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Interdisciplinary versus Ecological Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

ABSTRACT The original CAPS formulation focused on the role of the individual's CAPS system in relation to situations, formalizing a person–situation framework. Subsequent research and theorizing on the culturally embedded CAPS system (C-CAPS) began to spell out how culture, context, and group-level processes intersect with both persons and situations. The contributions in this special section provide insights into the enormous complexity and the multiple layers through which context and persons "make each other up" in racial/ethnic relations. The challenge for personality psychologists is to examine and illuminate this interpenetration of context and person concretely and with increasing depth and precision. The CAPS framework provides a meta-level guide for this mission, and the present contributions illustrate the framework's heuristic value.  相似文献   

Madureira's (Integr Psych Behav, 42(23), 2007) article on the cultural barriers of homophobia articulates the need for an integrative approach to the study of homophobia and sexism. This comment focuses on critically examining the similarities and differences between homophobia and sexism. Sexism and homophobia are related concepts--both likely stem from a patriarchic social structure with specific expectations for the proper roles of men and women--but they are also distinct in important ways. The potential benefits of integrated research on racism and homophobia are also discussed.  相似文献   

该文主要根据James R.Averill(1997)等人的观点,从整合的角度探讨了情绪问题,阐述了情绪分析的框架。此框架由6个情绪变量组成,分五个水平。在阐述了这五个水平及其关系之后,又从下向上论述了处于不同情绪组织水平上的成份反应、情绪状态、情绪症侯群和气质特征。  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic therapy of divorce studies positive and negative aspects of couples' bonds, focusing on the guilt and narcissistic wounds of the multiple losses. Interactionally structured aspects of identity are especially difficult to mourn in the interminable divorces where separation is incomplete. A case demonstrates work with families to transform negative links, often including consultation with the legal system and work with the children.  相似文献   

Employee Empowerment: An Integrative Psychological Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An integrative psychological approach to employee empowerment was developed based on the premise that the psychological experience of power underlies feelings of empowerment. This research extends existing perspectives on empowerment by incorporating the empowering effect of valued goals, such as those provided by transformational leadership. Goal internalisation was identified as a major component of the psychological experience of empowerment, in addition to the two traditional facets of perceptions of control over the work environment and perceptions of self‐efficacy or competence. Standard measure development procedures using a sample of employed individuals from Quebec, Canada and subsequent validation with an organisational sample from Ontario, Canada yielded a three‐factor scale of psychological empowerment corresponding to these three dimensions. The implications of defining empowerment as a psychological state and the need for multiple measures of empowerment are also discussed.  相似文献   

Complex trauma (CT) often presents with polymorphous symptoms (i.e., emotional dysregulation, dissociation, somatic distress) resulting from repeated and chronic exposure to traumatic stressors. While the public is increasingly aware of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its accompanying symptoms, the phenomena of complex trauma is less recognized and understood. Since the trauma reactions with CT typically occur during childhood, and the symptoms go well beyond PTSD, the authors of this article assert that an integrative approach is needed that synthesizes the most effective elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) while blending a self-psychological approach. A review of the literature addresses the definition of complex trauma, cognitive-behavioral conceptualizations and treatment approaches, self-psychological models, current theories of attachment, and advances in neuropsychoanalysis. An integrative model is then proposed, supported by clinicians in the trauma field, identifying three intertwined phases of treatment.  相似文献   

This article reports on the integrated application of cognitive therapy, transactional analysis techniques, and the behavioral technique of response prevention using self-instructional training and behavioral substitution in a brief therapy approach. These methods were applied in the case of a young man who presented with compulsions to perform repetitive and ordering rituals with the belief that it would prevent his girlfriend from becoming pregnant. A 21-year-old white male who had performed 3 to 5 hours of rituals daily for several years was able to eliminate the majority of his compulsive behaviors and reduce his level of anxiety after eight clinical therapy sessions. Results were maintained at 6-month follow-up. The clear precipitating factors and the unusual maintaining variables for the disorder in the client are described. The author discusses the case in light of current theoretical, therapeutic, and biomedical understandings of the disorder.  相似文献   

Current knowledge provides ample evidence of widespread neurological and developmental impairments underlying the behavior of psychotic youngsters. Occupational Therapy can now assess, treat, and make "sense" of the psychotic child's disturbed systems. A case study of a severely disturbed, self-abusing, childhood schizophrenic patient is presented. The treatment process and behavioral changes are discussed and augmented with statistical analysis.  相似文献   

To provide effective psychotherapy in cross-cultural situations, cultural issues need to be adequately addressed. We describe core concepts of cultural competence relevant for psychotherapists to consider. A contextualized approach to conducting cultural competent assessment and formulation is recommended, including the use of DSM-5 Outline for Cultural Formulation and Cultural Formulation Interview. We introduce a cultural competent framework to help therapists become more mindful of culturally relevant interactions in therapy. Finally, a three-tier system is proposed for the examination of psychotherapy models through a cultural lens. The concepts and framework described can be flexibly and pragmatically integrated into a therapist’s regular clinical work, increasing the therapy’s effectiveness across diverse populations.  相似文献   

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