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Maurice North: The Secular Priests: Psychotherapists in Contemporary Society. London: Allen and Unwin, 1972. £3.75.

Department of Education and Science: Careers Education in Secondary Schools. Education Survey 18. London: HMSO, 1973. 68p.

Audrey Newsome, Brian J. Thorne and Keith L. Wyld: Student Counselling in Practice. London: University of London Press, 1973. £3.00 hardback, £ 1.50 paperback.

Peter Righton (ed.): Counselling Homosexuals. London: Bedford Square Press, 1973. 30p.

James Mann: Time-Limited Psychotherapy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1973. £3.20.

Ken Williams: The School Counsellor. London: Methuen, 1973. £2.00 (hardback); 95p (paperback).

A. G. Watts: Diversity and Choice in Higher Education. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972. £4.00.  相似文献   

H.J. Blackham (ed.): Ethical Standards in Counselling. London: Bedford Square Press, 1974. 80p.

W.M. Williams (ed.): Occupational Choice. London: George Allen AUnwin, 1974. £3.20.

Crispin Cross (ed.): Interviewing and Communication in Social Work. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. £3.95 hardback; £1.80 paperback.

Margaret I. Reid, Bernard R. Barnett, and Helen A. Rosenberg: A Matter of Choice. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research, 1974. £3.85.

Anthony Mann: The Human Paradox. Rugby: National Marriage Guidance Council, 1974. £1.

Catherine Avent: Practical Approaches to Careers Education. Cambridge: CRAC/Hobson's Press, 1974. £3.50.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
GRAY, J. A. Elements of a Two-Process Theory of Learning. London: Academic Press. 1975. Pp. 423. £6.60.

STOCKBRIDGE, H. C. W. Behaviour and the Physical Environment :Case Studies in Psychology and Ergonomics. London: Batsford. 1975. Pp. 191. £7.50.

CRYSTAL, D. The English Tone of Voice-Essays in Intonation, Prosody and Paralanguage. London: Edward Arnold. 1975. Pp. 198. £3.75.

MCFARLAND, D. J. (Ed.). Motivational Control Systems Analysis. London and New York: Academic Press. 1974. Pp. xii + 523. £11.00.

IVERSEN, S. D. and IVERSEN, L. L. Behavioral Pharmacology. New York and London: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp. xiv + 310. £2.75.

LEVITT, R. A. Psychopharmacology. A Biological Approach. New York: Wiley. 1975. Pp. x + 502. £9.45.

DOWNS, R. M. and STEA, D. (Eds). Image and Environment. Chicago: Aldine. 1973. (London: Arnold). Pp. xxii + 439. £6.75.

MACCOBY, E. E. and JACKLIN, C. N. The Psychology of Sex Differences. London: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp. 634. £7.00.

MASSARO, D. W. (Ed.). Understanding Language. New York: Academic Press. 1975. PP. 438. £7.90.

HILGARD, E. R., ATKINSON, R. C., and ATKINSON, R. L. Introduction to Psychology. Sixth Edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1975. Pp. 658. £8.10.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
SCHIFF, W. AND FOULKE, E. (Eds.). Tactual Perception: A Source Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. Pp. 464. ISBN 0 521 24095 6. £25.00.

GILHOOLY, K. J. Thinking: Directed, Undirected and Creative. London: Academic Press. 1982. Pp. 178. ISBN 0 12283482 8. £5.50.

DEUTSCH, D. The Psychology of Music. New York: Academic Press, 1982. Pp. 542. $49.50. ISBN 0 12 2135601.

SHEPARD, R. N. and COOPER, L. A. Mental Irnuges and Their Transfomutions. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. 1982. Pp. 364. ISBN 0 262 19200 4. £17.50

WADE, N. The Art and Science of Visual Illusions. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1982. Pp. 293. E1y. 95 ISBN 0 7100 0868 6.

REED, S.K. Cognition: Theory and Applications. Montery, Calif.; BrooksiCole Publishing Co. 1982. Pp. 394. $19.95 ISBN 0 8185 0462 5.

CAELLI, T. Visual Perception Theonl and Practice. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1981Pp. 197. £8.50 (paper) ISBN 0 08 oz4419/0~4420.

A. M. UTTLEY. Infomation Transmission in the Nervous System. London: Academic Press. 1979.Pp. 111 £7.50 ISBN 0 12709750 3.

ANDERSON, J. R. (Ed.). Cognitive Skills and their-Acquisition. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. 1981. Pp. 386. 00.00. ISBN 0 89859 093 0.

KUCZAC, S. (Ed.). Language Development. Volume I: Syntux and Semantics. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. 1982. Pp. 492. ISBN 0 89859 1OO 7.

DEUTSCH, W. (Ed.). The Child's Construction of Languuge. London: Academic Press. 1981. Pp. 393. ISBN 0 12213580 6. £19.20.

BAKER, C. L. and MCCARTHY, J. J. (Eds). The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 1981. Pp. 358. ISBN 0 262 02159 5. £19.25.

DIXON, N. F. Preconscious Processing Chichester: Wiley 1981. Pp. 313. ISBN 0 471 27982 X. £14.95.  相似文献   

Book review     
EVANS, R. M. The Perception of Color. New York: Wiley and Sons. 1974. Pp. xii + 248. £ 8.10.

ROSS, H. E. Behaviour and Perception in Strnge Enviroment. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1974. Pp. 171. £ 3.95. (Hardback), £ 1.95. (Peperback).

COOPER, J. R. BLOOM, F. E. and ROTH, R. H. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 2nd Ed. New York and London: Oxford University Press. 1974. Pp. 272. £ 2.50.

JOHNSON, F. N. (Ed.) Lithium Research and Teerapy. London: Acakemic Press. 1974. Pp. 570. £ 13.50.

GERGG, L. W. (Ed.) Cognition in Lerning and Memory. New York: Wiley. 1972. Pp. vii + 263. £ 5.85.

SCHIEFELBUSCH, R. L. and LLOYD, L. L. Language Perspectives-Acquisition, Retardation and Intervention. Macmillan: Baltimore, 1974. Pp 670. £ 7.95.

CHOMSKY, C. The Acquisition of Syntax of Syntax in Children form 5 to 10. Cambridge, Massa-chusetts: M. I. T. Press. 1969. Pp. 126.

Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 25. Palo Alto, California: Annual Reviews Inc. 544 PP. $ 12.50.

HARRISON, B. Meaning and Structure: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. New York: Harper and Row. 1972. Pp. 318. £4.65.

MACKINTOSH, N. J. The Psychology of Animal Learning. Academic Press. 1974. Pp. 730. £ 8.00.

BURES, J., BURESOVA, O. and KRIVANEK, J. The Mechanism and Application of Leao's Spreading Depression of Electroephalagraphic Activity. New York: Academic Press. 1974. Pp. 410. £ 14.15.

SOLSO, R.L. (ED.). Theories in Cognitive Psychology: The LOyola Symposium. Potomac, Maryland: Lawrence Erlbaum associates. 1974. £ 7.95.

MURDOCK, B. B. Jr. Human Memory: Theory and Data. Potomac: Erlbaum (distributed by Wiley). 1974. Pp. 362. £ 6.85.

REED, S. K. Psychological Process in Pattern Recogntion. New York: Academic Press. 1973. $ 13.95.

RABBIT, P. M. A. and DORNIC, D. (Eds). Attention and Performance V. London: Academic Press. 1975. Pp. 732. £ 16.00.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Lutman, M. E. and Haggard, M. P. (Eds.). Hearing Science and Hearing Disorders. London: Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 338. ISBN 0-12-460440. £15.00.

Mehler, J., Walker, E. C. T. and Garrett, M. (Eds.). Perspectives on Mental Representation: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Cognitive Processes and Capacities. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. xiv+485. ISBN 0-89859-194-5. £27.50.

Schacter, D. L. The Stranger Behind the Engram. Theories of Memory and the Psychology of Science. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. 294. ISBN 0-89859-245-3. £19.95.

Broughton, J. M. and Freeman-Moir, D. J. (Eds.). The Cognitive Developmental Psychology of James Mark Baldwin: Current Theory and Research in Genetic Epistemology. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 1982. Pp. 460. ISBN 0-89391-043-0. £36.50.

Flammer, A. and Kintsch, W. (Eds.). Discourse Processing (Advances in Psychology, Vol. 8). Amsterdam: North Holland. 1982. Pp. x + 614. ISBN 0-444-86515-2. £33.19.

Beaumont, J. Graham. (Ed.). Divided Visual Field Studies of Cerebral Organisation. London: Academic Press. 1982. Pp. xiii + 305. ISBN 0-12-084080-4. £18.00.

Lloyd-Bostock, S. and Clifford, B. R. (Eds.). Evaluating Witness Evidence: Recent Psychological Research and New Perspectives. Chichester: Wiley. Pp. x - 305. ISBN 0-471-10463-9. £19.95.

Jarvella, R. J. and Klein, W. (Eds.). Speech, Place and Action: Studies in Deixis and Related Topics. Chichester: Wiley. 1982. Pp. 389. ISBN 0-471-10045-5. £22.75.

Bradshaw, J. L. and Nettleton, N. G. Human Cerebral Asymmetry. Englewood Porac, C. and Coren, S. Lateral Preferences and Human Behaviour. New York: Cliffs: Prentice Hall. 1982. Pp. 335. ISBN 0-13-444646-1. £21.00.

Porac, C. and Coren, S. Lateral Preferences and Human Behaviour. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1981. Pp. 283. ISBN 0-387-90596-0. $24.20.

Barlow, H. B. and Mollon, J. D. (Eds.). The Senses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. Pp. 490. ISBN 0-521-24474-9. Hardback £30.00; paperback £12.50.

Bronson, G. W. The Scanning Patterns of Human Infants: Implications for Visual Learning. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 1982. Pp. 152. ISBN 0-89391-114-3. £16.00.

Walk, R. D. and Pick, Jr., H. L. (Eds.). Intersensory Perception and Sensory Integration. New York: Plenum. 1981. Pp. 415. ISBN 0-306-40610-1. $32.50.

Underwood, G. and Stevens, R. (Eds.). Aspects of Consciousness, Vol. 2: Structural Issues. London: Academic Press. 1981. Pp. 246. ISBN 0-12-708802-4. £5.00

Underwood, G. (Ed.). Aspects of Consciousness, Vol. 3: Awareness and Self-Awareness. London: Academicpress. 1982. Pp. 331. ISBN 0-12-708803-2. £9.00.

Lehnert, W. G. and Ringle, M. H. (Eds.). Strategies for Natural Language Processing. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. xxii + 533. ISBN 0-89859-191-0. £ 27.50.  相似文献   

Role-play in counsellor training Tolan, J. & Lendrum, S. 1995 Case Material and Role Play in Counselling Training London, Routledge ISBN 0-415-10215-4 £14.99

Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring McNally, R.J. 1994 Panic Disorder: a Critical Analysis New York, Guilford ISBN 0-89862-263-8 £19.95

Group therapy for abuse survivors Ney, P.G. & Peters, A. 1995 Ending the Cycle of Abuse: the Stories of Women Abused as Children and the Group Therapy Techniques That Helped Them Heal New York, Brunner/Mazel ISBN 0-87630-752-7 £19.95

Therapies compared Jacobs, M. (Ed.), 1995 Charlie—an Unwanted Child? Buckingham, Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19199-1 £12.99

Walker, M. (Ed.), 1995 Peta—a Feminist's Problem with Men Buckingham, Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19223-8 £12.99

Should therapists be 'certified'? Mowbray, R. 1995 The Case Against Psychotherapy Registration: a Conservation Issue for the Human Potential Movement London, Trans Marginal Press ISBN 0-9524270-0-1 £12.95

The counsellor's tale Skovholt, T.M. & Ronnestad, M.H. 1995 The Evolving Professional Self: Stages and Themes in Therapist and Counselor Development Chichester, Wiley ISBN 0-471-95393-8 £39.95 (hardback); £16.95 (paperback)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
ROBINSON, J. O. The psychology of Visual Illusion. London: Hutchinson University Library. 1972. Pp. 285. £ 3.00.

CARROLL, JOHN B. and FREEDLE, Roy O. (Eds). Language Comprehension and the Acquisition of Knowledge. New York: John Wiley. 1972.

PEARSON, R. The Avian Brain. London: Academic Press. 1972. Pp 624. £ 10.00.

KORNBLUM, S. (Ed.). Attention and Perfomance IV. New York and London: Academic Press. 1973. Pp. xxx+771. $ 18.50.

WASON, P. C. and JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. Psychology of Reasoming: Reasosming: Structure and Content. London: B. T. Batsford Limited. 1972. Pp 26.4. £ 3.50.

GILBERT, R. M. and MILLENSON, J. R. (Eds). Reinforcement: Behavioural Analysis. New York: Academic Press. 1972. Pp. xiii+288. £ 6.35.

STRONGMAN, K. T. The Psychology of Emotion. London: Wiley. 1973. Pp. 191. £ 3.50.

MYERS, R. D. (Ed.). Methods in psychobiology. Vol. 2. London and New York: Academic Press. 1972. Pp. xii+398. £ 6.50.

NILSSON, N. J. Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1971. Pp. 255. POund 5.40.

SHEEHAN, P. W. (Ed.). The function and Nature of Imagery. New York: Acadmic Press. 1972. Pp. $ 22.50.

CLARKE, E. and DEWHURST, K. An Illustrated of Brain Furction. Oxford: Sandford Publication. 1972. Pp. 154. £ 5.50.

SCHACHTER, S. Emotion, Obesity and Crime. New York: Academic Press. 1971. Pp. 195. £ 3.50.

MCGUIGAN, F. J. and LUMSDEN, D.B. (Eds). Contemporary Appraches to Conditioning and Learning. Washingotn, D. C.: v. H. Winston and Sons. 1973. Pp. xii+231. £ 6.50.

BECK, J. Surface Colour Perception. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. 1972.Pp. £ 11.50.  相似文献   

William Stewart: Health Service Counselling. London: Pitman Medical, 1979. £4.95.

B. Babington Smith and B.A. Farrell (eds.): Training in Small Groups: a Study of Five Methods. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979. £7.50.

David Canter and Sandra Canter (eds.): Designing for Therapeutic Environments: Review of Research. Chichester: Wiley, 1979. £13.

Sidney Blocher(ed): An Introduction to the Psychotherapies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. £3.95.

Richard Stern: Behavioural Techniques: Therapist's Manual. London: Academic Press, 1979. £3.50.

Sheldon Eisenberg and Lewis E. Patterson: Helping Clients with Special Concerns. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979. £6.75.

B. Mark Schoenberg (ed.): A Handbook and Guide for the College and University Counseling Center. Connecticut: Greenwood, 1978. $18.95.

J. Stuart Whiteley and John Gordon: Group Approaches in Psychiatry. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. £6.95.

John Bazalgette: School Life and Work Life: a Study of Change in the Inner City. London: Hutchinson, 1978. £2.95.

Tom Kitwood: Disclosures to a Stranger: Adolescent Values in an Advanced Industrial Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. £11.50.  相似文献   

Book review     
Bruner, J., Cole, M. and Lloyd, B. (Eds.). The Developing Child. London: Fontana/Open Books. 1977. (1) MacFarlane, A. The Psychology of Childbirth. Pp. 128. £1.00. (2) Garvey, C. Play. Pp. 128. £1.00. (3) Schaffer, R. Mothering. Pp. 128. £103. (4) Dunn, J. Distress and Comfort Pp. 128. £1.00. (5) Bower, T. The Perceptual World of the Child. Pp. 128. £1.00. (6) Goodnow, J. Children'sDrawing. Pp. 128. £1.00. (7) Tucker, N. What is a Child? Pp. 128. £1.00. (8) Stern, D. The First Relationship. Pp. 128. £1.00.

Mandler, G. Mind and Emotion. New york: Wiley. 1975. Pp. 280. Hardback £7.65; paperback £3.70. ISBN 0471 56690 X.

Elcock, E. W. and Michie, D. (Eds). Machine Intelligence 8. Chichester: Ellis Horwood. 1977. Pp. 630. £24.00. ISBN 85312 058 7.

Griffin, D. R. The Question of Animal Awareness: Evolutionary Continuity of Mental Experience. New York: The Rockefeller University Press, 1976. Pp. viii + 133. $8.95. ISBN 87470 020 5.

Drucker-Colin, R. R. and McGaugh, J. L. (Eds). Neurobiology of Sleep and Memory. New York: Academic Press. 1977. Pp. 456. £13.85. ISBN 0 12 222350 0.

Elkind, D. Child Development and Education: A Piagetian Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. 1977. Pp. 274. HArdback £8.95. ISBN 0 19 502068 5; paperback £3.75. ISBN 0 19 502069 3.

Tyrer, P. The Role of Bodily Feelings in Anxiety. Londn: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp. 128. £6.50. ISBN 0 1971 2145 4.

Desmedt, J. E. (Ed.). Progress in Clinical Neurophysiology. Vol. 2. Auditiory Evoked Potentials in Man. Psychopharmacology. Correlates of Evoked Potentials. Basle: KArger. 1977. £37.75. ISBN 3 8055 2629 6.

Snow, C. E. and Ferguson, C. A. (Eds). Talking to Children. Cambridge.: Cambridge University Press. 1977. Pp. 369. £8.00. ISBN 0 521 21318 5.

Lerner, R. M. Concepts and Theories of Human Development. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. 1976. Pp. 324. £9.10. ISBN 0 2010 4342 4.

Gesell, A., Ilg, F. and Ames, L. The Child from Five to Ten. Revised edition. New York: Harper & Row. 1977. Pp. 461. £7.95. ISBN 06 011501 7.

Bergling, K. The Development of Hypothetico Deductive Reasoning in Children. IEA Monograph studies No. 3. New York: John Wiley. 1975. Pp. 127. £7.50. ISBN 0470 06972 2.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
DIAMOND, S. J. The Social Behaviour of Animals. London: Baqtsford. 1970. Pp. 256. £2.50.

JARRARD, L. E. (Ed.). Cognitive Processes in Non-human Primates. New York: Academic Press. 1971. Pp. 188.

BROZEK, J. and SLOBIN, D. I. (Eds). Psychology in the USSER: An Historical Perspective. New York: International Arts and Sciences Press. 1972. Pp. x + 30.1. $ 15.00.

A. R. JENSEN. Genetics and Education. London: Methuen. 1972. Pp. Vii + 379. £ 3.50.

OATLEY, K. Brain Mechanisms and Mind. London: Thames and Husdson. 1972. Pp. 216. £2.25.

BOAKES, R. A. and HALLIDAY, M. S., (Eds). Inhibition and Learning. London: Academic Press 1972. Pp. 568. £7.25.

TOBACH, E., ARONSON, L. R. and SHAW, E. (Eds). The Biopsychology of Development. New York: Academic Press. 1971. Pp.xix + 593. dollar 22.50.

MOLTZ, H. (Ed.). The Ontogeny of Vertebrate Behavior. New York and London: Academic Press. 1971. Pp. 500. $ 22.50.

SOKOLOV, A. N. Inner Speech and Thought. London: Plenum Publishment Co. 1972. Pp. 283. £ 10.50

SHOUKSMITH, G. Intelligence, Creativity and Cognivity and Cognitive Style. LOndon: Batsford. 1970.Pp. 240. £ 2.30,

BOLTON, N. The psychology of Thinking. Lond Methuuen. 1972. Pp. 291. £3.20.

JOHNSON, D. M. Systematic Introduction to The Psychology of Thinking. New York: Harper and Row, 1972. Pp. 498. £ 5.10.

LLOYD, B. Preception and Cognition. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1972. Pp. 190. £ 0.80.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
GEOGRAPHY, R. L. and GOMBRICH, E. H. (Eds). Illusion in Nature and Art. Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd. 1973. Pp. 288. £7.50/£3.25.

HARTMANN, E. L. The Functions of Sleep. London: Yale University Press. 1974. Pp. 198. £ 3.50.

RADFORD, J. and BURNTON, A. Thinking: its Nture and Devolopment. London: Wiley. 1974. Pp. 440. £ 6.95. Soft cover £ 3.25.

MACE, C. A. Selected Paper. London: Methuen and Co Ltd. 1973. Pp. 420. £ 6.50.

WOLFF, J. G. Language, Brain and Hearing. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. 1973 Pp. 237. £ 3050.

BATTRO, A. M. Piaget: Dictionary of Terms. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1973. Pp. 186. £ 5.75.

MUSSEN, P. H. and ROZENSWEIG, M. R. Annual Review of Psychology. Annual Reviews Inc: Palo Alto, Califonia. Pp. 551. 12.50.  相似文献   

PALMER, S.K. & MCMAHON, G. (Eds), 1997 Handbook of Counselling (2nd edn)London: Routledge ISBN 0-415-1395-2-X £18.99

SULTANA,R.G. & SAMMUT, J.M. (Eds), 1997 Careers Education and Guidance in Malta: Issues and ChallengesMalta: Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd. ISBN: 99909-0-077-9

Reviewed by Marcus Offer, Lecturer in Vocational Guidance, University of Reading

GOPAUL-MCNICOL, S. & BRICE-BAKER, J., 1998 Cross-Cultural Practice: Assessment, Treatment and TrainingNew York: Wiley ISBN 0-471-14849-0 £19.99

Reviewed by Colin Fekham, Senior Lecturer in Counselling, Sheffield HaUam University

SlLVERSTONE, L., 1997 Art and the Development of the Person (2nd edn)London: Jessica Kingsley ISBN 1-85302-481-3 £14.95

Reviewed by Vol Dairies, Lecturer in Counselling, Department of Applied Social Studies, Keele University HORTON, I. (Ed.) The Needs of Counsellors and Psychotherapists London: Sage ISBN 0-7619-5299-3 £13.99

Reviewed by Ray Woolfe, Visiting Fellow, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Hud- dersfield

SILLS, C. (Ed.), 1997 Contracts in Counselling London: SageISBN: 0-7619-5088-5 (hbk); 0-7619-5089-3 (pbk) £35 (hbk); £12.99 (pbk)

Mary Berry, Director of Counselling Programmes, Centre for Educational Needs, University of Manchester  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Eclecticism comes of age John C. Norcross (ed.): Handbook of Eclectic Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1987. $65.00.

Eclecticism comes of age John C. Norcross (ed.): Casebook of Eclectic Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1987. $61.50.

Assessment in action Jennifer M. Kidd: Assessment in Action: a Manual for Those Involved in the Educational Guidance of Adults. Leicester: Unit for the Development of Adult Continuing Education, 1988. £4.50.

'A stormy adolescence' Debra Greenspoon Linesch: Adolescent Art Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1988. $27.50.

Applying developmental theory to the practice of counselling Allen E. Ivey: Developmental Therapy; Theory into Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986. £34.

Preaching to the unconverted Michael Reddy: The Manager's Guide to Counselling at Work. London: BPS and Methuen, 1987. £6.95 (£5.50 to members of the British Psychological Society).  相似文献   

Narrative and Psychotherapy MCLEOD.J., 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-8039-7686-0 £12.99

Reviewed by LLonie Sugarman, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University College of St Martin, Lancaster

Reviewed by Gladeana McMahon, freelance psychotherapist, trainer and counselling supervisor

Counselling in Psychological Services DAVIES, D., 1997 Buckingham: Open University Press ISBN 0-335-19164 9 (pbk) £13.99

Reviewed by Bob Spall, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust, St Edward's Hospital, Cheddleton (near Leek), Staffordshire

The Practice of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (2nd edn) ELLIS, A. & DRYDEN, W., 1997 New York: Springer ISBN 0-8261-5472-7 542.95 $42.95

Reviewed by Gladeana McMahon, freelance psychotherapist, trainer and counselling supervisor

Women and Alcohol: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives Plant, M., 1997 London: Free Association Books ISBN 1-85343-364-0 £15.95

A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy RICHARDS, P.S. & BERGIN, A.E., 1997 ISBN 1-55798-434-4 £31.95

Reviewed by William West, Lecturer in Counselling Studies, University of Manchester.

Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Law JENKINS, P., 1997 London: Sage ISBN 0-8039-7987-8 £13.95

Reviewed by Peter Ross, University Counselling Service, University of reading

Psychological Change MAYHEW, J., 1997 Basingstoke: Macmillan ISBN 0-333-65431-5 £13.50

Reviewed by Jan Waterson, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Birmingham  相似文献   

Richard Nelson-Jones: Practical Counselling Skills. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983.

Denis O'Connor: Glue-Sniffing and Volatile Substance Abuse - Case Studies of Children and Young Adults. Aldershot: Gower, 1984.

Susan Oldfield: The Counselling Relationship: a Study of the Client's Experience. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.

Windy Dryden: Rational-Emotive Therapy: Fundamentals and Innovations. London: Croom Helm, 1984.

J. William Worden: Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy. New York: Tavistock, 1983.

Lane A. Gerber: Married to their Careers—Careers and Family Dilemmas in Doctors' Lives. New York: Tavistock, 1983.  相似文献   

Gilbert Wrenn: The World of the Contemporary Counselor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973.

Rita Howden and Harry Dowson: Practical Guidance in Schools. London: Careers Consultants, 1973. £2.00.

Ray Jackson (ed.): Careers Guidance: Practice and Problems. London: Edward Arnold, 1973. £1.90.

Patricia Milner: Counselling in Education. London: Dent, 1974. £3.95.

Donald G. Zytowski (ed.): Contemporary Approaches to Interest Measurement. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1973. £5.00.

Raymond Corsini (ed.): Current Psychotherapies. Illinois: F.E. Peacock, 1973. £5.95 hardback, £3.60 paperback.

Desrnond Pond: Counselling in Religion and Psychiatry. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. £1.25.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Clark, M. S. and Fiske, S. T. (Eds.). Affect and cognition: The Seventeenth Annual Cornegie Symposium on Cognition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. 357. ISBN 0-89859-212-7. £24.00.

Norman, D. A. (Ed.). Perspectives on Cognitive Science. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex. 1981. Pp. 303. ISBN 0-89391-071-6. $19.95

Gollin, E. S. (Ed.). Developmental Plasticity: Behavioral and Biological Aspects of Variations in Development. New York: Academic Press. 1981. Pp. 282. ISBN 0-12-289620-3. £16.60.

Rapin, I. Children with Brain Dysfunction. New York: Raven Press. 1982. Pp. 300. ISBN 0-89004-844-4. $46.50.

Schank, R. C. Reading and Understanding: Teaching from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. xii + 196. ISBN 0-89859-169-4. £13.95.

Sheehan, P. W. and McConkey, K. M. Hypnosis and Experience: The Exploration of Phenomena and Process. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. 297. ISBN 0-89859-195-3. £17.50.

Burton, A. (Ed.). The Pathology and Psychology of Cognition. London: Methuen. 1983. Pp. 306. ISBN 0-416-30810-4. Hardback, £13.00; paperback, £5.95.

Otto, W. and White, S. (Eds.). Reading Expository Material. London: Academic Press. 1982. Pp. xiv + 303. ISBN 0-12-531050-1. £19.60.

Lerdahl, F. and Jackendoff, R. A Generative Theory of Tonal Music. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 1983. Pp. 368. ISBN 0-262-12094-1. £31.30.

Lewis, B. (Ed.). Bioacoustics: A Comparative Approach. London: Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 493. ISBN 0-12-446550-1. £29.50.

Carpenter, T. P., Moser, J. M. and Romberg, T. A. Addition and Subtraction: A Cognitive Perspective. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. Pp. 245. ISBN 0-89859-171-6. £14.95.

Le Ny, J-F. and Kintsch, W. (Eds.). Language and comprehension. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 1982. Pp. 358. ISBN 0-444-86538-1.Dfl. 120.00.

Schwartz, B. and Lacey, H. Behaviorism, science and human nature. New York: W. W. Norton. 1982. Pp. 282. ISBN 0-393-01585-8. $19.95.

Cole, P. R. Language disorders in preschool children. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 1982. Pp. 178. ISBN 0-13-522862-X. £19.75.

Wood, M. L. Language disorders in school-age children. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 1982. Pp. 156. ISBN 0-13-522946-4. £19.75.

Baddeley, A. D. Your memory: A user's guide. London: Sidgwick & Jackson. 1982. Pp. 222. ISBN 0-283-98929-7. £9.95.

Lass, N. J. (Ed.). Speech and language: Advances in basic research and practice, Vol. 6. London: Academic Press. 1982. Pp. 477. ISBN 0-12-608606-0. £36.40.

Neisser, U. (Ed.). Memory observed: Remembering in natural contexts. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. 1982. Pp. 433 + xiii. ISBN 07167-1 1371-3. £8.80 (paperback), £18.80 (hardback).

Gentner, D. and Stevens, A. L. Mental models. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1983. Pp. viii + 348. ISBN 0-89859-242-9. £24.95.

Miles, T. R. Dyslexia: The pattern of diculties. London: Granada. 1983. Pp. 225. ISBN 0-246-11345-6. £9.95.

Humphrey, N. Consciousness regained. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1983. Pp. 222. ISBN 0-19-217732-X. £12.95.

Levinson, S. C. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. Pp. xvi + 420. ISBN 0-521-22235-4 (Case). £25.00. ISBN 0-521-29414-2 (Paper). £8.50.  相似文献   

Paul Halmos: The Personal and the Political: Social Work and Political Action. London: Hutchinson, 1978. £5.95.

C. Jackson, F. Sneath, and D. Wallis (eds.): Computers in Vocational Guidance. Special issue of the Journal of Occupational Psychology, Volume 51 No.1, 1978. £5.

P. Mussen and N. Eisenberg-Berg: Roots of Caring, Sharing and Helping — the Development of Prosocial Behaviour in Children. San Francisco: Freeman, 1978. £8.60 hardback; £3.30 paperback.

Beeman Phillips: School Stress and Anxiety: Theory, Research and Intervention. London: Human Sciences Press, 1978. £7.25.

Mary K. Hinchliffe, Douglas Hooper, and F. John Roberts: The Melancholy Marriage. Chichester: Wiley, 1978. £7.50.

N.J. Entwistle and J.D. Wilson: Degrees of Excellence: the Academic Achievement Game. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1977. £7.95.

J.S. Zaro, R. Barach, D. Nedelman, and I.S. Dreiblatt: A Guide for Beginning Psychotherapists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. £9 (hardback); £3.50 (paperback).

Murray Cox: Structuring the Therapeutic Process: Compromise with Chaos. Oxford: Pergamon, 1978. £5.

Murray Cox: Coding the Therapeutic Process: Emblems of Encounter. Oxford: Pergamon, 1978. £2.

Eileen Gambrill: Behaviour Modification: Handbook of Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation. London: Jossey-Bass, 1977. £23.

N.L. Stewart, B.B. Winborn, Richard G. Johnson, H.M. Burks, and James L. Engelkes: Systematic Counselling. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1978. £9 approx.

S.A. Appelbaum: The Anatomy of Change. New York: Plenum Press, 1977. £15.44.

Eileen Chandler: Student Counselling: When and Why. Exeter: Exeter University Teaching Services, 1977. £1.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Thomassen, A., Keuss, P. and van Galen, G. (Eds.). Motor aspects of handwiriting. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 1984. Pp 354. ISBN 0444-86774-0. $50.

Klatskyk, R. L. Memory and awareness. New York: W. H. Freeman. 1984. Pp. 155. ISBN 0-7167-1600-3. £9.95.

Longman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry. New York: Longman. 1984. ISBN 0-582-28257, pp 816, £46.00.

Kintsch, W., Miller, J. R., and Polson, P. G. Methods and tactics in cognitive seience. Hilisadale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1984. Pp. xii+324. ISBN 0-89859-372-1. £27.50.

Dubery, F. and Williats, J. Perspective and other drawing systems. London: The Herbert Press. 1983. Pp. 128. ISBN 0-906969 -25-5. £4.95.

Morris, P. E. and Hampson, P. J. Imagery and consciousness. London: Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 341. ISBN 0-12-507680-0. $36.50.

Bundy, A. The computer modelling of mathematical reasoning. London: Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 322. ISBN 0-12-141252-0. $15.00.

Jeeves, M. A. and Greer, G. B. Analysis of structural learning. London: Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 265. ISBN 0-12-382080-4. $40.00.

Taylor, I. and Taylor, M. M. The psychology of reading. New York: Academic Press, 1983. Pp. 511. ISBN 0-12-684080-6 $29.50.

Wade, N. J. (Ed.). Brewster and Wheatstone on vision. London: Academic Press. 1984. Pp. 358. ISBN 0-12-729550-X. $39.00.

Harre, R. and Lamb, R. The encyclopedic dictionary of psychology. Oxford: Blackwell. 1983. ISBN 0-631-12663-5. £55.00.

Kail, R. and Spear, N. E. (Eds.). Comparative perspectives on the development of memory. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1984. Pp. x+ 374. ISBN 0-89859-317-4. £37.50.

R. Hockey (Ed.). Stress and fatigue in human performance. London: Wiley. 1983. ISBN 0-471 10-265-2. £16.50.

Sarris, V. and Parducci, A. (Eds.). Perspectives in psychological experimentation: Toward the year 2000. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1984. Pp. 370. ISBN 0-89859-272-9. £33.30.  相似文献   

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