regulation across the adult life span. Then, a program of research using eye tracking to study these attentional processes is described, and initial results are presented suggesting that there may be both age and individual difference effects on attention to emotional stimuli in adulthood.  相似文献   

Although crying is woven through the life course, from the doctor’s slap to a deathbed vigil, there is no well‐established lifespan tradition of studying crying. Instead the study of crying is broken into separate bodies of work on childhood (mostly on infants) and on adults. In this contribution, we share our enthusiasm and our ideas for the construction of a lifespan narrative of crying behavior. The evolutionary and phylogenic basis of crying is first outlined. We highlight the most important transitions in humans, including changes in the antecedents of crying, and the ways crying is increasingly regulated. We piece together existing research on these transitions and identify key gaps in knowledge, including the developmental periods, such as adolescence and old age, that have been the most seriously neglected. Finally, we suggest key empirical and methodological future directions that will most invigorate the study of crying as a developmental phenomenon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The authors examined knowledge of normal and pathological memory aging in a lifespan sample of 198 individuals who ranged in age from 13 to 88 years. Participants completed the Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (Cherry, Brigman, Hawley, & Reese, 2003). The authors hypothesized that high school students would be less knowledgeable about memory aging issues than college students, middle-aged, and community-dwelling older adults. Consistent with this hypothesis, response accuracy was lower for high school students compared to their older counterparts. Follow-up analyses revealed that high school students’ responses to a subset of questions that tap ageist views of adult cognition were less accurate than the other age groups, implying a response bias toward stereotypical images of memory aging. Implications for research and the design of instructional materials to increase people's knowledge about normative changes in adult cognition are discussed.  相似文献   

本文在Rowe和Kahn成功老化模型的基础上,结合中国文化背景,提出了生理健康、心理功能、社会参与、生活满意度的四维度成功老化模型。人口学特征、早期经历、社会互动环境、社会历史文化等被动因素,生活方式和习惯、认知活动与训练、老化态度等主动因素,都会影响老年人的成功老化。成功老化是老年人为之奋斗的目标,积极老化是通往该目标的途径。  相似文献   

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