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Infants of 1, 2, and 3 months of age were presented with two checkerboard patterns, one stationary and the other moving in a horizontal oscillatory motion at one of eight rates. An observer who could see only the infant's head and eyes recorded, for each 30-sec trial, (a) the position of first fixation, (b) position of fixation at the end of each 5-sec interval, and (c) a final forced-choice judgment of the position of the moving stimulus. Results showed reliable differences in ocular behavior as a function of rate of stimulus motion for all three groups of infants.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to define certain of the effective dimensions of visual stimulation in the infant's visual environment by analyzing the well-documented preference for the bullseye over a pattern of horizontal stripes. The stimuli were ten black and white patterns, including the bullseye and the stripes, designed to vary along three dimensions: concentricity, curvilinearity and number of directions within the stimulus. The dependent measure was total fixation time corrected for position bias. The subects, 18 three-month-old infants, were tested three times each in order to present them with the ten stimuli in all possible combinations with positions reversed.All three dimensions were found to be effective in varying degrees. The results were discussed in terms of underlying mechanisms and the infant's ability to process information from a multidimensional stimulus.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of semantic priming on initial encoding of briefly presented pictures of objects and scenes. Pictures in four experiments were presented for varying durations and were followed immediately by a mask. In Experiments 1 and 2, pictures of simple objects were either preceded or not preceded by the object's category name (e.g., dog). In Experiment 1 we measured immediate object identification; in Experiment 2 we measured delayed old/new recognition in which targets and distractors were from the same categories. In Experiment 3 naturalistic scenes were either preceded or not preceded by the scene's category name (e.g., supermarket). We measured delayed recognition in which targets and distractors were described by the same category names. In Experiments 1-3, performance was better for primed than for unprimed pictures. Experiment 4 was similar to Experiment 2 in that we measured delayed recognition for simple objects. As in Experiments 1-3, a prime that preceded the object improved subsequent memory performance for the object. However, a prime that followed the object did not affect subsequent performance. Together, these results imply that priming leads to more efficient information acquisition. We offer a picture-processing model that accounts for these results. The model's central assumption is that knowledge of a picture's category (gist) increases the rate at which visual information is acquired from the picture.  相似文献   

The influence of motion information and temporal associations on recognition of non-familiar faces was investigated using two groups which performed a face recognition task. One group was presented with regular temporal sequences of face views designed to produce the impression of motion of the face rotating in depth, the other group with random sequences of the same views. In one condition, participants viewed the sequences of the views in rapid succession with a negligible interstimulus interval (ISI). This condition was characterized by three different presentation times. In another condition, participants were presented a sequence with a 1-sec. ISI among the views. That regular sequences of views with a negligible ISI and a shorter presentation time were hypothesized to give rise to better recognition, related to a stronger impression of face rotation. Analysis of data from 45 participants showed a shorter presentation time was associated with significantly better accuracy on the recognition task; however, differences between performances associated with regular and random sequences were not significant.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported examining judgments from 16 subjects who indicated the apparent direction of a photographed pointer that was rotated to different physical positions while being photographed. The photographs themselves were rotated about a vertical axis to several positions with respect to the subjects’ central viewing axis. The results replicate the well-known distortion in apparent direction associated with photographed pointers positioned to project directly out of the plane of the photograph. This effect has been described by Goldstein (1979) as the “differential rotation effect” because its magnitude is reduced as the depicted angle of the pointer becomes less orthogonal to the photograph. Analysis of the two-dimensional properties of the projected images shows that this differential rotation is related to projected angles on the surface of the photograph. This analysis may explain why circular objects often do not appear to be correctly drawn in the periphery of geometrically correct projections.  相似文献   

In two experiments, Ss indicated for a series of trials whether or not two pictures of common objects had the same name (a positive or negative response, respectively). The pictures were separated by one of three interstimulus intervals (ISis), and reaction time (RT) was recorded. In Experiment I, positive trials involved pictures that were identical (identity match), mirror images (mirror match), or physically different but had the same name (name match). The stimuli came from either an S set, in which name-match pairs were physically similar, or a D set, in which name-match pairs were physically dissimilar. The mean RTs for mirror and identity matches were virtually the same but faster than name-match RTs, an advantage that decreased with increasing ISI. It was expected that name-match RT for the S set would be less than for the D set, indicating a facilitative effect of physical similarity; however, the identity-match RTs showed the expected difference. These results were extended in Experiment II, which involved only the identity and name matches, in pure sessions (which included positive trials of just one type) or mixed sessions (which included both types of positive trials). For mixed sessions, name- as well as identity-match RTs differed between the S and D sets. These results provide evidence for the use of visual codes in comparing nonidentical pictures, codes that apparently vary with experimental context and task demands.  相似文献   

The importance of vision for postural equilibrium has long been known; traditionally, this visual contribution to the control of posture has been analyzed primarily in terms of optical and retinal phenomena. Recently, however, there has been some suggestion that binocular and monocular fixation of identical stimuli have differential effects. Three experiments were conducted in order to measure self-generated movement (sway during quiet standing) of the body's center of gravity while field structure, ankle proprioception, and binocular/monocular fixation were varied. Field structure was varied from total darkness, to the presence of single and multiple LEDs in the dark, to full field structure (i.e., the richness of the feed back information was varied). Ankle proprioception was varied by changing foot position from side-by-side to heel-to-toe positions. Results indicate that (1) ankle-joint input is a significant factor in reducing sway, (2) binocular fixation attenuates sway relative to monocular fixation, under otherwise identical visual conditions, and (3) this difference persists in total darkness. Taken together, the data indicate that the visual influence on postural equilibrium results from a complex synergy that receives multimodal inputs. A simple optical/retinal explanation is not sufficient.  相似文献   

Would a motion-picture film of a rotating spiral induce a spiral aftereffect? This question was studied in two experiments in which Ss viewed an animated film of circles collapsing to a point. The rate of apparent motion of the collapsing circles and the discontinuity of motion—the length of jump between successively projected circles—were varied independently. A visual aftereffect like the spiral aftereffect was created. The aftereffect increased in strength and duration with the rate of motion, but at all rates of motion it declined as discontinuity of motion increased. The results are taken as evidence that motion aftereffects are caused by selective fatigue of small, directionally sensitive motion-receptive fields.  相似文献   

Three experiments studied the effects of voluntary and involuntary focus of attention on recognition memory for pictures. Experiments 1 and 3 tested the conceptual-masking hypothesis, which holds that a visual event will automatically disrupt processing of a previously glimpsed picture if that event is new and meaningful. Memory for 112-ms pictures was tested under conditions where the to-be-ignored 1.5-s interstimulus interval contained a blank field; a repeating picture; a new picture; a new, nonsense picture; or a new, inverted picture each time. The blank field, repeating picture, and new, nonsense picture did not disrupt memory as much as a new, meaningful picture, supporting the conceptual-masking hypothesis. Experiment 2 studied voluntary attentional control of encoding by instructing subjects to focus attention on the brief pictures, all pictures, or the long pictures in a sequence. Recognition memory for pictures of both durations showed a striking ability of observers to process pictures selectively. The possible role of these effects in visual scanning are discussed.  相似文献   

Two classes of theories of motion perception were studied: correlation and gradient models (in the sense of D. Marr). Random-dot kinematograms with a shifted square were presented to subjects, and the 80% threshold for detection of correct direction of movement was determined. Correlation models predict scale invariance, that is, a constant shift measured in units of texture elements of the translated pattern in spite of a geometric magnification. This was refuted for all subjects. The increase of the recognizable translation with the area of the translated form was verified except for the patterns with the largest texture elements (8 minutes of arc). This prediction, however, is not very specific for competing theories. Gradient models are not yet fully specified, and they contain some free parameters. They cannot be tested strictly, but there exist reasonable numerical parameter values by which our data can be satisfactorily explained.  相似文献   

Mental imagery is thought to share properties with perception. To what extent does the process of imagining a scene share neural circuits and computational mechanisms with actually perceiving the same scene? Here, we investigated whether mental imagery of motion in a particular direction recruits neural circuits tuned to the same direction of perceptual motion. To address this question we made use of a visual illusion, the motion aftereffect. We found that following prolonged imagery of motion in one direction, people are more likely to perceive real motion test probes as moving in the direction opposite to the direction of motion imagery. The transfer of adaptation from imagined to perceived motion provides evidence that motion imagery and motion perception recruit shared direction-selective neural circuitry. Even in the absence of any visual stimuli, people can selectively recruit specific low-level sensory neurons through mental imagery.  相似文献   

The percepts evoked by sequential stimulation of sites in close spatial proximity (<2.5 cm) on the face were studied. Both method-of-limits and magnitude-estimation procedures were used to identify and characterize alterations in the percepts produced by systematic changes in the temporal and spatial parameters of the sequence. Each site was stimulated by a vertically oriented row of miniature vibrating probes. Apparent motion was consistently perceived when the delay between the onsets of sequentially activated rows (interstimulus onset interval, or ISOI) fell within a relatively narrow range of values, the lower limit of which approximated 5 msec. Both the upper limit and the perceived smoothness and continuity of the motion percepts (goodness of motion) increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin over the range evaluated, 15–185 msec. For the successive activation of only two rows, goodness of motion was not influenced by changes in their separation from 0.4 to 2.5 cm. The ISOI values at which magnitude estimates of goodness of motion were highest increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. As such, maximum goodness of motion decreased with increases in the apparent velocity of motion. When the number of sequentially activated rows was increased from two to four or more, the quality of the motion percepts improved. For the successive activation of multiple closely spaced rows, values of ISOI at which numerical estimates of goodness of motion were highest approximated integral fractions of the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. In this situation, the probes rose and fell in a regular, step-locked rhythm to simulate an edge-like or rectangular object moving across the skin. The goodness of motion so attained was relatively independent of the apparent velocity of motion.  相似文献   

The idea that faces are represented within a structured face space (Valentine Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 43: 161–204, 1991) has gained considerable experimental support, from both physiological and perceptual studies. Recent work has also shown that faces can even be recognized haptically—that is, from touch alone. Although some evidence favors congruent processing strategies in the visual and haptic processing of faces, the question of how similar the two modalities are in terms of face processing remains open. Here, this question was addressed by asking whether there is evidence for a haptic face space, and if so, how it compares to visual face space. For this, a physical face space was created, consisting of six laser-scanned individual faces, their morphed average, 50 %-morphs between two individual faces, as well as 50 %-morphs of the individual faces with the average, resulting in a set of 19 faces. Participants then rated either the visual or haptic pairwise similarity of the tangible 3-D face shapes. Multidimensional scaling analyses showed that both modalities extracted perceptual spaces that conformed to critical predictions of the face space framework, hence providing support for similar processing of complex face shapes in haptics and vision. Despite the overall similarities, however, systematic differences also emerged between the visual and haptic data. These differences are discussed in the context of face processing and complex-shape processing in vision and haptics.  相似文献   

Three studies relating perception of motion to stimulus uncertainty are reported. Generally, detectability declines when the observer is uncertain about the direction in which a target will move, but the visibility loss associated with direction uncertainty can be attenuated if the observer has adequate practice. This attenuation seems to depend upon the observer's ability to switch among directionally selective visual mechanisms in an adaptive fashion. The implications of these findings for models of motion detection are discussed.  相似文献   

Information processing is studied using physiological reactions to motion pictures as a major tool. In study I (N=44) physiological reactions are subjected to multivariate analysis revealing three major dimensions: familiarization, effort, and readiness (cf. Pribram and McGuinness, 1992). Each dimension contrasts controlled processing with automatic processing. In study II (N=72) and study III (N=96) the dimensions are tested. In those studies specific information is provided prior to film onset and the effects on the physiological reactions are studied. The results generally confirm the model. Study IV (N=44) is concerned with individual differences in information processing. Reactions to seven films are analysed with generalizability for each dimension separately. The results show that individual dimension scores are highly consistent across different situations. In the discussion it is argued that the three information processing dimensions identified here can be conceived as stable personality dispositions, underlying individual differences in learning and overt behaviour. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In three experiments, the effect of target luminance on estimates of visual persistence was determined on a popular successive-field task. Even though the experiments differed from each other only in terms of minor changes in stimulus conditions, very different effects were obtained across the three experiments. The different findings were attributed to the often overlooked roles of masking and target degradation on tasks of persistence. Implications for the numerous contradictory findings in the persistence literature are discussed, and the current popularity of the successive-field task is questioned.  相似文献   

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