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This introductory article describes the origins of this special issue on Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy. It goes on to elaborate the basic assumptions of Carl Whitaker's approach which emerge as unifying themes in the contributors' articles. It concludes with a tribute to Whitaker.The author wishes to acknowledge Linda Barth Garfield, MSS, and Ellen Berman, MD, for their helpful assistance and editorial comments in the development of this paper.  相似文献   

This article presents an experiential group model of supervision constructed for both group and individual therapy presentations, emphasizing concepts from object relations theory and group-as-a-whole dynamics. It focuses on intrapsychic, interpersonal, and systems processes, and stresses the group aspect of the supervisory process. Its central thesis is that material presented in a group supervisory setting stimulates conscious and unconscious parallel processes in group members. Through here-and-now responses, associations, and interactions among the supervisory members, countertransference issues that have eluded the presenter can make themselves known and be worked through on emotional as well as cognitive levels. Selected excerpts from supervisory sessions demonstrate various attributes and strengths of the model.  相似文献   


A rationale is presented and a one day, content-free family of origin experiential workshop is described in detail. The workshop is designed for clients in ongoing family therapy. Its purposes are 1) motivating family members to engage in family of origin investigations; 2) supplying information in a supportive experiential learning paradigm for use in ongoing peer and multiple family therapy groups; 3) minimally teaching procedures for conducting a Bowen-like search; 4) contributing to an agency-wide atmosphere of intrigue and support for intergenerational therapeutic work. Sculpture, role-play and dramaturgical techniques are interwoven into a fabric deliberately left unfinished in order to provide maximal material for the ongoing family therapy.  相似文献   


This article reviews recent studies that have adopted an experiential approach to recognition memory and awareness. This approach measures two subjective states of awareness in recognition memory, remembering (or conscious recollection) and knowing (or familiarity). There is now evidence of quite a few experimental dissociations between these two states of awareness. These dissociations impose additional constraints on theories about relations between awareness and memory systems or processes.  相似文献   

从笔者在国外所作的田野调查、笔者自己抄录的关公庙碑铭、华人会馆碑铭、越南社会科学院图书馆所藏的田野调查材料、越南汉喃研究院所藏古籍文献及前人研究成果来看,历史上关公崇拜在越南非常盛行,其主要原因是华侨华人的积极传播和中越文化的共性,从总体来看,今后关公崇拜在越南的发展呈衰微之势,但仍将长期存在。  相似文献   

Groups that target aggression on the inpatient milieu usually use psycho-educational and cognitive-behavioral techniques. In contrast, this article presents an experiential approach that targets the moment-by-moment experience within the inpatient group. It makes unique use of group-closing relaxation exercises that facilitate cohesion, consolidate the affectively charged material generated during the session, and reorganize patients' emotional/cognitive understanding of themselves and the world around them. These groups also give patients the opportunity to negotiate the affective residue associated with past aggressive acts, and the opportunity to examine the personal meaning and underlying assumptions behind ongoing group interactions. We describe several techniques or modes of intervention. The authors also use case examples to illustrate the theory, technique, and impact the approach can have on its members.  相似文献   

劫生  寄尘 《中国道教》2007,(2):52-53
顾名思义,财神崇拜,自然是对财富的祈求。社会在不断地发展,人类的物质生活,本来就应该越来越富足,人们对它的追求与祈愿,当也无可厚非。但我们却发现,同样以物质利益的追求为指向,我国本土宗教道教的财神崇拜,与西方传入的拜金主义,其实却存在着本质上的巨大差异。  相似文献   

According to idealism the world, as we perceive it, is in effect a creation of the mind. There are many different forms of idealism and this paper investigates one form of idealism that was advocated by the 4th century Buddhist Yogācārin Vasubandhu and one not unfamiliar in the west, especially in the works of George Berkeley. This paper suggests that when idealism, as a metaphysical theory, is set within a soteriological framework, as is the case with Vasubandhu, it serves to bridge the philosophical endeavour with the religious quest as outlined in Buddhist thought. Idealism is a theory about the borders between mind and matter, and specifically about the demolition of matter. This demolition, in the hands of Vasubandhu, manages to redefine the framework of speculation by incorporating the soteriological within it and thus constructing a viable bridge between philosophy and religion.  相似文献   

The current study tested the hypothesis that digit ratios would be associated with celebrity worship, especially among adolescents. Our sample consisted of 45 male and 61 female participants aged 12-14 years (M = 13.20, SD = 0.71). We measured the digit ratios on the participants’ right hands and used the 23 items of the revised Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) to explore the degree to which participants engaged in celebrity worship. The average digit ratio was 0.95 (SD = 0.04) among male participants and 0.97 (SD = 0.05) among female participants. The mean CAS scores were 50.06 (SD = 20.63) for male participants and 64.49 (SD = 18.04) for female participants. The digit ratios for the entire sample were positively correlated with CAS scores (r = 0.29, p < 0.005). However, the digit ratios were positively correlated with CAS scores among female (r = 0.51, p < 0.001) but not male (r = −0.13, p = .394) participants. Our research found evidence of a significant positive correlation between 2D:4D ratios and celebrity worship in females but not in males, which indicated that females with lower digit ratios were less likely to worship celebrities.  相似文献   

When making judgments, people often favor information received from a few individual sources over largesample statistical data. Individual information is usually acquired piece by piece, whereas statistical information combines many observations into a single summary. We examined whether this difference in the frequency of encounters affects how data are weighted. In two experiments, subjects read statistical information indicating an event to be rare and contrasting information from individual cases suggesting the event to be common. We controlled whether the individual cases were summarized into a single summary like statistical information, or presented serially, case by case. Subjects’ estimates of event frequencies were higher when the individual cases were presented in serial, rather than summarized, format. A third study demonstrated that subjects treat each data sample as an instance, and do not weight according to sample size. These results support the conclusion that people weight information according to encounter frequency.  相似文献   


This short paper describes a recent visit to an exhibition of modern art. It examines my impressions in the light of contemporary psychodynamic theory. The exhibition was called ‘Some Went Mad, Some Ran Away…’ It included the work of fifteen modern artists, mainly created between 1992 and 1994, and selected by the British artist Damien Hirst. The exhibition leaflet said that the artists had used ‘real objects, body-casts, natural and man-made forms, sculpture, painting and photography, to set up a number of provocative juxtapositions’.  相似文献   

At first glance, the properties being omniscient and being worthy of worship might appear to be perfectly co-instantiable. (To say that some properties are co-instantiable is just to say that it is possible that some object instantiate all of them simultaneously. Being entirely red and being a ball are co-instantiable; being entirely red and being entirely blue are not). But there are reasons to be worried about this co-instantiability, as it turns out that, depending on our commitments with respect to certain kinds of knowledge and notions of personhood, it might be the case that no being—God included—could instantiate both. In this paper, I lay out and motivate this claim before going on to consider a variety of responses—some more plausible than others—that may be offered by the theist.  相似文献   

Voluntary childlessness is a relatively novel yet growing phenomenon. This idiographic study explored three women's experiential journeys toward voluntary childlessness. Semi‐structured interviews were carried out and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Themes identified were: Owning the choice to be childless, social expectations, and models of mothering. Despite defining ‘voluntary childlessness’ as an unequivocal decision, the women's experiential accounts revealed an intrinsic fluidity in their journeys toward childlessness. Factors including beliefs in equality, independence and career aspirations competed with constructs of mothering/motherhood, partnership and choice to create a complex tapestry of contributory factors in these women's childlessness. The findings question the notion of choice and particularly women's ownership of that choice. The journeys toward childlessness these women shared reveal a synthesis of agentic decision‐making, personal histories and challenging lifestyle choices bound up within an existential need to be a woman. More research is needed to determine the place of voluntary childlessness within society. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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