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This paper examines the notion that marginalized clients through their socio-cultural and geo-political histories are positioned “outside” the masculine cultural metaphors and conventional theoretical epistemologies of counselling, psychology and psychotherapy. In other words, these minoritized clients are “outside the sentence” of the texts and contexts of therapy. The discursive practice of therapeutic reconstitution and restoration produces a particular set of vocabularies and sentences that facilitate transformation and psychic equilibrium consistent with the process of individuation and self actualization. However, for marginalized groups, such as black and other visible minority, women, deaf, gay and lesbian clients the hegemonic masculine narratives of counselling psychology and psychotherapy only make it possible for these clients to be “outside the sentence”, not just grammatically and metaphorically of the therapeutic project, but in the external reality of how the practice is clinically governed. In other words, the social and cultural marginalization outside the clinic room is in a dialectical relationship with the therapy dyad. For the minoritized client being “outside the sentence” produces the effect of being “inside” another process, i.e., the history of subjugation, domination, diaspora, and displacement. This paper explores this issue and argues that the only way for counselling, psychology and psychotherapy to bring the diversity client “within the sentence” of therapy is to assign and re-inscribe the history, memory and pain of “the Other” voices to the “inside” of the therapeutic space, to interrupt and disrupt the hegemonic masculine narratives, thus transforming “non-sentences” into sentences and paragraphs, and eventually into essays of the discursive subject.  相似文献   

The title, as the study itself, has been inspired by four theoretical contributions: first, Stuart Hall's essay “Introduction: Who Needs ‘Identity’” (in Questions of Cultural Identity, ed. Stuart Hall and Paul Du Gay. London: Sage, 1996); second, Paul Gilroy's The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, which opens with the sentence: “Striving to be both European and black requires some specific forms of double consciousness. But saying this, I do not mean to suggest taking on either or both unfinished identities necessarily exhausts subjective resources of any particular individual” (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, 1). Third, Diane Davis's question: “Is there a way to activate a sense of solidarity among singularities – a way to say ‘we’ – that doesn't automatically exclude, that doesn't just ask for trouble by simultaneously feeding this craving for … Gemeinschaft (in the name of which any number of ‘we's have committed the most horrific atrocities in recorded history)?” (“‘Addicted to Love’; Or, Toward an Inessential Solidarity,” in Jac: A Journal of Composition Theory 19.3 (1999), 639); and fourth, Giorgio Agamben's The Coming Community (Minneapolis: Minnesota Press, 1993). The article consists of four sections, the first is a short theoretical background to the notion of identity. The second section is an examination of four major collective processes, two of them collective exclusionary operations and erasure, which Arabized Jews have undergone. The third section deals with the globalization and the search for inessential solidarities among Arabized Jews. The fourth section is the conclusion to the study, in which the notion of Arab-Jewish identity is revisited.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):297-303
Research in philosophy, sociology, psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis converge on the one hand to describe modernism as an approach to ignoring subjectivity, as a consequence of the power of the economy, and on the other hand the identification of the word as an instrument of the advent of subjective autonomy, the only real “maturity” which exists. By its words, the individual becomes autonomous from this economic matter as it does from its fantasies. There are many, of all ages, who never reach this position. Consequently, does the postulate of adolescence being limited to an age bracket have any sense? And doesn't all that has been said referring to this concept apply in fact to all social suffering?  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(3):309-326
Our purpose is here to study the quality of life of asthmatic children involved in a program of education. Regarding this, we used the “OK. ado” of Manificat and Dazord, the Trait-Anxiety inventory for children of Spielberger, the questionnaires of educative diagnostic “Ce que tu sais” and “À toi de jouer” and our observations during the different sessions of the program of education. The analysis of the results we obtained for the questionnaires of educative diagnostic, and for the Trait-Anxiety inventory, combined with our observations confirmed the elements of the literature: asthma badly affects quality of life among children. It also shows the importance not to neglect the experience of asthmatic children in their treatment. Nevertheless, results obtained for the quality of life questionnaire (“OK. ado”) doesn't reveal the same dissatisfaction of children regarding their quality of life. This contradiction leads us to wonder about the influence of a group into the educational program and about the opposition between assessment of the quality of life and experience of the disease.  相似文献   


The author examines different definitions and applications of the terms “psychic energy” and “libido.” With regard to the “psychic energy” terminology, he shows that its application and usage relate in particular to the perspective of Brenner and not to Freud's definition. He argues that Freud uses the term “psychic energy” as a synonym for “libido,” and not “libido” as a synonym for “psychic energy.” It is demonstrated that in Freud's view, up until 1914, “libido” relates to manifestations of bodily sexual tensions, and subsequently this term applies to the manifestations of sexual energy in the psychic field. The author rejects this change in terminology and also challenges Freud's attempt to use dynamic-economic considerations as an explanatory device for epistemological reasons. Freud's concept of energy is inconsistent with the meaning of energy as defined in the physical sciences, and whereas the metapsychological topographical, dynamic, and structural viewpoints have a solid foundation in the representational world to which the psychoanalytic process affords unique access, this is not true of the economic viewpoint. It is claimed that bodily tensions only exist in the representational world in the form of affects, so that, in the author's opinion, the economic viewpoint should be abandoned in favour of an affective one. In the context of the endeavour to obtain pleasure and avoid unpleasure adduced by Freud, this viewpoint focuses on the relationships between affects and the different elements of the representational world, thereby serving as the subject of metapsychological investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract: I examine Derek Parfit's claim that it doesn't matter whether he survives in the future, if someone survives who is psychologically connected to him by “Relation R.” Thus, were his body to perish and be replaced by an exact duplicate, both physically and psychologically identical to him, this would be just as good as “ordinary” survival. Parfit takes the corollary view that replacement of loved ones by exact duplicates is no loss. In contrast, Peter Unger argues that we place nontransferable value in the lives of individual persons. I argue that the question of the preferability of Relation R over identity is unanswerable at present, as such hypothetical situations are too far removed from our experience to allow any reliable responses. I contrast cases involving artifacts, where we can make informed judgments concerning whether a given object's value would be transferred to a duplicate.  相似文献   

This paper explores the alliance between the analytic couple and the analytic process. The patient doesn't ally only with the analyst, but also with the unfolding of an experiential world. The developmental origins of this alliance are described in terms of infant and child being inside a forming intelligence; womb, mother and family—transforming the mental state of the subject. The structure of the experience is pictured by the resemblance to a simple—experiencing—self being inside a dream, and a rhetoric “I” speaking in an internal dialogue to an unanswering, but present, “you”. The writer describes the negative therapeutic reaction as an attempt to break into this forming intelligence; as an attempt to see who is the creator of the experiential universe. Staying inside the unfolding process is further investigated through the experiences of aloneness and presential immediateness.  相似文献   

The authors investigate different definitions of “psychic energy” and “libido” as well as their critique. With regard to “psychic energy” it is shown that the critique relates in particular to the perspective of Brenner and others and not to Freud's definition. They argue that Freud uses the term “psychic energy” as a synonym for “libido” and not “libido” as a synonym for “psychic energy”. It is assumed that until 1914, Freud related “libido” to manifestations of bodily sexual tensions and afterwards to manifestations of sexual energy in the psychic field. The authors reject this change for epistemological reasons as well as Freud's attempt to use dynamic, economic considerations as an explanatory device. Freud's energy concept is inconsistent with the definition of energy in natural sciences, and, whereas the meta-psychological topographical, dynamic and structural viewpoints have a solid foundation in the representational world to which the psychoanalytic process affords unique access, this is not true of the economic viewpoint. It is claimed that bodily tensions exist in the representational world only in the form of affects, so that the economic viewpoint should, in the authors' opinion, be abandoned in favour of an affective one. In the context of the endeavour to obtain pleasure and avoid unpleasure as adduced by Freud, this viewpoint concentrates on the relationships between affects and the different elements of the representational world, thereby serving as the topoi of meta-psychological investigation dimensions.  相似文献   


In this essay, I will explore the term “psychic hole,” and compare it to similar terms from the world of astrophysics and terms used in the psychoanalytic literature. I will then present my own conception of the “psychic hole” in cases of Holocaust survivors' offspring. I will explain how this “hole” is created, and describe a particular aspect of the “psychic hole” that is unique to Holocaust survivors' offspring, namely the enactments (termed “concretization” by Bergman) generated by the negated traumatic themes that reside in it. I will illustrate these enactments using clinical material taken from case studies of Holocaust survivors' offspring that I have previously published. The clinical vignettes reveal the transgenerational impact of the memory hole resulting from negation of survivor parents on the lives of their offspring, up to the third generation. They also show the painful journey from enactments to psychic representations, a journey which exposes the traumatic events that have been denied or repressed, and facilitates the work of mourning and the eventual achievement of a better integrated self. Finally, I will offer technical suggestions for analysts to help patients transform psychic holes into psychic representations.  相似文献   

The article presents an operationalized and manualized approach for the assessment of the capability of performance. This manual has been conceptualized and tested empirically by a multicentric and interdisciplinary workgroup. It is basically oriented to the “International Classification of Functioning” (ICF; WHO), which is well accepted for assessing the course of chronic diseases and the consequences for the individual. It is especially widely applied in the context of rehabilitation. The different diagnostic levels of the manual and their operationalization are outlined. Furthermore, the first results concerning reliability, content validity, applicability and practicability are described and questions on the areas of application of the instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

The first part of this article discusses Romanelli, Tishby, and Moran’s qualitative research on the impact of training clinicians’ “skill-sets” derived from improvisational theater. Categories of experience were discerned from the data, along with findings of the impressive positive effects from the training on the clinicians’ ability to better respond to unpredictable “improvisational moments” in psychotherapy. The second part elaborates on how the authors' research represents a welcome addition to a larger conversation about how drama theory “puts” “flesh and blood” on the “bones” of Relational Metapsychology, which entails theories of process and change, rooted in an information theory based epistemology in contrast to Freud’s archaic and deeply flawed Metapsychology ensconced in a psychic energy theory epistemology. Finally, the authors’ lends to advocacy for clinical training in drama and improvisation being added to clinically based curriculums.  相似文献   

In responding to Harvey Peskin's important paper, “Man Is a Wolf to Man,” I further deconstruct his proposition “what therapeutic neutrality is to psychic reality, the therapeutic witness is to the recovery of social reality.” This statement calls into question two principles of the orthodox Freudian canon, one theoretical and one technical. Beyond the stimulus barrier, traumatic reality collapses psychic reality, conscious and unconscious fold into one another, reality and fantasy merge, and nightmares are made flesh. In attempting to impose psychic reality on a traumatic experience, then, classical psychoanalysts disavow a significant portion of human experience. Technically, the analyst's neutrality or failure to acknowledge the significance of historical reality condemns the survivor to further dehumanization as her dehumanizing experiences go unmarked in treatment. Peskin contends that the need to have experience validated, to have a witnessing analyst before an interpreting one, arises not only in matters of extreme traumatization but in everyday life. Illustrating the importance of this claim with an example from my own life, I propose that extreme traumatization takes a different kind of therapeutic engagement, one that is beyond professional obligation; a moral imperative that requires imagination when recognition is not enough. I add a further caveat that in cases of extreme traumatization, rather than privileging a search for psychic reality or even historical reality, some contemporary analysts privilege an exploration of the treatment relationship, failing to recognize that in such cases historical reality must initially take precedence over an emphasis on the intersubjective.  相似文献   

There are some problems concerning the concepts of trauma-related disorders and especially the category of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with respect to classification, diagnosis and epidemiological findings, which can only be understood within the historical framework of the development. Even current diagnostic systems, such as the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders version 4 (DSM-IV) and the international classification of diseases version 10 (ICD-10) differ in the classification of these disorders which led to higher prevalence rates being achieved with ICD-10. The diagnostic algorithms have been opened to included subsyndromal PTSD as well as complex PTSD including more severe psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Efforts to include women in the canon have long been beset by reactionary gatekeeping, typified by the charge “That's not philosophy.” That charge doesn't apply to early and mid-analytic female philosophers—Welby, Ladd-Franklin, Bryant, Jones, de Laguna, Stebbing, Ambrose, MacDonald—with job titles like lecturer in logic and professor of philosophy and publications in Mind, the Journal of Philosophy, and Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. It's hopeless to dismiss their work as “not philosophy.” But comparable reactionary gatekeeping affects them, this paper argues, typified by the labels “bad philosophy” and “derivative philosophy.” Virtue and vice epistemology help explain why these women have been neglected and why their own approaches are epistemically virtuous. Their contemporaries and historians are deficient in scholarly virtues in labelling these women's work “bad” or derived from male mentors with no or specious justification. Their disparaged qualities—intellectual humility, modesty, critical self-reflection, disclosing biases—are often epistemic virtues.  相似文献   

Using the 7-year psychotherapy of a Holocaust survivor, this paper explores the sometimes contradictory aspects of approaches to trauma. Conceptualizing a “self in pain” as an alternative to contemporary conceptualizations of the traumatized person as having a damaged, dissociated or collapsed self leads to a corresponding alternative clinical approach. The paradoxes of traumatic memory and testimony necessitate an adaptational emphasis and the emergence of a “doubled” in contrast to a dissociated self. The decision to respect this “doubled” self involves a privileging of “reality” over “psychic reality” which then, paradoxically enables this patient to develop a phantasy life.  相似文献   

For seven years, the so-called “rotation of therapists”, has been a central part of OLITA, the outpatient longterm intensive therapy for alcoholics. Thus far, the participation of several equally responsible therapists in the treatment of a patient has rarely been seen as a defined therapeutic approach. The present work discusses whether the “rotation of therapists” has any essential influence on the success of OLITA. It considers both, potential advantages and disadvantages for patients and therapists and tries to identify conditions under which this approach appears to promote therapeutic interactions. Following an overview of the present knowledge regarding the therapeutic interaction in addiction therapy, a method is described which may be seen as the precedent of the “rotation of therapists”, the multiple psychotherapy. Finally, the practical procedure in OLITA is outlined as well as its theoretical background. New areas of application for the “rotation of therapists” are discussed.  相似文献   

Looking back at 40 years application of psychotherapy guidelines, a positive balance can be drawn. Benchmarks of the guidelines are the biopsychosocial conception of psychic disturbances requiring treatment and the congruent expertise procedure. The latter is considered by many psychotherapists as unreasonable and by the health insurances as not effective enough because of a rejection quota of only 5%. Nevertheless, it proved to be useful in historical, therapeutic and textual aspects. The biopsychosocial conception of psychic disturbances according to the psychotherapy guidelines is an important counterbalance to the objectifying view and evaluation of psychic processes. This concept implies also a complementary view of the ill compared to somatic medicine which allows a better comprehension and understanding of the individual suffering. The most important modification in the psychotherapy guidelines was the inclusion of behavior therapy as the guideline therapy. It succeeded in surpassing the hallmark of (higher) effectivity by offering shorter therapies and objectifiable verification, as an important complementary object-view into psychic processes. Meanwhile, however, this object-view threatens to displace the ?subject-view“ of the psychotherapy guidelines, especially supported by new developments in evidence-based medicine.  相似文献   

How do men and women describe and assess their relationship? What themes are decisive for its quality and stability? To answer such questions, we investigated a random sample of 204 married couples (reference sample), and 31 married couples undergoing psychotherapy (clinical sample) using a newly developed questionnaire. The participating couples were asked to evaluate a total of 19 themes with respect to their importance for the couple's connectedness. Although only rarely directly addressed in couple therapy and in‐vestigated in couple research, the theme “Love” proved to be the decisive factor for quality and stability. The results of the present study, therefore, indicate that “Love” should be investigated more thoroughly in couple research and included more actively in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.  相似文献   

The authors adopt a critico‐sociological methodology to investigate the current state of the philosophical profession. According to them, the question concerning the status of philosophy (“What is philosophy?”) cannot be answered from within the precinct of philosophical reason alone, since philosophy—understood primarily as a profession—is marked by a constitutive type of self‐ignorance that prevents it from reflecting upon its own sociological conditions of actuality. This ignorance, which is both cause and effect of the organization and investment of philosophical desire, causes philosophers to lose themselves in an ideological myth (“the philosopher as idea(l)”) according to which philosophers are unaffected by the material conditions in which they exist. This myth prevents philosophers from noticing the extent to which their activity is influenced by extra‐philosophical determinants that shape, empirically, who becomes a professional philosopher (“the philosopher as imago”) and who doesn't. This article explores the relationship between philosophy's “idea(l)” and its “imago” as a way of shedding light on some of the mechanisms that make philosophy inhospitable for so many women, people of color, and economic minorities.  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to examine the development of teaching skills in preschool children and to explore the relation between teaching and theory of mind (ToM). After learning a new board game, 3.5-, 4.5-, and 5.5-year-old children (N = 46) were asked to teach a confederate who “doesn't know how to play the game.” They also received two ToM tasks. Children's teaching skills increased significantly with age: older children taught longer, explained more rules, used more strategies when teaching, and were more likely to recognize and attempt to correct “errors” committed by the confederate. After being controlled for age, individual differences in ToM were significantly correlated with the number of strategies used when teaching. This research suggests that a dynamic teaching task is sensitive to developmental changes and that aspects of children's teaching may serve as a window into their developing understanding of mental states.  相似文献   

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