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A range of factors affect human response to environmental change. They include the information available, understanding of the phenomenon, the nature of the decision-making processes implied, and the motivation for change. One major factor affecting decision making is that scientific information is not fully and accurately disseminated through society. The media have an important role in this process, but cannot disseminate all the necessary information in the manner that is required and do not reliably present information that is safe from misinterpretation. Further, scientific uncertainty about and complexity of biosphere changes complicate the process of reaching a rational decision. The mental model that people have of their world tends to be maintained unless it is contradicted by experienced events, so global change is likely to be understood only to the extent that it impacts on everyday life. Much of human reasoning is essentially analogical rather than based on standard logic, and its validity depends on finding a suitable analogical model. It is suggested that risk, or defence situations may provide useful analogies. Finally, we need to consider the motivational problems created by the sacrifices that must be made to deal with the problem effectively.  相似文献   


Goldstein, K. Human Nature in the Light of Psychopathology. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1940. Pp. 258 Reviewed by Frederick Wyatt. Reviewed by Frederick Wyatt

Katona, G. Organizing and Memorizing. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1940. Pp. 318. Reviewed by Livingston Welch  相似文献   

A disturbing economic reality confronts consumers today: thousands of farm workers are enslaved in U.S. agricultural fields, forced to work without pay amid deplorable conditions and under the constant threat of violence. If structural economic injustices perpetuate modern‐day agricultural slavery, then it is necessary to promote consumer practices that resist these abusive dynamics. But a consumption‐oriented strategy does not necessarily restore either personal agency or communal relations damaged by agricultural trafficking. This essay proposes a framework for aesthetic solidarity that cultivates affective bonds necessary for building communities of resistance characterized by mutuality, equality, and participation.  相似文献   

如今互联网推动人类进入信息爆炸时代,有限大脑容量与激增信息量间的巨大反差对人类决策提出了前所未有的挑战,但已有知识系统却找不出应对它的现成答案。围绕"互联网海量信息环境对人类决策的挑战"和"互联网海量信息环境下人类决策的应对方式"两个关键科学问题,我们借鉴动物选择"无序个体单独行动"和"有序集体统一行动"的转换机制,提出互联网海量信息环境下的内外脑应对方式,冀增进人们对互联网环境下决策行为的理解。  相似文献   

In his recent work exploring the role of science in democratic societies Kitcher (Science in a democratic society. Prometheus Books, New York, 2011) claims that scientists ought to have a prominent role in setting the agenda for and limits to research. Against the backdrop of the claim that the proper limits of scientific inquiry is John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle (Kitcher in Science, truth, and democracy. Oxford University Press, New York, 2001), he identifies the limits of inquiry as the point where the outcomes of research could cause harm to already vulnerable populations. Nonetheless, Kitcher argues against explicit limitations on unscrupulous research on the grounds that restrictions would exacerbate underlying social problems. I show that Kitcher’s argument in favor of dissuading inquiry through conventional standards is problematic and falls prey to the same critique he offers in opposition to official bans. I expand the conversation of limiting scientific research by recognizing that the actions that count as ‘science’ are located in the space between ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’. In this space, we often attempt to balance freedom of research, as scientific speech, against the disparate impact citizens might experience in light of such research. I end by exploring if such disparate impact justifies limiting research, within the context of the United States, under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or under international human rights standards more generally.  相似文献   

The hippocampus, which is critically involved in learning and memory processes, is known to be a target for the neuromodulatory actions of steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands and gonads. Much of the work of B.S. McEwen and collaborators has focused on the role of glucocorticosteroids and estrogen in modulating hippocampal plasticity and functions. In addition to hormones derived from the endocrine glands, cells in the hippocampus may be exposed to locally synthesized neurosteroids, including pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and their sulfated esters as well as progesterone and its reduced metabolites. In contrast to hormones derived from the circulation, neurosteroids have paracrine and/or autocrine activities. In the hippocampus, they have been shown to have trophic effects on neurons and glial cells and to modulate the activity of a variety of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels, including type A gamma-aminobutyric acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate and sigma receptors and N- and L-type Ca2+ channels. There is accumulating evidence that some neurosteroids, in particular pregnenolone sulfate, have strong influences on learning and memory processes, most likely by regulating neurotransmission in the hippocampus. However, the hippocampus is not the only target for the mnesic effects of neurosteroids. Associated brain regions, the basal nuclei of the forebrain and the amygdaloid complex, are also involved. Some neurosteroids may thus be beneficial for treating age- or disease-related cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

从辩证法的观点看,欲使疗效最大化,不仅要考虑外在治疗自身对疾病的作用,还要考虑人体对治疗的反应性,两者兼顾,不得偏颇,但目前缺乏改变人体对治疗反应性的手段;中医脾主运化,具有运化食(药)物的功能,“主管”着药物在体内的命运,提示通过中医健脾,极有可能改变人体对治疗的反应性,从而提升临床疗效;通过对糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、缺钙、皮肤病等疾病的研究与观察,证实健脾确实可以改变人体对治疗的反应性,提高临床疗效;以健脾改变人体对治疗的反应性具有重大临床意义,值得今后进一步研究.  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise has broad cognitive benefits. One target of interest is enhanced memory. The present study explored pattern separation as a specific memory process that could be sensitive to acute and regular exercise and clinically significant for disorders (e.g., depression) characterized by cognitive-affective deficits and hippocampal impairment. In a within-subjects design, participants (N = 69) attended two visits during which they repeated a behavioral pattern separation task at rest and after an activity (cycling, stretching). Regular exercise habits, demographics, mood and anxiety symptoms, and recognition memory capacity were also measured. More regular exercise predicted better resting pattern separation, t(62) = 2.13, b = 1.74, p = .037. Age moderated this effect, t(61) = 2.35, b = .25, p = .02; exercise most strongly predicted performance among middle-age participants. There was no main effect of activity condition on post-activity performance, t(61) = .67, p = .51. However, with significant heterogeneity in reported mood symptoms and regular exercise habits, there was a three-way interaction between condition, regular exercise, and depression, t(55) = 2.08, b = .22, p = .04. Relative to stretching, cycling appears to have enhanced the benefit of regular exercise for pattern separation performance; however, this was evident among participants with mild to no symptoms of depression, but absent among participants with moderate to severe symptoms. Results have implications for how exercise might protect against declines in pattern separation. Future research should explore exercise’s potential as a prevention tool or early intervention for pattern separation and related clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

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