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Recent Rorschach research with nonpatients has yielded reference data that differ in several respects from nonpatient normative data published for the Comprehensive System (Exner, 1995). Conclusions concerning the implications of these new findings are premature, however, pending careful consideration of appropriate guidelines for collecting Rorschach reference data. In proposing guidelines for future research of this kind, I note (a) that the relatively unstructured nature of Rorschach assessment may complicate obtaining useful data from nonpatient volunteers, (b) that normative studies should include various types of patient as well as nonpatient samples, and (c) that identification of psychological disturbance from Rorschach protocols may be guided more accurately by how closely a record resembles the records of patients with certain disturbances than by how much the record differs from the records of nonpatients.  相似文献   

This study is composed of 506 nonpatient adults, ages 18 to 65, all from Argentina. The data were gathered by five examiners, who tested most of the participants at their work site. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described and interrater reliability statistics at the response level are presented along with findings for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1994).  相似文献   

Some concern about recently published nonpatient data, plus the fact that some records in the published sample of 600 nonpatients (Exner, 2001) were collected more than 20 years ago, prompted the initiation of a project to develop a new nonpatient sample. In this article, findings are presented for the first 175 participants tested in the new project. It is noted that the data from the new project are quite similar to those for the sample of 600. Results suggest that the similarities between the data sets supports the notion that the published sample is probably representative and provides a reasonable basis from which to identify response rates and the proportions of nonpatients expected to fall in, or outside of, established parameters for various ratios and other structural indexes.  相似文献   

A project to collect an American adult nonpatient sample for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2001) took place between 1999 and 2005, and this article presents data for 450 participants in the project. Inclusion criteria, demographic information, and interrater agreement statistics are described. Findings for most of the CS variables are similar to earlier Rorschach Workshops samples, but some differences emerged and their implications for modifying interpretive guidelines are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1974, 2003) data for a sample of 100 Israeli nonpatient adolescents divided into 2 age-based groups: 11-14 (n = 42) and 15-18 (n = 58). The data are compared to those derived from the international project of Meyer, Erdberg, and Shaffer (2007). The results suggest that contemporary Israeli adolescents demonstrate age-appropriate inclination to show excessive self-inspection (FD), to be overly individualistic, perceiving reality in a unique and unconventional manner (elevated Xu%; lowered X+% and P), and to be involved in scientific issues (elevated Sc). The age-based group of 11 to 14, however, also tends to show difficulties in affect modulation (C > 0). Nonetheless, Israeli nonpatient adolescents are quite unlikely and not more than nonpatient adults, to show elevation on the major CS constellations of psychopathological manifestations. Although these observations are mostly in agreement with data collected from their peers around the world, the Israeli youngsters seem to be more similar to adults than to youngsters from other countries as to various CS measures, including those pointing to openness and attentiveness to stimuli (i.e., Lambda, F%). The main conclusion is that with the exception of some age-appropriate deviations, the international reference data for adults can be used for evaluating psychopathology in adolescents.  相似文献   

Three hundred and nine nonpatient adults, evenly distributed according to sex, age, educational level, and residence, took part in the Rorschach test study carried out in Portugal. The sample was drawn from selected regions of the country and was balanced for population density in urban and rural areas. Test administration was controlled through the services of psychologists familiar with the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1993). Results indicate that, in Portugal (Pires, 2000), level of education is the variable that seems to have the largest effect on Rorschach responding.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of administration and inquiry skills on Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1974, 1991, 1993) protocols collected for the Italian adult nonpatient reference sample. The same research team collected CS protocols on two occasions. The initial reference sample (N = 212; Lis, Rossi, & Priha, 1998) was collected under the supervision of experienced psychologists who carefully studied CS administration and scoring procedures (Exner, 1986, 1990, 1993). The second sample (N = 101; Lis, Zennaro, Calvo, & Salcuni, 2001) was collected after the team obtained additional and sustained CS training from Rorschach workshops certified instructors. Both samples were scored, reliably but they showed large differences on many codes, with protocols from the second sample being richer and more complex than the first. The results indicate that administration skills can have a dramatic impact on CS protocols and may contribute to variations in samples collected by different investigators. Training standards should be devised to insure uniform administration procedures are followed when collecting CS protocols.  相似文献   

Building on our previously published study (Hamel, Shaffer, & Erdberg, 2000), which provided data on 100 nonpatient children aged 6 to 12 from the United States, we here provide reference data for two more homogeneous age subgroups: 6 to 9 (N = 50) and 10 to 12 (N = 50). Inclusion criteria are described, and expanded interrater reliability statistics at the response level are presented along with scores for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2001) at each age grouping. In addition to the children being administered the Rorschach, their parents were given the Conners' Parent Rating Scale-93 (CPRS-93; Conners, 1989), and these results are presented as well.  相似文献   

In this study, we addressed the weak associations found in research between self-report measures and the Rorschach test (Exner, 1978, 1991), from the perspective of Bornstein's (2002) "process dissociation framework." Specifically, in the study, we focused on the associations between self-report measures of psychological distress and their corresponding Rorschach indexes while inspecting the moderating role of self-disclosure. A total of 59, nonpatient Israeli adults participated in a 2-session study. In the first session, they completed self-report scales measuring self-disclosure and psychological distress (suicidality, depression, and loneliness). In the second session, the Rorschach test was administered and coded. The participants were divided into high and low self-disclosure groups. A convergence between self-report and Rorschach measures of psychological distress was found only among high self-disclosers. In the discussion, we address the theoretical and clinical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This Introduction provides an overview to the JPA Special Supplement on International Reference Samples for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2001). It contains a history of this project and a table including all of the lead authors, their country and the type and size of their sample. Suggestions for conducting this type of research are offered, including information on normative vs. nonpatient samples, inclusion/exclusion criteria, the use of collateral instruments, and concerns relative to representativeness. Reliability and coding concerns are addressed, and information on the Popular response in Japan are reviewed. Finally, trends within and across the data are highlighted.  相似文献   

This article provides a normative study documenting how 75 Danish nonpatient 9-year-old children respond to the Rorschach test. The children were selected randomly from nine different parts of Denmark and tested with the Rorschach by 10 different psychologists. All examiners were familiar with the Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2003), and before the data collection they participated in a 3-day workshop performed by the research group that focused on administration, inquiry, and scoring issues. Among the results are an average R of 23.6 and an average Lambda of 2.01 (median = 1.18). Slightly more than 60% of the sample had an Avoidant style (63%); 41% had a CDI of 4 or 5; and 33% were positive on the HVI. In terms of perception and thinking, average values were .44 for X+%, .27 for X-%, and 9.4 for the WSum6.  相似文献   

This study is a part of our series of studies of nonpatient, Japanese children. In total, 346 children were administered the Rorschach. Thirty-two children had fewer than 10 responses, 112 children had more than 10 but fewer than 14 responses, and 12 children were maladjusted or mentally retarded, for a total of 156. In this study, we analyzed the remaining 190 children not excluded by the above criteria in the following age groups: 5 years (n = 24), 8 years (n = 43), 9 years (n = 42), 12 years (n = 42), and 14 years (n = 39). Japanese children showed few responses generally, with an average of 18 ~ 20 responses. In addition to having fewer responses, other features of Japanese children are high Lambda, low EA, very high X-%, and low X+%. The fact that the Rorschach test depends on verbal expression may be one factor in all these features, and we should consider this study in view of these Japanese cultural factors. Interrater reliability findings and Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1995; Matsumoto, 2003; Matsumoto et al., 2002) data are presented.  相似文献   

Research in bulimia has flourished in recent years, and yet minimal attention has been devoted to explorations of the bulimic's basic personality organization. We utilized the Rorschach to differentiate between purging and nonpurging bulimics and controls. There were 15 subjects in each group. The Comprehensive System (Exner, 1986) was used for the scoring of the protocols. Statistically significant differences were not found between the two bulimia groups, but interesting trends were detected in the areas of depression, anger, and self-preoccupation. Results appear to be constrained by the low rate of purging behavior. Comparisons between the combined bulimia groups and the controls resulted in solidly characterizing the bulimics as displaying perceptual inaccuracies, disordered thinking, a vulnerability to interpersonal problems, a damaged self-image, and a pessimistic outlook. The strengths of the study were its use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev. [DSM-III-R]; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) nonpatient bulimic subtypes and a control group that was comparable in terms of demographics. Future Rorschach studies with bulimics displaying higher frequencies of binging and purging behaviors are suggested.  相似文献   

为考察罗夏墨迹测验Exner综合系统常模的客观性和准确性,运用元分析的方法,将来自16个国家的18篇罗夏综合系统正常成人的研究结果,与Exner新版常模进行比较。结果显示,在综合系统的全部113个变量中,有23个变量在联合样本与Exner常模间存在显著差异,包括被试的资源、能力、认知水平和人际关系等方面,且均为Exner常模样本结果更加优秀。结论:新版罗夏综合系统常模具有一定的偏差,存在偏好倾向,使用时应注意避免对被试的低估甚至做出假阳性的诊断。  相似文献   

This study identifies personality characteristics in a group of Swedish women (N=60) attending their first treatment for alcohol problems.The treatment programme specifically addressed women in an early phase of their drinking career, and was called "Early Treatment of Women with Alcohol Addiction" (EWA). Rorschach personality profiles of the 60 women differed significantly in almost all investigated aspects in a psychopathological direction from norms reported by Exner for a reference group of female non-patients. The findings are consistent with the assumption that, although the EWA women were socially well-functioning and fairly early in their drinking career, they nevertheless reveal serious underlying psychopathology. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Divergent values for the Affective Ratio score of Rorschach's test have been reported by Exner and Beck. The results of computation of the scores of 119 school children supported Beck's findings.  相似文献   

The Beck and Exner systems of assigning Rorschach form quality were compared, There are some inherent differences in the form quality tables of these two Rorschach systematizers. The Beck system is more extensive and seems slightly biased toward-or "poor" form quality in comparison to the Exner system. When the Rorschach records of psychiatric patients were scored for form quality, the Beck system yielded a significantly lower Extended F+% than the Exner system. This effect is probably related to the inherent differences in the respective form quality tables which resulted from the different procedures used in deriving these listings of form quality.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to cross-validate earlier findings that alcoholics tend to use more denial and are more demeaning of their characters than controls on the objective-projective Apperceptive Personality Test. One hundred nonalcoholic, nonpatient controls were matched to 100 outpatient alcoholics on age, race, and social class. All subjects were given the objective-projective Draw A Person Questionnaire, which was scored for 14 scales. As hypothesized and consistent with the earlier findings, alcoholics used more denial and were more often demeaning of their drawn characters than were controls. These and other exploratory findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents normative data for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS) on 100 adult nonpatients from the Belgian French-speaking community. We compare our Belgian sample to a French one (Sultan et al., 2004), data of Exner's (Exner & Erdberg, 2005) and a Californian sample (Shaffer, Erdberg, & Haroian, 1999). Each sample's specific characteristics are explored, as well as findings provided by sample-specific comparisons. Exner's data, ultimate normative reference for the CS, differ significantly from the three other samples for many variables. Cultural factors, examiner's level of experience, as well as participants' selection and recruitment, presumably flow into calculated differences between the four samples. Our findings indicate the necessity for constituting normative data for different communities, as well as the indispensability of examiners' familiarity with the CS, in order to provide reliable clinical information.  相似文献   

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