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The depth of visual information processing is identified with the longest randomly-generated binary-encoded spatial pattern whose partial repetitions can be detected. In contrast with the auditory detection of sequentially-presented constraints, the depth of perceptible visual encoding of spatially-presented constraints is sharply limited. Depths of about 35 were achieved for one-dimensional constraints; depths of perhaps 3 or 4 were achieved for two-dimensional constraints imposed in only one direction and depths of perhaps 2 for two-dimensional constraints imposed in two directions. With one-dimensional constraints, it is shown that the inferred depth of processing is partially determined by the number of pattern representations and by the spatial distance between successive representation for visual displays of fixed size.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - Previous research had indicated that when subjects are instructed to report one of a number of visually displayed items, both the number and spacing of...  相似文献   

These experiments show that the perceptual organization of a multielement display affects both the speed and accuracy with which a target letter in it is detected. The first two experiments show that a target is detected more poorly if it is arranged in good form (a perceptual Gestalt) with noise elements than if it is not. This effect is not confounded with target-noise proximity or display size, and it holds for stimuli terminated by the subject’s response as well as for stimuli of very brief duration. Increasing the number of noise elements can actually improve performance if the added noise elements increase the degree to which the noise elements form perceptual groups separately from the target. A third experiment tries out a new method for scaling the perceptual structure of an array, and it shows that the main features of the first two experiments can be predicted from the scaled perceptual structure of the arrays they used.  相似文献   

When unrelated letter strings are presented tachistoscopically, the end letters are reported more often than their neighbors; and when spaces are inserted into strings, performance on certain adjacent letters is superior to performance on those letters when no spaces were present. An experiment was conducted to determine the nature of those spacing effects. Letter strings were presented at a variety of retinal locations, and spaces were inserted into different positions in the instructed left-right processing order. The space effect was unrelated to processing order, but it was dependent on retinal location. To account for the various asymmetries, it was necessary to postulate that letters tend to interact with adjacent lettersand that the interaction was not spatially symmetric. Furthermore, it was found that spaces had greater effects on “right-hand” letters than on symmetric letters. It was therefore concluded that letters interact at the feature level.  相似文献   

Two parallel, but independent, literatures have grown out of observations that individual differences in information processing speed, as expressed in performance on choice reaction time (C RT) tasks, modestly correlate with individual differences in age and IQ test performance. These associations have prompted theories that individual differences in information processing speed functionally determine individual differences in performance of all cognitive skills by people of different general intellectual ability (Eysenck, 1986; Jensen, 1985) or age (Salthouse, 1982, 1985).

The experiments on which this literature has been based suffer from methodological weaknesses, such that comparisons have only been made very early in practice and have only concerned mean latencies for correct responses. An experiment compared 90 volunteers aged from 50 through 79 years who were grouped in terms of their performance on the AH 4 (Heim, 1968) IQ test. It explored the joint and independent effects of individual differences in age and in IQ test score and the effects of practice on mean latencies (C RTs) on the shapes of distributions of correct and incorrect responses and on the limiting speeds with which accurate responses can be made (speed/error trade-off functions). We suggest that a plausible explanation for the results is that individual differences in age and in general ability influence C RTs mainly because they affect the efficiency with which responses can be controlled to maximize speed while maintaining accuracy.  相似文献   

Visual information provided by a talker’s mouth movements can influence the perception of certain speech features. Thus, the “McGurk effect” shows that when the syllable /bi/ is presented audibly, in synchrony with the syllable /gi/, as it is presented visually, a person perceives the talker as saying /di/. Moreover, studies have shown that interactions occur between place and voicing features in phonetic perception, when information is presented audibly. In our first experiment, we asked whether feature interactions occur when place information is specified by a combination of auditory and visual information. Members of an auditory continuum ranging from /ibi/ to /ipi/ were paired with a video display of a talker saying /igi/. The auditory tokens were heard as ranging from /ibi/ to /ipi/, but the auditory-visual tokens were perceived as ranging from /idi/ to /iti/. The results demonstrated that the voicing boundary for the auditory-visual tokens was located at a significantly longer VOT value than the voicing boundary for the auditory continuum presented without the visual information. These results demonstrate that place-voice interactions are not limited to situations in which place information is specified audibly. In three follow-up experiments, we show that (1) the voicing boundary is not shifted in the absence of a change in the global percept, even when discrepant auditory-visual information is presented; (2) the number of response alternatives provided for the subjects does not affect the categorization or the VOT boundary of the auditory-visual stimuli; and (3) the original effect of a VOT boundary shift is not replicated when subjects are forced by instruction to \ldrelabel\rd the /b-p/auditory stimuli as/d/or/t/. The subjects successfully relabeled the stimuli, but no shift in the VOT boundary was observed.  相似文献   

Eight, ten and twelve year old children were tested on a novel procedure involving the successive presentation of the standard and comparison stimuli. Two hypotheses were evaluated, one dealing with memory effects, and the other with children's pre-testing of choice responses in spatial information processing. It was found, in general, for both spatial perception and coordination of perspectives tasks, that there was no short memory decay for spatial information, but that opportunities to pre-test choice responses improved performance. It was inferred from these data that the performance superiority under simultaneous than successive conditions is attributable to opportunities to pre-test responses and not to memory effects, as opposed to successive conditions is attributable to opportunities to pre-test responses and not to memory effects.  相似文献   

Iconic memory, which was initially regarded as a unitary phenomenon, has since been subdivided into several components. In the present work we examined the joint effects of two such components (visible persistence and the visual analog representation) on performance in a partial report task. The display consisted of 15 alphabetic characters arranged around the perimeter of an imaginary circle on the face of an oscilloscope. The observer named the character singled out by a bar-probe. Two factors were varied: exposure duration of the array (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 or 500 ms) and duration of blank period (interstimulus interval, ISI) between the termination of the array and the onset of the probe (0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 ms). Performance was progressively impaired as both exposure duration and ISI were increased. The results were explained in terms of a probabilistic combinatorial model in which the timecourses of visible persistence and of the visual analog representation are regarded as time-locked to the onset and to the end of stimulation, respectively. The impairing effect of exposure duration was attributed to the relatively high spatial demands of the task that could be met optimally by information in visible persistence (which declines as a function of exposure duration), but less adequately by information in the visual analog representation. A second experiment, employing a task with lesser spatial demands, confirmed this interpretation.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in rate of visual information processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Each of four groups of 12 subjects performed four psychophysical tasks. The age ranges of the four groups were 19-31, 45-57, 58-70, and 71-83 years, respectively. All four tasks required some form of visual information processing: Two were backward-masking tasks; two were temporal-integration tasks. In all four tasks increasing temporal functions over age were obtained, suggesting slower processing rates as age increased. The results support an active processing model of visual perception that interprets duration of visible persistence and duration of interval in which backward masking is effective as indices of the time course of early stages in the processing of stimulus features. The evidences also suggests that backward masking and visible persistence may be mediated by distinct mechanisms that are affected differently by aging processes. A model that conceptualizes the visual system as a multichannel processor is proposed as an explanation for some of the findings.  相似文献   

Social events can be described from the perspective of either a person in the situation in which the event occurs (e.g., “John came into…”) or that of an outside observer (“John went into…”). We find that when individuals are disposed to form visual images, they have difficulty comprehending both verbal statements and pictures when the perspective from which the event is described differs from the perspective from which they have encountered similar events in daily life. Furthermore, the disposition to form visual images increases the intensity of emotional reactions to an event when the event is described from the perspective of someone in the situation in which it occurs. These effects are not evident, however, among individuals who typically process information semantically without forming visual images.  相似文献   

Visual attention functions to select relevant information from a vast amount of visual input that is available for further processing. Information from the two eyes is processed separately in early stages before converging and giving rise to a coherent percept. Observers normally cannot access eye-of-origin information. In the research reported here, we demonstrated that voluntary attention can be eye-specific, modulating visual processing within a specific monocular channel. Using a modified binocular-rivalry paradigm, we found that attending to a monocular cue while remaining oblivious to its eye of origin significantly enhanced the competition strength of a stimulus presented to the cued eye, even when the stimulus was suppressed from consciousness. Furthermore, this eye-specific attentional effect was insensitive to low-level properties of the cue (e.g., size and contrast) but sensitive to the attentional load. Together, these findings suggest that top-down attention can have a significant modulation effect at the eye-specific stage of visual information processing.  相似文献   

For many years, researchers have argued that we have separate attentional resources for the processing of information impinging on each of our sensory receptor systems. However, a number of recent studies have demonstrated the existence of shared attentional resources for the processing of auditory, visual and tactile stimuli. In the present study, we examined whether there are also common attentional resources for the processing of chemosensory stimuli. Participants made speeded (left vs. right) footpedal discrimination responses to an unpredictable sequence of visual and chemosensory stimuli presented to either nostril. The participants' attention was directed to one or the other modality by means of a symbolic auditory cue (high or low tone) at the start of each trial, which predicted the likely modality for the upcoming target on the majority (80%) of trials. Participants responded more rapidly when the target occurred in the expected modality than when it occurred in the unexpected modality, implying the existence of shared attentional resources for the processing of chemosensory and visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Although there is considerable evidence that stimuli such as digits and letters are extensively processed in parallel and without capacity limitations, recent data suggest that only the features of stimuli are processed in parallel. In an attempt to reconcile this discrepancy, we used the simultaneous/successive detection paradigm with stimuli from experiments indicating parallel processing and with stimuli from experiments indicating that only features can be processed in parallel. In Experiment 1, large differences between simultaneous and successive presentations were obtained with an R target among P and Q distractors and among P and B distractors, but not with digit targets among letter distractors. As predicted by the feature integration theory of attention, false-alarm rates in the simultaneous condition were much higher than in the successive condition with the R/PQ stimuli. In Experiment 2, the possibility that attention is required for any difficult discrimination was ruled out as an explanation of the discrepancy between the digit/letter results and the R/PQ and R/PB results. Experiment 3A replicated the R/PQ and R/PB results of Experiment 1, and Experiment 3B extended these findings to a new set of stimuli. In Experiment 4, we found that large amounts of consistent practice did not generally eliminate capacity limitations. From this series of experiments we strongly conclude that the notion of capacity-free letter perception has limited generality.  相似文献   

Rapid detection of threats has been proposed to rely on automatic processing of their coarse visual features. However, it remains unclear whether such a mechanism is restricted to detection of threat cues, or whether it reflects a broader sensitivity to even neutral coarse visual information features during states of threat. We used a backward masking task in which participants discriminated the orientation of subliminally presented low (3 cpd) and high (6 cpd) spatial frequency gratings, under threat (of shock) and safe conditions. Visual awareness of the gratings was assessed objectively using an additional localization task. When participants were unaware of the gratings, above chance and improved discrimination of low-spatial frequency gratings was observed under threat compared to safe trials. These findings demonstrate unconscious processing of neutral coarse visual information during threat state, supporting the view that automatic threat detection may rely on a general facilitation of coarse features irrespective of threat content.  相似文献   

A spreadsheet was used to construct a computer simulation of the early stages of visual information processing, specifically, the processing taking place in the retina, lateral geniculate nucleus, and visual cortex. The simulation was based on a mathematical model of Marr (1982) that accounts for the process of locating edges or boundaries and discriminating them from other changes in intensity in the visual input. The simulation relied on two mechanisms suggested by Marr. One mechanism integrated inputs from a region of the retina in order to map intensity changes into a functional pattern called a zero-crossing. The other mechanism discriminated edges from other sorts of intensity changes by proposing that edges and only edges are apparent as spatially coincident zero-crossings across a range of retinal field sizes. The simulation embodied these principles in a spreadsheet model with three layers: one that mapped intensity changes to zero-crossings, another that detected these zero-crossings, and a third that detected spatial coincidence across retinal fields of diverse widths. The simulation was able to discriminate edges (patterns with abrupt changes in intensity) and edges buried in noise from uniform input patterns, patterns with gradual changes in intensity, and random noise patterns.  相似文献   

Combination of information from the parallel processing of different basic features (color, size, etc.) can be used to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of those features. Wolfe et al. (1990) argued that, although it was possible to guide attention to the conjunction of, for instance, color and orientation, it was not possible to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of two colors or two orientations. The present experiments demonstrate an exception to this rule. Although it is true that attention cannot be guided to a target that hasred and green parts, attention can be guided to an item that can be described as awhole red target with agreen part. In Experiments 1 and 2, we illustrate this point. In Experiments 3 and 4, we rule out some simple size-based accounts of this finding- In Experiments 5 and 6, we begin to explore the nature of these first steps toward dividing the visual scene into parts and wholes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of the perceptual and motor systems to target acceleration information using verbal magnitude estimations of target acceleration and manual interception of these targets. The results showed that in the perceptual task the participants were responding mainly to acceleration threshold values, which is acceleration as a function of initial, final, and average velocities, rather then to the absolute accelerations. When manually intercepting the targets the participants responded mainly to the absolute acceleration value and target initial velocity. Thus, these results suggest that target motion can be processed in the ventral (perception) and dorsal (action) visual streams however different motion characteristics are processed in these streams depending on the required output.  相似文献   

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