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Prejudicial pretrial publicity (PTP) constitutes a serious source of juror bias. The current study examined differences in predecisional distortion for mock jurors exposed to negative PTP (N-PTP) versus nonexposed control participants. According to work by K. A. Carlson and J. E. Russo (2001), predecisional distortion occurs when jurors bias new evidence in favor of their current leading party (prosecution or defense) rather than evaluating this information for its actual probative properties. Jury-eligible university students (N=116) acted as jurors in a mock trial. Elevated rates of guilty verdicts were observed in the N-PTP condition. Predecisional distortion scores were significantly higher in the N-PTP condition and reflected a proprosecution bias. The effect of prejudicial PTP on verdict outcomes was mediated by predecisional distortion in the evaluation of testimony. Results are discussed in relation to motivated decision making and confirmation biases.  相似文献   

People tend to distort their evaluation of decision-relevant information in favor of the currently preferred alternative. We test whether this predecisional distortion of information is amplified by increased commitment to that current preference. We manipulated commitment, without changing the preferred option’s content, by requiring participants to indicate their preference either by circling or by darkening a sizable box (cf. feature-positive effect). Experiment 1 revealed that the effort to darken substantially increased predecisional distortion. Experiment 2 ruled out elaboration as an explanation for the effect of darkening. Experiment 3 showed that, among participants who attributed the darkening effort to an external source, predecisional distortion decreased when the source was believed to summon effort. These findings suggest that the developing commitment to a tentatively preferred alternative is one driver of predecisional distortion.  相似文献   

In many decision situations, individuals must actively search information before they can make a satisfying choice. In such instances, individuals must be aware of the fact that not all information may be equally relevant for the choice at hand—thus, individuals should weight information by its respective relevance. We compared children’s and adult’s decision-making in a child-friendly decision game. For each decision, participants received information on the content of 3 piggy banks on an information-board. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the weight-structure by presenting decisions with similarly relevant or differently relevant information. Results suggested that 8- to 9-year-olds did not adapt their search to the weight-structure. In contrast, 10- to 12-year-olds did consider relevance weights. Still, 8- to 9-year-olds and 10- to 12-year-olds were unable to search for a good, adultlike information sample containing all relevant and no irrelevant information. Thus, children based their decisions on a biased information sample. In Experiment 2, we intensified the need to consider relevance weights by introducing a search constraint. In doing so, we replicated the deficits of 8- to 9-year-olds and found adultlike behavior in 11- to 12-year-olds. Our findings suggest that although children understand that relevance may vary, they are not immediately able to effectively consider relevance weights in their information search—which appears to be a skill that continues to develop throughout childhood. We discuss the resulting implications for understanding children as decision makers as well as the general ability to perform structured information search.  相似文献   

Escalation of commitment describes the continuation of a course of action in spite of drawbacks and continuing insecurity of goal achievement. To prevent escalation and its associated costs, de‐escalation techniques are valuable. The present study investigates predecisional accountability to an unknown audience as a de‐escalation technique. In addition, the evolution of cognitive processes (reasons for persisting) during escalation is examined. As predicted, predecisional accountability has a de‐escalating effect. In addition, escalation is accompanied by an increase of nonrational reasons for continuing the respective course of action, and decision makers without accountability provide more nonrational reasons for not quitting than those who are held accountable.  相似文献   

Background. Higher education is facing a number of problems: adjusting to larger and more heterogeneous student populations, increasing the number of graduating students, and preparing for lifelong learning. Improving learning competence can make a substantial contribution to solving each of these major concerns. The growing knowledge base on self‐regulated learning was taken as one of the main starting points for our study. Aims. In this article we report on reflection and attribution as basic components of self‐regulated learning. We examine their trainability and their effect on academic performance. This study is part of a wider research project aimed at improving meta‐cognitive knowledge as well as affective, conative and regulation skills. The experimental treatment consisted of an integrated set of instructional conditions, which were operationalized in a series of training sessions, as well as practice and transfer tasks. Sample. The participants in this study were 141 first year students of business economics. The experimental group and both control groups each consisted of 47 students. Method. The effects of the learning environment were investigated using a quasi‐experimental design. To control for unintended effects of the design the experimental and the first control group had the same number of teaching hours (time‐on‐task) and both teachers and students were not informed about the experimental design. Attribution and reflection behaviour was measured through specific assignments; study results during and after the intervention period were taken as indicators of academic performance. To test the hypotheses, t tests and effect‐sizes were calculated. Results. After the intervention the experimental students showed a higher degree of reflective behaviour than the control students. Moreover, their attribution skills had also measurably improved. The experimental students obtained better study results than their peers in the control groups. Conclusions. This intervention study, focused on the combined training of learning to reflect and to attribute constructively, provides evidence of the successful fostering both of meta‐cognitive and of conative learning activities resulting in a positive impact on academic achievement.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of learned helplessness on self-perception of competence. The participants were 180 undergraduates who were placed in control, failure, or success groups where they were given a list of traits on which to evaluate themselves, followed by an anagram-solution test. Significant performance effects were observed on the test; self-assessment was more representative of actual ability, however, than of the treatment situation. The results suggest that although experiencing uncontrollable failure may result in performance deficits, perception of ability may not be distorted.  相似文献   

Previous studies have explored the effects of attention on spatial representation. Specifically, in the attentional repulsion effect, a transient visual cue that captures attention has been shown to alter the perceived position of a target stimulus to the direction away from the cue. The effect is also susceptible to retrospective influence, that attention appears to attract the target when the cue appears afterwards. This study examined the necessity of visual awareness of the cue in these phenomena. We found that when the cues were rendered invisible by backward visual masks, both repulsion and attraction effects were weakened but still observed. The results suggest that the effects possibly depend on processes that are not necessarily associated with conscious visual awareness of the cues. We conjecture that attentional shift produced by the weak, invisible cues may play a role in spatial distortion; but other possible accounts including non-attentional ones are also discussed.  相似文献   

False memory creation was examined in people who reported having recovered memories of traumatic events that are unlikely to have occurred: abduction by space aliens. A variant of the Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm (J. Deese. 1959; H. L. Roediger III & K. B. McDermott, 1995) was used to examine false recall and false recognition in 3 groups: people reporting recovered memories of alien abduction. people who believe they were abducted by aliens but have no memories, and people who deny having been abducted by aliens. Those reporting recovered and repressed memories of alien abduction were more prone than control participants to exhibit false recall and recognition. The groups did not differ in correct recall or recognition. Hypnotic suggestibility, depressive symptoms, and schizotypic features were significant predictors of false recall and false recognition.  相似文献   

Dynamic distortion of the visual field has been shown to affect perceptual judgment of visual dimensions such as size, length, and distance. Here, we report four experiments demonstrating that the different aspects of a triangle differently influence judgments of distance. Specifically, when the base of the triangle faces the centre of the display, participants consistently underestimate and overestimate the distance of a small dot from the unmarked centre of the display relative to conditions in which the vertex of the triangle faces the centre. When the dot is close to the figure, the distance of the dot to the centre is underestimated. Conversely, when the dot is close to the figure, the distance to the centre is overestimated. The effect is replicated when the internal distances are equalized and when ellipses are used instead of triangles. These results support a ripple model of spatial distortion in which local curvature acts to attract or repel objects. In conclusion, we suggest some implications of our findings for theories of perceptual organization.  相似文献   

Ekaterina Svetlova 《Synthese》2013,190(2):321-337
Is there a unique way to de-idealize models? If not, how might the possible ways of reducing the distortion between models and reality differ from each other? Based on an empirical case study conducted in financial markets, this paper discusses how a popular valuation model (the Discounted Cash Flow model) idealizes reality and how the market participants de-idealize it in concrete market situations. In contrast to Cartwright’s view that economic models are generally over-constrained, this paper suggests that valuation models are under-constrained. This serves as the reason why the relaxation of simplifying assumptions and concretization do not work as methods of de-idealization. The paper finds that financial market participants de-idealize models using commentary that takes the form of judgment. As a conclusion, a hypothesis is formulated that proposes that the more underdetermined the model is the bigger role narrative and other pragmatic elements play in the process of model application.  相似文献   

Computer technology was employed to teach attentional skills to six young children. The procedure involved manipulating prior reinforcement histories of individual stimuli to examine whether this variable controlled the features of compound cues which young children attended to. Initially, three separate visual discriminations were conditioned. After criterion accuracy was achieved, stimuli were combined by keeping prior reinforcement contingencies unchanged for some elements and reversing them for remaining elements. Tests revealed when conflict-compound discriminations were acquired, children responded selectively to unchanged elements while not responding to reversed elements. Transfer effects were investigated by presenting compounds containing some or all novel cues. Variable test performance was observed following acquisition of compounds composed of novel cues. Consistent test performance occurred across children for compounds containing all pretrained cues. Separately training each stimulus component was the most reliable procedure for controlling the attention of young children.  相似文献   

It is known that the illusory displacement of a vibrated limb can be transferred to a nonvibrated contacted limb. The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare the transferred illusory displacements occurring in the intrapersonal and near-personal space. In two tasks, 8 male and 8 female blindfolded subjects estimated (1) the height of the left elbow and (2) the height of an external object located at the same height as the left elbow, by the proprioception of the right arm which was Subject to illusory displacement. If the internal representation of the left elbow in one's body schema could provide precise information of its static position independently of the proprioception of the right arm, the perceived displacement of the right arm might be smaller when influenced by proprioceptive information from the static left arm, than when in contrast instead with an object which is not a body part. There was no difference in the estimation of illusory displacement between male and female subjects and between right and left arms. No significant difference was observed between transferred displacements of the left elbow and the object. This means that the perception of limb position sensed by the proprioception of another limb can be distorted as easily as the perception of location of an external object. This suggests that the internal representation of static limb position is not enough to provide the correct information of current limb position in the absence of vision.  相似文献   

The analysis of receiver operating characteristics as employed in psychophysics is suggested as a way of obtaining several useful measures in the context of attribute ratings. These include the difference between two stimuli on the attribute, the tendency for Ss to favor one pole of the rating scale, width of rating categories, and equal interval properties of the rating scale. The underlying measurement model is described along with means of evaluating its basic assumptions.  相似文献   

Given a finite set A of actions evaluated by a set of attributes, preferential information is considered in the form of a pairwise comparison table including pairs of actions from subset BA described by stochastic dominance relations on particular attributes and a total order on the decision attribute. Using a rough sets approach for the analysis of the subset of preference relations, a set of decision rules is obtained, and these are applied to a set A\B of potential actions. The rough sets approach of looking for the reduction of the set of attributes gives us the possibility of operating on a multi‐attribute stochastic dominance for a reduced number of attributes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of television distortion as a negative reinforcer was analyzed. Contingency arrangements involving television distortion were found to be capable of (a) accelerating the work rate of a naive, mildly retarded subject on a simulated production-line task involving card-sorting, and (b) reducing gross hyperactivity of a mildly retarded subject. An escape-avoidance contingency was arranged for the production-line behavior of the first subject and a punishment contingency for the hyperactive behavior of the second subject. Television distortion appears to be an effective and practical negative reinforcer for use in behavior modification.  相似文献   

To assess the accuracy of comparing different levels of distortion when levels are well above threshold, judgments were elicited from 340 subjects using two test tones of similar harmonic distribution in terms of frequency. Even though the total level of distortion in one of the tones had been reduced, subjects could not invariably select the less distorted tone in a comparison. This was true even for those subjects who stated that they could tell that the two tones sounded different from each other. There are implications concerning the validity of subjects' reports in making auditory estimations of 'quality' between signals.  相似文献   

When a conditioned stimulus (CS) is repeatedly paired with a weak unconditioned stimulus (US) prior to being paired with a stronger US in a second conditioning phase, interference, or negative transfer, is often observed during Phase 2. Two conditioned suppression experiments with rat subjects examined the effect of a context switch between phases in this “Hall-Pearce negative transfer paradigm.” In Experiment 1, negative transfer was obtained when the context remained the same for both phases, but there was no evidence of negative transfer when the context was switched between phases. Experiment 2 was designed to control for familiarity with the Phase 2 context, and showed that a context switch between phases again attenuated negative transfer. The effect of context on negative transfer was also similar to its effect on latent inhibition produced under comparable conditions. The results are not consistent with a model proposed by J. M. Pearce and G. Hall (Psychological Review, 87, 532–555, 1980), which ascribes no major role to the context in this situation, but are consistent with A. R. Wagner's (In S. H. Hulse, H. Fowler, & W. K. Honig, Eds., Cognitive Processes in Animal Behavior, pp. 177–209. Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum, 1978) short-term memory model of conditioning, or with the view that contexts may signal specific CS-US relations. The results extend previous research on other interference paradigms, like latent inhibition and extinction, where context may play a similar role.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on a range of animals have identified a bias that seems to violate basic principles of rational behavior: a preference is shown for feeding options that previously provided food when reserves were low, even though another option had been found to give the same reward with less delay. The bias presents a challenge to normative models of decision making (which only take account of expected rewards and the state of the animal at the decision time). To understand the behavior, we take a broad ecological perspective and consider how valuation mechanisms evolve when the best action depends upon the environment being faced. We show that in a changing and uncertain environment, state-dependent valuation can be favored by natural selection: Individuals should allow their hunger to affect learning for future decisions. The valuation mechanism that typically evolves produces the kind of behavior seen in standard laboratory tests. By providing an insight into why learning should be affected by the state of an individual, we provide a basis for understanding psychological principles in terms of an animal's ecology.  相似文献   

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