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如何控制中药的安全性和有效性一直是中医药研究关注的问题.基于此,提出先根据亲和原理获得中药的"活性成分谱",在此基础上验证活性成分的毒性和疗效后即可获得中药的"毒性成分谱"和"有效成分谱",继而为中药的质量控制提供依据.简要地介绍了"活性成分谱"思路,并与其他中药活性研究技术进行了简要的对比.  相似文献   

从中西医理论的异同看中药药理研究之思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中西医理论的异同看中药药理研究之思路陕西中医学院92级研究生(712083)张宏方中药药理初始研究是以西药药理的方式研究中药的,因而反映在中药药理方面,仅是个别局限性作用的反映,这种研究往往不能全面地反映一味中药或一组方药的药效学全貌。尽管现在从中...  相似文献   

<正>人民出版社2014年。本书以刘宗周晚年最为重要的著作《人谱》为切入点,以“文本与话题相统一”为哲学方法论,在细致梳理《人谱》撰著始末的基础上,逻辑地探析《人谱》内蕴的哲学理念,以此理性地定位蕺山哲学在宋明理学史上的学术价值。全书主体内容包括:在导论中,作者阐明以《人谱》为刘宗周平生最为重要著作的几点原由,并疏解“文本与话题相统一”哲学方法论的内涵;第一章阐论刘宗周学问思辨的心路历程,以“多变性”、“醇儒  相似文献   

王振武同志认为,“反映概念不能揭示人类认识的真实情况”,“人工智能已经完全、彻底地否定了反映概念”,而把信息的选择作为认识的本质特征《认识定义新探》,载《哲学研究》1986年第4期)。对此,笔者不敢苟同。本文想仅就反映范畴的科学证明,以及它与信息的内在联系等问题,谈点看法,以作为对王文贬斥反映概念的一种基础性的回答。  相似文献   

中药现代研究是当前医药学界的热点和重点研究领域。在面对中药现代研究取得的某些方面”突破”的同时,也须正视中药现代研究的困惑。从中药研究所面临的困惑出发,探究中药现代研究的出发点、立足点、关键点和突破点,有助于理清研究思路,明确研究方向,确定研究方法与目标,促进中药现代研究的进程。  相似文献   

近些年,中药中毒“事件”层出不穷,其中最引人注目的木通(关木通)和防己(广防己)引起肾脏毒性和重金属毒性的事件更添加了人们对中药使用的担忧。中药毒性问题已经引起国内外高度的重视,需要我们用客观、全面、整体的观点来看待,制定出符合国际标准的中药安全性评价体系。毒代动力学是一门新兴的、涉及到药动学和毒理学研究的边缘性分支学科,它运用药动学的方法和原理,定量地研究毒性剂量下药物在动物体内的吸收、分布、代谢、排泄过程和特点,进而探讨药物毒性发生和发展的规律性。将毒代动力学方法应用于中药安全性评价研究中,从而使传统中药逐步现代化、国际化。  相似文献   

道教的生态观强调人与生态自然万物同生共运的浑然一体,强调生态系统的自然、和谐、生命和健康,反映道、天、地、人之间的自然生态平衡关系。“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”是道教生态美的总纲,是道教生态和谐美的最高境界,它反映了生态生命系统与自然生存环境系统的相互协调所展现出来的美的形式。一、生态系统和谐美道教认为生态系统具有规律性,这就是“道”。世界上的一切,包括天地万物和人都是从这个“道”产生的。这个“道”,即是万物之宗,又是万物之始,更是万象之源,使天、地、人等宇宙万物在“道”中实现了生态自然的和谐统一。1…  相似文献   

最近几年,随着对国外有关现象学及其研究资料评介的增多,我国研究胡塞尔现象学的领域有所扩展,对现象学的本质的认识也愈益深刻,下面就研究中几个较重要的问题作一概述。 胡塞尔现象学的本质 罗克汀认为,国外关于胡塞尔现象学的本质乃是“观象学还原法”和“理智的直观”的两种观点,均未能正确地反映胡塞尔观象学理论体系的实际情况。把哲学与科学相割裂,并从根本上对立起来,才是胡塞尔现象学的根本的、本质的观点。“现象学还原法”抑或“理智  相似文献   

中药注射剂有效性及“毒性”的物质基础分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药注射剂的有效性得到了临床用药的广泛验证,但带来的安全性(“毒性”)问题也引起业界和社会的广泛关注。本文通过分析中药注射剂和同处方的口服剂有效性和“毒性”的特点,认为中药注射剂的有效性来自于小分子物质,而大分子物质则是导致“毒性”的主要物质基础,进而提出从严监控中药注射剂中的大分子物质是提高中药注射剂的有效策略。  相似文献   

国内有关认识论的研究强调“能动的反映论”.但对于这种“能动的”反映机制究竟是如何在人类认识中起作用的,它究竟基于人类个体与社会的何种性质,却少有深入的研究.  相似文献   

During the foreperiod (FP) of a warned reaction task, participants engage in a process of temporal preparation to speed response to the impending target stimulus. Previous neurophysiological studies have shown that inhibition is applied during FP to prevent premature response. Previous behavioral studies have shown that the duration of FP on both the current and the preceding trial codetermine response time to the target. Integrating these findings, the present study tested the hypothesis that the behavioral effects find their origin in response inhibition on the preceding trial. In two experiments the variable-FP paradigm was combined with a go/no-go task, in which no-go stimuli required explicit response inhibition. The resulting data pattern revealed sequential effects of both FP (long or short) and response requirement (go or no-go), which could be jointly understood as expressions of response inhibition, consistent with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

盆底结构精细复杂,传统的解剖学以尸检为依据,现代影像学则提供了活体观察功能形态的有效方法.盆底结构核磁共振成像研究的新进展,体现了医学技术创新的稳健性、后发性、综合性,其发展取决于现代科学技术的进步.因此影像医学工作者作为医学科技主体,只有具备综合型知识结构,才能更好地进行医学技术创新.  相似文献   

来自进化心理学的理论及研究结果提示, 女性性激素可能是情景记忆的重要影响因素, 但是, 具体机制尚不清晰。本研究以女性生理周期性激素水平的自然变化构成的两个时期(卵泡后期、黄体中期)为自变量, 利用“What-Where-When Task”情景记忆任务(实验1), 结合事件相关电位(event-related potential, ERP)技术(实验2), 探讨生理周期不同阶段完成情景记忆任务的成绩及其可能的内在机制。实验1招募生理周期稳定的33名女性为被试, 在卵泡后期和黄体中期各参加一次实验, 随机顺序依次完成O任务(仅记忆物品, object)、P任务(仅记忆物品位置, position)、OO任务(记忆物品及其呈现顺序, object + order)、OP任务(记忆物品及其呈现位置, object + position)以及PO任务(记忆物品呈现位置及顺序, position + order)。结果发现, 在完成PO任务时, 黄体中期的回忆正确率显著高于卵泡后期。实验2借用事件相关电位技术, 进一步探究生理周期影响情景记忆PO任务的原因, 结果发现, 黄体中期额叶脑区的P300以及LPC波的振幅显著大于卵泡后期, 且完成PO任务时的感受性与右侧额叶P300振幅显著正相关。基于上述ERP的结果, 可以认为, 黄体中期在PO任务上的好成绩可能得益于显著增强的认知控制能力, 这一解释符合前人研究结论。总之, 本研究发现:生理周期对情景记忆中客体的空间位置与时间顺序整合的记忆产生显著影响, 黄体中期的记忆效果显著好于卵泡后期, 可能是因为该时期显著增强的认知控制能力。本研究有望为理解影响情景记忆的因素提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Los SA  Knol DL  Boers RM 《Acta psychologica》2001,106(1-2):121-145
The foreperiod (FP) is the interval between a warning stimulus and the imperative stimulus. It is a classical finding that both the duration and the intertrial variability of FP considerably affects response time. These effects are invariably attributed to the participant's state of nonspecific preparation at the moment the imperative stimulus is presented. In this article, we examined a proposal by Los, S. A. (1996) [On the origin of mixing costs: exploring information processing in pure and mixed blocks of trials. Acta Psychologica, 94, 145-188] that the real-time development of nonspecific preparation during FP relies on the same principle as trace conditioning. To this end, we adjusted the formal conditioning model developed by Machado, A. (1997) [Learning the temporal dynamics of behavior. Psychological Review, 104 (2), 241-265], and fitted this model to a representative data set we obtained from nine participants. Although the model accounted for only a moderate proportion of the variance, it accurately reproduced several key features of the data. We therefore concluded that the model is a promising first step toward a theory of nonspecific preparation.  相似文献   

When a warning signal (WS) precedes an imperative signal (IS) by a certain amount of time (the foreperiod, FP), responses are speeded. Moreover, this effect is modulated by the FP length in the previous trial. This sequential FP effect has lately been attributed to a trace-conditioning mechanism according to which individuals learn (and re-learn) temporal relationships between the WS and the IS. Recent evidence suggests that sensory WS attributes are critical to trigger time-related response activation. Specifically, when WS modality is shifted in subsequent trials (e.g., from auditory to visual modality), the sequential FP effect becomes attenuated. This study examined whether the sequential FP effect is reduced only by between-modality shifts or whether this attenuation generalizes to cross-trial shifts of WS attributes within modalities. We compared dimensional (low vs. high tone frequency) and qualitative shifts (pure tone vs. noise) of equal-intense auditory WS events. The results of four experiments revealed that shifts of tone frequency did not, whereas shifts of qualitative tone characteristics did attenuate the sequential FP effect. These results support the view that the WS acts as a trigger cue that unintentionally activates responses at previously reinforced critical moments.  相似文献   

Responses to an imperative stimulus (IS) are especially fast when they are preceded by a warning signal (WS). When the interval between WS and IS (the foreperiod, FP) is variable, reaction time (RT) is not only influenced by the current FP but also by the FP of the preceding trial. These sequential effects have recently been proposed to originate from a trace conditioning process, in which the individuals learn the temporal WS-IS relationship in a trial-by-trial manner. Research has shown that trace conditioning is maximal when the temporal interval between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is between 0.25 and 0.60 s. Consequently, one would predict that sequential effects occur especially within short FP contexts. However, this prediction is contradicted by Karlin [Karlin, L. (1959). Reaction time as a function of foreperiod duration and variability. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58, 185-191] who did not observe the typical sequential effects with short FPs. To investigate temporal preparation for short FPs, three experiments were conducted, examining the sequential FP effect comparably for short and long FP-sets (Experiment 1), assessing the influence of catch trials (Experiment 2) and the case of a very dense FP-range (Experiment 3) on sequential FP effects. The results provide strong evidence for sequential effects within a short FP context and thus support the trace conditioning account of temporal preparation.  相似文献   

Creativity and innovation are considered important measures of core competence in Taiwan for students of all levels, including nursing students. Integrating creativity with interdisciplinary teaching modules could increase creativity for nursing students; however, this has not been empirically determined. The purpose of this study was to determine if incorporating interdisciplinary teaching into a teaching for creativity module (TCM) could enhance creative thinking and creative abilities of nursing students. Students enrolled in a capstone nursing course for the development of healthcare-related products were divided into 2 groups. Both groups participated in the 18-week course; however, one group received creativity training with interdisciplinary teaching during the course, which was taught by nursing faculty who completed a TCM workshop. Students who received the interdisciplinary TCM intervention scored significantly higher than controls on measures of creative thinking. Our findings suggest a TCM program, which incorporates interdisciplinary teaching, and instruction in techniques for creativity, such as brainstorming, attribute listing, assessment matrix, and paired comparison, can stimulate divergent thinking abilities of nursing students.  相似文献   

We examined sequential effects in the variable foreperiod (FP) paradigm, which refer to the finding that responses to an imperative signal (IS) are fast when a short FP trial is repeated but slow when it is preceded by a long FP trial. The effect has been attributed to a trace-conditioning mechanism in which individuals learn the temporal relationship between a warning signal (WS) and the IS in a trial-by-trial manner. An important assumption is that the WS in a current trial (i.e., trial FPn) acts as a conditioned stimulus, such that it automatically triggers the conditioned response at the exact critical moment that was imperative in the previous trial (i.e., trial FPn−1). According to this assumption, a shift from one WS modality in trial FPn−1 to another modality in trial FPn is expected to eliminate or at least reduce the sequential FP effect. This prediction was tested in three experiments that included a random variation of WS modality and FP length within blocks of trials. In agreement with the prediction, a shift in WS modality attenuated the asymmetry of the sequential FP effect.  相似文献   

中医"证"本质研究的无序与有序   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
中医"证"本质的研究结果呈现弱特异性的.证是宏观概念,既呈现着多态性,又呈现着同态性,无序中包含着有序,有序中亦体现着无序.对于"证"研究中出现的弱特异性的研究结果,应将其看成这一证候的几种不同状态;对不同证候得出的同一研究结果的处理也是如此.具体技术上的处理包括:对研究思路更新;对证候规范化;大范围科研协作.强调了大范围科研协作.  相似文献   

When the foreperiod (FP) is unpredictably varied in reaction-time tasks, responses are slow at short but fast at long FPs (variable-FP effect), and further vary asymmetrically as a function of FP sequence (sequential FP effect). A trace-conditioning model attributes these phenomena to time-related associative learning, while a dual-process model views them as resulting from combined effects of strategic preparation and trial-to-trial changes in arousal. Sometimes, responses are slower in long-long than in short-long FP sequences. This pattern is not predicted from the trace-conditioning account, since FP repetitions should speed up, rather than slow down, responses (due to reinforcement). The effect, however, might indicate the contribution of arousal, which according to the dual-process model, is heightened after a short FP(n-1) but decreased after a long FP(n-1). In five experiments, we examined higher-order sequential FP effects on performance, with a particular emphasis on analyzing performance in long-FP(n) trials as a function of FP length in the two preceding trials, varying temporal FP context (i.e. average FP length) and reaction mode (simple vs. choice reaction). Slower responses in long-long-long (compared with short-short-long) FP sequences were not found within a short-FP context (Exps. 1 & 2) but clearly emerged within a long-FP context (Exps. 3-5). This pattern supports the notion that transient arousal changes contribute to sequential performance effects in variable-FP tasks, in line with the dual-process account of temporal preparation.  相似文献   

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