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Many theorists claim that the reactive emotions, even in their private form, are communicative entities. But as widely endorsed as this claim is, it has not been redeemed: the literature lacks a clear and compelling account of the sense in which reactive attitudes qua private mental states are essentially communicative. In this paper, I fill this gap. I propose that it is apt to characterize privately held reactive attitudes as communicative in nature because they, like many paradigmatic forms of communication, have representational content and the function of evoking uptake of this content in a recipient.  相似文献   

Attitudes and beliefs are analyzed as verbal behavior. It is argued that shaping by a verbal community is an essential part of the formation and maintenance of both attitudes and beliefs, and it is suggested that verbal communities mediate the important shift in control from events in the environment (attitudes and beliefs as tacts) to control by other words (attitudes and beliefs as intraverbals). It appears that both attitudes and beliefs are constantly being socially negotiated through autoclitic functions. That is, verbal communities reinforce (a) reporting general rather than specific attitudes and beliefs, (b) presentation of intraverbals as if they were tacts, and (c) presentation of beliefs as if they were attitudes. Consistency among and between attitudes, beliefs, and behavior is also contingent upon the reinforcing practices of verbal communities. Thus, attitudes and beliefs can be studied as social behavior rather than as private, cognitive processes.  相似文献   

In three studies we examined the assumption that attitudes can be based on a stable structure of individually important attributes. In the first study we examined if people are able to adequately determine what the attributes are that underlie their attitude by relating meta-attitudinal measures to more operative measures of attribute importance. The results of the operative measures corroborate the subjective ratings of importance. In the second study we examined the associative strength between the individually important attributes and the attitude object. Results indicate that priming participants with individually important attributes leads to facilitation of the overall attitudinal response, as opposed to priming them with less important attributes. This suggests a bottom-up process underlying attitude judgment. The third study shows that attitude strength can play a moderating role in this respect. Implications for research on attitude structure are discussed.  相似文献   

The reason for characterizing mental states as propositional attitudes is sentence form: ' S V s that p '. However, many mental states are not ascribed by means of such sentences, and the sentences that ascribe them cannot be appropriately paraphrased. Moreover, even if a paraphrase were always available, that in itself would not establish the characterization. And the mental states that are ascribable by appropriate senses do not form any natural subset of mental states. A reason for the characterization relying on beliefs, etc., about non-existing things is also rejected. Last, some sentences ascribing abilities and dispositions have the same grammatical form as some senses that ascribe mental states, so that the attempt to paraphrase the latter would obscure the conceptual relations between the two sorts. It follows that mental states are not relations to propositions.  相似文献   


Quality of relationship is required to manifest the unity of the Church, together with common confession of faith and mutually recognized order. This is one of the lessons learnt from the history of Faith and Order, a think-tank now more than seventy-five years old on the premises for the unity of the Church. The author of this article contends that criteria for such quality can be seen in attitudes, defining the relationship required for communion in and between institutional churches of different traditions. The BEM document of 1982 and the processes required in that document offer excellent examples of ecumenical attitudes. This document has also been pivotal for the establishment of bilateral agreements, like the Porvoo agreement between Anglican and Lutheran Churches. The ecumenical attitude of mutual accountability, described as openness, reliability and ability to give and take criticism, is important in the development of an ecumenical ecclesiology. The article uses Ivar Asheim's ethics of attitude and provides examples of how these attitudes influence ecumenical processes, such as BEM, Porvoo and Leuenberg.  相似文献   

Two studies explored the psychometric properties of free association methods for the assessment of attitudes. Even though the stability of the actual associations was rather low, psychometric properties of the valence estimates of the free associations were highly satisfactory. Valence estimates of associations were provided by independent judges who rated the valence of the associations that were generated by participants. Valence estimates of the associations showed satisfactory internal consistencies and retest reliabilities over three weeks. Additionally, valence estimates of the associations were significantly and independently related to both explicit self‐reported attitudes and implicit attitudes that were assessed with an Ossi–Wessi Implicit Association Test. Free association methods represent a useful complement to the family of implicit measures and are especially suitable for the assessment of non‐relative attitudes towards single attitude objects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The relationship between attitudes toward and perceptions of old people and responses to age-related humorous birthday card messages was examined. Young and old respondents gave humor ratings for 26 ageist and 26 general cards, and completed Rosencranz and McNevin's (1969) Aging Semantic Differential (ASD). Attitudes toward and perceptions of the elderly were reliably more favorable in the old respondent group, but young and old respondents did not differ in their humor ratings. Correlations between humor ratings and ratings on Rosencranz and McNevin's three dimensions of the ASD were nonreliable. The data support Sheppard's (1981) conclusion that the appreciation of humor about old people and attitudes toward them are not related.  相似文献   

Sarla R. Murgai 《Sex roles》1991,24(11-12):681-700
This study reviewed the current literature for attitudes toward women as managers, level of managerial attainment by women, and the promotion/evaluation process in the field of library and information science (LIS). Eighty percent of the LIS work force consists of women, but 80% of management positions are held by men in the LIS profession. One reason could be the sex stereotypical view of women by evaluators. Another reason could be the attribution of women's successful performance to luck rather than to effort and ability. Thus women are not given an equal chance for promotion. A survey questionnaire was administered to the LIS students currently enrolled in master's degree programs (MSLS/MLS) in the 11 southeastern United States LIS schools. Data were collected on the Women As Managers Scale designed by Terborg and others. Personal data were also gathered on sex, age, marital status, parental influence, etc., to assess the attitudes of students toward women as managers. This study showed that a vast majority of both male and female students felt women are capable of being good managers. They felt women are emotionally stable, responsible, adventurous, objective, aggressive, and as capable of handling managerial situations as men.  相似文献   

Attitudes to institutional authority, strength of support for moral values and maturity of socio‐moral reasoning have all been identified as potential predictors of adolescent delinquency. In a sample of 12–15‐year‐old boys (N = 789), after checking for effects of age, IQ, social background and ethnicity, self‐reported delinquency was significantly and independently predicted by attitudes to authority (r = ?.47) and moral values (r = ?.27), but not by a structural measure of moral reasoning level (r = ?.04). The findings argue for closer attention to the developmental determinants of attitudes to institutional authority and strength of moral value commitments than these have received hitherto. On the other hand, lack of an association between moral reasoning level and delinquent conduct does leave unanswered questions about the consequences of this kind of moral competence.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey (N  =  1,465) conducted in Chile that was conceived to understand the role of coalition identification as an important sociopsychological mechanism for promoting positive affects toward own-coalition party members in a multiparty system, above and beyond interparty political differences. Participants judged their own political party, parties within coalitions (fellow coalition members and opposing parties), and political coalitions as a whole on affective dimensions (trust, liking, and admiration). The results provide substantial support for the five hypotheses addressed in the study. Overall, perceived interparty distance and political identity threat had a negative impact on affect toward coalition party members. Above and beyond these effects, identification with the coalition positively predicted affect toward allies. Ingroup party affect was positively correlated with affect toward own-coalition party members and own coalition as a whole, but was not negatively associated with affect toward opposing-coalition parties. Moreover, the relationship between own-party affect and affect toward own-coalition party members was mediated by affect toward own coalition. Overall, evidence for the benefits of promoting coalition identification in a multiparty system is provided and discussed alongside the limitations and practical implications derived from the study.  相似文献   

Implicit attitudes are mental states that appear sometimes to cause agents to act in ways that conflict with their considered beliefs. Implicit attitudes are usually held to be mere associations between representations. Recently, however, some philosophers have suggested that they are, or are very like, ordinary beliefs: they are apt to feature in properly inferential processing. This claim is important, in part because there is good reason to think that the vocabulary in which we make moral assessments of ourselves and of others is keyed to folk psychological concepts, like ‘belief’, and not to concepts that feature only in scientific psychology: if implicit attitudes are beliefs there is a prima facie case for thinking that they can serve as the basis for particular kinds of moral assessment. In this paper I argue that while implicit attitudes have propositional structure, their sensitivity and responsiveness to other mental representations is too patchy and fragmented for them to properly be considered beliefs. Instead, they are a sui generis kind of mental state, a state I dub patchy endorsements.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which school counselors' ethnic tolerance attitudes and racism attitudes were predictive of their multicultural case conceptualization ability (i.e., ability to conceptualize the mental health concerns of an immigrant student in light of salient cultural information). Results revealed that, after accounting for prior multicultural counseling training, higher ethnic tolerance attitudes were associated with greater multicultural case conceptualization ability, while higher racism attitudes were related to lower multicultural case conceptualization ability. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Tanya L. Boone  Anne Duran 《Sex roles》2009,61(3-4):167-177
Heterosexual male college students (N?=?100) (average age?=?19.7; 43% European American; 39% Christian) from the southwestern U.S. completed surveys in order to test a model predicting condom attitudes from religiosity, gender role attitudes, sexual prejudice, and the belief that “AIDS is a gay disease.” In the final model, those who reported more religiosity, more traditional gender role attitudes, and greater anxiety about interacting with gay men also reported feeling their core values and beliefs were threatened by gay men. In turn, men who felt strongly threatened in this way more strongly endorsed the belief that “AIDS is a gay disease,” and stronger endorsement of this belief was associated with more negative attitudes about condoms and condom use.  相似文献   

The point of this paper is to reveal a dogma in the ordinary conception of sensory imagination, and to suggest another way forward. The dogma springs from two main sources: a too close comparison of mental imagery to perceptual experience, and a too strong division between mental imagery and the traditional propositional attitudes (such as belief and desire). The result is an unworkable conception of the correctness conditions of sensory imaginings—one lacking any link between the conditions under which an imagining aids human action and inference and the conditions under which it is veridical. The proposed solution is, first, to posit a variety of imaginative attitudes—akin to the traditional propositional attitudes—which have different associated correctness (or satisfaction) conditions. The second part of the solution is to allow for imaginings with “hybrid” contents, in the sense that both mental images and representations with language‐like constituent structure contribute to the content of imaginings.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine student attitudes toward business as a social institution, careers in business, and businessmen, and then to relate these attitudes to measures of career intention and student quality. A random sample of 91 subjects was administered a double pre-tested questionnaire after results of a pilot study were reviewed. Positive and negative attitudes toward business were analyzed following three popular hypotheses: the “values” hypothesis, the “seduction” hypothesis, the “grey flannel suit” hypothesis. A negative relation between student quality and intention to enter business careers was found. The most consistent underlying explanation for this result was found to relate to student values and motivations and not to attitude sources external to the individual.  相似文献   

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