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Beyer  Sylvia 《Sex roles》1998,38(1-2):103-133
This study investigated gender differences inthe accuracy of self-perceptions and whetherself-perception biases are related to negative recallbiases. Participants were 275 female and 213 malecollege students. Approximately 10% of the participantswere minorities (mostly African American and Asian). Ona masculine task, gender differences in self-perceptionswere found for three measures of accuracy: The accuracy of self-evaluations, calibration,and response bias. Females underestimated theirperformance, were less well calibrated, and showed amore conservative response bias than did males. Ashypothesized, no gender differences in the accuracy ofself-evaluations were found for feminine and neutraltasks. Participants' expectancies mediated the genderdifferences in post task self-evaluations ofperformance. In addition, evidence for a negative recallbias was found. Females were more likely than males torecall their mistakes even with performance and accuracyof self-evaluations controlled. The implications of females' greater self-perception biases onmasculine tasks are discussed and suggestions for futureresearch are made.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(4):718-731
This study investigated whether a negative interpretation bias was present in people at high risk for psychosis. People with an At Risk Mental State (ARMS; n = 21), patients with First Episode Psychosis (FEP; n = 20), and healthy controls (n = 20) performed three tasks, each of which was designed to measure interpretation bias. Both ARMS and FEP participants showed an attenuated positive bias compared to controls. These findings extend previous results investigating interpretation bias in psychosis by showing that interpretative biases are present before the onset of psychosis, and could therefore contribute to its development. Biased interpretation mechanisms could be a new target for clinical intervention in the early phase of psychosis.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is a psychological risk factor for anxiety disorders. Negative interpretation biases are a maladaptive form of information-processing also associated with anxiety disorders. The present study explored whether AS and negative interpretation biases make independent contributions to variance in panic and generalized anxiety symptoms and whether particular interpretation bias domains (e.g., of ambiguous arousal sensations) have specific associations with panic and/or generalized anxiety symptoms. Eighty-nine female undergraduates (44 low AS; 45 high AS) completed measures of AS, interpretation biases, and panic and generalized anxiety symptoms. Findings showed that AS and negative interpretation biases both significantly added to the prediction of anxiety symptoms. Negative interpretations of ambiguous arousal sensations were uniquely associated with panic symptoms, while negative interpretations of ambiguous general and social events were uniquely associated with generalized anxiety symptoms. Findings support the conceptual validity of AS and negative interpretation biases and their unique and shared contributions to anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   

大学生负面身体自我认知加工偏好   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈红  冯文峰  黄希庭 《心理学报》2008,40(7):809-818
基于负面身体自我图式理论,采用词汇判断任务的实验范式,探讨负面身体自我者的认知加工偏好。研究1考察胖负面身体自我大学生对胖相关的身体信息词加工偏好,结果表明,加工胖身体相关词的编码速度比对照组显著更快,对胖消极和隐喻词偏好量大于积极词。研究2考察瘦负面身体自我大学生对瘦相关的身体信息词的加工偏好,发现对瘦相关词的编码速度显著比对照组更快,但对瘦积极词、消极词、隐喻词、形似词编码的偏好量不存在差异。结果支持负面身体自我图式指导认知加工  相似文献   

Catharine MacKinnon claimed that pornography silence's women's speech where this speech is protected by free speech legislation. MacKinnon's claim was attacked as confused because, so it seemed, pornography is not the kind of thing that can silence speech. Using ideas drawn from John Austin's account of speech acts, Rae Langton defended MacKinnon's claim against this attack by showing how speech can, in principle, be silenced by pornography. However, Langton's defence requires us to deviate from a widely held understanding of what kind of speech is protected; namely the expression of opinions, ideas, and thoughts. In this paper I provide an alternative defence of MacKinnon's claim which requires no such deviation. I argue that because the truth‐conditions of sentences are context‐sensitive it is possible for there to be contexts in which, when those in attendance believe rape myths, it is not possible to express certain opinions, ideas, or thoughts. Given that pornography is a significant contributor to rape myth acceptance, this argument addresses the accusation of confusion facing MacKinnon without the need for deviation. The cross‐examination of a complainant in a rape trial is used as an illustration.  相似文献   


In a factorial experiment, subjects, most of whom possessed managerial experience, were given information about a salesperson and asked to rate his ability on the job. As predicted, the subjects tended to overutilize effort information and underutilize task difficulty information in making their evaluations. The research reveals that cognitive biases in information processing may influence a crucial sales management responsibility. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for employee promotions and the application of attribution theory to sales personnel evaluations.  相似文献   

本研究对已有负面身体自我个体注意偏好研究采用的实验范式的问题进行了分析,提出胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关信息的注意偏向存在的另一种可能,即胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关信息可能存在注意维持时间更长的假设。共设计了3个实验对假设进行验证。实验1a采用线索范式研究高胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关词语的注意警觉和注意维持,线索目标SOA为300ms,实验1b采用同样的实验范式,只是将实验材料变为更具直接意义的身体轮廓图。两个实验的结果均支持实验假设,但是未能排除反应准备和线索对目标产生掩蔽等因素的影响。因此,实验2在身体和花瓶轮廓图周围呈现字母,要求被试对字母进行辨认,对被试的注意维持成分进行直接的测量。结果验证了高胖负面身体自我女大学生对胖身体轮廓图注意维持时间更长。综合几个实验的结果,得到以下结论:在本实验条件下,胖负面身体自我女大学生对胖身体信息的注意偏差成分是注意维持时间更长。  相似文献   

采用最后通牒博弈范式,探讨不同情绪背景对社会经济决策中社会预期效应的影响。以90名大学生为被试,利用不同效价的电影片段(正性、负性和中性)诱发相应的目标情绪。通过操作社会规范性信息启动被试对分配方案公平性的不同预期。结果发现:在负性和中性情绪背景下,高预期组更倾向于拒绝接受不公平分配。在正性情绪背景下,高预期组和低预期组面对不公平提议时的接受率没有显著差异。结果表明正性情绪背景使社会预期效应发生改变,回应者对分配方案的高预期不再对决策结果产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Behavioural adjustment is critical for children's school readiness. This study used data from a nationally representative sample of children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Birth Cohort. We examined the effects of interactions between children's negative emotionality, maternal sensitivity and preschool teacher sensitivity on children's kindergarten internalizing and externalizing behaviours. Parent report of children's negative emotionality and observations of maternal sensitivity were obtained at age 2 years, teacher sensitivity was observed in preschool and teacher report of children's behaviour problems was obtained in kindergarten. Negative emotionality moderated links between maternal sensitivity, teacher sensitivity and children's internalizing behaviours. For children high in negativity, maternal sensitivity was positively associated with internalizing behaviour in the context of low teacher sensitivity, whereas for children low in negativity, maternal sensitivity was negatively associated with internalizing behaviour. For children high or low in negativity, internalizing behaviour was comparable when teacher sensitivity was high regardless of maternal sensitivity. Maternal sensitivity and teacher sensitivity interacted to predict externalizing behaviour regardless of child negativity. Children who experienced high teacher sensitivity displayed comparable externalizing behaviour regardless of maternal sensitivity. When children experienced low teacher sensitivity, maternal sensitivity was negatively associated with externalizing behaviour. Interactions between child characteristics and caregiving across developmental contexts are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

现代性在将自我推至无以复加程度的同时,也对自我作了片面化处理,自我成为了不依赖自然、社会和他者而独立存在的东西,进而丧失了外在的禁忌,成为自我占有、欲望至上的存在者。在无限的消费和无尽的欲望的满足过程中,自我所获得的只是一种暂时的、粗鄙的、狭隘的满足。被欲望驱使的现代人应该实现欲望的合理化,激发神圣感,提高自身的生存境界,以便在资本逻辑推动下的骚动不安的世界中寻求心灵上的宁静和思绪上的久远。  相似文献   

The reported direction of autokinesis for naive observers is not biased by gaze deviations of 22.5 deg of arc. However, instructions to expect either “inward” or “outward” movement produce reports of autokinetic movement that are progressively biased in the expected direction. Instructions to expect “more” or “less” movement resulted in a decrease in the reported duration of apparent movement for the “less” group but no change for the “more” group. Response bias is not considered to play a role in these results. The results are discussed in terms of fixational bias and selective attention mechanisms of autokinesis.  相似文献   

情感预测偏差的相关研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感预测是预测将来的情绪状态。情感预测时会表现出各种偏差, 例如免疫性忽略、聚焦错觉和共情鸿沟。本文从认知–体验自我理论和心理模拟的角度对情感预测偏差的原因进行了整合, 对情感预测偏差的个体差异和矫正进行了分析。情感预测的未来研究方向应该从心理-行为机制、进化机制和脑机制几个方面展开。  相似文献   

在医患沟通的特殊语境中,医生的语言能够作为暗示手段以治疗疾病,模糊语、比拟、比喻、倒装等语言修辞手法的恰当使用,将对患者的治疗起到正面的心理暗示,有利于疾病的治疗;反之,错误的暗示也许会产生严重的后果.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which compare conditional reasoning with three types of rule. These consist of two types of rule that have been widely studied previously, if p then q and p only if q, together with a third type, q if p. In both experiments, the p only if q type of rule yields a different pattern of performance from the two other types of rule. Experiment 1 is an abstract rule-evaluation task and demonstrates differential effects of temporal order and of suppositional bias. Experiment 2 investigates rule generation, rephrasing, and comparison, and demonstrates differential effects of temporal order and of thematic content. An analysis of the results is offered in terms of biases and mental models. Effects of rule form and context can be explained as reflecting the different sequences in which mental models are created for each rule form. However, it is necessary to consider the internal structure of individual mental models to account for effects arising from temporal ordering of rules.  相似文献   

An empirically sensitive formulation of the norms of transformative criticism must recognize that even public and shared standards of evaluation can be implemented in ways that unintentionally perpetuate and reproduce forms of social bias that are epistemically detrimental. Helen Longino's theory can explain and redress such social bias by treating peer evaluations as hypotheses based on data and by requiring a kind of perspectival diversity that bears, not on the content of the community's knowledge claims, but on the beliefs and norms of the culture of the knowledge community itself. To illustrate how socializing cognition can bias evaluations, we focus on peer‐review practices, with some discussion of peer‐review practices in philosophy. Data include responses to surveys by editors from general philosophy journals, as well as analyses of reviews and editorial decisions for the 2007 Cognitive Science Society Conference.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined biases in children's (5/6- and 7/8-year-olds) and adults' moral judgments. Participants at all ages judged that it was worse to produce harm when harm occurred (a) through action rather than inaction (omission bias), (b) when physical contact with the victim was involved (physical contact principle), and (c) when the harm was produced as a direct means to an end rather than as an unintended but foreseeable side effect of the action (intention principle). The youngest participants, however, did not incorporate benefit when making judgments about situations in which harm to one individual resulted in benefit to five individuals. Older participants showed some preference for benefit resulting from action (commission) as opposed to inaction (omission). The findings are discussed in the context of the theory that moral judgments result, in part, from the operation of an inherent, intuitive moral faculty compared with the theory that moral judgments require development of necessary cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

People make systematic errors when matching the location of an unseen index finger with that of a visual target. These errors are consistent over time, but idiosyncratic and surprisingly task-specific. The errors that are made when moving the unseen index finger to a visual target are not consistent with the errors when moving a visual target to the unseen index finger. To test whether such inconsistencies arise because a large part of the matching errors originate during movement execution, we compared errors in moving the unseen finger to a target with biases in deciding which of two visual targets was closer to the index finger before the movement. We found that the judgment as to which is the closest target was consistent with the matching errors. This means that inconsistencies in visuo-proprioceptive matching errors are not caused by systematic errors in movement execution, but are likely to be related to biases in sensory transformations.  相似文献   

Evidence from dual-process and cognitive behavioral theorists points to the conclusion that the products of associative learning are sometimes available in working memory. Adolescents, adults, and children (to a lesser extent) can engage in metacognitive intercession, reflecting on the products of associative processing and deciding whether to assimilate these products to existing knowledge or create new levels of understanding. To highlight my arguments, I discuss research on belief-biased reasoning and an intervention that reduced reasoning biases.  相似文献   

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